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x2ski 09-12-2007 02:40 AM

So I Called 911 Tonight...
Before my story, the purpose of this post is to ask you about your 911 experiences, if you have had any. Anyway:

I called 911 tonight.

The wife, little man (2 yrs old) and I had just finished furniture shopping at a local store. We were pulling out of the parking lot, onto a side street (25 mph) that led to the main thoroughfare (35 mph). We were turning left.

Before my wife could pull out of the lot (Yeah, she was driving... I know, I'm a man, and as the man I should be in charge of heavy equipment, but I've yet to renew my license and therefore don't drive if she's with me), we noticed what seemed to be a forty-something chick "manually" backing her car out of an auto mechanic's lot across the street. When I mean "manually" backing it out, I mean that she had the door open and was walking it backwards, outside of the car (it was a VW Jetta fwiw).

The auto mechanic's lot sloped towards the street, so we quickly realized that she wasn't "backing it out", but trying to stop the freaking thing from rolling into the street! Well, the Jetta won, and she fell over backwards. The car continued its descent, and the driver's side door literally rolled over her face as she was lying in the road. I swear to Christ I saw teeth fly into the air, as if the door either smacked her below the chin or upper jaw as it rolled over her. It's at this point I immediately hit up the ol' 911. I mean, what good can come of this situation? This chick is gonna need some medical attention.

Some dude in a car in front of her stopped, as did a guy behind her. My wife put our truck in park and ran to the car to put on the emergency brake (wtf? I believe the chick who just got her face ripped off by a car door is more important, but whatev).

As I get out of the truck, I notice that this chick is actually sitting up in the street, covering her face. I didn't think she would be in the condition to sit up, but she then proceeded to stand up and turn around. She was miraculously unscathed (I don't know what it was I saw that I perceived as teeth, but I swear I initially saw teeth flying about). At this point I hung up on 911, since I hadn't heard it ring yet, hoping my cell phone hadn't gotten through yet.

My wife had successfully stopped the Jetta, and we went to check the chick out. She was stupid white trash, but aside from that, she was fine.

My phone rang. It was 911 calling back with a gigantic "wtf?". I explained to the 911 chick what happened and why I had called, but that everything seemed to be fine. She angrily asked me where I was like four times. I told her where we were, but that everything appeared to be fine and that I was very sorry for wasting her time.

As I was giving the 911 chick my name, and reassuring her that everything was ok, some other stupid white trash chick barreled through the scene at about 40 mph just as one of the guys who stopped was pushing the Jetta out of the way. The chick slammed on her brakes, and as they were screeching I said "Oh [censored], here we go". The chick managed to stop in time, but slammed into the curb and blew her right-front tire.

Hearing all of this, the 911 chick went crazy. She insisted to know what was going on, and it was all I could do to convince her that two disasters had somehow been averted, and that everything was still fine. I finally got to hang up.

The chick who blew her tire was all pissed that people were doing things in the road that she was unaccustomed to and bitching the whole time. She really sucked. The Jetta chick was cool, although stupid, and thankful that people were there to help her.

Apparently, her car had died, and she was trying to push it up into the auto-mechanic's parking lot when she lost control.

I also called 911 about two years ago.

It was about three in the morning. Bar time.

I was out on my back deck having a smoke, when I heard someone accelerate like mad from an intersection about a half-mile away from me. The road is 45 mph, but has two sharp turns in it that are close to my house where a yellow "35 mph" sign is posted.

Whoever this was, it sounded like they were still accelerating once they hit the turns. I heard the screeching of tires, a smash, and then what sounded like rolling and trees breaking apart. It was time to call 911.

I explained to the 911 chick what I had heard and where I had heard it, gave my contact information and that was it. About half an hour later, the doorbell rang as I was eating Papa Murphy's Chicago-Style pizza. It was the cops yo.

The Sheriff's deputy asked if I had called 911 and I said yes, yes I had. He said they hadn't found anything, and asked if I was sure I was placing the location correctly. Although I was buzzed up, I was sure everything was accurate. I told them same (except for the buzzed up part), they thanked me and were on their way. My wife still says I was hallucinating, although she was asleep at the time of the incident.

