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JJNJustin 12-10-2006 06:21 AM

Things you hate at the poker table
Here are things I hate at the poker table:

1)People who berate fish for making bad calls/plays then later make the same bad plays themselves
2)People who justify why the played the way they did
3)People who use their mouth to try to get under other player's skin
4)Slow players who dont follow the action
5)Fake out players, who try to pretend they dont understand whats going on
6)Foul language, the mis-use of the word "buddy" as a non-offensive substitute for xxxxx.
7)People who cry when they lose
8)People who think they are good players but arent
9)People who throw cards at the dealer or across the table when they lose
10)People who act like the game owes them something
11)People who think everyone else sucks at the game but them
12)Anyone who brings thuggishness to the table and makes implications that this has any relevance
13)People who dont shower/stink/fart

Cant think of anymore right now.
Feel free to add.


Dire 12-10-2006 08:49 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Losing money.

You've actually been in a game with #7???

sonneti 12-10-2006 12:27 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
14) The table drunk that talks like a washing machine
15) People that dont tip

PantsOnFire 12-10-2006 03:55 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
1)People who berate fish for making bad calls/plays then later make the same bad plays themselves

This is good.

2)People who justify why the played the way they did

Don't care.

3)People who use their mouth to try to get under other player's skin

This depends on the degree.

4)Slow players who dont follow the action


5)Fake out players, who try to pretend they dont understand whats going on

This is bad. This might be something I bring up with the floor.

6)Foul language, the mis-use of the word "buddy" as a non-offensive substitute for xxxxx.

Again, I might notify the floor.

7)People who cry when they lose

Don't care.

8)People who think they are good players but arent

I will support them. They are obviously just getting unlucky.

9)People who throw cards at the dealer or across the table when they lose

Don't like this but I'll leave it to the dealer.

10)People who act like the game owes them something

Don't care.

11)People who think everyone else sucks at the game but them

Support them. Tell them I am on a lucky streak.

12)Anyone who brings thuggishness to the table and makes implications that this has any relevance

Not sure what this means but it doesn't sound good.

13)People who dont shower/stink/fart

Might cause me to move tables if bad enough.

Some of my own.

- Dealers who are rookies or are not taking charge of the table. Slow dealers.
- Drunks. Friendly ones are good, obnoxious ones are not.
- Uncomfortable chairs.
- Not enough room to sit comfortably. i.e. some personal space incursion.
- Ugly servers.
- Sitting near a main traffic area and getting jostled.

r0eKY 12-10-2006 04:11 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
i hate these people who think the poker table is open mic night at the local comedy club, like 99% of the jokes i hear at the table are unoriginal or not funny at all.

bernie 12-10-2006 11:36 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
2)People who justify why the played the way they did

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep your eyes and ears open on this one. Look around the table to see how others react to their explanations. They're telling you how they play. Which is really helpful in new rooms where everyone knows each other.

Shouldn't these 2 go together:

8)People who think they are good players but arent
11)People who think everyone else sucks at the game but them

[/ QUOTE ]

I could care less about either. Poker isn't a pissing match. Those that think it is usually lose.

Thing that irks me at times is the absolute pettiness and selfishness some people show. But, like:

1)People who berate fish for making bad calls/plays then later make the same bad plays themselves

[/ QUOTE ]

I see this(double standards) in most aspects of life and not just at the table.


usaftrevor 12-11-2006 03:49 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
bad dealers that tip hustle.

i don't mind a tip hustle from time to time, but plz... don't suck if you're gonna do it.

