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Felix_Nietzsche 11-27-2007 10:16 PM

Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
That nitwit Bush is pressing ahead with his dopey two state peace solution. This will fail like every other peace deal because:
1. The Arab leaders don't want peace.
2. The Arabs are lying sacks of crap.

At least Hamas in the Gaza is being honest by opposing this peace deal and calling for the destruction of Israel. Fatah is more sophisticated than Hamas because they lie pretending to want peace while taking every concession that Israel is foolish enough to offer.

The only treaty the Arabs have half-assed 'honored' was the Camp David accords. Egypt welched on part of the deal to recognize Israel. The only reason why Eqypt did not welch on the rest of the treaty was the USA agreed to pay an annual $1.3b bribe to Eqypt as long as they abide by the agreement.

In the 1993 Oslo accords, the Arabs welch on the deal by refusing to honor the terms while accepting the land-for-peace (the Gaza strip) that Israel gave. Hamas has rejected the Oslo accords while at the same time accepting the land that Israel gave up.... Again, I admire Hamas for their honesty as oppose to the lies from Fatah.

Land for peace has never worked with the Arabs, yet Bush is STUUU-PID enough to believe it will work this time...

My solution to the Israel-Arab peace process?
1. Israel invades Gaza and Arab controlled areas of the West Bank and annexes the land.
2. Take away the citizenship of all Arabs inside Israel.
3. Relocate all Arabs inside Israel and dump them on the borders of Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Let their Arab brothers give them sanctuary.
4. Drink a beer for a job well done... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
5. Endure the occasional rocket attacks accross the borders but launch occasional cross border attacks to kill these scum.

JayTee 11-27-2007 10:33 PM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
That nitwit Bush is pressing ahead with his dopey two state peace solution. This will fail like every other peace deal because:
1. The Arab leaders don't want peace.
2. The Arabs are lying sacks of crap.

At least Hamas in the Gaza is being honest by opposing this peace deal and calling for the destruction of Israel. Fatah is more sophisticated than Hamas because they lie pretending to want peace while taking every concession that Israel is foolish enough to offer.

The only treaty the Arabs have half-assed 'honored' was the Camp David accords. Egypt welched on part of the deal to recognize Israel. The only reason why Eqypt did not welch on the rest of the treaty was the USA agreed to pay an annual $1.3b bribe to Eqypt as long as they abide by the agreement.

In the 1993 Oslo accords, the Arabs welch on the deal by refusing to honor the terms while accepting the land-for-peace (the Gaza strip) that Israel gave. Hamas has rejected the Oslo accords while at the same time accepting the land that Israel gave up.... Again, I admire Hamas for their honesty as oppose to the lies from Fatah.

Land for peace has never worked with the Arabs, yet Bush is STUUU-PID enough to believe it will work this time...

My solution to the Israel-Arab peace process?
1. Israel invades Gaza and Arab controlled areas of the West Bank and annexes the land.
2. Take away the citizenship of all Arabs inside Israel.
3. Relocate all Arabs inside Israel and dump them on the borders of Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Let their Arab brothers give them sanctuary.
4. Drink a beer for a job well done... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
5. Endure the occasional rocket attacks accross the borders but launch occasional cross border attacks to kill these scum.

[/ QUOTE ]

While I think I have typically disagreed with you in the past (can't remember specifics). This is a fine solution to me. It doesn't involve the US. Let the mideast determine its outcome. If Israel wants to stay in existence I don't see any solution for them other than one of force. I don't care either way.

BluffTHIS! 11-27-2007 10:36 PM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
Egypt welched on part of the deal to recognize Israel.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with a lot of your post but the above assertion is false and Israel and Egypt in fact have full diplomatic relations and exchange of ambassadors, which obviously is recognition. If you mean that Egypt doesn't recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel that is a different issue which doesn't keep them from having diplomatic relations.

Here is a handy wiki map showing Israel's diplomatic relations with other countries.

Kaj 11-27-2007 10:37 PM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
That nitwit Bush is pressing ahead with his dopey two state peace solution. This will fail like every other peace deal because:
1. The Arab leaders don't want peace.
2. The Arabs are lying sacks of crap.