Checking local police reports for the next few weeks, I found nothing related to what I had heard, but again, I swear to Christ it happened. Somehow, the car must have been drivable, and the dude motored on.

I also called 911 when I was twelve or thirteen years old.

I learned that there was a number one could dial that played a tone-dial melody repeatedly. I don't remember what the number was, but I tried to mimic it on the phone in my bedroom. Apparently, the first few tones required 9-1-1, and I had inadvertently dialed it repeatedly for like five minutes.

The cops came and I totally denied any wrong-doing.

So, I have called 911 three times in my life, two of them seriously. Unfortunately, all of them have been false alarms. I feel bad about this, because growing up you're taught that 911 is for emergencies only, and that you can get in a lot of trouble for wasting the 911 chicks' time.

Am I abusing the 911 system?

WiredSevens 09-12-2007 03:35 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Am I abusing the 911 system?

[/ QUOTE ]


Dan. 09-12-2007 03:39 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I'm usually among the tl;dr club, but for some reason I read all of this. Not sure how I feel about that...

HATER 09-12-2007 05:09 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Am I abusing the 911 system?

[/ QUOTE ]

When you were 12, yes. Since then, no.

You would not believe some of the dumbass calls to 9-1-1

rt1 09-12-2007 05:24 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
the only time i ever called 911 was new years eve a few yrs ago, maybe 2000?, when this chick and i were having a very nice walk around boston. about 100 ft in front of us we see four kids run out of a house carrying a body. they get to the side walk, drop the body, and run back inside. it was very WTF?! anyway we walk up to the body, its a kid, maybe 18yrs old, blacked out drunk, and only wearing a pair of boxers. i call 911 right away (boston, new years, freezing temperatures). as i am standing out there on the phone one of the kids comes running out of the house screaming at me... he asks me what im doing, i tell him, and he says to me...

"man you cant call the cops, im the only 21 year old here and they will arrested me for buying the alcohol"

just wow...

anyway ambulance came shortly and picked this kid up and took him to the hospital.

NhlNut 09-12-2007 05:56 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Only time I called 911 was when my upstairs neighbor and her boyfriend got into an argument. (not for the first time)
I hear loud bumping/crashing and then "let me go" and "don't kill me"
cops get there in about 5 minutes, and he's barred the door. They eventually force it open and take him away. Apparently he had a knife and was high as a kite.
Never heard him again (surprise). She moved out soon after.

Mr_Moore 09-12-2007 06:53 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
The only time i have ever been close to calling 911 was when i lived in paris and was up playing poker really late at night when i heard a couple arguing on the street.
Soon enough the male became very aggressive and started shouting and eventually pushing her very hard. As that happen i immediately opened my window and shouted that he better not do that again. He looked up at me and shouted back in french "call the police, i don't give a [censored]"
I had the phone in my hand and said ok, i am calling and you better not touch her again. As i was dialing i saw him running away while his girlfriend stood completly still.
I asked her if she was alright and she looked up at me and then silently walked away.

sonneti 09-12-2007 07:08 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Having a quickie with my gf & the phone dialed in my pocket. it went something like:

999: Hello, Hello!!
Me: *grunt grunt ugh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh*
Me: *grunt grunt ugh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh*

Then I figured out where the noise was coming from, took the phone out of my pocket & talked to the woman on the other end.. had to slow down the stride a bit but ultimately it got me off [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Sort of almost a threesome...

dlk9s 09-12-2007 07:59 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
My wife put our truck in park and ran to the car to put on the emergency brake (wtf? I believe the chick who just got her face ripped off by a car door is more important, but whatev).

[/ QUOTE ]

Not sure why this is a "wtf" move. Your wife wanted to prevent further trouble that could have been caused by the car rolling into traffic.

dlk9s 09-12-2007 08:12 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I think I've only called 911 once.

