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Prelude008 09-12-2006 05:34 AM

Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Just curious if there is any interest in getting one started. I need to drop some weight and haven't been able to make any progress - I'm lacking a firm commitment.

I was thinking if there was interest, that maybe we could weigh-in once a week (like a wednesday) and list a few things like starting weight/ # of weeks/ lbs lost total vs. previous week/ some stats to put it in prospective i.e m or f and heights stats. Just a thought...any ideas or interest?

xwillience 09-12-2006 05:40 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge?
theres kind of one in progress at the moment but I wouldnt mind doing this with someone for a decent sum of money or something. I am afraid this is the motivation I require.

anyone up for it? terms to be negotiated but I was thinking something along the lines of $5,000, 100lbs, 9 months? im flexible on everything.

Acehawk74 09-12-2006 09:00 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge?
Yeah, Bisonbison started one in May. I am currently taking part in it. Progress is good so far, and I hope to continue improving. I wouldn't mind talking numbers each week, but 5 grand is a bit pricey for me to put up =D

Best of luck with your goals!

Chicago 09-12-2006 10:51 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge?
I'd be interested in doing one as well. PM me if this is going to happen. I wouldn't mind it be financial either but I just want to get healthy. I'm up for whatever. Lets get it going soon. The holidays are coming quickly.


bd8802 09-12-2006 02:03 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
It all depends on how overweight you are. If you are substantially overweight, just dropping down a few pounds will really energize you, and the weight will come off fast too.

In January I weighed 292 pounds. Over the course of the last 8 months I have dropped down to 250. I am feeling a lot better about myself and as a result I have been slacking off on my diet. I need to get back on the train.

If you are serious about losing weight. I will start posting my weight with you. You name the day that you want to start and the frequency of posts. I'm not going to wager anything, because I am losing weight to keep it off. That means slow and steady weight loss.

My goal is to get less than 240 by the end of 2006. Less than 220 by the middle of 2007. Anything else after that will be bonus.

No matter what ... good luck in your weight loss quest. It is really worth it. Unless you are 150 pounds wanting to get down to 140. Then I just give you the middle finger.

Kneel B4 Zod 09-12-2006 02:06 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I'm interested in a beginners weight loss challenge. I only need to lose 15-20 pounds (currently 205 ish)

jackdaniels 09-12-2006 03:00 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I'm interested in a beginners weight loss challenge. I only need to lose 30-40 pounds (currently 235 ish)

[/ QUOTE ]

The above is me and I am in.

09-12-2006 03:05 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

Chicago 09-12-2006 03:10 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Damn Degen I thought you were like a lot taller. I'm down as well for whatever you guys want to agree on. I'm 6 feet 1 and close to 300 pounds. Highest weight I have ever been (ex-college athlete) yikes. I need to work on things. Lets get something going maybe we can get some sponsors or well just do the challenge right here. I've got nothing but time. I'd like to be around 220 by the end of next year or less if possible.


Klompy 09-12-2006 03:17 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I'm interested in a beginners weight loss challenge. I only need to lose 15-20 pounds (currently 205 ish)

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd like to see this also, I got a little lazy over summer and put on a little weight but don't have all that much to lose. I'd be game for a friendly wager of some sort but I'm sure as hell not betting 5k.

09-12-2006 03:21 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

Chicago 09-12-2006 03:27 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I'm the same exact way. How bout this you fly me out to where you are. I'll cook for you, you teach me P*$&#, and we both stop being fatasses. Ohhh by the way I just hate a Honey BBQ Chicken Sandwich from KFC I'm such a fat ass. Let's figure something out i.e. start date, blah blah blah, ect ect. I'm not down for playing for 5k as thats a little out of my league but I'd be willing to wager something. I'd also be willing to do spot 2 lbs loss for me for every 1lb lost of you skinny fat people.


09-12-2006 03:28 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

Chicago 09-12-2006 03:34 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Alright well lets figure something out. I'd be more then willing to get a few people involved and willing to take an initial picture and scale picture then a monthly one as well just to show progress. I've also been keeping a blog of different activity and what not. PM Me for details or lets work out here. I also have AIM.


Prelude008 09-12-2006 03:49 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge?
Is this still going...if so, is there a link.

I'm not feeling the wager part of it, especially 5K. But I would really be interested in a non wager one.

Chicago 09-12-2006 03:55 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge?
There is one in progress that bison sponsored a select group of people for. I am sure we could get the same thing going and have an actual starting date and end date. I'm up for a wager just not 5k. But I'd rather have sponsors which would be cool. Really actually I don't care I just don't want to be a fat ass no more.

