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xx44 11-14-2007 02:46 PM

Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
Junior year in college I had a term paper due in s pol sci. class. Of course I figured I would just do it the weekend before of the due date. That thur. friends were going skiing and who was I to say no.

That Monday (due date) I went into my prof. office and with tears in my eyes I told him my grandmother died last week and was in a bad funk b/c we were so close. Instead of him casually saying just turn it in next week, he came around his desk put an arm on my shoulder, and with tears in his eyes said, "I am so sorry, I know how you feel, my wife died 3 months ago from cancer". Then he asked if I would be okay, and if I was going to lose myself in alcohol b/c of it.

When I asked him about the paper, he just told me to turn it in by the end of the semester. I never felt so badly or guilty as I did when I left his office.

mbillie1 11-14-2007 02:47 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
wow... is that the most guilt you've ever felt from telling a lie? you are either way more honest than me or completely full of it...

Yeti 11-14-2007 02:50 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
huh? i can't think of one that i have to rival that right now, nor anything close. i would feel realllllly low after the lie in the OP.

mbillie1 11-14-2007 02:51 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
maybe i'm just a really awful person, that is def possible

xx44 11-14-2007 02:51 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
wow... is that the most guilt you've ever felt from telling a lie? you are either way more honest than me or completely full of it...

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Nah, just became immune from feeling guilty when I lie.

Seriously though, its hard for me to convey the how overwhelmed my 60 yr old prof was with emotion when i told him this.

mbillie1 11-14-2007 02:52 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
Nah, just became immune from feeling guilty when I lie.

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now this i def understand [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

luckyjimm 11-14-2007 03:15 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
All the times I told my parents I was sleeping over at a friend's house, when really I was going to the poker club since I was/am a sick compulsive gambler. I felt all the more guilty because I knew they knew I was lying. The made-up conversations when I had to pretend what I'd been doing, who I'd seen, and they knew it was BS.

scotchnrocks 11-14-2007 03:22 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
One year during college a couple of us were over at a friends house drinking before going to the bar. I went to a small town high school with said friend and his roommate. The roommate is excessively OCD and I make some kind of unfunny off-handed "he's probably gay" joke after my friend tells us some OCD stories. Somehow my joke turned into legitimate gossip and another high school friend at a different college >300 miles away asks me if I said roommate is gay. At the moment, I didn't even remember saying that, but later did remember to myself that I had made that joke. I feel pretty [censored] that a stupid joke I made snowballed into some kind of rumor and I'm sure has put a dent in my reputation with some of my friends. When I run into mutual friends of roommate and me I get a weird vibe. Not that it matters but I still feel bad about it because I'm normally a nice guy.

mbillie1 11-14-2007 03:26 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
lies i've told and felt guilty about:

said that when i smashed my car into a phone pole at 3 am i was sober, when in fact i was wasted. told this to parents(whose name the car/insurance was in) and insurance company, got away with it, kept license, got new car from insurance company, etc

also lied to grandparents, said i needed book money, used it for coke (many times)

cheated on girlfriend repeatedly (she eventually found out), this i feel worst about

lied about college repeatedly, scamming to the tune of $3-5k from my parents during the time, they believed they were supporting my acadamic pursuits when in fact they were just giving me coke money

and like 50 more that i can't think of at the moment

i have been a bad person [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] changed man now tho fwiw

pirateboy 11-14-2007 03:39 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
"I love you"

No, I keed.

diddyeinstein 11-14-2007 03:44 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...

cheated on girlfriend repeatedly (she eventually found out), this i feel worst about

[/ QUOTE ]

Various times to various girls. I feel terrible about it all now, but I'm a different person and almost everyone I ever cheated on is currently married.

mrkilla 11-14-2007 03:53 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
it'll only hurt for a second baby

mbillie1 11-14-2007 03:53 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
it'll only hurt for a second baby

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for some reason I read this as "I won't hurt a second baby" as in a second child, and I lol'd hugely

Tony_P 11-14-2007 03:55 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
I created a fake myspace profile and drove a little fat girl to suicide.

diddyeinstein 11-14-2007 03:57 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
I created a fake myspace profile and drove a little fat girl to suicide.

