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TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:00 PM

16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
So most of you guys know I used to juice, powerlift- worked as a personal trainer, etc. About six months ago I quit my current job and started my own company. It took a terrible toll on my body. Not sleeping enough, not eating right, never working out, basically just doing a 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for three months straight and eating fast food and never exercising. This pic made me do something about it, because I had never looked this terrible in the last few years

This pic made me go nuts. literally. I knew that I could regain most of what I had lost, but I didnt realize how out of it I was until I saw this pic. Three months earlier I looked much better than I did in the above picture, and it's embarrassing to post that pic. I despise it. I'm 245 pounds in that picture- about 6'1-6'2. At that point there's no telling what my bench press was, b/c I hadn't lifted in months, and I was wearing a 38" waist, which is not good. So, I setout to make a transformation.

Here's a picture from a month into my program

As you can see there had been improvement in the last six weeks, but there was much left to be desired.

I really focused on my diet at this point- and I made working out my number one priority.

Here's a picture from 8 weeks into the program

There's now been a marked improvement in weight loss, and i'm down to 233, so i've lost twelve pounds of what I would call almost all fat loss, and 12 pounds in 10 weeks is a healthy number for your body to lose in that amount of time.

I then started cycling my carbs, having down days and updays, and began really lifting heavy again. Here's a few pics from this point in the program- about 12 weeks in.

At this point my body had found a groove again, and muscle memory had set in, and I was returning to my former self. My diet wasn't terribly strict at this point, I was just replacing three out of my five meals a day with a meal replacement protein shake called muscle milk- something you really need to check out, they're the best ever. I was focusing very much on my high carb/ low carb days, training my body to boost it's metabolism, and I was working out five times a week and lifting very heavy.

Here's a pic from last week, about 16 weeks into the program

In the above picture I am weighing 225 pounds, and my bench press had gone back to 435 pounds, I was wearing a 36" waist that fit loose, and I was feeling comfortable about the way I looked. I cannot believe I let myself get as out of shape as I did, but I knew that I could get back to where I was. I'll never bench press 500 pounds again like I did when I was juicing, b/c I have no desire to juice or to weigh 270 pounds ever again.

I've got another eight weeks to go on this particular program. Right now i'm at 225, and I plan on getting down to 215- a healthy weight for my frame. My goal is to bench 440 at 215, but I would still be very happy if I could lift 2x body weight.

I credit the meal replacement to my weight loss. I never ever skip breakfast these days, and it's always a 350 calorie low fat mid carb 35 grams of protein shake. I'll consume two more throughout the day, usually drinking a half of one twice, and drinking a half after my workout and another half right before bed time. I eat mostly what I want, but I dont eat fast food and junk, and if I do, I do it sparingly. My bench went up about 60 pounds in this process because of my knoweldge of strength training and the fact that I know my body very well and how it responds, and b/c muscle has memory, and I used to bench 500. I've spent 10 years in the gym, and I've learned quite a bit. I think that I might be benching heavier than I am now but I injured my rotator cuff early into this program, and am just now able to really push myself.

I'll post some updates in 8 weeks or so, when I'm hopefully down to about 215 and a 34" waist. Something that I should note is that 215 is an ideal number, but in regards to weight, I dont care how much I weigh assuming I look good in the mirror and I'm healthy and fit. Weight can be very deceiving- I could lose ten pounds today if I wanted to, but I wouldnt look entirely that much different.

I'm still nowhere near the size I've been, I'm in fact 50 pounds lighter today than I was at my most roided out point, but I would never want to be that big again, I could barely wipe my ass I was so muscle bound. I've been as light as 205 pounds when preparing for a body building show, during that same phase of my life, and I looked totally different, but again, I never want to have to go from 270 to 205 just so I can look good on a stage- that was hell losing that weight. Obviously I dont have the same roided out look I used to, but I dont care anymore about that. I feel good, I look good, I've still got some room for improvement, and I am stronger than just about anyone who crosses my path in at least one lift if it's not bench press. I can also military press 300 sitting- military is how you get strong in your upper body, but it also is hard on your shoulders and it's how I hurt my rotator cuff. None of these pics you saw were taken in proper lighting, so when I do the follow up I'll take them like you would if you were attempting to show definition, striations, and lines- which makes a pretty dramatic difference. I'll also try and find the pics of myself when I was 270 and when I go down to 205- they're pretty insane, especially the way I look at 205 pre-body building show. But, lol, [censored] that [censored].