My wife and I were driving down the highway in the second to left lane (highway is maybe 6 lanes?). Conveniently, something like an ottoman or large sofa cushion had been deposited in our lane. I saw it in plenty of time to move over to the left-most lane.

As we passed it, I said something like, "I hope other people spot that early," while looking in my rearview mirror.

Right on cue, someone behind me was taken by surprise by the piece of furniture and swerved to avoid it. The driver did manage to dodge the object, but in attempting to get back on course, he lost control of the car. Suddenly, the car made a sharp 90 degree turn to the left and slammed into the cement partition that divides the highway. The hood of the car folded and the rear of the car jumped into the air.

We were too far ahead of the car already to safely stop on the highway and help out. I called 911 and the call was relatively uneventful.

TenFiftyFour 09-12-2007 08:57 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I had to call once. A few years back I was playing with my little sister who was 2 at the time. She was laying on the floor and the rest of my family was in the room. She is on her back and I'm making her laugh pretty hard doing something silly. Then I notice shes turning red. At first I thought it was just from laughing. Then I realize she's not breathing. My mom sees this too and enters panic mode. I call 911 as mom goes through the procedure to see if she's choking. Within seconds I hear the ambulance on the street behind my house (station is right there). At this point my sister's lips are turning blue and my mom is fully freaking out. Then, just as the EMTs rush in, my sister lets out a few coughs and begins to breathe again. They take her to the hospital for some tests and find nothing wrong. The consensus is that she choked on saliva from laughing while laying down. Major relief.

gilper 09-12-2007 08:59 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I’ve called twice.

The first time I called was after I moved into a new apartment and was unpacking when I heard a commotion outside. I look out to see some kid around 13 about to get a beat down from a small group wielding bats and knives. I called 911 and as I'm on the phone two guys in pink shirts with popped collars break it up. The cops show up literally 90 seconds later.

The second time I was driving home after a storm and the power was out which means that none of the traffic lights were working. I was on the main road, two lanes northbound and I'm in the right lane. I'm slowing down at every intersection to check for cars. As I approach the next intersection I notice a car on the right so I stop. She sees that I'm stopping and pulls out into traffic. Just then a car barrels past on my left and t-bones this woman. I immediately dial 911.

I learned something interesting on the second call. When you dial 911 on a cell phone it connects to the call center for the phones area code. The 911 operator said she couldn’t do anything and had to transfer me to the correct call center. That seems pretty odd to me. What if I was traveling or something? Maybe it was because I was in DC near the MD border and my phone is based in MD.

4_2_it 09-12-2007 09:07 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I've called 911 once when I saw a traffic accident right in front of me. Everyone said they were fine, but I asked the the operator to send a police car because it was a lot more than a fenderbender. Call lasted about 1 minute.

icepick 09-12-2007 09:08 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I've called 911 hundreds of times. Stupid test calls. 911 operators are grouchy and unpleasant people in general.

AceLuby 09-12-2007 09:10 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I've had two 911 occurances. First is when I was 8 and my sister called 911 after a weird phone call. Cops came, told us that 911 isn't a game and left. Second time was when I found my dad dead in the bathroom. It took them like 15 min to get to my house. For a 15 mile by 10 mile town you would think they could have a quicker response time.

miajag 09-12-2007 09:25 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Only once, to report a drunk driver.

XXXNoahXXX 09-12-2007 09:26 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Called 911 when I was driving up to Boston and there was a car in front of me doing 45 on the highway and bumping from median to guardrail, swerving back and forth, back and forth. We were coming up on a busy connection/on ramp, so I called 911 and as the driver started swerving to the right, I blew past, catching the license plate. Thankfully, I made it past, gave 911 operator the plate # and make/model, and then continued on my way. I assume state troopers came and got them.