At least Hamas in the Gaza is being honest by opposing this peace deal and calling for the destruction of Israel. Fatah is more sophisticated than Hamas because they lie pretending to want peace while taking every concession that Israel is foolish enough to offer.

The only treaty the Arabs have half-assed 'honored' was the Camp David accords. Egypt welched on part of the deal to recognize Israel. The only reason why Eqypt did not welch on the rest of the treaty was the USA agreed to pay an annual $1.3b bribe to Eqypt as long as they abide by the agreement.

In the 1993 Oslo accords, the Arabs welch on the deal by refusing to honor the terms while accepting the land-for-peace (the Gaza strip) that Israel gave. Hamas has rejected the Oslo accords while at the same time accepting the land that Israel gave up.... Again, I admire Hamas for their honesty as oppose to the lies from Fatah.

Land for peace has never worked with the Arabs, yet Bush is STUUU-PID enough to believe it will work this time...

My solution to the Israel-Arab peace process?
1. Israel invades Gaza and Arab controlled areas of the West Bank and annexes the land.
2. Take away the citizenship of all Arabs inside Israel.
3. Relocate all Arabs inside Israel and dump them on the borders of Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Let their Arab brothers give them sanctuary.
4. Drink a beer for a job well done... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
5. Endure the occasional rocket attacks accross the borders but launch occasional cross border attacks to kill these scum.

[/ QUOTE ]

It really burns you up when Arabs "lie" and pretend to be for "peace.

And yet you are first to defend America when it goes after its own interests, even if it lies and uses propaganda like "peace, security, and democracy" to achieve them.

There are a lot of reasons why these peace talks will fail. Some of which you allude to. Most of which you ignore. The most obvious being that why should Arabs or anybody else accept the US legitimacy in this process. If our leaders really wanted to negotiate a meaningful peace that all sides could accept, then we need to bring in the rest of the world to do it. This isn't an American problem. Others have interests there too. Why aren't we asking Russia, England, France, Japan, and China, amongst others, to help the Middle East nations set a framework for peace? If I was an Arab, Russian, or basically anybody with a pulse, I would be outraged at America's attempt to portray itself as the impartial advocate for Middle East peace. And we haven't learned anything if we don't bring in the rest of the world to solve this but try to impose a solution from outside using more sticks and carrots, or promises and stern words, that leave the American taxpayers stuck with the bill for their own nooses.

bobman0330 11-27-2007 10:38 PM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
So your peace plan is an ethnic cleansing campaign followed by an endless series of cross-border terrorist attacks? The State Department lost a brilliant diplomat when you decided to become a moron.

AngusThermopyle 11-27-2007 11:10 PM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs *DELETED*
Post deleted by iron81

yjbrewer 11-27-2007 11:11 PM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
I say [censored] em both and let em kill the [censored] out of each other!

InTheDark 11-27-2007 11:55 PM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
My solution to the Israel-Arab peace process?

[/ QUOTE ]

1. Admit there is none.
2. Instant, in spades retaliation for every suicide bomber, rock thrower, random rocket, arab sheet disturber. Kinda like the current plan but with bigger balls. No, we don't worry too much about who dies, it's all about the timing. Do it today.

You either love or hate Israel. Killing civilians in reprisal attacks won't change the balance and the arabs don't understand much else.

iron81 11-28-2007 12:02 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
InTheDark, please name one historical example where an outside power imposed a long lasting peace by indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians of a country they occupy.

InTheDark 11-28-2007 12:13 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
InTheDark, please name one historical example where an outside power imposed a long lasting peace by indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians of a country they occupy.

