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Iplayboard 05-04-2006 09:59 PM

What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
If you were made "president" of the United States. For the sake of simplicity, don't worry about silly things like the legislative or judicial branches or political capital. You can do whatever the hell you want.

What changes would you make, what time frame would it take for them to be effectively put in place (if applicable) and what do you think the effects would be?

HLMencken 05-04-2006 10:02 PM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
Dissolve the union.

Exsubmariner 05-04-2006 10:03 PM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
I would put term limits in the house and senate. This would make buying off lawmakers prohibitively expensive for many lobbyists as there is a limited time horizon for dividends on already paid bribes. If any special interests were successful at getting harmful legislation through, it would be fairly easy to undo with the next crop of fresh representatives.

hmkpoker 05-04-2006 10:04 PM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
Simple. Formation of the HMKBJ committee. This serves my ends and protects national resources, as well as incentivizing productivity (they don't call it a "job" for nothin'!)

nietzreznor 05-05-2006 02:03 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
Simple. Formation of the HMKBJ committee. This serves my ends and protects national resources, as well as incentivizing productivity (they don't call it a "job" for nothin'!)

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PoBoy321 05-05-2006 03:24 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
I would put term limits in the house and senate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exsub and I agree on something. I'm simply amazed.

Iplayboard 05-05-2006 04:28 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
Wow, I just realized I spelled it "inact" in the thread title. I am a [censored].

Jdanz 05-05-2006 06:02 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
1) simplest most effective policy the US government could accomplish "relatively" quickly is to privatize education through some form of single payer/voucher system, as it would immediately reshape the entire incentive system of teachers/administors.

2) I'd allow for somewhat limited but much freer immigration.

3) I'd talk to Iran, because as weird as it sounds we have a lot more interests in common than we think, and fewer policies where we're really at odds.

PS. I think healthcare falls under the same as number one, but is much more difficult to inact. In education you can just give each student a voucher for X dollars that the state would have spent, it's very simple and straightfoward (I'd however weigh it progressively, I.E. people with little money get more education vouchers up to what the state currently pays). Medicine just isn't that simple and requires layers and layers more buerocracy. That reform would not be early on in a JDanz presidency.

Also things that need fixing are the tax code/social security/pension system, but none are as easy to really overhaul as the first 3 i posted. I'd probably very early on up the SS age, and change the pension system for incomming workers. The first would be phased in and have an immediate effect the later wouldn't be seen for 20 years.

I'd also decrease military spending on operations, but increase on technology and efficency. I'm pretty sure that'd be a net reduction. This would go to buying off pensioners and paying down the debt.

Education would almost certainly cost less overall, but i really think the big budget stuff has to more or less come from Defense/Healthcare which are FAR and away the biggest gov costs, and some of the hardest to reduce.

All the other stuff is kinda rambling and not as solid as the first three. The first three i'd be moving towards the day i sat down at my desk.

Jdanz 05-05-2006 06:23 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
Hey just a hijack, if a candiate stated my views from above, what party would you assume them to be?

Iplayboard 05-05-2006 06:58 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
Hey just a hijack, if a candiate stated my views from above, what party would you assume them to be?

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Libertarian Party would be the closest, I think.

Jdanz 05-05-2006 07:03 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
uh-oh, well i'd still run as a democrat!

jokerthief 05-05-2006 07:18 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
I would order the military to execute all the members of the house, senate, and supreme court. I would then create an authoritarian state. Once my power was consolodated I would invade Canada, Mexico, and the rest of Central America. I would then plunder their resources and enslave their citizens to fund my war machine which I would then turn on France. I would do this until France is destroyed. After that I would commit suicide to free my Chakra from my body and proceed to catch up with the spaceship that is following the Hale Bopp comet to achieve my true power. Once my true power is achieved, I will then do battle with Xenu and return to earth and free humanity from bondage.

After Humanity is free from bondage I will destroy Luxemburg. Once all my goals are achieved I will retire to the Texas country side and declare war on fire ants. I got my magnafying glass ready.

Iplayboard 05-05-2006 07:18 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
uh-oh, well i'd still run as a democrat!

[/ QUOTE ]

The reason why I think it is the Libertarian Party instead of the Democratic Party is because of your first policy, to privatize eduction. To my knowledge the Democrats are in favor of maintaining public education. Early in his administration I believe Bush proposed a voucher system and many Democrats argued against it.

You later mentioned you desired to privatize other areas such as health care. Once again, I'm pretty sure the Democrats oppose this position.

Perhaps you are a libertarian in Democrat's clothing!

Jdanz 05-05-2006 07:57 AM

Re: What Specific Policies Would You Inact?
I am, at the very least i have libertarian sympathies. I'm not really a libertarian though as i think the "society" whatever tha means has a debt to people.

I'm a clinton sort of democrat, and i think the kind of democrat that could win office, because i believe in a lot of the same overarching goals as Democrats, but i'm not scared of capitalism.

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