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ed8383 04-11-2007 11:06 PM

Procrastination stories
Finally a thread for all us degenerate procrastinators! Here is one from this semester.

Calculus exam
When it comes to math I am horrible and a degenerate procrastinator (not a good combination i really should focus on this subject). I haven't done a single page of homework at this point. The test is today so I don't show up to class so i can catch up on the chapters. I email the prof telling him i can't come to class, i don't give excuse but i make it a nice sounding email. He replies it is ok and to come tomorrow (final chance), and that he only has 1 class that day and his last class for the week, so I better be there. I only had 1 day to catch up to a whole month's worth or work. This is really bad for my brain and seems a rather futile attempt.

So I go to the college and I go there late! I woke up late, so i got dressed fast, didn't calm my hair, i look dirty as that day was supposed to be my designated shower day, no breakfast and just headed out! I get to the college and guess what, all the parking is full! this place is notorious for parking problems! i spend more than half hour looking for parking. So there I was getting frustrated and agitated looking for a parking spot, with a rumbling stomach from hunger and a failing grade for my exam soon to come. Why do I always do this to myself I asked myself?? My time is running out! I go from 1 parking place in the college to the other. Pushing my luck to the limit has finally caught up to me!

So what can I do with time running out?? desperate times call for desperate measures! I see the carpool section and say to hell with this and I park in between 2 cars (which i thought would make it tougher to spot mine). This test is going to cost me a $40 ticket i thought to myself! I park my car, run like the wind to his office and to my luck he is there! He gives me the test and sends me to a room to make up the exam and to my luck there is nobody there! an isolated make up exam room, perfect for me to use 'extra resources' to pass this test! I was only a few min away from him leaving to teach his class. If he had been in class it would have led to an obvious embarrasing moment of me walking in a class full of strangers, interrupting the class and with me looking like a dirty bum from not showering for 3 days and waking up late.

I take the test, I do well I know it. I leave it in his office. I run to the carpool spots to see if they gave me a
ticket. To my luck there is no ticket! what began as a horrible day turned out to be a very good day!

the end

Ty84moss 04-11-2007 11:19 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
I have a 10 page english research paper due tomorrow that I have yet to start and I have decided watching the reds game/browsing 2+2 are by far better options

4ObliVioN4 04-11-2007 11:22 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
6 page research paper due last Friday at 10 am. Started at 4:30 am. Brag: After finishing, I still had time to browse 2+2 for like an hour before going to class.

arod18 04-12-2007 12:07 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I was going to post my best procrastination story but ed's is pretty much the nuts.

NU Star 04-12-2007 12:12 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I have a 6 page paper due tomorrow...I'm going to take a look at the prompt soon.

ed8383 04-12-2007 12:28 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
What led me to write the OP is that i am in what seems like another Kobashi Maru scenario (no win situation, star trek).

I emailed the prof telling him i would take the exam the next day (tomorrow). The same class, same story repeats itself basically, but this time the test is on the 3 hardest chapters in the book. I barely started today on the chapters. He hasn't replied to my email.

I don't know if I should just go tomorrow and take the test after all the studying ill do today + am hours, or if to skip it and come up with some scheme/excuse to take it next week. I don't even know if he'll let me take it tomorrow. I could show up to his office and he could tell me to go away.

I am really pushing my luck this time. If i were to take the test right now i would get a score so bad I wouldn't want anybody to see it. I am afraid he is going to reprimand me infront of class which he did last week for a missing quiz. There is this cute girl in class I would like to pursue so getting embarrased by the teacher would kill my chances with her. Obviously he knows im trouble and is weary of my tactics.

Im just tired of having to come up with schemes and plans to solve my procrastination problems! i keep pushing my luck to the limit and tomorrow might be the first time in a long time that one of my plan fails.

thedarknight 04-12-2007 12:59 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
it might be better off that you just fail the class. that way it will teach you a lesson not to procrastinate. everyone procastinates, but eventually once you start getting eff'd in the ass with grades or take your first job at minimart, you'll soon realize that hard work probably does pay off.

ed8383 04-12-2007 01:18 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
it might be better off that you just fail the class. that way it will teach you a lesson not to procrastinate. everyone procastinates, but eventually once you start getting eff'd in the ass with grades or take your first job at minimart, you'll soon realize that hard work probably does pay off.