HeroInBlack 09-12-2007 09:32 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I had just gotten into bed when I heard a loud bump outside. I looked out the window and saw a guy breaking into my car. I was in college and my car was worth probably $500. I had bought a radio/CD player from Wal-Mart for like $150 and put it in there, and some [censored] bastard was breaking into the car to steal it. I had my girlfriend call 911 and I ran out onto the porch and cussed and yelled up a storm, but he wasn't intimidated and I was too worried he might have been armed, so I didn't go out there to fight over it. Yeah, I'm a hardcore libertarian and I don't have a gun. Bad idea on my part. Anyway, he took my [censored] little stereo/CD player and this was the one time ever I had left my backpack in the car, so he took it too, including a $200 calculator and maybe a textbook or two. I had her tell the cops what street he was on and what he was wearing, etc. (This was Atlanta, btw, "Home Park," just north of Georgia Tech.) The cop showed about 30 minutes later, and LDO nothing ever came of it. I wound up retiring the car without ever fixing the damage or putting a new radio in it.

In retrospect, not going to confront the guy was probably the best decision. He left a freakin' foot long screwdriver in the car that probably would have been left in my ribcage somewhere if I had gone after him. Also, he bled on the car, apparently cutting himself when he busted out the window, so at least he paid some price. But there's no way he got more than $30 for the crap he stole and I had to pay like 350 or so to replace the calculator and books.


bwana devil 09-12-2007 09:42 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
my most memorable call came when i visited a friend out of town. we were up late playing guitar and listening to music. we heard a commotion outside the window and looked and there was some guy just outside the window walking around, screaming, firing a shotgun in the air.

we called and within two minutes cops were all over the place. two police cars came barrelling into the lot, the cops positioned themselves behind their cars and opened doors with their guns pointed and screaming at the guy to get down. dude got down on the ground and it ended peacefully. we watched the whole thing unfold about 20 yards away.

divides_by_zero 09-12-2007 09:49 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I was sick with a the flu - had a fever for over a week - so the place is a mess and disgusting and whatever. My boyfriend of the time comes in about 3am, falls into bed, and says, "the room just went spinny, I can't move or else I'm going to vomit, you need to call 911."

I'm immediately like, WTF. Also - I have a massive problem with making phone calls, so I inquire further to see if this is necessary, and why can't he make the damn call. He ends up calling his mom, and she says call 911 (she's a pharmacist, but generally a paranoid one). Finally I call.

Within a few minutes some people show up. I hobble to the door and let them in. They go deal with the boy. Sure enough, he barfs upon trying to be moved. We lived on the top floor of our apartment building and he's a big guy so either way he was going to have to be responsible for some of his movement.

Meanwhile I have a fever and feel like crap so I'm over by the open window. Guy comes over to me and starts asking questions about drug use etc. Goes through our cabinets writing down all our prescriptions (we both have ADD so there was a lot of that, plus prozac and various other cold/flu medications). With the place a mess and his weird ass the room is spinning nonsense I'm sure they thought we were junkies. I felt totally embarassed.

Then his mom shows up. With little sister in tow. Ugh. My boyfriend is literally in his tighty whiteys(gross) and I'm in 'jamas. This can't get worse.

They end up finally taking him to the hospital. I find out in the morning he had labrynthitis. I go back to dying on the bed with the flu, asking why he felt he had to one-up my sickness.

Lazy Meatball 09-12-2007 09:55 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
After a long night of drinking in a college apartment my friend Wilson had been engaged in a drinking contest with our friend Mike involving a shot glass named "The Pirate" which held like maybe 8 shots. A gravity bong housing a gallon gatorade jug was also involved. So Wilson gets extremely inebriated and starts to get all gangsta and decides to put his fist through a window. Only the top part of the window was down, so it was more like two panes of glass at once. As I'm wrestling with him to stop and no one around is helping me because they are [censored] up and assume we are just screwing around, Wilson pulls his shirt off, wraps it around his arm, and proceeds to put his whole arm through these two panes of glass, ripping his arm open on the way out. Blood spirts all over the kitchen

I call 911 and someone else gets a towel and puts pressure on the wound. Wilson keeps insisting that he's fine and that all he needs is a cigarette. Ambulance arrives and the EMT's probably realize that if they enter the house they are going to have to be witnesses to all the underage drinking and illegal substances and stand at the door and let Wilson come out to them. Mike's little brother than pukes on someone's shoes and a few people get to work cleaning up the blood and chunks of arm fat from the kitchen.

