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ShakeZula06 05-18-2007 03:35 AM

***Official Ron Paul video thread***
I''m thinking of putting together a compilation of videos of Ron Paul talking about the issues. Post any interesting links you think is worthy.

Here's a few to get started:

Ron Paul on the cause of 9/11
Ron Paul on the issues
Ron Paul on the FED
Ron Paul at the first Republican debate
Ron Paul at the second Republican debate
Ron Paul on Real Time with Bill Maher

Thanks to anyone that contributes

TIEdup14 05-18-2007 05:33 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Remind me again why Bill Maher has a television show?

SNOWBALL 05-18-2007 08:41 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
I feel sorry for this guy because it's simply not possible for him to make the points that he wants to make in the time he is alloted. It's even worse when someone like Bill Maher hops around to different very complex topics like THE CIVIL WAR and global warming. That said, Paul did a good job of encapsulating sophisticated ideas into few words.

If you'll notice, this happens to people like Chomsky too. Chomsky talks about how it's actually a good tactic for the corporate media to occasionally throw on a legitimate alternate viewpoint, because no matter how eloquent the person is, they're going to sound like lunatics.

Everytime a mainstream idea is repeated however, the speaker is able to draw on the previous programming of the listener to respond to the ideas. So really if a propagandist gives a 5 minute speech, and a gadfly gives a 5 minute speech, it still isn't equal. What's actually happening is the propagandist is giving a 20 year speech, and the gadfly is still giving his 5 minute speech.

Conclusion: the media is rigged.

iron81 05-19-2007 02:49 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***

Taso 05-19-2007 04:09 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Sorry, I just watched the Ron Paul stuff from Bill Maher and I didn't think the media made him seem like a lunatic at all. He had a lot of interesting ideas, Bill Maher gave him a chance to explain them all, made a few jokes, but overall, Paul's points were very clear and understandable, and reasonable as well.

AlexM 05-19-2007 04:12 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Sorry, I just watched the Ron Paul stuff from Bill Maher and I didn't think the media made him seem like a lunatic at all. He had a lot of interesting ideas, Bill Maher gave him a chance to explain them all, made a few jokes, but overall, Paul's points were very clear and understandable, and reasonable as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhm... Bill Maher did nothing but launch ridiculous personal attacks the whole time. He avoided actually talking about issues and dwelled on the Civil War thing, something that happened generations ago and has no actual bearing on real world politics today.

Taso 05-19-2007 04:18 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Dwelled on it? All he did was say the words "Civil War" after each thing Ron Paul said - it was meant to be funny, it sort of was, thats Bill Maher, its a political comedy show. He allowed Ron Paul to explain all of his posistions very clearly, he certainly gave him enough time to explain to ME, a strong dissaprover of Mr. Paul, how his posistions make sense. I came away from those videos with a much better understanding of Ron Paul's posistions, how he thinks, and I'm starting to like the guy a bit more. If it wasn't for a few key policies he has, I'd probably love him. All said, if he is the Republican nominee, I'll vote for him.

mark_foley 05-19-2007 04:21 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Bill Maher called Dr. Paul his hero tonight after his performance in this weeks debate. He also called out Chris Dodd for distorting what he said in the debate in an interview with him.
Maher said he wanted to get Paul back on his show and I'm guessing he will get treated better this time around.

Dan. 05-19-2007 07:24 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***

[/ QUOTE ]

Noooooo Iron, don't give into the masses like this. Stick to your guns, buddy. We're all in this together; we can't let them win.

hmkpoker 05-19-2007 10:54 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Bill Maher called Dr. Paul his hero tonight after his performance in this weeks debate. He also called out Chris Dodd for distorting what he said in the debate in an interview with him.
Maher said he wanted to get Paul back on his show and I'm guessing he will get treated better this time around.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is this true? That's pretty cool, actually.

ShakeZula06 05-19-2007 06:28 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Hay guys if you want to post some links to videos that would be cool. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Borodog 05-19-2007 07:46 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Barry Goldwater, Jr. speaks about Ron Paul.

DrunkHamster 05-19-2007 08:22 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
As someone from england who is not really connected with US politics, I have a couple of questions.

Is this guy really generating the sort of buzz it looks like he is? I know 2+2 love him, but he looked written off until I saw the text polls on fox saying he won the debate.

Secondly, how the hell did someone like that get elected, and how can we get more people like him over here.