Any questions, I'd be glad to answer.

killsadie 12-10-2006 02:02 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics

SmileyEH 12-10-2006 02:06 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Pretty gay post, but still really impressive Tx. Very well done.

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:06 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
no, not that there's anything wrong with that though.

i realized i posted a pic of myself in boxers, and figured someone would have to say something stupid about it, but i dont really care, i've stepped on stage in speedos before, so whatever.

mulebennett 12-10-2006 02:07 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
that's pretty cool, but the pictures where your hands are above your head make it hard to tell what kind of shape you're in, you have to standardize the position so we can tell. also, we don't need to see pictures of you in your skimpies.

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:08 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
why is it a gay post?

i thought i could help some guys here who wanted to get into shape with this post, and i provided pics to show the progress i made. really just trying to motivate myself even further and make a contribution to 2p2 by making myself available to share info and education on a subject i'm very trained in.

sublime 12-10-2006 02:11 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
i could have done without the pic of you in that gay pose with just boxers on...but the rest is cool....good work!

Evenkeal 12-10-2006 02:12 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
man you are the hottest rapper on 2+2 and now you just blew up with this one, nice

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:14 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
man you are the hottest rapper on 2+2 and now you just blew up with this one, nice

[/ QUOTE ]

thx evan- where did your title go?

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:16 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
i had no idea the picture of me in my boxers would bother so many people. i guess i just dont much care about seeing another guy in his boxers, it doesnt bother me, and i'm comfortable in my own skin.

RunDownHouse 12-10-2006 02:18 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Why did you not only think, "Man, some tatoos on my upper arms would be sweet!" but also, "And 'barbed wire' tatoos would be the sweetest of all!"

EDIT: This could be a really great thread though, don't get me wrong.

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:24 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Why did you not only think, "Man, some tatoos on my upper arms would be sweet!" but also, "And 'barbed wire' tatoos would be the sweetest of all!"

EDIT: This could be a really great thread though, don't get me wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

no offense taken, my tattoos were done to symbolize things about me and my life, and a period of my life. read this first poem i wrote if you want some insight

N 82 50 24 12-10-2006 02:35 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Good job thus far and gl with the next step. Look forward to the update.

paperjam 12-10-2006 02:39 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
I am in a similar state...gained about 10lbs in the last month for eating taco bell and not working out...i am the skinny type though, not too muscular. any advice for me to bulk up/lose the fat?

kipin 12-10-2006 02:43 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Nice work man.

I found the pics inspiring even if they are a little gay.

Post the final trip report when you cut the rest of the weight please.

surfinillini 12-10-2006 02:52 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
a. not a gay post, but when you post it among a handful of dudes who are either extremely out of shape and don't care, or have never lifted a barbell before you're gonna get that response

b. good progress, but are you doing ample cardio

c. still need to shed about 25 more lbs to get cut, recommend some fat burners like hydroxycut extreme...that's what I'm using. I'm 179 and want to get to 150-155

soko 12-10-2006 02:53 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Did you stop juicing?

Your lats are wicked

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:58 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
yeah, my lats just blow the [censored] up for some reason.

yes, i quit using a long time ago.

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 02:59 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
i havent added ANY cardio yet- on purpose. will start cycling (bicycle) in four weeks.

funkymunky 12-10-2006 03:05 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
I don't think this is a gay post, but I did sort of chuckle at the briefs pic.

It sounded like you are off the juice. If this is the case, I wonder how your training has adjusted, if any, from your "roided out" training.

Thanks for the post. I'm just starting to get back into training after about 18 months due to a health issue, and I'm finding stuff like this inspirational.

gamblore99 12-10-2006 03:05 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Nice progress. Please go into more detail about your diet/exercise routine. I am interested to know what carb cycling is/does.

surfinillini 12-10-2006 03:12 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
i havent added ANY cardio yet- on purpose. will start cycling (bicycle) in four weeks.