The next day Wilson comes home after spending the night in the hospital, and pulls out an ounce of weed that apparently he had in his pocket the whole time and lights up and we play Fifa World Cup for PS2

bluesbassman 09-12-2007 09:58 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
My one 911 story, fwiw:

I was driving home from work at 10pm after working late. The next day, I was scheduled to fly from Virginia to Florida to meet my fiance's parents, and give my fiance her engagement ring, which I had with me in the car.

I was completely stopped at a light on a 3-lane road, when a car plowed into my rear going full speed, prob about 40-50 mph. My face hit the steering wheel (not sure about the seatbelt), hard enough to smash the wheel and steering column. I almost lost consciousness, but managed to grab the ring and stagger out of the car quite woozy. The driver of the other vehicle appeared to be unconscious and slumped over in his seat.

I called 911 and an ambulance and police arrived quickly. Other motorists who saw the accident stopped to make sure I was okay and offered to be witnesses. The cops said the other driver was very drunk and that he would go to jail after the hospital. I had a bloody nose but was otherwise okay, though my year old car was totaled. Luckily for me, I'm such a blockhead a steering wheel is no match for my face. :-)

traz 09-12-2007 10:23 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
OP was very anticlimatic. Next time just make up a cooler story!

pokeraz 09-12-2007 10:50 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I've never called 911.

I don't talk to the law - I don't listen to the law - I don't like the law.

fnord_too 09-12-2007 10:51 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I've called 911 3 times, all within the past few years.

Time 1: two infant/toddlers in a car outside of home depot by themselves, in their car seats. Oldest was like 3. I sat there in my car, parked a few spots away, until after the parent came out and drove off, about 30 seconds before the cops arrived. I think the kids were left out there at least 10 or 15 minutes, because I waited a few minutes before calling trying to think of what to do. That seriously pissed me off.

Time 2: two kids, like 10 or 12, laying in the right hand lane of a bridge, ala that movie from about 10 years ago. (That is, just laying there for a thrill or something, their bikes were on the sidewalk iirc). I don't know what happened there, I didn't turn around and go back.

Time 3: Some van kept drifting out of its lane on the highway and generally driving really erratic. After a couple miles and a tunnel, I decided to call about this obvious drunk driver. When I finally got to pass the van it was driven by a woman in a burka who was leaned way forward, so I think it was just a really really bad driver who wasn't drunk, but she was driving so erratically, I wouldn't even risk passing her until I could get a lane between us.

___SK___ 09-12-2007 03:10 PM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Heres my story:

I was getting off with 2 other coworkers and it was habit to walk to your cars with others since one of our coworkers was beaten up walking to his car alone and the parking area was generally a bad area. So it was about midnight and we noticed what looked like 3 guys breaking into a car. Sure enough they run off with a stereo and proceed to get in a car what was on the same block (parking was backend first parking). I decide to call 911 and inform them of what we just saw and tell the operator that the guys are still parked and are just sitting in the car. We give them all the info we can, and the call is over.

So we are waiting to see what happens or what not and the thieves decide to take off. We decide to follow them. As we are driving north a cop passes us going south, so i call back and tell the operator what is going on. As i am telling her this she is relaying the new info to the cops.
The thieves then go back to their original parking spot, while the cops are parked at a McDonalds on the opposite side of a very small block. So we pull up to the cop and give him the details.

Ultimately another cops patrols the street, sees the guys and pulls up blocking their car. The cops wanted us to go to the car and identify them, but we agreed we'd get in a cop car and from a distance identify them.

Cliff notes:
Witness car break in, call 911, follow thieves. Call 911 again with update. Cops catch up to thieves.

qdmcg 09-12-2007 03:43 PM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
this last one is pretty awesome

vikefan24 09-12-2007 03:49 PM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
OP you could have gone to the road you heard the crash from and looked for tire marks or anything unusual yourself to confirm you weren't hallucinating...