GambleAllNight 12-11-2006 08:53 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
i don't like seeing people sititng in a 10/25 game and winning a 10k pot and tipping two dollars....stupid.

binki 12-12-2006 11:11 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
those that throw cards and blame the dealer for their bad luck are the ones i dislike the most and are the most distracting.

second worst are those that are on a phone then entire time they play at the table, esp. those with that cockroach looking thing in their ear.

eating while playing is mildly offensive.

wickedgoodtrader 12-12-2006 12:13 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
In general I hate all poker players that play in casinos. Maybe not so much at say the bellagio where theres some real games. But here in MI I'll walk into a casino and it's the same damn faces day in and day out trying to grind away at 2-5 NL thinkin they are pros. They berate online players and little do they know a good online player will make 10 fold what they are in half the time. They're just pissed they can't do it. They tried it once and lost and now they sit around the table and gossip about how it's rigged. I HATE THAT

Biggle10 12-12-2006 07:51 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
i hate these people who think the poker table is open mic night at the local comedy club, like 99% of the jokes i hear at the table are unoriginal or not funny at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

You must be fun to socialize with.

Biggle10 12-12-2006 07:52 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
For those who've responded in this thread, do you see the same behaviors at Limit vs. NL? I generally find my limit tables to be way friendlier.

bernie 12-13-2006 03:56 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
For those who've responded in this thread, do you see the same behaviors at Limit vs. NL? I generally find my limit tables to be way friendlier.

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably because N/L is more of a penis measuring contest.


Bill King 12-13-2006 03:58 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
justin you just single handedly pushed back my b&m plans for another 6 months, thanks lol

surfinillini 12-13-2006 05:38 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
the other 8-9 players

all of you stfu, I don't care about your bad beats or your huge pot with AK...STFU !!!!!

phantom_lord 12-14-2006 12:47 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Here are things I hate at the poker table:

[/ QUOTE ]

UpstateNYAAonly 12-14-2006 01:49 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
i hate the guy who is always saying he loses with AA, and everytime he folds 72 the flop comes 772

zac7179 12-14-2006 11:20 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
For some reason none of those really bothers me. The only one that makes me cringe really is when I hear someone say " I knew you had that"........if u knew why the hell did u call then. or if they showed the bluff why didn't they call if they knew, and if better yet if they really did know why tell the guy, wait til the next time and bust him.

pfapfap 12-14-2006 12:28 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Dealer abuse. Okay, I don't "hate" it, but I can find it annoying sometimes. Hate helps nobody, least of all the person feeling it.

27offsuit 12-14-2006 05:02 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
I really dislike when the board comes 335 and someone who folded preflop leans over to someone and says "Man, I just folded 35..." loud enough for the entire table to hear.

I just want to 'Chinese star' a chip into their eye socket...

portisfreak 12-14-2006 05:43 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
I dunno about hating these things at the table, but some are annoying:

1)People who berate fish for making bad calls/plays then later make the same bad plays themselves

Eh, fish in denial. + EV.

2)People who justify why the played the way they did

Sort of annoying, though I'm guilty of this often.

3)People who use their mouth to try to get under other player's skin

[censored] hate this.

4)Slow players who dont follow the action

A little annoying, but if they're too busy having fun, it's +EV.

5)Fake out players, who try to pretend they dont understand whats going on

I'm guilty of this also, though the PokerStars shirt I wear occasionally tips them off that I'm full of [censored].

6)Foul language, the mis-use of the word "buddy" as a non-offensive substitute for xxxxx.

I tend to be a bit more sensitive about this, though getting that person worked up shows how much they're going to tilt later. +EV.

7)People who cry when they lose

Seen it once. At a [censored] 1-3 spread table. More amusing than annoying.

8)People who think they are good players but arent

+EV. +EV. +EV.

9)People who throw cards at the dealer or across the table when they lose

That's [censored] rude. That and slamming a pile of chips over to the winning player after losing an All-in.

10)People who act like the game owes them something

Eh, I think most of us are guilty of this.

11)People who think everyone else sucks at the game but them

The ones who are actually the ones better than everyone else tend to shut up.

12)Anyone who brings thuggishness to the table and makes implications that this has any relevance

But the second they break this facade, you know you have them. +EV.

13)People who dont shower/stink/fart

They're drunk, desperate and probably on tilt that's lasted more than a day. +EV.

driverseati 12-14-2006 06:38 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Probably because N/L is more of a penis measuring contest.