[/ QUOTE ]
It is too late to withdraw the class. Besides this is only the second test. There is 1 more plus the final. I can fail this one and do well in the final 2 and pass the class (since i did well in the first one). I am making it a point to stop procrastinating in this class after this test but I just don't want to go and fail it without a fight.

timex 04-12-2007 02:45 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
Given how few members this forum has, I would be shocked if there is a bigger procrastinator out there.

I don't have any particular stories, just given the number of people who I have met, and the extent to which I am a bigger procrastinator, I find it unlikely that there are many people worse than me. Its gotten to the point where its not like I can brag about one specific event that has happened, since it is always the same.

Basically, any time that I have to do anything, I subconsciously estimate the amount of time it will take to finish it, if we let this amount of time be x, I more or less cannot do work before x time before the due date. If at any point I realize that I am ahead of schedule, I will slow down, if I get behind pace, I am good at selecting what is worth doing and what isn't, and tend to finish as much as possible. This is best illustrated by my CS projects last term. 2 of them, I missed the deadline(by minutes), the other 3, I handed in a combined 9-10 minutes before the deadline. For projects that need to be physically handed in, I have a much better success rate since I tend to allot more travel time than is necessary.

This may seem standard to some people, and completely irrational to others, just wanted to say that before this turns into a thread about whose procrastination e-penis is bigger, procrastination sucks.

kkcountry 04-12-2007 03:42 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
Given how few members this forum has, I would be shocked if there is a bigger procrastinator out there.

I don't have any particular stories, just given the number of people who I have met, and the extent to which I am a bigger procrastinator, I find it unlikely that there are many people worse than me. Its gotten to the point where its not like I can brag about one specific event that has happened, since it is always the same.

Basically, any time that I have to do anything, I subconsciously estimate the amount of time it will take to finish it, if we let this amount of time be x, I more or less cannot do work before x time before the due date. If at any point I realize that I am ahead of schedule, I will slow down, if I get behind pace, I am good at selecting what is worth doing and what isn't, and tend to finish as much as possible. This is best illustrated by my CS projects last term. 2 of them, I missed the deadline(by minutes), the other 3, I handed in a combined 9-10 minutes before the deadline. For projects that need to be physically handed in, I have a much better success rate since I tend to allot more travel time than is necessary.

This may seem standard to some people, and completely irrational to others, just wanted to say that before this turns into a thread about whose procrastination e-penis is bigger, procrastination sucks.

[/ QUOTE ]

i don't sleep the night before things are due, if i have a paper that will take me 3 hours to complete for an 8am class, i will browse the internet (much like i am doing now) until 5am.

it is 3:38am right now, and tomorrow, i have a paper due in management, a case study due in statistics, and i have to give a speech in communications. i figure it will take me an hour to finish my speech, and two hours to do my case study, and i have to start getting ready for class at 6:30 am, so i better get started now. that doesn't even leave me time to do my paper for management, which i figure i will do after my 8am and 9:30am classes, since it is not due until 1:20pm.

lippy 04-12-2007 01:54 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
I have 5/8ths of a paper done. It's due in 1.5 hours. I'm reading 2p2.

T50_Omaha8 04-12-2007 02:40 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
Most of these stories are totally weak compared to my roommate.

He's failed multiple classes because he put off papers until past their due dates, thinking he would incur the penalty and do them late. Then he finds out exactly how much credit he'll get if he does the paper late and decides not to do it at all. I doubt he has turned in half of his papers on time, and he's probably blown off a good fifth of his total papers over the course of college. He had to drop his history major because he just never did any of the work.

He skips senior level classes for weeks on end. In the past he has gone to classes for the first time in a long period and found out they had a test that day. He's asleep right now, and he's slept through all his classes, including a daily 5PM class, everyday this week (except yesterday he went to a morning class to take a test before he went to bed for the 'night').

He had a paper due 2 weeks ago in a senior linguistics class that he's yet to even start writing. The class starts in half an hour, he hasn't been since before the paper was due, and, like I said, he's fast asleep.

The funny thing is his overall GPA is above a 2.0. He pretty much either gets an A or an F in a class, depending on whether they have to do any papers or not. He was third in his class from a very good high school and was in honors with a full ride when he came to college (that's all gone now, needless to say).