Lets work on getting this going. I'll be here for the rest of the day doing nadda, have a doctors appointment later on but lets iron out details. I don't know where Degen is (thailand or LV) but hopefully we can get like 5 guys like the other thread.

It! #1 [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


Prelude008 09-12-2006 03:56 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I'm at about 248 and would like to lose 70ish. I exercise by taking lots of dance classes but don't do much as far as weights and the gym. Eating could use some help and I am battling with the age related metabolism slow down. I really think mine just stopped.

I am going to weigh in tomorrow and use that as my unofficial start just in case something happens and this challenge gets started.

Congrats on your weight loss. Sounds like you've taken a little detour. Stay the course and don't stray too far. I did and never found the road back.

JP OSU 09-12-2006 04:06 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I would be down for this... Last year I was up to 400 LBs... I freaked out when I weighed myself and proceeded to lose about 85 lbs in ~6 months... Then this summer when I came back from school I got back into my old habits and gained back ~40-45 of it... Now that I'm back at school I am really looking to get back into it... I am looking to lose something like 120-140 lbs... I am 6'2 btw

Chicago 09-12-2006 04:15 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Well it looks like things are definetely developing. We just need someone that would be willing to organize things. I have no problem being the elected official for this but we need to set some parameters: timetable of challenge and specifics. Any possible suggestions? I'd like to go the sponsor route like bison did but if that doesn't work out I'm willing to just lose it to lose it. I'm more keen on getting my eating habits right and learning how to cook. I like to exercise but my diet is were I struggle.


paperboyNC 09-12-2006 04:18 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I am 6' 170lbs so a gain weight challenege mebbe?

Chicago 09-12-2006 04:23 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?

I think you still have some room for improvement


bd8802 09-12-2006 04:57 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
How about this:

We start tomorrow, and it runs at least untill December 31, 2006. That will be the final weigh in, and at that point we can deside if we go farther.

Post the following statistics:
"Age / Gender / Current Weight / Target Weight
What you plan to do to lose weight:"

Every Thursday we post our weight, and a brief recap of issues from the week. I pick Thursday because most of us will mess up on the weekend with drinking and eating and football. If we weigh in on Monday people will loose focus and dedication over a couple stupid mistakes. Issues could be good, they mostly will be bad (I ate a pizza on Saturday night when high) and what you did to overcome those issues (put in extra long workouts the rest of the week).

I firmly believe that everyone that could stand to lose weight has a vice that aids to that weight. I like food and I drink too much. I recognize that and I try to moderate it. If I tried to cut out drinking I would go crazy, so I make sacrifices in other places. We can't cut out everything we like.

I don't care if you post pictures or have people verify your weight becasue overall we are doing this all for our own betterment. Be honest to yourself. But if we must determine a winner, we will measure it by the ratio of Ending Weight / Begining Weight.

26 / Male / 252 / 220
Excercise: I plan on starting to lift weights again, continue to walk the course when I golf, and when the weather gets too bad to golf, ride a stationary bike.
Deit: Continue to aim for under 2000 calories a day. Do a better job at enforcing this. I will eat buffalo wings on Wednesday, and a burger and fries on Thursday. Those are my rewards for a good rest of the week. Limit drinking to once or twice a week.

seke2 09-12-2006 05:08 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Not gambling on this or anything like that, but this at least seems like another good place to post to keep myself motivated.

27 / Male / 174 / 150
Note, I was at 195 in mid-June, have been working out and eating better since then. I'm only 5'5", so that was a lot of weight for me, even though I'm lucky/unlucky enough to have a stocky build and be able to hide it well.

Exercise: Continue jogging on my treadmill ~4 times per week for ~3 miles each time. Occasionally jog with my girlfriend in park for a few miles. Occasional (~2 times per week) light lifting, situps, pushups, etc. Flag football practice/games each week.
Diet: Continue eating well as I have been, continue minimizing any sort of soda consumption to 1 or 2 glasses of diet soda per day. Reward myself on Thursday night when I'm out at the bar with my friends by eating crappily and drinking beers.

bd8802 09-12-2006 05:19 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?

I'll keep a running tally of everyone's progress here.

TPupAZ 09-12-2006 05:20 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Ok I'm in.

30 / Male / 330 / 300

Going to start walking at night and lifting 3 times a week.

No more soda. No more fast food. More water and veggies / fruits.

Long term goal is to get down to 200.