Bostaevski 09-12-2007 04:11 PM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I've called a few times...

[This part probably irrelevant... skip to next section if you want]
One time about 12 years ago my buddy and I walk out of a strip club at 4 am. I think we ate some denny's then went to a gas station to gas up for the trip home. This drunk old man walks in and asks for a pack of smokes, then says he left his money in the car. He starts to walk out to his car but takes the smokes with him. Cashier says hey buddy leave the smokes there. So old man hems and haws then leaves the smokes there, goes to his car, and leaves.

We leave behind the guy and we notice he pulls into the next gas station. So we go just to see what's up. Old dude tries the same trick there.

Goes down the road a bit and tries it again.

[NEXT SECTION: Dude driving drunk]
So now we've been following him a while and can tell he's swerving all over the place. So the next time he stops we decide we're gonna call the cops from a pay phone (this is before everyone had cell phones).

Anyway he stops, I go to a pay phone and call and am giving them the info, his license plate, etc. They ask where he is now so they can come and I suddenly realize the irony of this situation.

I say "well he just pulled into a donut shop".

The dispatcher chewed me out and hung up.

marchron 09-13-2007 03:07 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I say "well he just pulled into a donut shop".

The dispatcher chewed me out and hung up.

[/ QUOTE ]
LOL. Worth the read.

My mom said I used to call 911 when I was like two and make stuff up just to see if they'd come. Aside from that, I've only called twice. The most recent was when my power went out after a pretty loud boom, which wound up coming from an asploded transformer after a car plowed through a telephone pole. And once in high school someone across the street from me was vandalized by a weird serial arsonist who got his jollies from throwing Molotov cocktails into cars. I called 911 because evidently when you light a car on fire, when it reaches the gizmo that works the horn, the horn goes to nonstop mode, which woke me up at 3 in the morning. The dude wound up torching 40-some cars before he was finally caught.

danvh 09-13-2007 03:27 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Only called once. Was driving in the rain at like 2am and someone slid on an off ramp, took out the things full of water, across all the lanes of the highway and stalled out in the slow lane. Called, told them what happened, and if something serious had not happened yet there was a good chance it was about to.

Also called non emergency a couple times. But thats no fun and they always seem angry they dont get to do fun stuff..

Of course my roommate for like the last 4 years has been a cop. So generally I have no need to call the cops, or if there has been an issue around the house (had a few domestic issues in the street), generally he just calls dispatch and someone is over in a few min..

the_scalp 09-13-2007 03:30 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Probably four or five times, a few car crashes, some kid having a seizure in my gym class at college, here are the two best:

1) In Columbia, SC on I-20 and a naked guy runs out in front of my car (I think trying to kill himself). I swere around him (wasn't too close) and call 911. "There's a nake guy on I-20, I think he's trying to kill himself" "MMMM-hmmmm, hold on a minute, now, what's your name" . . . (I hate South Carolina).

2) Also in South Carolina on a friend's porch after MNF. WE're drinking beers and relaxing and notice that the guys loading a truck from the house next door are actually robbing the place (my school used it for storage). We gave them the old nod (like we didn't suspect anything) and then called 911. They didn't get there in time.

NT! 09-13-2007 04:03 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
i called the cops twice

the first was to report that my car had been broken into. don't know why i even bothered filing a report.

second was to report my truck stolen. turned out i had been towed for something stupid and retarded and the cops laughed at me.

youtalkfunny 09-13-2007 04:05 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...

Only other time was in Las Vegas, when I heard shots fired outside my window. I lived in an apartment complex, and there was another complex across the fence from my window. I had no idea where the shots had come from. No people were visible from my vantage points.

911 operator was quite upset with me because I could not estimate what kind of gun had fired the shots, based upon what I had heard.

"Did it sound like a big gun?"

"I have no idea."

"Didn't you hear it? You said you heard it. What did it sound like?"

"WTF? 'Bang, bang.' That's what it sounded like."

