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BeatMe1 06-01-2007 01:52 PM

Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
I’ve been playing at Full Tilt ever since the majority of poker sites closed to US players. For quite a while Mr. Gatorade has been posting on 2+2 and on his site, endlessly saying that I am a bot and encouraging others to complain to FTP. I do not use software to help me play, and in fact do not even use poker tracker or any other external aid. I developed my game through years of hard work. I got tired of Gatorade’s slander a while ago and challenged Gatorade to a live match but he never responded to my email. I am not a bot.

Full Tilt recently barred me and confiscated my money. They won’t have a conversation with me. They just keep telling me the equivalent of black is white and up is down so for the sake of decency and all that is good and just they must steal my money. You can read for yourself the proof they cite below. I played strictly heads-up limit on Full Tilt.

Some of the winning players who frequent this site might be happy to have me out of the way but you should consider this -- when I’m out of his way and he can’t beat you then YOU will be a bot and the weaklings at Full Tilt will listen to Mr. Gatorade and determine that you are a cheat because the real definition of bot is anyone Gatorade can’t beat. McCarthyism is alive and well on 2+2.

For Full Tilt to claim that they are confiscating my money to compensate the victims is ludicrous. I am the victim. My reputation and livelihood are destroyed. Full Tilt has profited over 70k and Mr Gatorade will profit from easier games, conveniently. His campaign put Full Tilt into a game they cannot win – they either bar the players Mr Gatorade wants gone, or they succumb to his threats of attacking them through the media. They chose the easy way out.
If this group wants to preserve the game I suggest that you folks tell Full Tilt they need proof of wrongdoing before they bar a player and steal her money. And that “In order to protect the integrity of future bot investigations we will not be releasing the details of the investigation.” is not good enough to confiscate a player’s money.

Finally I wish to offer the following challenge to Mr. Gatorade. I will play you live 200/400 fixed limit heads-up at the Bike until one of us loses 200k, or any other reasonable format you may suggest.

Or alternatively, since you seem intent on destroying my name on 2+2, we can do the following. I will play you and 1 other player you choose online, simultaneously. That way 2+2ers can watch the action. I will pay to fly a representative from each of you to my location to watch me play so you can be assured I am human. Put your money where your mouth is.

To quote Mr Gatorade (my response in parenthesis): “bots wont even play me anymore because every time they do sit in I take max amount of time and chat about how they are a bot.” (gee, hard to understand why anyone wouldn’t be thrilled to play a jerk doing that)

Here are the emails between Full Tilt and myself. They are in reverse order and I have substituted my nickname on Full Tilt for my real name:

Hello BeatMe1,

Once again, the evidence we have against you is substantial and our decision is final. Your account will not be reopened, nor will your balance be refunded.

This case is closed and is not up for debate. If you wish to further pursue this matter you can contact the Kahnawake Gaming Commission.

I have had many discussions with our poker security manager regarding this case and we are of a single mind on this issue. That being said, I have forwarded your emails on to him and if he wishes to discuss this matter he will contact you at his earliest convenience.

Best of luck in your future endeavors,

Jeremy E

Collusion Investigator

Full Tilt Poker Team


Please remember that no one will ever ask you for your password or account information, not even support. Please
use good common sense and keep your password a secret.

Learn, Chat, and Play with the Pros.

100% Initial Deposit Bonus -


Original Message Follows:



This is unreal. You do not have irrefutable evidence because I did not use a bot. Whatever tools you use to detect bots did not work in my case. Please reveiw my hands again because you are wrong. If I used a bot as you say than I would not be able to play the same game in person as I do online. I'll play any of your pros.

I want to speak to the poker room manager. That is the least you can do before you rob me of over 70k. How can I speak to the poker manager?


Full Tilt Poker - Support <> wrote:

Hello BeatMe1,

First, understand that we do not take actions without substantial and irrefutable evidence. We have experts in every applicable field that scrutinize decisions of this nature before we take them, and Full Tilt Poker stands behind our decision 100%.

Again, we will not be discussing the facts of this case so as to not jeopardize future investigations, and your money will not be refunded.

Your account is permanently closed and you are no longer welcome on Full Tilt Poker.


Jeremy E

Collusion Investigator

Full Tilt Poker Team


Please remember that no one will ever ask you for your

password or account information, not even support. Please

use good common sense and keep your password a secret.

Learn, Chat, and Play with the Pros.

