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txbarbarossa 05-07-2007 10:59 PM

Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
If anyone has updates on this I appreciate it. This link shows the status;Bill=HB3186

arod4276 05-07-2007 11:04 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
it isnt close to a guarantee that it even gets voted on.

poorolrich 05-08-2007 12:30 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
As far as I know it hasn't come out of the 'calenders committee'--In fact it might not!!!

allbad 05-08-2007 09:24 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
I just checked this morning, and it is out of calendars! It will be read on the house floor TOMORROW!!!!!

pokahjokah 05-08-2007 10:53 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
So, it was placed on the clanedar and will be read a 2nd time? When will a vote occur? And, what other steps are necessary for this bill to pass?

pokahjokah 05-08-2007 11:17 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Just read some more on TX law. It seems after the 2nd reading they debate it on the floor, then have a 3rd reading with a vote. If all goes well we could have a hand of poker dealt in TX on Jan 1st, 2008. Most local bars will only be allowed to have 4 tables, but I think the big horse/dog racing tracks will be able to have much more. If I messed up anywhere please correct me.

brimelian 05-08-2007 11:17 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
There is no guarantee this bill will be heard even though it was placed on the general state calendar. All house bills on general state must pass by this Thursday (May 10th) or they are essentially dead. There are literally hundreds of bills sitting on the calendar waiting to be heard and many of them are expected to die there.

Clearly there is still a chance this bill gets heard, but the reality is that the House has fallen way behind schedule this session and has little hope of completing their calendar schedule by Thursday.

arod4276 05-08-2007 02:23 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
so who is right allred or brime?

KipBond 05-08-2007 02:27 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
so who is right allred or brime?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think both. It's scheduled to be heard. It might not make it, though.

pokahjokah 05-08-2007 02:36 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Ya, thats the way i see it as well. It is scheduled but they always run behind. I wonder if there is a way to see how far behind they are. And, whether or not they will have a special session to tackle all the solutions they did not get to.

ICallHimGamblor 05-08-2007 03:50 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
It is the next to last item on the schedule for tomorrow. If they don't get too it before EOD Thursday it is dead for this session, but the fact that the deal was made that got it out of committee makes it way easier to resubmit next session.

Any incremental steps this takes forward makes it way more easy next time.

brimelian 05-08-2007 04:56 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Just to give you an idea of how to track the House schedule, go to this link:;calendarCode=

The House goes through the supplmental calendar first. By my count there are about 320 bills on this calendar. As of this writing, the House started working on this list about 4 hours ago and they have worked through 14 bills.

Once the supplemental calendar is completed, they will move to the Daily Calendar for May 8th. There are 56 bills on this list. Any and all bills that are not heard today will be added the end of the supplemental calendar tomorrow.

The bill we're interested in is on the Daily calendar for May 9th. HB 3186 is listed 44th out of 45 bills.

Bottom line: The House needs to consider 420 bills before they get to HB 3186. They have about 56 hours left before the deadline (if they don't take any breaks), and they are currently averaging about 3-4 bills per hour.

They will definitely pick up the pace as the deadline draws closer and members begin to realize that their bills are in danger....but that sense of urgency has yet to kick in.

There is also a chance that the House will start jumping around and take bills out of order, but I'm not sure HB 3186 would be one of the bills that receives special treatment.

We'll just have to wait and see, but as you can probably guess, I simply don't think they have enough time to get to our bill before the Thursday deadline.

binions 05-08-2007 05:16 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
There is no senate sponsor for the bill, even if it gets voted on and passes.

Finally, Rick Perry would veto it.

allbad 05-08-2007 07:41 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
There is no senate sponsor for the bill, even if it gets voted on and passes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I read this earlier today when I was obsessing about hb-3186 on What are the chances of getting a senator to sponsor the bill once it gets to their chambers? I'm sure Menendez has at least one senator willing to go to bat for this bill.

Also, Rick Perry will probably veto this, but there's a chance he might not. This is a revenue generating proposition and doesn't technically expand gambling. It just reclassifies Poker as a game of skill not luck.

Honestly, I don't think Menendez thought it would get this far either, otherwise I'm sure he'd have sewn up a senate sponsor. If nothing else, he's going to learn a lot for the next go-'round in 2 years.

JSSAggie 05-08-2007 11:33 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
It is time to get the word out. This bill is set to hit the house floor on Thursday 5/10. Everyone needs to use the house website and phone your representative.

I created a quick website to help send email messages to your representatives.

Don't stop there, make sure to recruit your friends and force them to make a phone call.


arod4276 05-09-2007 02:49 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
any updates?

