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Dr. Matt 03-28-2007 09:43 AM

Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
I'm talking about any time you were playing a sport and made the greatest play or whatever and you'll always remember it.

For me, I was playing left field in varsity baseball in high school. Bases loaded (obviously)... Game depends on this small dude who gets up to bat, seemed weak so I was playing him mid-field. He got a really nice fast ball down the middle and got a good piece of it... Waay over my head between LF and center. I ran back as fast as I could and caught the ball over my right shoulder on the warning track... had just enough time to catch it then look to see where the metal fence was before crashing into it. I remember seeing the expression of the center fielder as if he was saying 'wow' to himself. Utter shock... felt really good. Turned around and saw that the base coaches for the other team had waved everyone around the bases because they thought there was no way I could get to that ball. Now everyone was scrambling to get back. Nobody scored as I threw it in. We then went on to win the game.

Los Feliz Slim 03-28-2007 09:57 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Dave Cowens Basketball Camp, mid-1980's. Other team is up by one with like ten seconds left and has the ball out of bounds near halfcourt. I deflect the inbounds pass off the passer, so our team gets the ball back. We get the ball downcourt and somebody takes a shot that misses. I grab the offensive rebound, spin, and hit a fallaway bank shot as time expires to win the game.

XXXNoahXXX 03-28-2007 09:59 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
I couldn't decide which best exemplified the glory of my youth so I chose one from each sport

Little League State Championships, we win we get to move on to the Regionals and perhaps almost as important, we secured our Taco Bell sponsor which meant free Taco Bell food for the duration of the tourney. Bottom of the final inning, we're up by one with the top of the other team's order up and men on second and third. I get called in to pitch because obviously I'm a sick lefty pitcher. I then went on to strike out the next three batters in a total of 10 pitches (damn that one foul ball). The team charged the mound, and later that night we dined on more Taco Bell than you can imagine.


Invitational tourney. The team I am on is of people only from my town, organized by one of the kid's fathers that played pro in Ireland or something for a while, really intense coach. All the other teams were club teams, the kind that have people from all over the state and people are paying like like 10k for their kids to be on them. We paid $50 for jerseys and the tourney fee.

Anyway, we are in the championship and down by 1 into the stoppage time. We get a corner kick and know this is our last chance. We pull the goalie up to kick the corner kick, so this really is it. He bends it right at the back post, I push one kid out of the way just in time to dive and head it in to the back of the net. We then went on to win it in a shootout (I scored on mine, but not as dramatic as the tying goal.)


Again, like twelve years old in the championship. Game had been close the whole time, other team is down by one with like twelve seconds left. We move it up the court and while they're trying to foul, our PG dribbles it off his knee right to one of their guys. 8 seconds left. They had been pressing so they had tons of guys down the court, so the kid who got the loose ball passes it up to them, and they basically have a 3 on 0 breakaway, down by 1 pt. 4 seconds left. I sprint as fast as I've ever run down the court, and just as the kid slows to take the layup I foul the absolute [censored] out of him. He missed both free throws. We won the championship. lol.

djoyce003 03-28-2007 10:03 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing golf at my local course. I hit a titanic drive on a par 5. I go for the green in two, the ball is heading STRAIGHT for the hole, but then just disappears. It looks like it went over the green. We go looking for it, can't find it. Someone on the green looks in the hole and there it is. I holed it out straight from the air. Double Eagle....rarest of the golf shots.

Dr. Matt 03-28-2007 10:05 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
wow nice... it's those kind of golf shots that make me spend too much money on the game.

DrewDevil 03-28-2007 10:06 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing golf at my local course. I hit a titanic drive on a par 5. I go for the green in two, the ball is heading STRAIGHT for the hole, but then just disappears. It looks like it went over the green. We go looking for it, can't find it. Someone on the green looks in the hole and there it is. I holed it out straight from the air. Double Eagle....rarest of the golf shots.

[/ QUOTE ]

This one will be hard to top.

SuitedSixes 03-28-2007 10:06 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
In my first college volleyball match I was playing middle blocker and my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend played for the University of Arizona and was across from me. I blocked his first four attacks. After the fourth, I looked across the net and said, "You're my bitch!"

He replied, "I'm [censored] yours."

To which I asked, "Can you still taste me when you kiss her?"

He had to be restrained and I was the "Mr. Goodbar" player of the week.

EMc 03-28-2007 10:19 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
I guess winning the local championship in 4th grade for football. Nothing special, but it was really sweet at the time.