100% Initial Deposit Bonus -


Original Message Follows:



I did not use any software to help me play. What ever system you are using to detect assisted play or as you put it "bot use" does not work.

I will play anyone you would like me to in person and you can see that I play exacty the way I played at FullTilt.

I would like to speak to the poker manager. How can I get in touch with him?

To recap, I did not ever run a bot and what you are doing is wrong.

Please review my hand history and get back to me ASAP.


Full Tilt Poker - Support wrote:

Hello BeatMe1,

We have detected an overwhelming amount of evidence indicating illegal bot use.

For the protection of our players we have closed your account. All funds remaining in your Full Tilt Poker accounts have been seized in order to compensate the victims of your bot use.

In order to protect the integrity of future bot investigations we will not be releasing the details of the investigation.


Jeremy E

Collusion Investigator

Full Tilt Poker Team


Please remember that no one will ever ask you for your

password or account information, not even support. Please

use good common sense and keep your password a secret.

Learn, Chat, and Play with the Pros.

100% Initial Deposit Bonus -


Original Message Follows:



Your email sounds like it came from a mad man. Everything you are saying is false. I have been a good customer for over a year AND NOW YOU SAY YOU ARE GOING TO STEAL MY MONEY BECAUSE YOU THINK I ATTEMPTED TO DEFRAUD PLAYERS. HOW SO? How did I victimize players? How did I attempt to defraud players? By being a good player? Please be so kind as to give me the facts behind your irronious accusations. Are you really saying that Fulltilt will not tolerate winning players?

Your final statement is halarious. First you slandar me, then you steal 70k of my money and to cap it all off you tell me I am no longer welcome to play at Fulltilt. That's like a bank robber saying he would not trust the bank that he just robbed.


Full Tilt Poker - Support wrote:

Hello BeatMe1,

It has come to our attention that you are attempting to defraud players on Full Tilt Poker. In order to maintain the security of our site and protect our players, Full Tilt Poker has a zero tolerance policy for fraudulent activity. Any funds that remain in your Full Tilt Poker account will be forfeited to Full Tilt Poker in order to compensate the players you have victimized.

You are no longer welcome to play at Full Tilt Poker.


Jeremy E

Collusion Investigator

Full Tilt Poker Team

This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.

Your Player ID: BeatMe1

Date and Time: 2007-05-24 18:43:50

Transfer Number: 00E0F5DC

Transfer To: CollusionCredit

Amount: $70899.00


Your transfer request has been received. Processing of your

transfer request may take between 24-48 hours.

For further assistance, please visit our website at:

or contact

Thank you for playing at Full Tilt Poker

youcanhaveitall 06-01-2007 01:58 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

joker122 06-01-2007 02:01 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
"We have experts in every applicable field that scrutinize decisions of this nature before we take them, and Full Tilt Poker stands behind our decision 100%.


awful story, btw. i hope everything works out for you.

danzasmack 06-01-2007 02:05 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
someone needs to make one of those little animated gif things of a monkey throwing poop at a fan. this is a limit hold'em drama bomb.

I would probably fly out to LA to watch this HU match and that could be our MHSH meetup!

slim 06-01-2007 02:11 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Just 2 comments:

1) I don't think playing the same way live proves that you are not running a bot bc if you programmed the bot, you should be able to play like it.

Having said that:
2) I have no idea if you were using a bot or colluding or doing anything fraudulent, but if you were not doing anything wrong, I feel really bad for you because I couldn't imagine not doing anything wrong and then reading those emails. It seems like an uphill battle.

primetime32 06-01-2007 02:12 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Any funds that remain in your Full Tilt Poker account will be forfeited to Full Tilt Poker in order to compensate the players you have victimized.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would love to see FT prove that they actually refunded the money to the players they claim were "victimized."

veganmav 06-01-2007 02:12 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Match should just be in vegas so we can watch at our MHSH meetup.

MicroBob 06-01-2007 02:19 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Just 2 comments:

1) I don't think playing the same way live proves that you are not running a bot bc if you programmed the bot, you should be able to play like it.

Having said that:
2) I have no idea if you were using a bot or colluding or doing anything fraudulent, but if you were not doing anything wrong, I feel really bad for you because I couldn't imagine not doing anything wrong and then reading those emails. It seems like an uphill battle.

[/ QUOTE ]

agree 100% with both points.

If what the poster says is true then I wouldn't blame some idiot player for accusing you. I would be blaming the FT team for making a bad decision.

