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rodders133 11-18-2007 06:57 AM

Should I have folded QQ pf here?
Firstly, apologies for not knowing how to post proper HH.

Full ring 2/4c
I am utg with QQ and make it 24c to go (I have around $5),
utg+1 reraises and makes it 70c to go. It folds round to me.
I check his stats and see that he has been seeing 5% of flops. He is by far the tightest player at the table.
With this information I came to the conclusion that his range of hands could only be AA KK AK, so completely dominated by 2, and a coinflip on 1. He started the hand with $2, so only had $1.30 after his reraise. I didnt feel I had the implied odds to call to try and hit my Q.
I folded. Was this correct or do you think I am playing too tight?

insyder19 11-18-2007 07:21 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
dont fold in this case

rodders133 11-18-2007 07:55 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
dont fold in this case

[/ QUOTE ]

What do you think villains range of hands could be here. With those pf stats, him just limping utg +1 would indicate a strong hand. But reraising a raise from utg, I could not put him on anything else.
Even if the range of hands I put him on were spot on, do you still recommend not folding?

Peleus 11-18-2007 09:39 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
I wouldn't fold, over how many hands was this?

rodders133 11-18-2007 09:51 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
97 hands. Of these he twice had AA, once had AKs and once had KQ. The other 93 hands he saw a flop 2.15% of the time

infinity235 11-18-2007 11:41 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
Don't fold.

You could even call your set value, even though QQ is way to strong here.

rodders133 11-19-2007 07:01 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
Don't fold.

You could even call your set value, even though QQ is way to strong here.

[/ QUOTE ]
If chances of flopping a set are 8/1, wouldnt we both need stacks of around $40 to make this call correct to try and hit a set?

rodders133 11-19-2007 07:26 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
Ok, by reading these replies I get the feeling I am being viewed as playing too tight, which maybe true.
I would like to know if it is possible to put this person on such a limited range of hands. If so, then surely playing out this hand must be -EV.
If it is not possible to limit his range so much how should I have played?, reraise all in or see a flop and push if no A or K comes?
Where are you Pzhon, I always look forward to hearing what you have to say?

Donkenstein 11-19-2007 07:55 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
You made a read and went with it. Unless information comes your way that proves you are wrong, ie you see his cards, don't question your reads for no reason.

Would I have called and saw a flop? Yes. UNLESS I had a read on the guy and thought my hand wasn't good.

Nsight7 11-19-2007 08:21 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
Two useful stats would be his preflop raise % (you seem to have quoted his VP$P) and his 3-bet %. If both are really light, then I might make the same fold. In this case those stats ARE your read more or less and I would go with them in general without better information. But honestly, with a VP$P of just 5%, I can't imagine he raises more than 2% of the time, and certainly 3-bets less than that. His range with those stats is JJ+ imo, and JJ would occur with the least frequency in the distribution of his range here.

Meh, I agree with the laydown. But I am kinda weak-tightish in the small games (something like 15/5/2.2 or so ) so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Then again, it is kinda hard to be anything but weak-tightish when you are surrounded by 75/35/inf...

Mase31683 11-19-2007 08:37 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
Meh, I don't mind the fold too much. After your giant utg raise, the table should be aware that you're sitting on a big hand. With that information, this guy elects to re-raise you.

You're going to end up in an uncomfortable situation fighting for a pot that you already feel you're behind, and can't even win a big one if you hit your queen. That's going to be hard, and that's why I don't mind your fold.

RyverRat 11-19-2007 09:22 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
I think the lay down is very acceptable based on your read. He couldbe even tighter as he has had AA twice in 97 hands.
97 hands, hes played AA,AA,AKs,KQ(late position im guessing) + 2 other hands. im very happy folding QQ.

I then realise im in a great situation to his right to pound his big and small blind. 24c will come back quick enough from tighty mcnuts...

RyverRat 11-19-2007 09:25 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
Don't fold.

You could even call your set value, even though QQ is way to strong here.

[/ QUOTE ]

totally wrong.

RyverRat 11-19-2007 09:33 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
.02 + .04 + .24 + .70 = $1 pot
to call .70-.24 = 46c

so 46c to call a $1 with a max pot of $1 + $1.30 behind = $2.30. 2.30 / .46 = 5

1 in 7.5 times you will win 5 times your money. not the correct odds for set mining.

You also have no folding equity here as he will surely be pot committed with any decent hand here.

my opinion is a fold still.

RapidEvolution 11-19-2007 09:44 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
There are definitely no set-mining odds here. However, you do have enough equity against his range to call here if you think AK is in his range (which, IMO, it probably is).

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

287,667,072 games 0.005 secs 57,533,414,400 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 39.857% 39.64% 00.22% 114030168 626394.00 { QQ }
Hand 1: 60.143% 59.92% 00.22% 172384116 626394.00 { KK+, AKs, AKo }

You're getting more than 2-1 on the call and are a 3-2 underdog against his range. I'd call here and get it in on a low flop. Of course, if you're really sure he'd only do this with AA/KK, there's no harm in folding.

thrasher789 11-19-2007 10:52 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
well If there was ever a time to fold QQ preflop this would be it, I think it's a fine fold and if it was a mistake it was a very cheap mistake compared to the expensive mistake of calling and doubling him up.

yjbrewer 11-19-2007 10:58 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
In a bigger game I would fold like 1-2 NL but in a 2-4 cent game if he has me beat he just has me> I am allin and twice on Sunday at this level.

thrasher789 11-19-2007 11:02 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
That makes no sense, you shouldn't think about poker in money, but in odds and corrent/incorrect decisions. Given OP opinion on his villains range this is a fine fold, the only hand he can really beat (which he didn't include in his OP, and doesn't consider part of villains range) is AQs, AJs, or JJ.

I know what you are saying in a way, but no matter what level you play, if you are taking poker seriously you have to make the right decision and I commend the OP for folding in this spot as most players would have insta pushed and be drawing to two outs.

Zorlac 11-20-2007 12:54 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?

Good read, very disciplined fold. You won't be stuck in 2c/4c for long if you can make those tough folds and limit your debits.

"Don't go bust with 1 pair".


Donkenstein 11-20-2007 08:51 AM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
In a bigger game I would fold like 1-2 NL but in a 2-4 cent game if he has me beat he just has me> I am allin and twice on Sunday at this level.

[/ QUOTE ]
A bad play is a bad play regardless of stakes.

rodders133 11-20-2007 01:55 PM

Re: Should I have folded QQ pf here?
In a bigger game I would fold like 1-2 NL but in a 2-4 cent game if he has me beat he just has me> I am allin and twice on Sunday at this level.

[/ QUOTE ]
I dont see how this matters in the slightest.
one mans $1 is another mans $100

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