Soul Daddy 03-28-2007 10:21 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing golf at my local course. I hit a titanic drive on a par 5. I go for the green in two, the ball is heading STRAIGHT for the hole, but then just disappears. It looks like it went over the green. We go looking for it, can't find it. Someone on the green looks in the hole and there it is. I holed it out straight from the air. Double Eagle....rarest of the golf shots.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was once on the green when someone hit into me from a good bit away. I picked his ball up and put in the cup. You?

DrewDevil 03-28-2007 10:23 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing golf at my local course. I hit a titanic drive on a par 5. I go for the green in two, the ball is heading STRAIGHT for the hole, but then just disappears. It looks like it went over the green. We go looking for it, can't find it. Someone on the green looks in the hole and there it is. I holed it out straight from the air. Double Eagle....rarest of the golf shots.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was once on the green when someone hit into me from a good bit away. I picked his ball up and put in the cup. You?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why would you do this, rather than hitting the ball back at him or tossing it into the woods/lake?

jbrent33 03-28-2007 10:30 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
The state wrestling championship my senior year, I was the #2 seed and the #1 had basicly pwned me my entire wrestling career. Going into the finals my record was 0-7 lifetime against this guy. Also he went to my school's biggest and most hated rival (as recounted on the most recent season of Two-a-days) and we were 1-2 in the points standings for the team championship.

It was tied 1-1 at the end of regulation. I won the toss and was took the bottom position (first one to score wins) for overtime. I hit a beautiful granby roll to win. Proudest moment of my life to date.

Our big guys sucked and we ended up losing the team championship by 1 point. Brutal

Valsuvious 03-28-2007 10:36 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?

Wasn't as cool as some of these, but a highlight of my athletic career.

Played varsity football as a senior for my school. I was always very athletic, but not a very big guy, so I decided to play as a junior again on the jv team instead of just not playing that year. I didn't play much as a freshman, got a little bit more playing time as a sophomore but not a lot, and then I almost didn't play as a junior, until I decided to run with the team during their 2-a-days, and realized I still wanted to play. Part of the problem also was that I played in the marching band, so during my senior year, I would have to leave the field before half time, run into the concession stand, change quickly into my band uniform and run back out onto the field just in time to play halftime. Repeat the process to get back into football uniform after halftime.

Fast forward to senior year. I became a starter at defensive back before the first game (beat: showed up late getting to the bus before the first game and got benched [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]) Anyways, 3rd game of the year, we needed someone to play safety and they put me back there. First half and I'm tearing it up (and mind you, my team's defense was so horid that I was the 2nd leading tackler that year) making tackles left and right, getting credit for every other tackle. With about 4 minutes left in the half, we had just scored on a 80 yard touchdown run. They had ran the ensuing kickoff for a touchdown in return and then we did the same back to them(yeah, 3 touchdowns in about 50 seconds). At this point, I look up and we have about 2 minutes left in the half. We kicked off again and I made the tackle this time after he returned it to midfield. I ran to the sideline to the defensive coach and tell him that I needed to go get ready for halftime. He shouts at me "you can't go, get back onto the field" pushing me back. First play is a pass from their backup QB to their tight end on a 15 yards TE dump(starter pulled a hammie after a running play where he was 30 yards past the defense and got caught after he pulled up lame). The pass was just over his head and I lept up in up and to my left and managed to intercept it at my highest point. I took off running, making it down to the 10 yard line where I got tackled. I was so tired from the kickoff and the interception that I just laid there a sec while the team mobbed me. One of the lineman actually picked me up off of the ground and when I got to the sideline the coach lifted me up in the air.

First thing I said to him was "coach, I have to go" and he says back to me "I knew you could do it, get the hell out of here". I take off my helmet and hurry my ass through the crowd to the concession stand. As I'm trying to make my way through there, everyone that I pass is shouting congratulations at me and patting me on the back. I quickly change into my band uniform and run back to the other side of the field right before we started to play. Mind you, I was too excited to even play during halftime show. I just sat there with my instrument pretending to play.

Beat: When I got to the other sideline just before we started marching, I looked at my girlfriend and said "omfg, did you see what I did". She looked at me and said "no, what happened". /sigh

Brag: My father recorded the game, so I was able to see the crowd's reaction to what happened. Was nice, cause my team stunk so bad this was one of the few bright moments of the year. We were so great on offense and so horrible on defense that the end of that game we set a league record for most points scored by two teams in a single game that night.. and then we broke that record later in the year (when we were losing 33 - 6 at halftime of a game and won 58 - 39)

Beat: After my interception and return down to the 10 yard line, my team managed to fumble the ball and they scored again before halftime. We eventually lost that game in overtime [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Knight Vision 03-28-2007 10:39 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Is rafting a sport?