The subject-line reads that it was Mr. Gatorade's lies that cost you the money.
Huh? Well, I guess it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't accused you. But it was FT's decision.
They are the ones to blame.

Dumb players make bot or collusion-accusations ALL the time.
The site is supposed to be able to sort out the legit claims from the riff-raff.

I had one player stalk me from table to table because he thought I 'cheated' him heads-up by winning with 65s.
I had raised it preflop and then hit my draw which he thought meant I was cheating.
I was semi-bluff raising with the draw so perhaps he thought that my raising before i had an actual hand meant that I knew I was going to hit my draw or something.

He went from table to table telling people what I had done.
He also said he reported me to support because I was an obvious cheat which I do believe he probably did.

The site never got back to me about it. Hopefully because they were smart enough to see that his accusations were idiotic.

augie_ 06-01-2007 02:24 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Hi BeatMe1,

Will you provide us some links of what Mr Gatorade has said about you and why he thinks you're a bot?

Lucky 06-01-2007 02:29 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
what limits did you play at full tilt?

If you played 2/4 limit or NL 1/2 at FTP and now you're challenging accuser to play 200/400 hu live, you're for sure a cheat.

degenaholic 06-01-2007 02:30 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Hi BeatMe1,

Will you provide us some links of what Mr Gatorade has said about you and why he thinks you're a bot?

[/ QUOTE ]

bxb 06-01-2007 02:35 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
The fact that they actually took action against a suspected bot has interesting implications in the NL bot case. Somehow there must have been more incriminating evidence in this case than in the other case where most people seem to believe that they were bots.

Also, I don't think programming a bot would teach you to play like it. It may perform calculations that a human would not be able to perform at the table. Also it is possible that a botter could buy a bot instead of programming it. I think the fact that he is willing to play live does give his story some credibility, although I'm still not sure what to think.

Teh1337zor 06-01-2007 02:44 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
this is so sick

BeatMe1 06-01-2007 02:45 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

Gatorade's web site:

And a quote from a post he made on May 9th "I HATE BOTS. If you want to watch a good limit bot.. Watch beatme1 that will only play 50-100 or 100-200. I am updating my site as we speak and it is getting an major upgrade about the bots on all 4 big sites. " You can find it under the heading: NL Bots on Fult Tilt

You can also find this quote under the heading Attention Bothunters!: "I hate bots... But the bots on FTP have officially been destroyed on my list and were found to be botting and subsequently banned from the site. FTP = Good effort and so forth. OP, go to my site and read a little bit about which the bots are on UB and AP. The sites absolutely don’t care that the bots are there and you can even sit and play with the bot and see for yourself. Bots = Rake + starting games in the 30/60 6max bots case = Ub and AP don’t care because there traffic and game selection is almost nil at that level anyhow. Media has been contacted and story is being done about the bots and the sites take on it and what they do about the problem. Ub and AP official response is they don’t have bots, which is ludicrous. FTP when asked said they would investigate and they did and for months and magically right before the FTP interview with "media" all bots on list and some other suspected bots not on list were subsequently found to be using bots and were destroyed. More to come on this on my site in a couple weeks as there are still ends that need to be tied up. FTP actually did well in getting rid of these guys for the fairness of the games and to not allow the negative attention that the NL bots got on here. 2+2 is one thing but the national media is another. Great things are about to happen with the bots and I am excited... You will be too unless your using a bot.

-Crazy Mike (MrGatorade)

He thinks I'm a bot because his definition of a bot is anyone he can't beat.

teddyFBI 06-01-2007 02:48 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

You're leaving something out in the email interchange. What is it?
Are you saying that WITHOUT ANY WARNING, FTP just sent you the lower-most email alerting you that they had closed your account? DId you not have any warning of an investigation before that? How do you know Gatorade had anything to do with this?

Your replies to FTP's emails are incredibly brazen...immediately you go on the offensive without even trying to ascertain just WTF actually come?

***As i have 1st-hand experience with a "false positive" bot investigation with my mother and Stars, I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt before you're proven guilty, but there are more questions than answers so far...hopefully the story gets clearer...

Why anyone plays high-stakes HU LHE is beyond me, since it's the one permutation of poker that's been shown to have been essentially mastered by bots.

***EDIT: BeatMe1, can u summarize what Gatorade's "evidence" against you is, other than the fact that you beat him?

DeathDonkey 06-01-2007 02:49 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
If I were innocent I'd come here and say exactly what you're saying now. But if I were guilty I'd do the same thing, for 70k I'm gonna make them prove it ya know?

