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DougShrapnel 11-28-2007 05:47 AM

A fractional Reserve
It seems that more and more respected experts are coming around to the fact that a fiat money system is unsustainable. However I don't really see I a need for a 100% backed money system. What is a good fractional reserve? Or why wouldn't a fractional reserve work?

Bedreviter 11-28-2007 05:57 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
It seems like this is an issue only in the US, and no other modern industrialized nations with a fiat money system have much opposition to the current system.

JayTee 11-28-2007 06:02 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
It seems like this is an issue only in the US, and no other modern industrialized nations with a fiat money system have much opposition to the current system.

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I would definitely like to see an explanation for this. I am assuming that the fiat system only becomes bad when you have large-scale counterfeiting such as our government has done to monetize war debt and other wasteful spending. Do other countries have balanced budget laws or anything preventing their governments from creating whatever money they need to monetize debt?

Bedreviter 11-28-2007 06:13 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
Im not sure why this is so, but I guess that why it is an issue right now in the US is because og the huge public debt. Less people worried about it when everything was going ok, and few people argue against the fiat money system in a time when that money system is occuring in a time of clear visable growth. The growth in the economies in the western world during the time of fiat currency has been unprecedented to any other time in history, would this growth have been ashuge if the money supply was limited?

Other countries have had big debts as well, Sweden have managed to bounce back from their considerable debt in the mid 90s without chaninging their money system, and I believe France, Germany and Japan are not that much better off than the US is debt-wise.

The need of a federal bank and fiat money is as far as I know a non-issue in Europe, and people look elsewhere to explain why the economy sometimes go downhill.

lehighguy 11-28-2007 06:54 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
Our previous posistion as worlds reserve currency allowed us, for a temporary time, to engage in wildly more reckless behaivor then any other fiat currency ever could. In 20 years the same could happen to Europe. It all depends on the policies implemented.

Bedreviter 11-28-2007 06:58 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
But thats more of an argument against how the government have spent their money, not how the money is "made". If you suggest that you need a gold-backed currency (or something similar) to limit the governments spending it seems like the government and not the currency is the problem. Implementing rules related to how government can spend their money could solve much of those problems without having to get rid of fiat money.

lehighguy 11-28-2007 07:13 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
I would certainly love rules to prevent government spending, but the reality is that governments respond to the will of the people. The inflation tax is often invisible to the vast majority of the electorate. They don't understand how fiat currency works and it is much harder for average people to link a 5% price increase to government as opposed to a 5% income tax. This is especially true in the current enviornment where the fed can literally export inflation to other countries. Now you can increase the money supply without inflation even fully showing up in the economy, at least until they sell those dollars back.

The central bank is the great enabler of destruction. And in a democracy I would argue that it will inevitably become an enabler. Either purposely and malicously, or through the simple fact that central bankers are unable to set proper interest rates based on market demand.

Bedreviter 11-28-2007 07:29 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
How does the gold-backed currency help the economy? If we assume that all the gold in the world are accounted for (which it isnt) we can determine how much gold=1 (goldbacked) dollar. That dollar will buy you a certain amount of goods.

Over time there are more goods being produced, and more people are coming into society/economy, so more goods will be sold but the amount of money stay constant. So if 1kg gold=1 car now, over time more cars are in the market, and cars have to be sold for 1/2 kg of gold, or else there will not be enough gold or cars for everyone wanting to buy a car. The price of gold will rise, wages have to go down or stay constant, and the money supply per capita declines every day.

I might be very wrong here, but thats my understanding of how a gold-backed currency would work. How is this profitable for the economy? If Im sadly mistaking please correct me in a manner that does not make me seem like an idiot (thats my job).

lehighguy 11-28-2007 07:48 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
For simplicity lets state that the supply of gold is constant. This is close enough to true that it shouldn't be a problem as new gold mined only creates a small amount of inflation and can't be increased on demand.

If you have a one-to-one relationship between gold and money, this means the money supply will be constant. It will never increase or decrease.

Let's take your example of the expanding economy with only one good, cars. In year one we produce 100 cars and in year two we produce 105 cars. Meanwhile, the money supply remains a constant $100. In year one a car will cost $1, and in year two the car will cost $(1/1.05). That's right, prices went down.