1st season on the Salmon River. It's mid-spring and the water is running near flood stage. Come to a rapid called Ruby. It's a wave train rapid, which means it's wave after wave after wave for about 250 yards. The waves start medium, get huge, then taper off. Max height is probably 15 feet (14ft raft).

First run down Ruby, me and two other guides in the boat punching waves, which means to throw their bodies to the wave side of the boat to use the weight as leverage. I read the line, and about 100 feet into it I turn to face a right-side wave, get high-sided on the left and spun. Generally you use the momentum of the spin and face back forward, but I knew I couldn't make the spin fast enough to avoid being flipped by the next wave in the train, so I stopped the spin and faced the wave backward. We went up over the top of the largest waves in the train in reverse with no front weight.

Nobody swam that time.

Soul Daddy 03-28-2007 10:39 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing golf at my local course. I hit a titanic drive on a par 5. I go for the green in two, the ball is heading STRAIGHT for the hole, but then just disappears. It looks like it went over the green. We go looking for it, can't find it. Someone on the green looks in the hole and there it is. I holed it out straight from the air. Double Eagle....rarest of the golf shots.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was once on the green when someone hit into me from a good bit away. I picked his ball up and put in the cup. You?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why would you do this, rather than hitting the ball back at him or tossing it into the woods/lake?

[/ QUOTE ]
I can't explain why I did it, it was very spur of the moment. But hearing him shriek in joy was a fiendishly enjoyable experience.

battschr 03-28-2007 10:39 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Basketball: I hit a game tying bucket off a offensive rebound in my 8th grade regional title game at the buzzer. We won in OT. I only played basketball my frosh year in HS.

Baseball and football are harder.

Baseball: probably going to play a double header my Junior year. I was in a slump and the team we were playing had won 21 straight. I went 6/8 in the DH with 3 homers and 13 RBI, we swept.

Football: probably breaking a 59 yard run against the #2 ranked team in the state my senior year. We were the first to beat them.

Golf: ACE ON A PAR-4, FTW.

Knight Vision 03-28-2007 10:48 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing golf at my local course. I hit a titanic drive on a par 5. I go for the green in two, the ball is heading STRAIGHT for the hole, but then just disappears. It looks like it went over the green. We go looking for it, can't find it. Someone on the green looks in the hole and there it is. I holed it out straight from the air. Double Eagle....rarest of the golf shots.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was once on the green when someone hit into me from a good bit away. I picked his ball up and put in the cup. You?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why would you do this, rather than hitting the ball back at him or tossing it into the woods/lake?

[/ QUOTE ]
I can't explain why I did it, it was very spur of the moment. But hearing him shriek in joy was a fiendishly enjoyable experience.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had a guy hit to 2 feet on a par 5 on this 2nd shot while I was putting. Very nice shot, but he was close enough to know he could make the green (thus should have waited). I waved at him, ala "nice shot" then proceeded to mar his line.

To this day I feel real [censored] about it. He made probably the shot of his life. I hope he made the put...

djoyce003 03-28-2007 11:00 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing golf at my local course. I hit a titanic drive on a par 5. I go for the green in two, the ball is heading STRAIGHT for the hole, but then just disappears. It looks like it went over the green. We go looking for it, can't find it. Someone on the green looks in the hole and there it is. I holed it out straight from the air. Double Eagle....rarest of the golf shots.

[/ QUOTE ]
I was once on the green when someone hit into me from a good bit away. I picked his ball up and put in the cup. You?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not was empty and ball flew in.

casey_brick 03-28-2007 11:05 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
High shcool, I was goalie for hockey team. I had a streak of 11 scoreless periods(15 min), and scored a goal in that stretch. I'm told still a record to this day(12 years now) and I'm the only goalie ever to score a goal in that league.

Dr. Matt 03-28-2007 11:07 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
how does a goalie score exactly?

punkass 03-28-2007 11:09 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
how does a goalie score exactly?

[/ QUOTE ]
they pull their goalie

punkass 03-28-2007 11:11 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
If pool is a sport (and probably isn't)...

I'm lining a pretty easy shot, but I suck at pool, so I'm lining up the cut. Friend of mine rags on me saying "you're never gonna make it". My girlfriend at the time says, "ouch, you gonna take that?". I'm in position at this point to take the shot, and as I turn my head to face my friend, I say "Oh really?" and blind shoot the ball in the pocket. Friend and gf are both rather amazed, as was I.

casey_brick 03-28-2007 11:19 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
how does a goalie score exactly?

[/ QUOTE ]
The other team pulled its goalie in the last of the game. My team cleared our end, they dumped the puck into our end. I got to it before anyone else and launched it the length of the ice and made it. Really kinda lucky, but I had practiced all the time.