Why don't you address some of the allegations from that MHUSH thread? How is it you've played hundreds of thousands of hands of HU on full tilt, and never played a single one against the other regulars mentioned in that thread? Are you surprised that your stats line up so closely with a few other players in the same game?

Do you have some reason for refusing to chat? If someone is accusing you of being a bot in the chat seems like you would at least say "no I'm not".

Do you play long marathon sessions, waiting for someone to come along for hours at a time, near your computer all the time so you can auto post and immediately begin playing? I don't think it would be tough to get some dataminers to show you have played some ridiculously long sessions.

Nobody is saying you can't be a good player and be using a bot too. Hell maybe you programmed the strategy for it. This is a tough spot because Full Tilt can't or won't supply evidence, and you aren't doing such a good job of it yourself.


BeatMe1 06-01-2007 02:49 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
I never played NL at Full Tilt. I played limit 50/100, 100/200 and 200/400HU

ryguy2fly 06-01-2007 02:51 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
what limits did you play at full tilt?

If you played 2/4 limit or NL 1/2 at FTP and now you're challenging accuser to play 200/400 hu live, you're for sure a cheat.

[/ QUOTE ]

uh he was playing HU mid high limit

edit beat

sweetjazz 06-01-2007 02:52 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
BeatMe1, I think the best way to get 2+2 on your side is to post as much info about your playing often you played, etc. and post any information you have about past hands (e.g. PokerTracker stats).

If you don't use PokerTracker, what kind of records do you keep for tax purposes? I would suggest publishing your playing records (not how much you won/lost in each session), but the dates and times you played.

The 2+2 FTP HU bot thread did detect some strange behavior that was suggestive of collusion. Frankly, I don't have a good reason to trust either you or FTP on this matter. The only way I can trust you more is if you give us more information and either it can be independently verified (= lots of trust) or at least is not disproven (= more trust).

The more info you provide, the more pressure you put on FTP to provide a public explanation for the decision they made.

Sofisdad 06-01-2007 02:52 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
For 70k someone from Full Tilt should fly to her location and watch her play for at least 10 hours and track the stats before they confiscate 70k.

That being said, a 200k freezeout with Crazy Mike would be awesome.

gumpzilla 06-01-2007 02:53 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Just 2 comments:

1) I don't think playing the same way live proves that you are not running a bot bc if you programmed the bot, you should be able to play like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Should people who write chess programs be able to play like those programs? Admittedly there are some differences, but this seems like a bad criterion to me.

NL__Fool 06-01-2007 02:55 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Wasn't there a huge thread about 4-6 months back about another player who's funds were taken due to "supposed illegal software?"

The funds were taken, the player banned and then after the rep from the site came on here and explained they had "undisbutable proof from their security experts after reviewing the hands etc etc" and it turned out that it was a mistake on the Poker sites fault which they publicly admitted.

I cant remember if it was Full Tilt or Wpex it was one of those two.

There was another case of (Poker Stars I believe) banning a well known posters mother (teddyFBI) becasue she wes a "bot" and it was proven she wasn't. The threads in the archive somewhere

She made a $100 deposit or something like that and 2 days later they banned her and closed her account.

Again the poker site was proven to be wrong.

An then theres the case of Stars banning (I can't remember his name but you can find the video on Utube or in a post in the tourny section on 2 + 2) a player because he was 28 tabling Sit N Go's on 1 monitor. He went as far as making a video of himself doing it and again PokerStars was wrong.

Dont leave that much cash on a site since any Poker Site can confiscate it at any time without having to provide evidence because it will "comprimise their security or some BS like that"

Good Luck

veganmav 06-01-2007 02:55 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

[/ QUOTE ]
Why anyone plays high-stakes HU LHE is beyond me, since it's the one permutation of poker that's been shown to have been essentially mastered by bots.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where was this shown/

Gildwulf 06-01-2007 03:02 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
what limits did you play at full tilt?

If you played 2/4 limit or NL 1/2 at FTP and now you're challenging accuser to play 200/400 hu live, you're for sure a cheat.

[/ QUOTE ]

50/100+ limit

BeatMe1 06-01-2007 03:04 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

You're leaving something out in the email interchange. What is it?

I have not left anything out.

Are you saying that WITHOUT ANY WARNING, FTP just sent you the lower-most email alerting you that they had closed your account?

Yes - And as you can see from the emails I sent to Full Tilt I tried hard to talk to the poker manager but they were pretty clear that that was not an option.