[/ QUOTE ]

how is your cholesterol and blood pressure?

wouldn't you want to do at least 20/min every other day, just to keep your heart healthy. I doubt you'd lose muscle gains with a little cardio here and there...

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 03:21 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
with roids your body recovers faster, and generally speaking you can extend and intensify your workouts. example given: on roids, i would do my chest routine as such: 2x10 135 warmup on bench, 225x10, 315x10, 385x5, 405x5, 455x1, then I would do 385x3 pause reps, 315x5 pause reps for 3 sets, (pause reps are slow down, a pause for two seconds on your chest, then an explosion up) then I would do 225 for sets of 10 pause reps with a close grip (for tricep strength) for 5 sets. So I was doing 18 total sets on bench with mostly heavy weight and low reps - strength training.

These days I'll do 135x10 for 2 sets, 225x10, 315x6-8, 385x3, 405x1, 315x5 pause reps for 3 sets, then 4 sets of 8 with a narrow grip at 225.

On roids I would do skull crushers for triceps, 2 sets of 8 2 sets of 6 (after my narrow grip bench presses) and then i'd do dips on a machine for 4 sets of 6-8 reps, and then I would do five sets of pushdowns on a cable machine.

My tricep workout now mostly consists of overhead standing skull crushers (3-4 sets of 8) and 5-6 sets of cable push downs till exhaustion. I still do narrow grip w/ every bench press day, b/c that's what you really bench with, i.e., much more your triceps than your chest.

So, it's still intense, but the volume is less and the recovery time is longer.

DougieG 12-10-2006 03:26 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Doesn't Muscle Milk have a very adverse effect on the body if you aren't working out like twice a day or whatever? I played baseball all through high school and two of my buddies are heavy into lifting/protein shakes the whole deal. They both used Muscle Milk and one of 'em put on a lot of weight supposedly cuz he didn't work out often/aggressively enough while the other experienced great results. I know they both used other forms of supplements at the same time. I know the one who had great results used Creatine and other stuff too but I don't really know much more than that.

Basically, doesn't Muscle Milk have a negative effect if you don't work out enough?

escobar 12-10-2006 03:26 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Good improvement.. Much of your anabolic information was really laughable, especially that anavar wasnt a steroid.. LOL.

Anyways, your results look very good so far... You definitely semi-gay for the poser pics.. The hands abovve the head to stretch your abdomen so you look less fat is tarded.. ALso the side pose where you squich your arms against your bady is funny...

With such disregard for the true results, I am surprised you didnt stick a sock in your boxers.. LOL

Anyway, how are you working carbs, what does your diet look like?

amplify 12-10-2006 03:26 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
I think it moved.

multious 12-10-2006 03:29 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
215 and a 34" waist seems pretty impressive.
Im like 165 with a 33" waist and im not fat [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 03:30 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
carb cycling is training your body to boost it's own metabolic rate. it works like this.

lets say on monday my caloric intake is 2500 and I burned 3000. of that 2500 calories, about 1000 of them will come from carbs- mostly complex carbs. then on tuesday i'll keep my caloric intake about the same, but i'll cut my carb consumption down to 200 grams (carbs= 4 calories per gram. then on wednesday I'll cut my caloric intake down to 2000 calories and only take in about 150 grams of carbs.

then on thursday i'll bump my caloric intake up to 3000 calories, and i'll consume about 400 grams of carbs, including some high fructose carbs before my workout.

on friday i'll do the same thing i did as the day before- and on saturday my workout will be amazing and my body will have lots of fuel to burn, and i'll put in a very intense workout. on saturday i'll cut my caloric intake back to 2500 calories- about 250 grams of carbs, then on sunday i'll eat about 2500 calories again, with about 200 grams of carbs.

this trains your body to burn fat, and it tricks your body into boosting it's metabolism.

