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guids 03-28-2007 02:23 PM

The feminization of todays youth
Kind of a two part deal. My little brother wants to play football, my mom says no, because he will get hurt etc (even though, I suspect my dad wants him to play soccer ebcuase thats what my family does is soccer not football). Then Im listening to the radio today, and the exact same subject comes up. People were calling in to the radio show host after he said that parents are teaching thier boys to be weak in a lot of things, then all these soccer parents called up and complained "oh my boy isnt built for football", "he will get hurt", "there is less competition in soccer" etc. And when you think about it a lot of these arguments are BS, because I just fail to see how there can be that much of a physical difference between 5th graders. Soccer/football is just one example so pls dont get hung up on that debate pls. But I fully agree that over the last 50 years, each generation has lost more and more of the traits that a male normally possesses. thoughts?

Caldarooni 03-28-2007 02:24 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I blame Aveda.

fuzzwonder 03-28-2007 02:26 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
i foresee a resurgence of zima drinkers

Aloysius 03-28-2007 02:26 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I blame Sanjaya.

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onthebutton 03-28-2007 02:27 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
It's pretty hard not to notice. Any type of activity where "aggressive" behavior is required is becoming more and more frowned upon. People equate "aggressive sports behavior" with "aggressive social behavior/criminal aggression", which in most cases is completely wrong.

I blame people who don't capitalize or punctuate correctly.

fluffpop62 03-28-2007 02:30 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
That's why I like military men. Strong! FIERCE! Then again, David Beckham > > > T.O.

even though I just looked up T.O. and he's pretty cute too.

Leaky Eye 03-28-2007 02:30 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I played football and I probably wouldn't want my kids to do so. I think the risk of serious or permanent injury is much higher than other sports. My kids can stick to hockey and muay thai.

Aloysius 03-28-2007 02:30 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I blame Ross from Friends.

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junkmail3 03-28-2007 02:32 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I blame SOY.

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traz 03-28-2007 02:35 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
And here I thought good FYP's were a lost art.

When I first entered a MA competition, my mother + sisters all thought I was crazy, and that engaging in violence voluntarily was stupid. But I maintain that it was an awesome experience, and every man should know what it's like to be hit.

My son(s) will be partaking in some kind of violent hobby.

Skoob 03-28-2007 02:37 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I think lots of it has to do with gender lopsided primary education system. All these female teachers are disciplining boys for behaving like boys. Boys are more physical than girls and when they behave in such a way it is frowned upon.

There is a serious gender bias in the US public education system and it's been going on for years and no one is doing a thing about it.

guids 03-28-2007 02:37 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
It's pretty hard not to notice. Any type of activity where "aggressive" behavior is required is becoming more and more frowned upon. People equate "aggressive sports behavior" with "aggressive social behavior/criminal aggression", which in most cases is completely wrong.

I blame people who don't capitalize or punctuate correctly.

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Ok, but what wrong with aggressive social behavior?

ElDuque 03-28-2007 02:38 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I played football and I probably wouldn't want my kids to do so. I think the risk of serious or permanent injury is much higher than other sports. My kids can stick to hockey and muay thai.

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You, Sir, are part of the problem...

cbloom 03-28-2007 02:38 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
That's why I like military men. Strong! FIERCE! Then again, David Beckham > > > T.O.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the huge double-standard. Lots of people in society are against men being masculine and aggressive, but that's who women want to f**k.

BTW I think the soccer/football point is not a big deal, football is more dangerous, whatever, they're both physical and kids get pretty nasty in soccer too. The thing that bothers me is kids fighting in schools. A little fist fight shouldn't be treated like a huge big deal, and I hate when kids are taught to tattle instead of fighting back. Young boys fighting a bit is an important part of masculine social development and if you don't lay a few whoopings down you may never develop your silverback.

guids 03-28-2007 02:41 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
the soccer v football debate is stupid, you can play either sport for any number of reason, personally, i enjoy soccer more, but it is when parents keep their kids from playing because they think they will get hurt is wht makes it a problem.

onthebutton 03-28-2007 02:43 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
It's pretty hard not to notice. Any type of activity where "aggressive" behavior is required is becoming more and more frowned upon. People equate "aggressive sports behavior" with "aggressive social behavior/criminal aggression", which in most cases is completely wrong.

I blame people who don't capitalize or punctuate correctly.

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Ok, but what wrong with aggressive social behavior?

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To a point, nothing is wrong with aggressive social behavior. Standing up for yourself, not being intimidated or scared when some one stands up to you, competition, etc.---all things like that are fine. Threatening or bashing in someone's head when they agree with you isn't.

For one, I don't equate participating in traditionally masculine activities with anything along the lines of these negative examples. Young boys can learn a lot from "guy" things, I know I did.

guids 03-28-2007 02:44 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I have a feeling that this is where a lot of the PUA stuff comes from nowadays, a generation of kids who cant get laid becuase they dont have enough testosterone.

onthebutton 03-28-2007 02:47 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I have a feeling that this is where a lot of the PUA stuff comes from nowadays, a generation of kids who cant get laid becuase they dont have enough testosterone.

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I think this is an interesting and awesome thought.

Someone above said it, and I think it's partially true---our education system right now essentially tries to beat the personality out young boys, and make them act like females. Things that used to be common and even accepted behavior are now considered terrible behavior.

gamblore99 03-28-2007 02:48 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
in regards to kids playing football, are there are lot of injuries?

I am all for taddling in the school. Fist fighting is fine if the kid is your size, but when your a small guy and there are angry fat kids who have self esteem issues fighting back isn't an option. If I tried that i would have had my face smashed in and lower self esteem to boot.

traz 03-28-2007 02:51 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
I am all for taddling in the school. Fist fighting is fine if the kid is your size, but when your a small guy and there are angry fat kids who have self esteem issues fighting back isn't an option. If I tried that i would have had my face smashed in and lower self esteem to boot.