[/ QUOTE ]

That one word queers the deal. Argue with someone that cares.

gonebroke2 11-28-2007 12:28 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

My solution to the Israel-Arab peace process?
1. Israel invades Gaza and Arab controlled areas of the West Bank and annexes the land.
2. Take away the citizenship of all Arabs inside Israel.
3. Relocate all Arabs inside Israel and dump them on the borders of Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Let their Arab brothers give them sanctuary.
4. Drink a beer for a job well done... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
5. Endure the occasional rocket attacks accross the borders but launch occasional cross border attacks to kill these scum.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Don't mind Felix, he is a confused individual. He's a 40-something, hick, ex-military, from the midwest who was brainwashed into become a zionist. Go join the IDF Felix, maybe one of the arabs will take you to heaven with them.

vulturesrow 11-28-2007 01:36 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

My solution to the Israel-Arab peace process?
1. Israel invades Gaza and Arab controlled areas of the West Bank and annexes the land.
2. Take away the citizenship of all Arabs inside Israel.
3. Relocate all Arabs inside Israel and dump them on the borders of Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Let their Arab brothers give them sanctuary.
4. Drink a beer for a job well done... [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
5. Endure the occasional rocket attacks accross the borders but launch occasional cross border attacks to kill these scum.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Don't mind Felix, he is a confused individual. He's a 40-something, hick, ex-military, from the midwest who was brainwashed into become a zionist. Go join the IDF Felix, maybe one of the arabs will take you to heaven with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont agree with much of what Felix wrote but your post is complete noise and I cant believe it didnt get axed.

andyfox 11-28-2007 02:06 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
The Arabs are lying sacks of crap.

Relocate all Arabs inside Israel and dump them

don't worry too much about who dies the arabs don't understand much else.

It is precisely such attitudes--on both sides--that has led to the present mess.

SNOWBALL 11-28-2007 03:06 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
InTheDark, please name one historical example where an outside power imposed a long lasting peace by indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians of a country they occupy.

[/ QUOTE ]

we're living in it

theblitz 11-28-2007 03:18 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
Israel and Egypt in fact have full diplomatic relations and exchange of ambassadors

[/ QUOTE ]
This is true up to a point.

The Egyptians do have an ambassador in Israel but he is "recalled for consultation" more often than he is in Israel.

It is also true that Mubarak NEVER visits Israel. I am not 100% sure but I think he has actually never been here.

SNOWBALL 11-28-2007 03:24 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
Honestly, I find Felix's posts on Israel more refreshing than anything else. He's like a humorless version of Borat that goes seemingly too far, and yet others are still willing to follow him, and it quickly becomes clear that the shy and dishonest Zionists who once spoke of "peace" and "even handedness" are cheering him on, and crying for blood.
The secret to a successful demagogue is bringing hatred onto the surface of things, not in creating new hatred.

Sadly for you Felix, people like you will always lose in the long run. You're bound to. It's an absolute matter of survival for the jews that you lose. That's why the former head of Shin Bet and an ardent Zionest Ami Ayalon, who doesn't care at all for palestinian rights, calls for a complete unilateral withdrawal from all palestinian land: because the only other option is an expansive vortex of murder.

theblitz 11-28-2007 03:31 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
I, in fact, feel that the only honest side here are the Palestinians. The only interest they have is to set up a state in order to have a base from which to further attack Israel as they do from Gaza. They do not hide this fact.

All other parties are there for personal reasons:

1. Olmert is hoping to use the "Peace Process" in order to deflect attention from the bribery etc. scandals he is involved in. When an ex-member of the High Court says that they intentionally went easy on Sharron because "his political actions at the time were important to Israel" then I think Olmert has a good chance of this helping.

2. Rice is there to try and make up for all the rubbish she has done in her job. She is generally recognised as the worst Secretary of State ever.

3. Bush is there in order to try and salvage something from his tenure. HE totally screwed up in Iraq (a war I actually supported). This is his last chance to earn his Nobel Peace Prize.

theblitz 11-28-2007 03:35 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
a complete unilateral withdrawal from all palestinian land: because the only other option is an expansive vortex of murder.

[/ QUOTE ]
and unilateral withdraw in the past has proved to be the correct path to peace. That is assuming you ignore Oslo, Gaza and Lebanon which don't count.
Oops, small problem here. Those are the ONLY examples and they have proved to be great haven't they.

SNOWBALL 11-28-2007 03:38 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

I, in fact, feel that the only honest side here are the Palestinians. The only interest they have is to set up a state in order to have a base from which to further attack Israel as they do from Gaza. They do not hide this fact.