[/ QUOTE ]

To soon.

miajag 11-14-2007 04:06 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
I knew several people in college who lied about either having relatives killed on 9/11 or being too emotionally distraught by the attacks to write a paper or whatever. Meanwhile they were out at parties every weekend. I thought this was pretty despicable.

AquaSwing 11-14-2007 04:30 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
OP, I think you were leveled.

ardubz 11-14-2007 04:32 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
OP, I think you were leveled.

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You think the prof was leveling a kid who claimed to have just lost his grandmother?

Fast Food Knight 11-14-2007 04:36 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...

Um. WOW...?????


mbillie1 11-14-2007 04:38 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...

Um. WOW...?????


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yeah, i have def been a scumbag for years, almost ended up really bad / final, eventually i'll make a "my life" trip report or something if i get around to it lol, suffice to say i've changed / am changing for the better and attempting to undo as much dmg as i can

but [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] yea still

edit: it also is hard becuase i've gotten so good at lying (by basically living a series of very complicated lies for 4-5 years) and it comes very naturally... it's awkward to tell the truth when i could lie instead, to my immediate benefit, and i'm so good at it (sick memory), keeping all the various lies straight, it used to be like a game almost. it was fun. now i'm unlearning all of that stuff, doing my best to at least.

StayHungry 11-14-2007 04:49 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
"just one? I'm livin like 20"

AquaSwing 11-14-2007 04:50 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
OP, I think you were leveled.

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You think the prof was leveling a kid who claimed to have just lost his grandmother?

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The grandmother dying is one of the oldest college lies. I got the short end of that lie my second year of college. Another student used it earlier in the semester and it turned out to be false. The kid was local and the professor couldn't find the obituary in the paper. D'OH! My grandma died two days before the final and he was an ass about it because of the other kid.

The professor probably felt that OP was lying and called him out on it. It's win-win for him. If OP's grandma did die, then great. If the professor knew OP was full of [censored] then the professor wins:

I never felt so badly or guilty as I did when I left his office.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't you think that a professor who had lost his wife recently would have let his class know?

Yeti 11-14-2007 04:51 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...

Don't you think that a professor who had lost his wife recently would have let his class know?

[/ QUOTE ]

er i'm gonna go with 'no'

Pyromaniac 11-14-2007 04:57 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
yea, the #1 cause of senior death is "grandchild starting freshman year at college" it seems...

The grandmother dying is one of the oldest college lies. I got the short end of that lie my second year of college. Another student used it earlier in the semester and it turned out to be false. The kid was local and the professor couldn't find the obituary in the paper. D'OH! My grandma died two days before the final and he was an ass about it because of the other kid.

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that sucks that you got the short end of it.

I don't know how common it is across the nation, but most TAs/profs I've known just take a businesslike approach to it and say "that's fine, you can miss class, no worries - plz bring me a copy of the obit / funeral notice when you come back" and treat it like a dr's note kind of thing.

mbillie1 11-14-2007 04:59 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
I don't know how common it is across the nation, but most TAs/profs I've known just take a businesslike approach to it and say "that's fine, you can miss class, no worries - plz bring me a copy of the obit / funeral notice when you come back" and treat it like a dr's note kind of thing.

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yea, i dunno how much like, academic right the univeristy gives them to ask for documentation about that sort of thing though, you know? it might violate some university policy.

girls have the best excuse ever for anything: show up crying and say you had an abortion. nobody will ever F with that excuse.

Pyromaniac 11-14-2007 05:07 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
"I just wanted to let you know that I will not be able to come into work tomorrow. Something came up at home and I had to go to New York this morning for the next couple of days. I apologize for the delayed notice."

...does it count as feeling guilty if you only feel bad once you get caught?

mbillie1 11-14-2007 05:08 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
...does it count as feeling guilty if you only feel bad once you get caught?