DId you not have any warning of an investigation before that?


How do you know Gatorade had anything to do with this?

See my prior posts.

Your replies to FTP's emails are incredibly brazen...immediately you go on the offensive without even trying to ascertain just WTF actually come?

Because their email to me was insane and it pissed me off. As you can see my tone sobered when I figured out that this was not a low level error.

***As i have 1st-hand experience with a "false positive" bot investigation with my mother and Stars, I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt before you're proven guilty, but there are more questions than answers so far...hopefully the story gets clearer...

Why anyone plays high-stakes HU LHE is beyond me, since it's the one permutation of poker that's been shown to have been essentially mastered by bots.

I have played alot of hands and my results are good. As long as I keep winning I'll keep playing.

***EDIT: BeatMe1, can u summarize what Gatorade's "evidence" against you is, other than the fact that you beat him?

No - but I can tell you that he accused of being a bot on Pokerroom and they seemed to understand that he was mearly trying to clear the field.

slim 06-01-2007 03:11 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Just 2 comments:

1) I don't think playing the same way live proves that you are not running a bot bc if you programmed the bot, you should be able to play like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Should people who write chess programs be able to play like those programs? Admittedly there are some differences, but this seems like a bad criterion to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nobody can play exactly like a bot that they created but they can certainly play close enough IN A LIVE game that observers would not know the difference. Al least not unless they played for 10's of thousands of hands and recorded all the relevant stats and compared it to the bot's PT stats , which would be next to impossible.

sweetjazz 06-01-2007 03:14 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
What kind of tax records did you keep? Did you log the date and time of every session you played? Did you record this information electronically or by hand? Can you reproduce the dates and times of your sessions that would match FTPs records? If not, is that because you evaded your taxes or because you believed such records were not necessary?

gehrig 06-01-2007 03:19 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
in the bot thread, beatme1 and bono1945 both had different stats than all the other players accused. i had never railed or played them so i dunno if they had the bot timing that BobaLoca and the rest had.

beatme1 had literally 0 hands played against the 8 or so bots that constantly played in his games. he did have plenty of hands against The Bryce, who is the biggest winner in his games and a human, as well as other ppl that i know are very good humans

Dadswell 06-01-2007 03:36 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
Have you taken their advice and contacted the

RoundGuy 06-01-2007 04:48 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
gehrig, what do you think the "overwhelming evidence" is that FT has, in your opinion?

Seems to me that inhuman duration of play, no breaks, etc. would be key. Anyone outside of FT have that kind of data on beatme1?

doormat 06-01-2007 04:49 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
You have my sympathy, this whole witch hunt is disturbing. I don't recall Mr Gatorade providing any proof whatsoever. He just named names and encouraged people to email FTP, perhaps to get rid of competition? If encouraging people to write a site and accuse you of being a bot is sufficient evidence to confiscate your money, we are all in trouble.

gehrig 06-01-2007 05:16 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
gehrig, what do you think the "overwhelming evidence" is that FT has, in your opinion?

Seems to me that inhuman duration of play, no breaks, etc. would be key. Anyone outside of FT have that kind of data on beatme1?

[/ QUOTE ]
i know other players took the exact same amount of time to make all their decisions. they made more than a thousand decisions per hour and would play marathon sessions and never ever deviated from their timing patterns. that is pretty freaking solid evidence.

i don't know either way if beatme1 had those timing patterns, but i know other players that were banned did.

MrGatorade 06-01-2007 05:35 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
You say,

I got tired of Gatorade’s slander a while ago and challenged Gatorade to a live match but he never responded to my email. I am not a bot.

-- When did you send me an e-mail? When did you challenge me? When did you chat with me at all? Oh, And I ACCEPT A HU Match with you LIVE ANY DAY!!!

Mr. Gatorade and determine that you are a cheat because the real definition of bot is anyone Gatorade can’t beat. McCarthyism is alive and well on 2+2.

-- I have been beat by many people and have lost well over 200K. I have no problem losing which many people here can attend to, but I do have a problem with bots, one that I know of is yours, which I am 100% about.

Or alternatively, since you seem intent on destroying my name on 2+2, we can do the following.

-- You have 4 Posts!!! And everyone usually calls me "Crazy” hence why I am called Crazy Mike.