[/ QUOTE ]

what the [censored] are you talking about? The palestinians have recognized israel's right to exist for almost 20 years. In the 80s, there were hardly any terrorist attacks inside israel. Most guerilla violence was against IDF soldiers inside palestinian land.

The average palestinian isn't some demonic hate filled freak. These are human beings. They want a life worth living. This means they want their own land and they want freedom. A lot of people don't realize this, but palestinians are among the most liberal arabs in the world.
If you want to build democracy in the arab world, you can start by not giving billions of dollars a year to Israel which they use to turn around and smash palestinian independence.

owsley 11-28-2007 03:41 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
It's just funny (and also painful in big picture way) to realize that if Felix had been born under an entirely different set of circumstances but had the same intolerant and violent beliefs he would be out in the streets with an AK 47 burning american flags and trying to see if he couldn't kill himself a settler. The people on each side who fight in and perpetuate conflicts like this and in Northern Ireland are very similar at the end of the day, they just had the direct opposite set of biases instilled in them due to chance. The more directly opposite the biases are, they more they want to make up reasons to kill each other. If Felix died tomorrow and got reincarnated as a Palestinian in the Gaza strip just think of all the crazy [censored] he would be able to justify with his "gunboat diplomacy."

Also, arguing with Felix is like the minor leagues of the politics forum. But somehow Snowball manages to bungle it with his goofy rhetoric.

Case Closed 11-28-2007 04:32 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

Is it safe to assume that this war they will be fighting will be funded by the US?

theblitz 11-28-2007 04:38 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
The palestinians have recognized israel's right to exist for almost 20 years.

[/ QUOTE ]
The palestiniands have NEVER recognised Israel's right to exist. Arafat did send a letter to Rabin saying that the PLO does do so but the PLO is NOT the government and never has been.

As part of the Oslo agreement they were required to do so.
They brought it up to the committee of the Fatah and promised to create a special task force in order to investigate the actual doing so. That is as far as it has ever gone.
Even the most staunch left-wingers in Israel admit so.
In fact, each time a peace proposal comes up the big thing that is mentioned is that the Palestinians are now ready to recognise Israel.


In the 80s, there were hardly any terrorist attacks inside israel. Most guerilla violence was against IDF soldiers inside palestinian land.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nice idea but total rubbish. No other word for it.
Try looking here:

And, before you say anything, I know that it includes a few cases of some Israelis performing terrorist attack on the Palestinians.

Also, you might want to look here to see what happened to terrorist acts after the Oslo "Peace Accords".


The average palestinian isn't some demonic hate filled freak.

[/ QUOTE ]
Funnily enough Israelis are the same. However, at the end of the day it is the leaders you deal with and they are the ones that can't be truated.

These are human beings.

[/ QUOTE ]
I assume you are talking about the ones who fire on school buses and blow themselves up in cafe's.


If you want to build democracy in the arab world, you can start by not giving billions of dollars a year to Israel which they use to turn around and smash palestinian independence.

[/ QUOTE ]
Or, you could stop giving money to Egypt who give it to the Hamas and stop giving money to the Saudis who pass it on to al-Qaeda.

JayTee 11-28-2007 05:57 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs


If you want to build democracy in the arab world, you can start by not giving billions of dollars a year to Israel which they use to turn around and smash palestinian independence.

[/ QUOTE ]
and, you could stop giving money to Egypt who give it to the Hamas and stop giving money to the Saudis who pass it on to al-Qaeda.

[/ QUOTE ]


Bedreviter 11-28-2007 07:40 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs

I, in fact, feel that the only honest side here are the Palestinians. The only interest they have is to set up a state in order to have a base from which to further attack Israel as they do from Gaza. They do not hide this fact.

[/ QUOTE ]

what the [censored] are you talking about? The palestinians have recognized israel's right to exist for almost 20 years. In the 80s, there were hardly any terrorist attacks inside israel. Most guerilla violence was against IDF soldiers inside palestinian land.