it's very difficult to do right, and my numbers are approximate. the goal is to slowly lower carb consumption to the point where your body is buring fat for energy, then boosting your carb levels so your body does not start to burn muscle tissue for energy- b/c if you remain on a constant diet your body will adapt and in a negative caloric state it's hard to never burn muscle tissue- and carb loading/cycling is the best way i've found (and other lifters, too) to keep my body guessing and burning fat, not muscle, while i'm trying to lose weight.

escobar 12-10-2006 03:32 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
carb cycling is training your body to boost it's own metabolic rate. it works like this.

lets say on monday my caloric intake is 2500 and I burned 3000. of that 2500 calories, about 1000 of them will come from carbs- mostly complex carbs. then on tuesday i'll keep my caloric intake about the same, but i'll cut my carb consumption down to 200 grams (carbs= 4 calories per gram. then on wednesday I'll cut my caloric intake down to 2000 calories and only take in about 150 grams of carbs.

then on thursday i'll bump my caloric intake up to 3000 calories, and i'll consume about 400 grams of carbs, including some high fructose carbs before my workout.

on friday i'll do the same thing i did as the day before- and on saturday my workout will be amazing and my body will have lots of fuel to burn, and i'll put in a very intense workout. on saturday i'll cut my caloric intake back to 2500 calories- about 250 grams of carbs, then on sunday i'll eat about 2500 calories again, with about 200 grams of carbs.

this trains your body to burn fat, and it tricks your body into boosting it's metabolism.

it's very difficult to do right, and my numbers are approximate. the goal is to slowly lower carb consumption to the point where your body is buring fat for energy, then boosting your carb levels so your body does not start to burn muscle tissue for energy- b/c if you remain on a constant diet your body will adapt and in a negative caloric state it's hard to never burn muscle tissue- and carb loading/cycling is the best way i've found (and other lifters, too) to keep my body guessing and burning fat, not muscle, while i'm trying to lose weight.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know what carb cycling is retard, I am asking about your specific diet and how you are incorporating high/low glycemic index carbs

Aukai 12-10-2006 03:33 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Why not just do a ketogenic diet?

escobar 12-10-2006 03:33 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
215 and a 34" waist seems pretty impressive.
Im like 165 with a 33" waist and im not fat [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL.. yes u are

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 03:36 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Good improvement.. Much of your anabolic information was really laughable, especially that anavar wasnt a steroid.. LOL. i said that anavar was not an anabolic steroid by nature because it does not effect testosterone levels and is non hormonal, which makes it vastly different than any other steroid out there. it's low toxicity, barely at all androgenic, and it's main benefit in clincial nature is to prevent the loss of tissue, not the new growth of tissue.

Anyways, your results look very good so far... You definitely semi-gay for the poser pics oh, okay .. The hands abovve the head to stretch your abdomen so you look less fat is tarded.. ALso the side pose where you squich your arms against your bady is funny how do you think body builders pose on stage? ...

With such disregard for the true results, I am surprised you didnt stick a sock in your boxers.. LOL true results? wtf are you trying to say? and i have a 7 inch [censored] so i dont need a sock in my boxers, tyvm

Anyway, how are you working carbs, what does your diet look like? lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

true results, lol.

escobar 12-10-2006 03:36 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Why not just do a ketogenic diet?

[/ QUOTE ]

because to truly attain ketosis for long periods you feel like you are going to die and it is extremely unhealthy

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 03:38 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
carb cycling is training your body to boost it's own metabolic rate. it works like this.

lets say on monday my caloric intake is 2500 and I burned 3000. of that 2500 calories, about 1000 of them will come from carbs- mostly complex carbs. then on tuesday i'll keep my caloric intake about the same, but i'll cut my carb consumption down to 200 grams (carbs= 4 calories per gram. then on wednesday I'll cut my caloric intake down to 2000 calories and only take in about 150 grams of carbs.

then on thursday i'll bump my caloric intake up to 3000 calories, and i'll consume about 400 grams of carbs, including some high fructose carbs before my workout.

on friday i'll do the same thing i did as the day before- and on saturday my workout will be amazing and my body will have lots of fuel to burn, and i'll put in a very intense workout. on saturday i'll cut my caloric intake back to 2500 calories- about 250 grams of carbs, then on sunday i'll eat about 2500 calories again, with about 200 grams of carbs.