ICallHimGamblor 05-09-2007 03:45 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
There is no senate sponsor for the bill, even if it gets voted on and passes.

Finally, Rick Perry would veto it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The bill's sponsor has contacted Perry's office, and he has specifically said he would NOT veto it.

If you have no idea what you are talking about, please don't post at all.

txbarbarossa 05-09-2007 04:47 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Perry isn't gonna veto it. The question is will it come to vote.

Vex 05-09-2007 04:54 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
any updates?

[/ QUOTE ]

They are arguing about Texas Lottery advertising right now. HB 2102 2nd reading. They're debating amendments.

ICallHimGamblor 05-09-2007 04:59 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
any updates?

[/ QUOTE ]

They are arguing about Texas Lottery advertising right now. HB 2102 2nd reading. They're debating amendments.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't even see that on the calendar today. Do you have a link? (Not that I don't trust you... just want to follow along the progress if I can)

txbarbarossa 05-09-2007 05:03 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
any updates?

[/ QUOTE ]

They are arguing about Texas Lottery advertising right now. HB 2102 2nd reading. They're debating amendments.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where do you get these updates

Vex 05-09-2007 05:32 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week

Where do you get these updates

[/ QUOTE ]

Live video stream of our government inaction:

Er, I meant "in action". :P

allbad 05-09-2007 05:48 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
normally, I am all for government inaction... the fewer laws being passed means the fewer rights and dollars take away. Not in this case.

allbad 05-09-2007 06:01 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
the readings seem to be going pretty quick right now, but there's tons tons tons of bills to go. They're on HB 983 of the May 9th Supplemental calendar, about 1/7th the way down the list. I presume they would then go to the Daily house calendar?

Ohh! Our political hero was just on about HB 1324.... totally unrelated, but good to see he doesn't have a 1 track mind.

ICallHimGamblor 05-09-2007 08:25 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Does anyone know what is going on? I see them busting through dozens of bills, but only reading them in a hurry and I don't see any discussion, and it sounds like they are all passing. On the other hand, I don't see any of these bills on the calendar.

Does anyone know what is going on or how this works?

corndog 05-09-2007 08:28 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
All of them (including ours) are on the supplemental calendar.


arod4276 05-09-2007 08:35 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
so what do you think there a chance it comes up tomm?

allbad 05-09-2007 09:14 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
they're about 25% done now. I didn't see that HB 3186 was on the supplemental calendar as well.

corndog 05-09-2007 09:19 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week

I'd love to see it come up by tomorrow, but by my quick count there are well over 100 to go before it. I don't know enough about the process to know if they have any chance to rush through that many in time.

I'm hopeful, but not optimistic.

allbad 05-09-2007 09:22 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
oh geez, they just called HB 3168 and I'm like WHAT?!?!? them i remembered how dyslexic I am.

ICallHimGamblor 05-09-2007 09:29 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
All of them (including ours) are on the supplemental calendar.


[/ QUOTE ]

That was a big help. Thanks.

arod4276 05-09-2007 09:48 PM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
ty corn

allbad 05-10-2007 12:24 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
The House just adjourned for the evening. They got through about 1/2 of today's calendar items and are supposed to pick up where they left off tomorrow.

Relvin 05-10-2007 02:56 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Is Austin a pretty koo city to live in?? I am looking into getting a video game development job there and moving ...

kantu 05-10-2007 03:33 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
it's on the second to last page for tomorrow's calendar. possible i guess that they could get to it, but not at the pace they've been going.

ZBTHorton 05-10-2007 03:56 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Is Austin a pretty koo city to live in?? I am looking into getting a video game development job there and moving ...

[/ QUOTE ]
It's an awesome city. You'll love it.

allbad 05-10-2007 08:15 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
My wife is from Montreal and she constantly compares Austin to that city. It is very modern and has a lot of high-tech companies (I work for one of them). Only thing it's missing is poker.

allbad 05-10-2007 08:25 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
it's on the second to last page for tomorrow's calendar. possible i guess that they could get to it, but not at the pace they've been going.

[/ QUOTE ]

yea, by my inaccurate counting method, it looks to be about 300 bills need to be heard prior.

RGL 05-10-2007 09:50 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
So if they don't get to it today, it's dead for 2 years? Back to square one next session?

Ron Burgundy 05-10-2007 09:57 AM

Re: Texas Poker Legislation goes to vote this week
Is Austin a pretty koo city to live in?? I am looking into getting a video game development job there and moving ...

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