The operator did not believe me when I told her that I had never heard a handgun being fired in person, only on tv. The only gun I ever personally heard was the M-16 I used in boot camp. I assured her that the gun I just heard did not sound anything like a fully automatic assault rifle.

She expressed her frustration with me (WTF?), and hung up.

Five-Star 09-13-2007 04:10 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Just called 911 last month. A SUV bumps me from behind at a stop light. Their SUV begins to smoke and catches fire. We get their two kids out and off to safety. Completely totals their SUV and there is barely any noticeable damage on mine. The amazing thing is the fire did no damage to my car and their engine was on fire right next to my trunk/bumper.

yellowjack 09-13-2007 04:10 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Hearing all of this, the 911 chick went crazy. She insisted to know what was going on, and it was all I could do to convince her that two disasters had somehow been averted, and that everything was still fine. I finally got to hang up.

[/ QUOTE ]

This sounds really unprofessional of her. There was a potential crisis, but operators shouldn't be getting all jittery at that apparent frequency. I'm surprised no one else has pointed this out - I must be missing something.

schundler 09-13-2007 04:25 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...

siccjay 09-13-2007 04:45 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
Having a quickie with my gf & the phone dialed in my pocket. it went something like:

999: Hello, Hello!!
Me: *grunt grunt ugh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh*
Me: *grunt grunt ugh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh*

Then I figured out where the noise was coming from, took the phone out of my pocket & talked to the woman on the other end.. had to slow down the stride a bit but ultimately it got me off [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Sort of almost a threesome...

[/ QUOTE ]

hahah awesome

Genz 09-13-2007 05:29 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I called twice. Not very interesting, so tl;dr

1) In school, across the street there was a park. One day in summer, I was reading a book there. In some parts of the park, there is drug dealing going on at night and during daytime, bums are drinking there. So this one day, I suddenly see one of them laying on the path that goes through the park. I had seen him before yelling at people so I knew he was the aggressive kind. Well, he wasn't wearing a shirt, and he wasn't really wearing his pants either. He had them stripped down to the knees. So I call the cops, telling them that there is someone passed out butt naked. They come like 10 minutes later. The guy has regained consciousness by now and is sitting on a bench. They take him away to sober up (no, they didn't arrest him. It's not a crime where I live to be drunk. It's a misdemeanor.)

2) A few weeks ago, in the middle of the night (3:30 am or so) a car alarm goes off and doesn't stop. It's actually one of the newer alarms that will stop every now and then for 10 minutes so that the thieves can think they shut it off, and then start all over again. I waited for a long time, I tried earpluggs, but nothing helped. So I called the cops at about 4:30 am. They don't really believe me at first (like they wanted me to wait for the owner). But I sound pretty unnerved and give pretty detailed description about the behaviour of that damn thing. Well, they agree to send someone. And when I hang up, the alarm stops. I'm like WTF! NO! I told the cops where I live and they gonna be pissed! Fortunately, at some point I decide to look out the window and I see the police car standing right in front of my house and just in that moment, the alarm goes off again. They needed to call a technician who opened the hood and cracked the alarm to get it silent. It took them until 5:20 am or so.

silver book 09-13-2007 06:03 AM

Re: So I Called 911 Tonight...
I think I've only called 911 once.

My wife and I were driving down the highway in the second to left lane (highway is maybe 6 lanes?). Conveniently, something like an ottoman or large sofa cushion had been deposited in our lane. I saw it in plenty of time to move over to the left-most lane.

As we passed it, I said something like, "I hope other people spot that early," while looking in my rearview mirror.

Right on cue, someone behind me was taken by surprise by the piece of furniture and swerved to avoid it. The driver did manage to dodge the object, but in attempting to get back on course, he lost control of the car. Suddenly, the car made a sharp 90 degree turn to the left and slammed into the cement partition that divides the highway. The hood of the car folded and the rear of the car jumped into the air.

We were too far ahead of the car already to safely stop on the highway and help out. I called 911 and the call was relatively uneventful.

[/ QUOTE ]
theres a SOFA-KING joke in here somewhere

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