this trains your body to burn fat, and it tricks your body into boosting it's metabolism.

it's very difficult to do right, and my numbers are approximate. the goal is to slowly lower carb consumption to the point where your body is buring fat for energy, then boosting your carb levels so your body does not start to burn muscle tissue for energy- b/c if you remain on a constant diet your body will adapt and in a negative caloric state it's hard to never burn muscle tissue- and carb loading/cycling is the best way i've found (and other lifters, too) to keep my body guessing and burning fat, not muscle, while i'm trying to lose weight.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know what carb cycling is retard, I am asking about your specific diet and how you are incorporating high/low glycemic index carbs

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want a specific answer, ask a specific question. You asked a blanket question that didn't ask me to go into any detail. And, since you think i'm a retard, i'll spare you the details.

Go troll somewhere else. You didnt even realize I was responding to another poster when I answered that question.

I'm putting you on ignore.

rokstedy 12-10-2006 03:42 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
I'm inspired too. I think I'm going to write a poem about it.

escobar 12-10-2006 03:43 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Good improvement.. Much of your anabolic information was really laughable, especially that anavar wasnt a steroid.. LOL. i said that anavar was not an anabolic steroid by nature because it does not effect testosterone levels and is non hormonal, which makes it vastly different than any other steroid out there. it's low toxicity, barely at all androgenic, and it's main benefit in clincial nature is to prevent the loss of tissue, not the new growth of tissue.

Anyways, your results look very good so far... You definitely semi-gay for the poser pics oh, okay .. The hands abovve the head to stretch your abdomen so you look less fat is tarded.. ALso the side pose where you squich your arms against your bady is funny how do you think body builders pose on stage? ...

With such disregard for the true results, I am surprised you didnt stick a sock in your boxers.. LOL true results? wtf are you trying to say? and i have a 7 inch [censored] so i dont need a sock in my boxers, tyvm

Anyway, how are you working carbs, what does your diet look like? lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

true results, lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

ACTUALLY YOU DID say anavar wasnt an anabolic steroid.. Re-read your POst on " ask me anything about Steroids"

Second, you are very misinformed about anavar hepatoxicity, your belief is based on very old information and the fact that anavar USED to come in only 2.5 /5mg form.... It is much harder to attain hepatociity when you have to eat 20-40 tabs a day( and it was expensive) as opposed to eating 1 or 2 anadrol. For the same mg....

It is IMPOSSIBLE for a 17 alpha-alk to NOT be hepatoxic.. Also, there are MANY sterids that dont work through testosterone or convert to DHT ( or at least at widely varying levels)..

You also understand that pretty much every steroid in the world was created for prevention of tissue loss right?

Also, I was trying to be nice, but since you wanna think you know erything, you look fat, ( less fat than you did) and you know FAR less about matters you claim to be an expert on than you actually do..

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 03:46 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
i havent added ANY cardio yet- on purpose. will start cycling (bicycle) in four weeks.

[/ QUOTE ]

how is your cholesterol and blood pressure?

wouldn't you want to do at least 20/min every other day, just to keep your heart healthy. I doubt you'd lose muscle gains with a little cardio here and there...

[/ QUOTE ]

when i do legs, i get an abundant amount of cardio. i superset and go extemely high volume.

when i do my back, i get an excellent cardio vascular workout as well.

so, two of my workouts are very much cardiovascular workouts, a huge increase in heart rate difference between my chest workout and my leg workout. doing sets of 60 on leg press is very aerobic in nature.

i'm waiting to add cycling on a stationary bike until i reach the last four weeks of this program to shock my body into breaking past what will proabably be a plateau that i usually reach at that point in a weight loss effort. i'll add 2 30 minutes session on a stationary bike at high intensity along with my normal workouts for the last four weeks.

my cardiovascular conditioning is still great right now.

something i forgot to mention is that i routinely spend 30 or 45 minutes 3x week hitting a boxing bag and/speed bag.