I could go on and on, but you probably get the picture.

spacetime 04-12-2007 05:08 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
The worst procrastination is when studying for a test. I have written countless 10+ page papers the day before or even the morning of the due date. If you just sit down and start writing (and are a decent writer), it is very easy to cram one of these in. I can NEVER write a paper until the day before its due. I dont know what it is, but I guess I write better under pressure.

Now, studying for tests is another thing. I love trying to cram in studying for GE classes where the final is not cumulative. This way, I dont have to remember any of it (as cramming severly hurts your ability to keep it in long term memory).

TheBob 04-12-2007 06:53 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
Most of these stories are totally weak compared to my roommate.

He's failed multiple classes because he put off papers until past their due dates, thinking he would incur the penalty and do them late. Then he finds out exactly how much credit he'll get if he does the paper late and decides not to do it at all. I doubt he has turned in half of his papers on time, and he's probably blown off a good fifth of his total papers over the course of college. He had to drop his history major because he just never did any of the work.

He skips senior level classes for weeks on end. In the past he has gone to classes for the first time in a long period and found out they had a test that day. He's asleep right now, and he's slept through all his classes, including a daily 5PM class, everyday this week (except yesterday he went to a morning class to take a test before he went to bed for the 'night').

He had a paper due 2 weeks ago in a senior linguistics class that he's yet to even start writing. The class starts in half an hour, he hasn't been since before the paper was due, and, like I said, he's fast asleep.

The funny thing is his overall GPA is above a 2.0. He pretty much either gets an A or an F in a class, depending on whether they have to do any papers or not. He was third in his class from a very good high school and was in honors with a full ride when he came to college (that's all gone now, needless to say).

I could go on and on, but you probably get the picture.

[/ QUOTE ]

Any chance he's depressed?

lennytheduck 04-12-2007 09:55 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
I have a research paper presentation tomorrow...I'm going to start looking for scholarly articles soon after I go out and play beer pong and sing karaoke

[/ QUOTE ]


Shenlong 04-12-2007 10:49 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
Most of these stories are totally weak compared to my roommate.

He's failed multiple classes because he put off papers until past their due dates, thinking he would incur the penalty and do them late. Then he finds out exactly how much credit he'll get if he does the paper late and decides not to do it at all. I doubt he has turned in half of his papers on time, and he's probably blown off a good fifth of his total papers over the course of college. He had to drop his history major because he just never did any of the work.

He skips senior level classes for weeks on end. In the past he has gone to classes for the first time in a long period and found out they had a test that day. He's asleep right now, and he's slept through all his classes, including a daily 5PM class, everyday this week (except yesterday he went to a morning class to take a test before he went to bed for the 'night').

He had a paper due 2 weeks ago in a senior linguistics class that he's yet to even start writing. The class starts in half an hour, he hasn't been since before the paper was due, and, like I said, he's fast asleep.

The funny thing is his overall GPA is above a 2.0. He pretty much either gets an A or an F in a class, depending on whether they have to do any papers or not. He was third in his class from a very good high school and was in honors with a full ride when he came to college (that's all gone now, needless to say).

I could go on and on, but you probably get the picture.

[/ QUOTE ]

Any chance he's depressed?

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny you mention this actually. I did absolutely nothing this semester work-wise, basically the exact same as the above kid's roommate. Last week I was meeting with my advisor because she wanted to talk, and she told me that I should go see somebody in our wellness center and get evaluated by them because I might have depression.

Long story short, guy diagnoses me with depression, and i'm able to take a medical leave instead of failing all of my classes and getting my gpa dragged down through the mud. Don't know exactly how much money i'm going to get back from the school though, and either way it's a wasted semester which sucks.

I'm also not sure yet if I actually do suffer from depression, or if I just knew that it would be a way for me not to have to take the consequences of my actions, and went with it from there.

T50_Omaha8 04-13-2007 12:16 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
Any chance he's depressed?

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny you mention this actually. I did absolutely nothing this semester work-wise, basically the exact same as the above kid's roommate. Last week I was meeting with my advisor because she wanted to talk, and she told me that I should go see somebody in our wellness center and get evaluated by them because I might have depression.

Long story short, guy diagnoses me with depression, and i'm able to take a medical leave instead of failing all of my classes and getting my gpa dragged down through the mud. Don't know exactly how much money i'm going to get back from the school though, and either way it's a wasted semester which sucks.