Dids 03-28-2007 11:21 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Minor one:

Game winning bomb in the final game of a baseball camp held at WSU. (not a real homer run, we were kids, basically I hit a tennis ball out of center from about 2nd base, but still, game winning homer ftw).

TheMainEvent 03-28-2007 11:25 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
What's funny is that my greatest moment was immediately followed by my worst.

8th grade, down by 1 in the 4th quarter, I get fouled with 15 seconds left on the clock. I sink both free throws...

...then the other team takes it down for a quick 2, I get the ball back and call a time out, only I'm Chris Webber and we don't have any left. Game over.

PartyGirlUK 03-28-2007 11:29 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Was 9, playing a cricket game at my brother's schools sports day. They were 11. Bowled by first over and got smashed for 13. Embarrassed, I was content to field the rest of the day. Then when it was obvious they were going to win I asked for a bowl. Took a hat trick. 4th ball hit the bails but they didnt come off [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] We went on to win.

4_2_it 03-28-2007 11:31 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing Little League when I was 10 or 11 I hit an RBI double with 2 outs in the bottom of the 6th to win the game. My teammates mobbed me on the field. That was really cool.

Dr. Matt 03-28-2007 11:32 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Playing Little League when I was 10 or 11 I hit an RBI double with 2 outs in the bottom of the 6th to win the game. My teammates mobbed me on the field. That was really cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love those moments.

ItalianFX 03-28-2007 11:34 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Varsity High School baseball, tied 6-6 in the top of the final inning. I was 1st in the lineup and I'm usually 5th or 6th so I'm not paying attention when it's my turn to bat. Everyone yells at me and I hurry up and get my batting gloves on and get a bat/helmet and head out to the box. 3rd pitch I launched it over the left field wall and we ended up winning.


Another away game. We are playing against the worst team in the league. I hit a homerun in like the first inning or so. We bat around. Everyone is saying, "it would be awesome if you got up again and hit another homerun." Well, we batted around and I took the 2nd pitch over the left field wall for 2 homeruns in the same inning. It was awesome.

seke2 03-28-2007 11:34 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
As a complete unathletic kid, I didn't have too many of these moments...but in the last few years, I've had one or two.

Flag football championship game, my team is back in the championship game after losing the previous year by 1 point because we didn't convert an extra point attempt (it's flag, so 1 pt for getting into the endzone from 2 yd line, 2 points for getting in from the 10 yd line).

Towards the end of the first half, our team scores a TD to take a 6-0 lead and we're going for the extra-point. But the guy who caught the TD celebrated too much and was penalized, so we were going for 1 point conversion from the 12 yard line. I split out wide to the right and I'm just running basically to the front corner pylon. I get decent position and I'm somewhat open. As I approach the goal line, I turn to call for the ball...and quickly reach up my hands to catch the ball which was basically already on my shoulder. I tiptoed into the endzone for the conversion. All that practice I did running routes with our QB really paid off, he knew when I'd look and just put it out there for me. We went on to win the championship 7-6, with my conversion being the difference.

The best play I ever made was in little league. I'm playing second and we're playing against a mediocre team, our team isn't much better. Leadoff hitter (fast guy) on the other team smokes a grounder up the middle. I take 2 steps to my right, dive, pivot on my knee as I'm skidding to a stop, and fired a strike to my best friend who gave me a great stretch at first to narrowly get the batter.

Except that the umpire, Mark Mohl, totally blew the call, and called him safe.

Both benches/parents gave me a standing ovation for the play though, which was sweet.

I saw the ump at Arby's that night after the game and had to restrain myself from screaming at him. I also umpired games with him numerous times in the following years and always held a grudge against him...but that was also cause he was a pretty bad ump. Nice guy, most of the time, but a bad ump.

DrewDevil 03-28-2007 11:41 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Little league in 8th grade, playing in the year-end All-Star game.

Bottom of the last inning, two outs, my team down by 3 runs, bases loaded... yep, I go deep for walkoff All-Star game-winning grand slam.

RacersEdge 03-28-2007 11:42 AM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
I guess mine would be a hole in one. The thing that made it even a better "moment" was that there were 8 of us playing that day in back to back foursomes - and the other foursome was in front of my foursome on the next tee, which looked out perfectly over the green of the Par 3 hole. So when it went in, not only was everyone going crazy in my group, but so were the 4 guys in front of us. So I have 7 signatures on my hole-in-one ball.

kazana 03-28-2007 12:03 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Soccer league.
12 teams playing each other twice (22 matches total in the season).