Borodog 05-19-2007 08:26 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
He's generating a tremendous amount of buzz. It won't translate into success in the polls though because the pollsters are constructing the polls to marginalize him.

He got elected because he's from an obscure district in Texas.

Jeffiner99 05-19-2007 08:43 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
This is a video about the Fiat money system and is quite good and has snippets of interviews with Ron Paul. It is a documentary.

Jeffiner99 05-19-2007 08:46 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
This is a video about the Fiat money system and is quite good and has snippets of interviews with Ron Paul. It is a documentary.

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep watching after the credits. More interviews with Ron Paul.

jstnrgrs 05-19-2007 08:59 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
He's generating a tremendous amount of buzz. It won't translate into success in the polls though because the pollsters are constructing the polls to marginalize him.

He got elected because he's from an obscure district in Texas.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had never heard of him until Thursday, when I heard I heard a talk radio guy talking about how his campaign was effectively over. Then I saw the discussion of him here, and, when I looked into it, I found out that I agree with almost every one of his positions.

I still haven't seen any discussion of him in the main stream media except for the breif interview on CNN.

Taso 05-19-2007 11:01 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
He was just talked a lot about on the View. Definitly becoming more mainstream.

ojc02 05-19-2007 11:50 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
He's generating a tremendous amount of buzz. It won't translate into success in the polls though because the pollsters are constructing the polls to marginalize him.

He got elected because he's from an obscure district in Texas.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had never heard of him until Thursday, when I heard I heard a talk radio guy talking about how his campaign was effectively over. Then I saw the discussion of him here, and, when I looked into it, I found out that I agree with almost every one of his positions.

I still haven't seen any discussion of him in the main stream media except for the breif interview on CNN.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was that Jay Severin on 96.9? I actually heard him seriously lauding RP's foreign policy after the debate.

ojc02 05-19-2007 11:55 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Bill Maher called Dr. Paul his hero tonight after his performance in this weeks debate. He also called out Chris Dodd for distorting what he said in the debate in an interview with him.
Maher said he wanted to get Paul back on his show and I'm guessing he will get treated better this time around.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the link for that section of Maher's show

I love how Maher actually smacks down Chris Dodd when he also tries the straw man attack on Ron Paul.

Of course, Maher still isn't going to like RP's position on healthcare and education but at least he's backing him up on the foreigh policy front.

hmkpoker 05-20-2007 12:33 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Bill Maher called Dr. Paul his hero tonight after his performance in this weeks debate. He also called out Chris Dodd for distorting what he said in the debate in an interview with him.
Maher said he wanted to get Paul back on his show and I'm guessing he will get treated better this time around.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the link for that section of Maher's show

I love how Maher actually smacks down Chris Dodd when he also tries the straw man attack on Ron Paul.

Of course, Maher still isn't going to like RP's position on healthcare and education but at least he's backing him up on the foreigh policy front.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks ojc, I've been waiting to see that.

Ron Paul may actually end up getting a small following from the left; lord knows the right hates libertarians more than the left does.

How many times is Bradley Whitford going to be on that damn show?

hmkpoker 05-20-2007 10:04 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
He was just talked a lot about on the View. Definitly becoming more mainstream.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the link.

Warning: this is The View. Do not watch unless chemically sedated.

ojc02 05-20-2007 11:24 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
He was just talked a lot about on the View. Definitly becoming more mainstream.

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's the link.

Warning: this is The View. Do not watch unless chemically sedated.

[/ QUOTE ]

There was this hilarious comment on digg where a guy said he had a really weird cognitive dissonance moment because there was a link to Rosie defending RP right next to a link to Pat Buchanan defending RP. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Borodog 05-20-2007 01:21 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
By the way, in case you don't know, Ron Paul now has an official channel on YouTube, called RonPaul2008dotcom. You should subscribe. His YouTube subscriptions are about to surpass Barak Obama.

hmkpoker 05-20-2007 01:34 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
By the way, in case you don't know, Ron Paul now has an official channel on YouTube, called RonPaul2008dotcom. You should subscribe. His YouTube subscriptions are about to surpass Barak Obama.

[/ QUOTE ]

Linked for the very lazy

Borodog 05-20-2007 01:37 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
YTF are you never on AIM? How am I supposed to waste time if people are never on AIM?


hmkpoker 05-20-2007 02:00 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Ron Paul with Hannity and Colmes after the debate.