[/ QUOTE ]

So is limit 6 players or less.

Paul2432 12-15-2006 01:12 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
"Can I see that hand"ers
People that take up too much space.
Smokers (not really a factor anymore)
Dealers that talk too much.
Players watching football or horse races that have to be reminded all the time that it is their turn to act.


Kevin J 12-15-2006 08:48 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Most of the people on your hate list are the same ones I make my living from. Please send them my way.

My biggest pet peeve is the game grinding to a halt for an unneeded setup. Especially when I'm stuck.

jordiepop 12-15-2006 01:43 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
loud mouths who only play structured games. they talk so much trash and think they are so dangerous at the table, yet they would lose everything if they tried to play nl.

F0rtysxity 12-15-2006 02:29 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
I have my pet peeves:

1) people who start acting like a pro after they win a hand however lucky it may have been. It's just one hand, the other guy was cold-decked, or you hit a three outer on the river and now they're acting like they are on the poker tour.

2) ppl who berate a fish for playing a hand terribly and sucking out on them. ok, we're sorry but why embarrass him for furture hands.

3) table with no personalities or conversation and tight weak play

4) and i posted about this one before but ppl who piss other's off with the: hey we're buddies and I totally got you beat, i'll show if you fold' on a table where ppl are chummy and cool with one another and this guy isn't really part of that but cashes in on it and then shows a bluff.

but these are exceptions... mostly it's good times

llayner 12-16-2006 02:36 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
how about people who eat with their hands at the table - those chips are gross and then they get grosser from more food on them. i get disgusted every time. i would eat a snickers with a fork and knife at a live game.

RydenStoompala 12-16-2006 11:38 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
My biggest pet peeve is the game grinding to a halt for an unneeded setup. Especially when I'm stuck.

[/ QUOTE ]

I second this one. And why is the setup always requested by some pinch-faced fart with the short stack?

bernie 12-16-2006 05:35 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Sitting in a great 20-40 game with someone maniacally blowing off $5600 on your direct left and getting none of it.

It sucked!

TomBrooks 12-17-2006 04:18 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Sounds like you haven't made the second agreement.

Hielko 12-19-2006 02:37 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
I hate players that are (below) average who think they are really good and do everything to let the other players know how good they are and talking about things that shouldn't beend mentioned in front of real fish.

jacksquat 12-19-2006 03:44 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
the table captain who takes over the dealers' responsibilities and basically wants to run the game...just STFU

sick people who cough, hack, sneeze, and are constantly blowing their nose... if you are sick stay home!!!

Wongboy 12-20-2006 05:23 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Live - I hate poker players, dealers and floormen. I usually like the coctail waitresses.

Online - I hate chat. At least I can just turn it off.

abel 12-22-2006 05:45 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
My friend Tan who loves saying "You gotta pay to see" as he smiles and bluffs me out of another pot -_-

cmurl904 12-30-2006 01:45 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
Let's see...#'s 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,11, & 12 describe 99% of 1/2 NL tables in any given B&M room in the US...

Dov 12-30-2006 10:04 PM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
8)People who think they are good players but arent

[/ QUOTE ]

8a) People who think they are better than me ---- and they ARE

hornpout 12-31-2006 12:26 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
tabling a hand during play.

showing one card of a winning hand.

both are legal in certain situations, but if i ever do either, shoot me in the face.

James. 12-31-2006 09:32 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
i haven't read the thread yet, but damn people with BO can ruin a session. those seats are all close together...whew!

Analyst 01-02-2007 01:16 AM

Re: Things you hate at the poker table
One that's been infecting the local card room lately:

It gets to showdown (usually after being checked around), then all the players just stare at each other - nobody shows anything. Eventually one player will ask "Ace high any good?", then after another delay someone else shows one of their cards, usually making something like bottom pair, then somebody else shows one making a slightly better hand, etc. Showdown drags out for what seems to be several minutes, and nobody ever shows both cards.

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