After the first 11 matches, we were in 2nd position trailing the leading team by 14 points, who have won every single match except the one vs us that ended in a draw.
Our coach tells us we're not going to catch the top team anymore, but should at least play our best soccer to make the best of the situation.

We then go on a 9 match winning streak while the leading team seems to get nervous and drops some points.
We then beat them on their home ground in the 2nd last match of the season which put us ahead of them.
Won the last match, too, and took the title.

I'll never forget that party.

Alobar 03-28-2007 12:18 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
In my first college volleyball match I was playing middle blocker and my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend played for the University of Arizona and was across from me. I blocked his first four attacks. After the fourth, I looked across the net and said, "You're my bitch!"

He replied, "I'm [censored] yours."

To which I asked, "Can you still taste me when you kiss her?"

He had to be restrained and I was the "Mr. Goodbar" player of the week.

[/ QUOTE ]


KidCornelia 03-28-2007 12:31 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
I finished third behind Tiger Woods and some other guy in the 36 hole stroke play segment of the 1992 US Junior Amateur at Bay Hill. This meant that I got the third seed going into 64 man match play. Long story short, I got beat in the quarters (final 8) and Tiger won the second of his 3 straight US Juniors. He also went on to a pretty good golfing career while I played college golf and now am a financial consultant. I did win my club championship last year though, lol.

Badger 03-28-2007 12:45 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Was 9, playing a cricket game at my brother's schools sports day. They were 11. Bowled by first over and got smashed for 13. Embarrassed, I was content to field the rest of the day. Then when it was obvious they were going to win I asked for a bowl. Took a hat trick. 4th ball hit the bails but they didnt come off :( We went on to win.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, that's awesome! OK, so I have no idea what this means. I italicized what I did understand, and it all sounds good.

I'm enjoying reading all of these, still trying to conjur up what my greatest moment might be.

blinden84 03-28-2007 01:46 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Mine is not a moment of triumph, well, not of team triumph. I was a bench warmer, just generally picking up some of my mop up time at the end of games. An emotional favorite though, had a lot of people rooting for me. I received a great lead pass from a teammate and went in for dunk. I remember it being a pretty packed game and being so excited a blacked out for a bit.

I got home later that night and dad says "that was a nice basket". Parents weren't too big into the basketball.

Also in super little league, I turned a double play while playing second with the game on the line, most notable because at that age, double plays just didn't happen, actually, for the most part plays just didn't happen, it was pretty terrific, some of the players didn't even know what happened it was so unusual.

MuresanForMVP 03-28-2007 01:51 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
In my first college volleyball match I was playing middle blocker and my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend played for the University of Arizona and was across from me. I blocked his first four attacks. After the fourth, I looked across the net and said, "You're my bitch!"

He replied, "I'm [censored] yours."

To which I asked, "Can you still taste me when you kiss her?"

He had to be restrained and I was the "Mr. Goodbar" player of the week.

[/ QUOTE ]

Man, that is a vnh

battschr 03-28-2007 01:55 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Volleyball with exgf current bf and third to Tiger in US Junior Amateur are tied for the lead in this thread, imo.

DrewDevil 03-28-2007 01:56 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
Was 9, playing a cricket game at my brother's schools sports day. They were 11. Bowled by first over and got smashed for 13. Embarrassed, I was content to field the rest of the day. Then when it was obvious they were going to win I asked for a bowl. Took a hat trick. 4th ball hit the bails but they didnt come off :( We went on to win.

[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, that's awesome! OK, so I have no idea what this means. I italicized what I did understand, and it all sounds good.

[/ QUOTE ]

[Seinfeld]So I said, what is this, the T-interval?[/Seinfeld]

kidcolin 03-28-2007 02:03 PM

Re: Greatest sports moment of your entire life?
From Alobar's "ever come in first" thread:

6th or 7th grade my basketball team won first place. I was the "star" of the team and arguably the best player in the league (top 3 definitely). It was a best of 3 Finals, and we were down 0-1. In the second game, we were down by 1 in double-OT with 1.7 seconds left. I hit a half court shot to win. Game 3, tie game with 5 seconds left, I hit a shot from the corner to win the game.

I easily peaked in life that week.

[/ QUOTE ]

So that halfcourt shot was definitely tops for me. Team rushed the court, pile on, sundaes after the game. We were a better team than them, and we got absolutely hosed by the refs in the first game (the coach of the team we knocked out in the first round was one of the refs). My lifelong arch nemesis played for the other team (one of the best players in the league but a poor sport and crybaby. He fouled out 2 minutes into the 4th quarter and cried. What a bitch.). So it was sort of poetic justice. No way we were getting swept in the Finals.

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