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guids 03-28-2007 02:52 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
in regards to kids playing football, are there are lot of injuries?

I am all for taddling in the school. Fist fighting is fine if the kid is your size, but when your a small guy and there are angry fat kids who have self esteem issues fighting back isn't an option. If I tried that i would have had my face smashed in and lower self esteem to boot.

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AH!! This is EXACTLY what Im talking about. Girls bring up self-esteem issues, guys duke it out no matter how small or how big of a disadvantage they may be at. Playground fights arent going to get anyone seriuosly hurt, Id rather have my kid with walking around with a black eye after standing up for himself, than whining that fighting might hurt his self-esteem.

Leaky Eye 03-28-2007 02:52 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
in regards to kids playing football, are there are lot of injuries?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes there are. It actually is more dangerous.

kidcolin 03-28-2007 02:55 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
Hey Guids,

German men are starting to pee sitting down

onthebutton 03-28-2007 02:56 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
in regards to kids playing football, are there are lot of injuries?

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Yes there are. It actually is more dangerous.

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kidcolin 03-28-2007 02:57 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
It's pretty hard not to notice. Any type of activity where "aggressive" behavior is required is becoming more and more frowned upon.

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Such aggressive behavior = "tag" and "dodgeball"

onthebutton 03-28-2007 02:58 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
It's pretty hard not to notice. Any type of activity where "aggressive" behavior is required is becoming more and more frowned upon.

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Such aggressive behavior = "tag" and "dodgeball"

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Hey buddy, these things are dangerous to our society as a whole. This is how kids get into gang violence, drug trafficking, rape, and murder. It's no laughing matter.

guids 03-28-2007 02:59 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
CPSC Statistics For 2003

New data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) shows the 15 sports with the greatest number of medically treated (i.e. at hospitals, doctors' offices, ambulatory surgery centers, clinics and hospital emergency rooms) in the U.S. as follows:

Top Sports Injury List
RANK Sport # of Injuries
1. Basketball 1,622,781
2. Bicycles 1,299,987
3. Football 1,035,450
4. Soccer 456,320
5. Baseball 417,479
6. Swimming/Diving 364,116

kidcolin 03-28-2007 02:59 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth

You've got the tone of voice down. Massachusetts school administrations could use more folk like you.

onthebutton 03-28-2007 03:00 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
OMG my kids are never playing basketball or riding bikes. WAY too dangerous.

traz 03-28-2007 03:02 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
people still ride bikes?

MrWookie 03-28-2007 03:03 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
Basketball #1? WTF?

onthebutton 03-28-2007 03:03 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth

You've got the tone of voice down. Massachusetts school administrations could use more folk like you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, your child talks way too much in class, called another child a "booger-eater" and has been seen running in the hall several times. My colleagues and I feel he would benefit greatly from pharmacologic behavior modification.

guids 03-28-2007 03:04 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
Basketball #1? WTF?

[/ QUOTE ]

gang shootings, around here at least

RoundGuy 03-28-2007 03:05 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
Top Sports Injury List
RANK Sport # of Injuries
1. Basketball 1,622,781
2. Bicycles 1,299,987
3. Football 1,035,450
4. Soccer 456,320
5. Baseball 417,479
6. Swimming/Diving 364,116

[/ QUOTE ]
In order for this to be at all meaningful, you'd need a participation percentage or some other qualifying number. Nearly all schools have basketball programs, but many schools do not have football programs. And I don't know where the hell bicycles fit in...

Aloysius 03-28-2007 03:05 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
Basketball #1? WTF?

[/ QUOTE ]

Wookie - growing up through highschool, I went to the hospital 4x for basketball-related injuries - 2x broken finger, 1x severe ankle strain, 1x knee strain. I don't think that is too uncommon for kids who play basketball alot.


EMc 03-28-2007 03:05 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth

I totally agree. Maybe because I was raised that way, but I agree. Tattling does nothing. Nothing. I went that route, when I was picked on in school. It actually just made it worse cause it embrassed me. Then one day I got fed up, hit a kid, gave him a black eye, never heard another peep. Its elementary school, it doesnt even matter.

cbloom 03-28-2007 03:06 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
OMG my kids are never playing basketball or riding bikes. WAY too dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you take out twisted ankles and such (just count breaks & worse), bicycling is actually far more dangerous than any other sport. Helmets don't significantly change that either. Forget where I saw the stats but I think they're pretty easy to Google.

onthebutton 03-28-2007 03:09 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
"Walk it off."

"Rub some dirt on it."

"Stop being a pussy."

"Are you hurt, or are you injured?"

"No blood, no foul."

All phrases not used nearly enough by parents and teachers these days, IMO. They're kids---they're supposed to get split lips, smashed fingers, scuffed knees, even the occasional broken bone.

gumpzilla 03-28-2007 03:11 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
Let's say I agree with you. What's wrong with feminized dudes? While the gender roles of the past seem like they did an okay job, is more homogeneity necessarily bad?

Full disclosure: I think I'm a pretty feminine dude in a lot of ways.

onthebutton 03-28-2007 03:12 PM

Re: The feminization of todays youth
OMG my kids are never playing basketball or riding bikes. WAY too dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you take out twisted ankles and such (just count breaks & worse), bicycling is actually far more dangerous than any other sport. Helmets don't significantly change that either. Forget where I saw the stats but I think they're pretty easy to Google.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, by sheer numbers. But all little kids ride bikes---girls included. What % of kids play basketball? What % play football? Someone said it above, but I don't think these stats are adjusted for number of participants.

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