I have to admit, I have a lot of respect for what Ron Paul is doing. Running as a Libertarian is pretty pointless, but running as a Republican, and challenging people to take him seriously, is actually getting him some attention.

ojc02 05-20-2007 02:21 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Did anyone catch RP on CNN this morning? Anyone know if it's been uploaded yet?...

Borodog 05-20-2007 02:32 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
On Wolf Blitzer you mean? They just replayed it an I watched. Paul crushed.

ojc02 05-20-2007 02:36 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Ah, doh! I missed it again.

This is a great fan video analyzing the rudy vs ron debate moment. The narrator did a really good job.

Borodog 05-20-2007 03:06 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Ah, doh! I missed it again.

This is a great fan video analyzing the rudy vs ron debate moment. The narrator did a really good job.

[/ QUOTE ]

Man that guy's delivery sucks.

mark_foley 05-20-2007 04:03 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Did anyone catch RP on CNN this morning? Anyone know if it's been uploaded yet?...

[/ QUOTE ]


kidpokeher 05-20-2007 04:18 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***

Taso 05-20-2007 04:22 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Man this guy is interesting. I'm really starting to appreciate his posistions a lot more than I have in the past weeks. I come here maybe 40 times a day to see if anyone has linked to new videos of his.

BIG NIGE 05-20-2007 05:14 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Did anyone catch RP on CNN this morning? Anyone know if it's been uploaded yet?...

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, he absolutely HANDLED that interviewer. Totally turned the tables on all of those lameass criticisms.

What does it say when all these people in the political establishment are making such efforts to attack him? Nobody is attacking Tom Tancredo or Tommy Thompson or Jim Gilmore or Duncan Hunter or any of these other worthless hangers-on who haven't articulated a single meaningful point of view. The whole point of having debates is to get people with opposing point of view to contest each other so that we can improve our understanding of the issues and see which ideas have merit. Who wants to watch a debate with a bunch of undefined candidates all agreeing with each other on the issues and just using different rhetoric, where the winner is the one whose language is most persuasive? How does that help the country?

iron81 05-20-2007 05:21 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
What does it say when all these people in the political establishment are making such efforts to attack him? Nobody is attacking Tom Tancredo or Tommy Thompson or Jim Gilmore or Duncan Hunter or any of these other worthless hangers-on who haven't articulated a single meaningful point of view.

[/ QUOTE ]
It says they find Paul interesting, just like you guys. I've said it before: if the media really was out to get Paul, they'd ignore him. Paul wasn't on the media's radar before, but now with the buzz about his 9-11 comments, they have decided that he's an interesting story.

Whether they continue to pay attention depends on him continuing to say unorthodox things or an increase in funding or support.

hmkpoker 05-20-2007 05:24 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Who wants to watch a debate with a bunch of undefined candidates all agreeing with each other on the issues and just using different rhetoric, where the winner is the one whose language is most persuasive? How does that help the country?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because it shows their "character." The republican debates are a contest of righteous indignance, because the status quo is too stupid to think about the issues and it's far more effective to stand at the podium and act shocked and offended and berate your opponent whenever someone questions 9-11 than it is to debate it ideologically. Logic tends to get you percieved as a "flip-flopper."

Go democracy.

mark_foley 05-20-2007 06:06 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Dr. Paul on the New World Order and the dollar.

BIG NIGE 05-20-2007 06:19 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
What does it say when all these people in the political establishment are making such efforts to attack him? Nobody is attacking Tom Tancredo or Tommy Thompson or Jim Gilmore or Duncan Hunter or any of these other worthless hangers-on who haven't articulated a single meaningful point of view.

[/ QUOTE ]
It says they find Paul interesting, just like you guys. I've said it before: if the media really was out to get Paul, they'd ignore him. Paul wasn't on the media's radar before, but now with the buzz about his 9-11 comments, they have decided that he's an interesting story.

Whether they continue to pay attention depends on him continuing to say unorthodox things or an increase in funding or support.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I'm not talking about the news media, I'm talking about politicians and partisan political pundits like Sean Hannity, Byron York, et all who go out of their way to denigrate Paul any way possible, while being nicey-nice with all the other wannabes.

Oh yeah and Wendell Goler is an iddeyott

rwesty 05-20-2007 07:43 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***

does sean hannity ever listen to anybody who disagrees with him?

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