Deflation was an ordinary sign of economic progress before the establishment of the fed. As incomes remained constant peoples standard of living increased as prices fell.

Deflation rewards savers. If you save your money you will be able to buy more goods and services with it tommorrow. Inflation rewards debtors, so it is no wonder why the US has steadily become the largest debtor nation in history.

So why have a fiat currency, who benefits? The people who get the money first benefit. I.E. the government, bankers, and the private parties that recieve money from the government. This effect is especially potent if the public believes inflation will be lower then it actually is.

Bedreviter 11-28-2007 07:53 AM

Re: A fractional Reserve
Deflation rewards savers. If you save your money you will be able to buy more goods and services with it tommorrow. Inflation rewards debtors, so it is no wonder why the US has steadily become the largest debtor nation in history.

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Wouldnt this lead to less spending---> less production ---->less jobs?

Copernicus 11-28-2007 01:04 PM

Re: A fractional Reserve
Deflation rewards savers. If you save your money you will be able to buy more goods and services with it tommorrow. Inflation rewards debtors, so it is no wonder why the US has steadily become the largest debtor nation in history.

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Wouldnt this lead to less spending---> less production ---->less jobs?

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In addition this leads to devaluation of inventories-->lower profits ---> falling stock prices -----> layoffs----> lower individual net worth -----> lower spending----> recesssion that can quickly spiral into depression.

With deflation, putting your money under the pillow carries zero risk, raising the premium needed for capital formation which quickly stifles economic growth.

The present value of existing fixed rate bank loans (their liabilities) skyrocket, because current interest rates are much lower than what they are paying out, so the banking system is hurt.

Interest rates get so low that banks would want to pay you to borrow their money, because you would be paying them back in more valuable interest rates would theoretically go negative, obviously an untenable situation, because loans still carry risk of default. A bank would be better off just holding the money they have and not lending any out. Thus the credit markets dry up totally again crippling economic growth and the housing market.

lehighguy 11-28-2007 01:35 PM

Re: A fractional Reserve

Before 1913 the US experienced deflation at it became an unprecendented economic powerhouse during that time.

Obviously, huge increases in the moeny supply followed by huge decreases has massive ramifcations (see Great Depression). However, the problem here is caused by the original rapid increase in the money supply! And trying to continually paper over it eventually leads to hyperinflation (Ben's current strategy).

If have constant money supply and we experience deflation of 2% and a strapping young capitalist believes he can turn $1 today into $1.02 next year through investment then the bank will lend him $1. After all, the banks rate of interest just sitting on the money is 2%, but if it loans it out that becomes 4% (deflation plus gain on loan). All we need for this to be possible is for our entreprenuer to be able to increase productivity 4% or so.

Now if you rapidly increase the money supply and it then collapses and you have deflation of 15% there is no way loans can take place. The entreprenuer will borrow the money and then have to sell his goods at prices 15 lower. It's going to be impossible to service any kind of interest on a loan, so he will end up not borrowing and everyone will keep thier dollars under thier mattress....Great Depression.

tolbiny 11-28-2007 03:54 PM

Re: A fractional Reserve
Deflation rewards savers. If you save your money you will be able to buy more goods and services with it tommorrow. Inflation rewards debtors, so it is no wonder why the US has steadily become the largest debtor nation in history.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldnt this lead to less spending---> less production ---->less jobs?

[/ QUOTE ]

There are many factors working in opposite directions, and while common sense may point to this possibility there are many reasons why it doesn't happen in actuality. Take inflation for example- inflation means that money must be either invested or spent or lose its value, there is risk in simply holding money (ie capital) which in turn makes risky investments appear relatively less risky (when compared to holding dollars), the result of this is many more businesses would be expected to fail under inflationary standards. Anecdotal evidence in the US? generally accepted numbers for small businesses are that 70-90% of them close within 5-10 years, with the majority closing because they are unprofitable (2/3rds is often quoted, no data or links to back that up right now). In the short term thats a lot of jobs, in the long term thats a lot of mis allocated resources. In a deflationary (due to fixed money supply) setting investors are more cautious with their money, fewer businesses will be started, but one would expect those businesses to have far higher success rates, short term growth is slower but with out the corresponding liquidations of unprofitable businesses so available resources are greater. A deflationary scenario can lead to lower overall productivity when measured in total units, but much greater efficiency when measured in actual utility, mush steadier growth and more security for the individual.