The average palestinian isn't some demonic hate filled freak. These are human beings. They want a life worth living. This means they want their own land and they want freedom. A lot of people don't realize this, but palestinians are among the most liberal arabs in the world.
If you want to build democracy in the arab world, you can start by not giving billions of dollars a year to Israel which they use to turn around and smash palestinian independence.

[/ QUOTE ]

The level of liberality among most Palestinians does not help much when an organization like Hamas is popular among the same people. Hamas are certainly not just fighting for their own peaceful Palestine state, they are also fighitng against the existance of a jewish nation in the area.

Building democracy in the Arab world is probably not acheived by letting Israel be left defenseless, as it is surruounded by less than friendly neighbors.

DblBarrelJ 11-28-2007 09:47 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
Building democracy in the Arab world is probably not acheived by letting Israel be left defenseless, as it is surruounded by less than friendly neighbors.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never understood what the deal is with everyone feeling the need to "help" Israel. Israel has one of the most highly trained fighting forces in the world. I have no doubt that an Israeli Spec Ops squad would be one of the few groups in the world who would be victorious in a fight against elite SEALs, or a Blackwater security team.

Israel doesn't need our help to defend themselves. They may be small, but I have little doubt they could level the middle east if they felt they needed to, without US assistance.

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 09:59 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
The State Department lost a brilliant diplomat when you decided to become a moron.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well thanks for the compliment but being smarter than a typical US State Dept employee is not much of an accomplishment.

mosdef 11-28-2007 10:00 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
I think it will work this time. I predict universal harmony by 2009.

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:04 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
An overwhelming military victory by one side is the "best" way to bring peace to this area. Sinced I'm biased against the Arab culture and especially their religion, a Jewish victory would be my choice.

iron81 11-28-2007 10:04 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
InTheDark, please name one historical example where an outside power imposed a long lasting peace by indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians of a country they occupy.

[/ QUOTE ]

we're living in it

[/ QUOTE ]
We didn't indiscriminately slaughter the Native Americans, we systematically slaughtered them. The key to the European victory in North America wasn't to intimidate the Natives, it was to kill or expel so many of them that the remainder were no threat. Felix's solution is much more likely to succeed than InTheDark's solution at the expense of being evil.

Also, if you didn't hear, Israel and Fatah last night formally agreed to resume peace talks at the Annapolis convention for the first time since Clinton's failed 2000 Camp David talks.

Olmert is on the left, Abbas is on the right.

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:14 AM

Words Have Meaning....
InTheDark, please name one historical example where an outside power imposed a long lasting peace by indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians of a country they occupy.

[/ QUOTE ]
If Israel use the power to "indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians", then we would see millions of Arabs fleeing to Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon. It would be a situation similiar to the Rwandan genocide. Using phrases like "indiscrimately slaughtering the civilians" should not be used lightly and should only be used where appropriate. Israel is not even on the radar map when it comes to using that type of language.

please name one historical example

[/ QUOTE ]
Ghengis Khan pacified his conquer lands using these types of methods. In his lands, he had Muslims, Jews, Christians, and the native Eastern religions. People knew the Khans did not play around when it came to war...

After WW2, Sudaten Germans where ethnically cleanse from Czechlosvakia and there is no more German insurection in these lands any more. Also Germans where ethnically cleansed out of Eastern Germany (modern day Poland) and there is no more German unrest in these lands.

Overwhelming defeat + overwhelming victory = Peace

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:17 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
Sadly for you Felix, people like you will always lose in the long run. You're bound to.

[/ QUOTE ]
History says otherwise....
My methodology is tried and proven. The history of mankind tells me this. Your wishful thinking is worth nothing.

iron81 11-28-2007 10:20 AM

Re: Words Have Meaning....
Felix, please see my last post and edit. I conceeded that ethnic cleansing can lead to a lasting peace at the expense of being evil.

Bedreviter 11-28-2007 10:22 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
Building democracy in the Arab world is probably not acheived by letting Israel be left defenseless, as it is surruounded by less than friendly neighbors.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've never understood what the deal is with everyone feeling the need to "help" Israel. Israel has one of the most highly trained fighting forces in the world. I have no doubt that an Israeli Spec Ops squad would be one of the few groups in the world who would be victorious in a fight against elite SEALs, or a Blackwater security team.