I'm also not sure yet if I actually do suffer from depression, or if I just knew that it would be a way for me not to have to take the consequences of my actions, and went with it from there.

[/ QUOTE ]He's thinking about doing this.

Big Poppa Smurf 04-13-2007 12:25 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I'm procrastinating right now. I'm also world-class at never studying for exams, and then going out drinking the night before and staying up drinking and smoking all night, getting 3 hours of sleep, and waking up still drunk and high and getting B's.

ed8383 04-13-2007 12:36 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I'm procrastinating right now. I'm also world-class at never studying for exams, and then going out drinking the night before and staying up drinking and smoking all night, getting 3 hours of sleep, and waking up still drunk and high and getting B's.

[/ QUOTE ]
our natural intelligence only helps our procrastination. If I wasn't smart and failed my classes due to my procrastination I probably wouldn't be doing it. But since being naturally smart means not having to study for hours like everyone else, it just makes me want to procrastinate more. I do feel like I am wasting my talents and always wonder where I would be if I worked just as hard as everyone else. I would probably have a 4.0 GPA, be in a top school and my future would be much brighter. Oh well [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Jeff311420 04-13-2007 12:45 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
Had a senior seminar class during undergrad with one grade, basically run a lecture on anything media related, but pretty hard none the less, each student took a class of the last 12 in the semester. I started mine at about 230 AM day of and had 45 pages, fully cited + DVD appendix and powerpoint with embeddable movie clips on Oliver Stone done for a 1:00 PM class

vin17 04-13-2007 12:50 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I'm almost as bad as anyone in the thread. Time to straighten my [censored] out if I want to go to grad school.

Thremp 04-13-2007 01:10 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I'm procrastinating right now. I'm also world-class at never studying for exams, and then going out drinking the night before and staying up drinking and smoking all night, getting 3 hours of sleep, and waking up still drunk and high and getting B's.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this suppose to make you cool?

Big Poppa Smurf 04-13-2007 02:46 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I'm procrastinating right now. I'm also world-class at never studying for exams, and then going out drinking the night before and staying up drinking and smoking all night, getting 3 hours of sleep, and waking up still drunk and high and getting B's.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this suppose to make you cool?

[/ QUOTE ]

well it gives me more time to party, so I'm going to say "yes"

edit: coming into this thread to ask that was just retarded, it's a thread to celebrate procrastination

Thremp 04-13-2007 03:47 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
Giving some weak sauce brag about how you pull a 3.0 while getting bombed and high the night before tests is feking ghey.

goofyballer 04-13-2007 04:47 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
Giving some weak sauce brag about how you pull a 3.0 while getting bombed and high the night before tests is feking ghey.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you may be socially retarted.

OneChipWarrior 04-13-2007 09:29 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
Designated shower day? Sick.

PokerAmateur4 04-13-2007 12:33 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
Designated shower day? Awesome dude!

[/ QUOTE ]

Big Poppa Smurf 04-13-2007 04:42 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
Giving some weak sauce brag about how you pull a 3.0 while getting bombed and high the night before tests is feking ghey.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't read a thread on procrastination then? Or you can go back to lifting some more, that should help you be cool!


Thremp 04-13-2007 05:46 PM

Re: Procrastination stories

Seems I'm cool enough for you to troll through where I post and keep notes on it.

Its cool. I'll be hiring this winter, but you'll probably be busy still getting drunk/high and putting off real work. I won't intrude on your circle jerk, if you can get around to it.

ed8383 04-13-2007 06:57 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
Designated shower day? Awesome dude!

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know what that guy finds sick with that. I take showers sundays, tuesdays, thursdays, friday and repeat. Sundays because i go to school monday, tuesday because i go to school wednesday, thursday because i have school friday, and friday because of the weekend. I'm just not the type to take showers every single day in the morning like some people (maybe because it takes me 40 min to shower).

Big Poppa Smurf 04-13-2007 08:07 PM

Re: Procrastination stories

you started it! let's just hug it out and be friends

edit: but seriously, I don't go into lifting threads and be like "omg you can lift x you think you're cool?" doing that in this thread was really retarded

cardsharkk04 04-13-2007 10:18 PM

Re: Procrastination stories
I had a paper due on Wednesday. I tried to start it Tuesday afternoon, but couldn't make myself work. I went with some friends to library at night for a couple of hours and did absolutely nothing. I got back home and browsed 2p2 and facebook, took a nap from 3-6 am and finally started it at 6:30 and cranked it by noon. Not an great story but thats just usually how it happens. I also will only cram for exams.