To quote Mr Gatorade (my response in parenthesis): “bots wont even play me anymore because every time they do sit in I take max amount of time and chat about how they are a bot.” (gee, hard to understand why anyone wouldn’t be thrilled to play a jerk doing that)

-- This was proved on UB only under my "MrGatorade" name proving at a party with my fellow 2+2er's that the bots were programmed not to play me and automatically sit out. Then I used my second screen name on UB to then show the people a LIVE demonstration on how the bot was a bot and so forth. The reason I don’t give much information on how I detect that they are using a bot is simply because I don’t want the bot maker to change because I have a 100% way of detecting now which I don’t want you to know to change the code of your bot.

He thinks I'm a bot because his definition of a bot is anyone he can't beat.

-- I do beat some bots and others I don’t. Bots are very -EV since you have created a very successful bot that is based not only on math but game theory and previous archived hands.

Once again beatme1 I know a little bit about what the evidence is and I can guarantee you 100% that you were using a bot. Also the "other" accounts were also banned because of reasons I can’t talk about. Some 2+2er's know exactly what I know but are not at liberty to discuss because the more information you have = the harder it is going to be next time to destroy your bot. I have dedicated over 3 years in refining my bot detecting ways which including video recording and algorithms and other stuff I am not going to talk about. You can rest assured that I do not just make false actuations. Like any program you can turn it off and on like the UB bots have done in the last week. Everyone on here can form their own opinion but please be aware that bots should not and will not be tolerated and they should have the same action that did occur to you. GETTING DESTROYED!!!!

-Crazy Mike (MrGatorade)

RoundGuy 06-01-2007 05:38 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
beatme1, please answer these questions by DeathDonkey:

If I were innocent I'd come here and say exactly what you're saying now. But if I were guilty I'd do the same thing, for 70k I'm gonna make them prove it ya know?

Why don't you address some of the allegations from that MHUSH thread? How is it you've played hundreds of thousands of hands of HU on full tilt, and never played a single one against the other regulars mentioned in that thread? Are you surprised that your stats line up so closely with a few other players in the same game?

Do you have some reason for refusing to chat? If someone is accusing you of being a bot in the chat seems like you would at least say "no I'm not".

Do you play long marathon sessions, waiting for someone to come along for hours at a time, near your computer all the time so you can auto post and immediately begin playing? I don't think it would be tough to get some dataminers to show you have played some ridiculously long sessions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sofisdad 06-01-2007 05:42 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

(unless CTS and aba get a grudge against each other)

gamblar 06-01-2007 05:43 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
this is starting to get good...

*makes popcorn*

MiltonFriedman 06-01-2007 05:49 PM

Complain to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission .....
Contrary to folks here who are ignorant, the KGC WILL review your complaint and may rule for you.

You are in the US, emphasize that you are writing to them to avoid having to litigate this in US courts.

DcifrThs 06-01-2007 05:57 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt

i typically do not side with Crazy Mike in this bot thing, but your actions and his statements both seem to implicate taht you were using a bot at some point. that is my tentative conclusion fwiw.

I've met mike and although he is titled "crazy mike" he seems intelligent and is willing to play almost anybody HU live, so the fact that you say he ignored your challange is very unlikely. if you email him and ask for a live HU game, you'll get it.

that said:
Mike, i don't know how you can possibly have a bot detection software that is 100% accurate. are you saying you can never get a false positive? EVER? what about a false negative? can that happen? can you be playing a bot that you are 100% sure is a player?

while i don't doubt that you have detection methods and that they are very well honed to bot detection, i am fairly certain that you do not have the capability to determine anything 100%.

however, i am inclined to believe you in this case as beatme1 has made some claims that go counter to things i know to be true and he is withholding answering simple questions about his playing habits. in addition, you seem even more sure than normal and full tilt seems to be on your side. much of that is circumstantial but i don't have enough to reject the hypothesis that you did not prove he was, at least at one point, running a bot. so i can't say i am with you 100% but i believe you over him now.

take care man, and i promise, no more rickrolling you [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


MasterLJ 06-01-2007 06:01 PM

Re: Complain to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission .....

While it sounds like you may very know what you are talking about, you are using anecdotal evidence to "confirm" that BeatMe1 is a bot. You say that your sitting out technique works well... I believe you... but you are talking about UB and not FTP.

cardman 06-01-2007 06:24 PM

Re: Mr. Gatorade’s Lies cost me over 70k at Full Tilt
... If this group wants to preserve the game I suggest that you folks tell Full Tilt they need proof of wrongdoing before they bar a player and steal her money. ...

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought the OP was a woman?

I don't know who to believe in this mess.

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