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yes imo

AquaSwing 11-14-2007 05:16 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...

Don't you think that a professor who had lost his wife recently would have let his class know?

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er i'm gonna go with 'no'

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I think it depends on the professor and when the wife died. If it was early in the summer break, you're right. The professor of my data structures class died like a week into the semester and he pretty much left the class up to the TA at that point.

Pyromaniac 11-14-2007 05:17 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
yea, i dunno how much like, academic right the univeristy gives them to ask for documentation about that sort of thing though, you know? it might violate some university policy.

[/ QUOTE ]

yea, this probably varies wildly from campus to campus. the first example I found just now was Lamar University:

Students will be granted emergency leave for reason of death in the student’s immediate family. Immediate family is defined within this section as the
student’s spouse or the student’s or spouse’s parent, brother, sister, grandparent, child or grandchild. Leave must be requested in writing, with appropriate documentation attached (e.g., obituary notice) from the Vice President for Student Affairs who, if the leave is granted, will inform each of the student’s instructors.

[/ QUOTE ]

the dean's office (or VP/student affairs in this case) probably enforce this at either extreme, too. some won't really care if the documentation shows up, regardless of what the policy says. others are fairly bulldog about it.

Cornell Fiji 11-14-2007 05:35 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
This doesn't fit with the thread subject because I don't feel guilty about it (victimless crime FTW) but it does go along with the OP so...

A month after fall break in my freshman year of college I had a midterm in a MWF class. It was Wednesday and I had not started studying and had not opened the 12 books that the exam covered. To make matters worse I had baseball practice that night and there were big parties on weds and thurs. In short, there was no way I was taking this test.

I didn't want to use the "i'm sick" excuse or "dead grandmother" excuse because I didn't want the teacher to ask me for documentation because, though the teacher was a fairly cool guy, he was a bit of a stickler for the rules. I needed an excuse that would work with no questions asked.

I sat in class on Wednesday thinking of excuses until a great one hit me...I did my best to look distraught for the rest of class and after class I asked the professor if I could speak to him.

We went up to his office and I told him that I saw my ex-girlfriend when I went home for fall break and she had just called me this morning to tell me that she was pregnant and she did not know if she wanted to keep the baby. I told the professor that I was going to leave from his office to go home to help her 'figure out what she was going to do' and that I would not be back to school on Friday to take the test.

He looked at me and just said: "You gotta do what you gotta do, just let me know when you feel up to taking the test. I hope everything comes out ok."

Of course I didn't study between the excuse and the test but I did get an A on the exam... it was an essay test though so I am not sure if my answers were good or if the professor just figured he would cut me a break because I had a lot on my mine.

Maybe I should feel bad about this... but I just see it as a funny story about my brazen college days.

evagaba 11-14-2007 05:58 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
This didn't really make me feel guilty, but when I was in high school I told a few people that I caught one of my friends having sex with his dog. THEY BELIEVED ME and started telling everyone!!! My friend was not a happy camper.

CalledDownLight 11-14-2007 06:18 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
One of my friends showed up to a midterm visibly hammered after about 10 hours of drinking the night before and no sleep. He tried to read the first question and couldn't even make out what it was saying. At this point he stands up and says "I can't do this." The professor says "I can tell" and picks the test up off his desk. He never had to make up the midterm as the professor just shifted the weight to the final.

Pretty sure my friend didn't feel guilty, but its a funny story. I got cheated on a prop bet because of this though. I bet that he wouldn't pass (60%) and another friend said he would. He refuses to pay up because he never took the test although he obviously would have failed.

Sephus 11-14-2007 07:08 PM

Re: Lies you have told that made you feel really guilty...
This didn't really make me feel guilty, but when I was in high school I told a few people that I caught one of my friends having sex with his dog. THEY BELIEVED ME and started telling everyone!!! My friend was not a happy camper.

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wow this is really, really evil. people will still always wonder if it might be true even after it's retracted.

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