escobar 12-10-2006 03:46 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
carb cycling is training your body to boost it's own metabolic rate. it works like this.

lets say on monday my caloric intake is 2500 and I burned 3000. of that 2500 calories, about 1000 of them will come from carbs- mostly complex carbs. then on tuesday i'll keep my caloric intake about the same, but i'll cut my carb consumption down to 200 grams (carbs= 4 calories per gram. then on wednesday I'll cut my caloric intake down to 2000 calories and only take in about 150 grams of carbs.

then on thursday i'll bump my caloric intake up to 3000 calories, and i'll consume about 400 grams of carbs, including some high fructose carbs before my workout.

on friday i'll do the same thing i did as the day before- and on saturday my workout will be amazing and my body will have lots of fuel to burn, and i'll put in a very intense workout. on saturday i'll cut my caloric intake back to 2500 calories- about 250 grams of carbs, then on sunday i'll eat about 2500 calories again, with about 200 grams of carbs.

this trains your body to burn fat, and it tricks your body into boosting it's metabolism.

it's very difficult to do right, and my numbers are approximate. the goal is to slowly lower carb consumption to the point where your body is buring fat for energy, then boosting your carb levels so your body does not start to burn muscle tissue for energy- b/c if you remain on a constant diet your body will adapt and in a negative caloric state it's hard to never burn muscle tissue- and carb loading/cycling is the best way i've found (and other lifters, too) to keep my body guessing and burning fat, not muscle, while i'm trying to lose weight.

[/ QUOTE ]

I know what carb cycling is retard, I am asking about your specific diet and how you are incorporating high/low glycemic index carbs

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want a specific answer, ask a specific question. You asked a blanket question that didn't ask me to go into any detail. And, since you think i'm a retard, i'll spare you the details.

Go troll somewhere else. You didnt even realize I was responding to another poster when I answered that question.

I'm putting you on ignore.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good idea to put me on ignore, because I will continue to tel lthe truth, and little silly things like truth and logic seem to not affect your ideas!

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 03:47 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
Good improvement.. Much of your anabolic information was really laughable, especially that anavar wasnt a steroid.. LOL. i said that anavar was not an anabolic steroid by nature because it does not effect testosterone levels and is non hormonal, which makes it vastly different than any other steroid out there. it's low toxicity, barely at all androgenic, and it's main benefit in clincial nature is to prevent the loss of tissue, not the new growth of tissue.

Anyways, your results look very good so far... You definitely semi-gay for the poser pics oh, okay .. The hands abovve the head to stretch your abdomen so you look less fat is tarded.. ALso the side pose where you squich your arms against your bady is funny how do you think body builders pose on stage? ...

With such disregard for the true results, I am surprised you didnt stick a sock in your boxers.. LOL true results? wtf are you trying to say? and i have a 7 inch [censored] so i dont need a sock in my boxers, tyvm

Anyway, how are you working carbs, what does your diet look like? lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

true results, lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

ACTUALLY YOU DID say anavar wasnt an anabolic steroid.. Re-read your POst on " ask me anything about Steroids"

Second, you are very misinformed about anavar hepatoxicity, your belief is based on very old information and the fact that anavar USED to come in only 2.5 /5mg form.... It is much harder to attain hepatociity when you have to eat 20-40 tabs a day( and it was expensive) as opposed to eating 1 or 2 anadrol. For the same mg....

It is IMPOSSIBLE for a 17 alpha-alk to NOT be hepatoxic.. Also, there are MANY sterids that dont work through testosterone or convert to DHT ( or at least at widely varying levels)..

You also understand that pretty much every steroid in the world was created for prevention of tissue loss right?

Also, I was trying to be nice, but since you wanna think you know erything, you look fat, ( less fat than you did) and you know FAR less about matters you claim to be an expert on than you actually do..

[/ QUOTE ]

lmao. okay, you're right, i'm wrong. blah blah blah.

17 posts, i love it.

post some pics of yourself douche bag.

TxRedMan 12-10-2006 03:48 PM

Re: 16 weeks into a 24 week physical challenge w/pics
You are now ignoring this user. You will no longer see the body of any of their posts.

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