09-12-2006 07:53 PM

Post deleted by Mat Sklansky

Chicago 09-12-2006 07:57 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
I think we should get that guy who found the bag of coke to sponsor us with three lines a day each.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. Let's get on this. I'd like to start ASAP.


Chicago 09-12-2006 08:05 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
25 / Male / 296 / 220

I'm 6 foot 1 and have a lean body mass of 200 pounds, I'd ideally like to get back to 220 where I was somewhat healthy. But I jsut want to lose the weight so that I will more energy, be more active, and be a happier person. And to prove to myself that I can do it. I've never had to lose this much weight before and well I'm not getting any younger.

Exercise: Continue doing high intensity hill climbing 3x a day for 40+ minutes. Start and maintain a weight lifting program (even though I hate weights) Keep a blog of my activities-journey. Eventually get up to running 2 miles a day twice a week. Join a rec basketball league, do some pushups, and situps (proper technique)

Diet: Eat 6 small meals a day. Completely eliminate eating fast foods as hard as that might sound. Try to go a month without it. Learn how to cook some more easy dishes. Drink 8+ glasses of water a day to prevent more kidney stones and stay hydrated. Eliminate juices and pops. And reward myself once every week with something I want to eat (not fast food).

Mentally: Stop letting my conscience take control of what I want. I am my own master. Stay disiplined. Stay active. Be happy more, and not happy less.


oneeye13 09-12-2006 10:38 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
6'2" 169 lbs trying to get down to 166 lbs in 12 minutes

i'm going to take a dump

lippy 09-12-2006 11:10 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
It'd be all over it. I only need to drop 10-15 lbs (spare tire). It'd be great to have some sort of accountability (of sorts).

And actually, I doubt I could lose much weight. If I work out a lot I'll gain muscle. But, I need to lose the spair tire (and I'm growing man titties)

20 / Male / 185 / 175 / 3 inches of my waist (34 -> 31/32)

5 ft 11 in.

I don't really fit on the spreadsheet w/ my minor weight gain (if I lose 25 lbs it'll start to be bad), but include me anywho. I need some accountability.

ursine cotcher 09-12-2006 11:40 PM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
25 / male / 6'2 / 235 / 205

I am going to stop getting drunk 4x a week, and eating kebabs / fried chicken when drunk. I am also going to get my bust ankle sorted and do some [censored] exercise.

Fatt Albert 09-13-2006 12:23 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
28 / male / 6'0 / 255 / 200

The heaviest I have ever been was baout 3 or 4 months ago at 275. My plan has been simple: eat less, exercise more. I just gotta keep it up now.

lippy 09-13-2006 12:32 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Question for anyone; how can I keep my caloric intake down, yet still drink alcohol? I am in a situation in which I am going to drink regardless of my choices (I'm a bitch to peer pressure and love being drunk). This being said, I will drink every Tues/Fri/Sat. Is there an alcohol that isn't very high in calories (I usually drink beer which is awful)? Also, would I be stupid to lower my caloric intake for that day if I knew I was going to drink? Help! Anyone.

Fatt Albert 09-13-2006 12:37 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
get mixed drinks and mix with diet coke?

Goodnews 09-13-2006 12:38 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
19 / male / 5'7" / 260 / 180

starting to eat less in greater intervals, and eating better quality foods. I really need to just stick with homecooked stuff.

excercise breakdown: 30 minute run twice a week, long weight lifting 3x a week.

lippy 09-13-2006 12:48 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
19 / male / 5'7" / 260 / 180

starting to eat less in greater intervals, and eating better quality foods. I really need to just stick with homecooked stuff.

excercise breakdown: 30 minute run twice a week, long weight lifting 3x a week.

[/ QUOTE ]

Go for 4 times each week. If you can't handle it, do another aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week to supplement your jog!

acidca 09-13-2006 01:18 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
151 & diet coke.

xwillience 09-13-2006 05:53 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Im 21, ~6'2'', I weigh ~350, if its only going till Dec 31 Ill shoot for ~290 (is 60lbs realistic in 4 months?).

Anyone Want to make a Prop bet PM me.

Senator_Thack 09-13-2006 07:51 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
34 / Male / 245.1 / 220 by 31 December

Exercise a lot, play a lot of different sports, binge eat a lot. Am good when I cook for myself, but struggle when short on time.

bd8802 09-13-2006 09:21 AM

Re: Weightloss Challenge? Any interest?
Bicardi and Diet Coke ... not sure of the calories of rum, but that drink has zero carbs and can't have that many calories.

Pretty much stay away from beer whenever possible.

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