Israel doesn't need our help to defend themselves. They may be small, but I have little doubt they could level the middle east if they felt they needed to, without US assistance.

[/ QUOTE ]

The reason why Israel is so strong militarily is strongly related to the military and economic help it receives from the US.

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:23 AM

Victory = Peace
It is precisely such attitudes--on both sides--that has led to the present mess.

[/ QUOTE ]
Prolonged stalemates have led us to this mess...
Victory leads to peace.

Sometimes a long bloody stalemate can lead to peace as in the Iraq-Iran War. But in this war, exhaustion led to peace. In the Israeli-Arab conflict, neither side has engage in an allout war which would eventually lead to peace. What we have had is a low level conflict where neither side has sufferred enough pain to want a genuine peace. Israel needs to take off the gloves....

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:31 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
My memory is failing me on this subject...
I remember there was some diplomatic related accord that Egypt had welched on. The wiki article on the Camp David accords is not helpful because it only refers to both sides "generally" abiding by the agreement without going into specifics of violations. I'll do my homework when I have more time....

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:32 AM

Re: Words Have Meaning....
My bad...

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:38 AM

Death to Brussel Sprouts!
He's a 40-something, hick, ex-military, from the midwest who was brainwashed into become a zionist.

[/ QUOTE ]
Damn it! I'm a Texan fool!
As for Zionist, I am not a Zionist. I despise the Arab culture so rooting for Israel is totally congruent with my belief system. It is like the man who became a vegetarian not because he loved animals, it was because he despised plants. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

I also despise the Philadelphia Eagles and I always root for the other team to beat them. Go Cowboys!!!!

Felix_Nietzsche 11-28-2007 10:49 AM

A Jimmy Carter Peace.....
Is it safe to assume that this war they will be fighting will be funded by the US?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well thanks to that uber-nitwit Jimmy Carter, the USA is bound by treaty to pay annual bribes to both Egypt and Israel. But it gets worse, because of that nitwit Jimmy Carter, the USA sells M1A1 tanks to Eqypt, as well as F16 and Apache helicopters. I'm sure the first thing the Gypos did was sell the military secrets of this equipment to the USSR.

But I disgress.... The amount of money the USA gives to Israel is not enough to fund a full-blown war. But in my peace plan, Israel will complete my peace plan in about 90 days so it won't cost too much in the long run.

Kaj 11-28-2007 11:08 AM

Re: A Jimmy Carter Peace.....
Is it safe to assume that this war they will be fighting will be funded by the US?

[/ QUOTE ]
Well thanks to that uber-nitwit Jimmy Carter, the USA is bound by treaty to pay annual bribes to both Egypt and Israel. ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Any President can opt out of treaty at the stroke of a pen. No wait. They don't even need to use a pen.

But nice try blaming a Democrat from 28 years ago for our current foreign aid program.

Moseley 11-28-2007 11:21 AM

Re: Another Stupid Peace Initiative for Israel/Arabs
Israel has 250 nukes, and if pressed, will use them without U.S. ok.

Putin, while visiting Iran, stated in a speech that the U.S. needs to back off from their aggression towards Iran.

Israeli Prez flies to Russia the day after Putin returns home. You see Israel is not going to stand by and let a country, led by a leader who has swore to destroy Israel obtain nukes.

The mess in the Middle East is heating up big time, and this conference and all that Condi is doing is for the sake of cooling things down until Bush can get out of office so he doesn't have to take responsibility for a major war in the area.

So, if these stupid talks delay things, great. I'd rather go a few more years without a major conflict.

If we get really lucky and a miracle strikes, we may avoid a major confrontation.

It's not likely, however, as we has so many ignorant voters. I know 3 women over 50 yrs old, who are voting for Hillary, only because they like her husband. They have no idea where she stands on the issues. But when they talk about Bill, their faces light up.

Ignorant Americans will be our downfall.

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