Copernicus 11-28-2007 04:51 PM

Re: A fractional Reserve
Deflation rewards savers. If you save your money you will be able to buy more goods and services with it tommorrow. Inflation rewards debtors, so it is no wonder why the US has steadily become the largest debtor nation in history.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wouldnt this lead to less spending---> less production ---->less jobs?

[/ QUOTE ]

There are many factors working in opposite directions, and while common sense may point to this possibility there are many reasons why it doesn't happen in actuality. Take inflation for example- inflation means that money must be either invested or spent or lose its value, there is risk <font color="red">risk is a poor choice of words here, because it doesnt mean what you are applying it to in financial terminology. </font> in simply holding money (ie capital) which in turn makes risky investments appear relatively less risky (when compared to holding dollars), <font color="red">I disagree with this characterization. There is no "appearance of an investment becoming less risky". You are compensated for risk by a greater return on your investment then you can get from risk free investments. You are also compensated in the risk free rate of return for inflation. </font> the result of this is many more businesses would be expected to fail under inflationary standards. <font color="red">that doesnt follow at all. In an inflationary environment the risk free rate of return and the risky investment return both increase to compensate for inflation. the net result is that the discounting of the asset and liability offset each other and the effect on investment decisions is minimal, and is a residual of timing differences. If returns could be immunized by exact cash flow matching there would be no impact at all on invesment decisions from higher or lower inflation. </font> Anecdotal evidence in the US? generally accepted numbers for small businesses are that 70-90% of them close within 5-10 years, with the majority closing because they are unprofitable (2/3rds is often quoted, no data or links to back that up right now). <font color="red">It is my understanding that under-capitilzation, not long term prospects for profitability, is the primary reason for business failure. Even if it is profitability, that is an error in business judgement that is minimally impacted by inflation as shown above. </font> In the short term thats a lot of jobs, in the long term thats a lot of mis allocated resources. In a deflationary (due to fixed money supply) setting investors are more cautious with their money, fewer businesses will be started, but one would expect those businesses to have far higher success rates, short term growth is slower but with out the corresponding liquidations of unprofitable businesses so available resources are greater. <font color="red"> wrong, since your basis for this is by assuming the opposite of incorrect conclusions regarding the impact of inflation on investment decisions</font> A deflationary scenario can lead to lower overall productivity when measured in total units, but much greater efficiency when measured in actual utility, mush steadier growth and more security for the individual.

[/ QUOTE ]

tolbiny 11-28-2007 08:34 PM

Re: A fractional Reserve
There are many factors working in opposite directions, and while common sense may point to this possibility there are many reasons why it doesn't happen in actuality. Take inflation for example- inflation means that money must be either invested or spent or lose its value, there is risk
in simply holding money (ie capital) which in turn makes risky investments appear relatively less risky (when compared to holding dollars),

I disagree with this characterization. There is no "appearance of an investment becoming less risky". You are compensated for risk by a greater return on your investment then you can get from risk free investments. You are also compensated in the risk free rate of return for inflation.

Risk reward calculations are made to weigh options against each other, they have no value in absolute terms, only in relative terms. Under inflationary pressures your options are (highly simplified) invest with risk reward X or hold with the expectation of depreciation. Under deflationary its invest with risk reward of Y or hold with the expectation of appreciation. Because the relative option under deflation is far superior investments must have a better risk reward ratio to be considered.

Anecdotal evidence in the US? generally accepted numbers for small businesses are that 70-90% of them close within 5-10 years, with the majority closing because they are unprofitable (2/3rds is often quoted, no data or links to back that up right now).

It is my understanding that under-capitilzation, not long term prospects for profitability, is the primary reason for business failure. Even if it is profitability, that is an error in business judgement that is minimally impacted by inflation as shown above.

It hardly matters the reason for failure since all reasons for failure are figured into risk reward scenarios.

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