One time I had an internet class that just had everything due by the last day of class.....The last couple days were brutal.

Thremp 04-14-2007 02:52 AM

Re: Procrastination stories

We can always hug it out bitch.

What you said was kinda queer. Go back and read it out loud to one of your random friends using a preface... "Here what this dude said..." It sounds horrid.

Goodnews 04-14-2007 03:10 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I'm procrastinating right now. I'm also world-class at never studying for exams, and then going out drinking the night before and staying up drinking and smoking all night, getting 3 hours of sleep, and waking up still drunk and high and getting B's.

[/ QUOTE ]
our natural intelligence only helps our procrastination. If I wasn't smart and failed my classes due to my procrastination I probably wouldn't be doing it. But since being naturally smart means not having to study for hours like everyone else, it just makes me want to procrastinate more. I do feel like I am wasting my talents and always wonder where I would be if I worked just as hard as everyone else. I would probably have a 4.0 GPA, be in a top school and my future would be much brighter. Oh well [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

hes a liberal arts major

Big Poppa Smurf 04-14-2007 03:33 AM

Re: Procrastination stories

We can always hug it out bitch.

What you said was kinda queer. Go back and read it out loud to one of your random friends using a preface... "Here what this dude said..." It sounds horrid.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's cool all my friends know I'm kinda queer.

deepextragully 04-17-2007 12:48 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I am currently 1000 words through a 3000 word assignment, it's 5.30am in UK and it's in for 1pm. I went to the library the night before and thought, well lets crack on and get 1/2 done here and the other 1/2 tonight. I read 2p2 and watched a sngicons vid last night in the library and after 3 hrs all I had was a title... So rather than getting up and starting early I got out of bed at 3pm (missing my 1pm lecture obv) and got to the library at 5pm. An hr of 2p2/facebook/otherrandomstuff I decide to knuckle down and get a monsterous 650 words done in like 5hrs. I did so little because ive had to do all the reading that was set for the last 3 months because I had done none of it up until now and here I am at half 5 sat in bed with a bottle of red rooster (cheap redbull) with another 2000 words to do and not a clue what to write. I also managed to squeeze in a $27 45 man which I got horribly screwed in and finished 3rd when I shudve won it and a couple of $33 hu sngs which I won one lost one. GL me.

deepextragully 04-17-2007 02:14 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
This is the hardest essay ive ever had to do in my life and leaving it this late was a huge mistake, emailing tutor now with made up story so I will get mark penalty for it being late but hopefully he will go easy on the marking.

Golden_Rhino 04-17-2007 02:22 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
This is the hardest essay ive ever had to do in my life and leaving it this late was a huge mistake, emailing tutor now with made up story so I will get mark penalty for it being late but hopefully he will go easy on the marking.

[/ QUOTE ]

That kind of goes against the whole spirit of the thread. We want to hear stories of triumph; not of defeat. (FWIW you are probably doing the right thing though).

deepextragully 04-17-2007 02:36 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
I do this with all my essays and have always got pretty good grades with minimal effort. At the time of my first post I was very confident because of my prior experience of late essay writing but I have finally met my match. If it was 2k words I could proabably do it but I think with it being 3k it's best to take another day. Here is my email, if anyone has done these before and is good at getting sympathy off tutors, feel free to comment.

Dr Taylor,

Unfortuantely I will be handing my 2nd year Social Comms essay in a day over your 17th April deadline, due to a major error on my part which involved me removing my data stick half way through saving my essay, thus corrupting the data. Fortunately I did have just over half the essay saved on my computer so will have to type the other half up today, meaning I should be able to get the essay to you some time on wednesday afternoon, barring another monumental c**** up.
A few questions:
1. Should I just post the essay through your box in the photo copy room, and before what time?
2. What is the % I get deducted for my essay being late?

Yours sincerely,
Rob W

Pretty lame I know....

deepextragully 04-17-2007 02:46 AM

Re: Procrastination stories
also redbull > red rooster.

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