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PokerBob 09-19-2007 07:05 AM

I\'m likely just a nit
But for some reason this bugs me. Tonight as I am driving home at 4am, I see a cop on the road stopped at a light. We likely are the only two cars on the road. There is a "No turn on red" sign at the light. He flips on his lights, makes what would otherwise be an illegal turn, and then turns the lights off.

I saw another cop do the same thing a few months ago (this guy just ran the red light, but the premise is the same: he didn't want to wait; no one was around, thus it was not dangerous in the least.)

I recently saw a cop with his lights on in pretty heavy traffic come up the left lane, thus causing cars to move to the right, albeit not easily due to the traffic. Once he reached the exit he needed (it was one that merged to another stretch of highway, but a much less crowded highway) he turned his lights off. There was no accident that he was stopping at. It appeared that he simply wanted to get by all of the traffic. (I understand that maybe he got a call telling him was not needed, but this is a rather unlikely coincidence.)

All of these things are basically harmless (although the 3rd one was potentially dangerous, as cars moving at a high speed were forced to merge in traffic. This wouldn't typically be a big deal, but many people panic when they see flashing lights, thus making a routine merge potentially more dangerous), but they demonstrate an arrogance that I guess I find annoying.

I am not anti-cop or anything like that, but for some reason this "I don't have to follow the rules" attitude bugs me. I realize that cops do not have to follow the rules in many situations, and this is ultimately to my benefit. That said, shouldn't they have to obey the rules just like everyone else when they are not actively protecting the public's interest? Is not this a minor abuse of power that may develop in not-so-minor abuses? Or am I merely a nit?

NNNNOOOOONAN 09-19-2007 07:11 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
you are a nit.
but this is really a problem. i lived in duluth for a few years and going down 21st ave. there were two times when i've had cops turn their lights on to speed past stopped cars at rush hour in the winter time, only to shut their lights off once they were at the road they wanted to turn on.
and if you know anything about duluth, going down 21st ave. in the winter, at more than a quite slow speed is pretty dangerous. there's no reason for the kind of crap but it does happen all the time. and will keep happening forever. nothing we can do about it.

theblitz 09-19-2007 07:28 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
If it makes you feel any better - it happens everywhere.

I've even seen an Ambulance do it.

kerowo 09-19-2007 09:15 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Don't worry, if you were a real nit you would call the station and complain.

cgrohman 09-19-2007 09:35 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Perks of the job. The 1st day I got my license a cop came up behind me and flipped on the lights. I wet myself, then pulled over. He just went around me and turned the lights off.

Elevens 09-19-2007 12:19 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
You're probably right, the cop was probably just getting around the rules. However, cops will often respond to a call (non-emergency) with their lights/siren off only to turn it on when necessary.

TheMetetron 09-19-2007 12:32 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
You're probably right, the cop was probably just getting around the rules. However, cops will often respond to a call (non-emergency) with their lights/siren off only to turn it on when necessary.

[/ QUOTE ]

The last part of this is true. Also, calling and complaining won't do anything as they are very much allowed to do this. It makes their time more productive if they are screwing around waiting for a light.

SamIAm 09-19-2007 12:40 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Two days ago, walking in downtown atlanta, I watched a cop drive up to a red light, coast to a rolling stop, and then start turning right. I noticed he had his window open, and I've always hated the kind of stuff listed in this thread, so I yelled "SIGNAL NEXT TIME".

He made eye contact with me, but didn't arrest me. (Score.)

I'm also a nit.

clownassassin 09-19-2007 12:51 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Cops are douches. They became cops because they were picked on and teased as kids, and feel like they didn't get the proper amount of respect that they deserved. This is why cops and people who work in security power trip all the time. By turning on the siren they're able to make people respectfully move out of their way.Giving people like that a respect switch(aka the siren switch) will always result in a an abuse of power. They're addicted to power and respect, even if it is fabricated.

Slow Play Ray 09-19-2007 01:18 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Cops are douches. They became cops because they were picked on and teased as kids, and feel like they didn't get the proper amount of respect that they deserved. This is why cops and people who work in security power trip all the time. By turning on the siren they're able to make people respectfully move out of their way.Giving people like that a respect switch(aka the siren switch) will always result in a an abuse of power. They're addicted to power and respect, even if it is fabricated.

[/ QUOTE ]

generalizations are always wrong.

guids 09-19-2007 01:22 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I do this stuff late at night, and Im not a cop, I dont see what the big deal is. I rarely wait for a light to turn at 3am when no one else is around.

EMc 09-19-2007 02:04 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Cops are douches. They became cops because they were picked on and teased as kids, and feel like they didn't get the proper amount of respect that they deserved. This is why cops and people who work in security power trip all the time. By turning on the siren they're able to make people respectfully move out of their way.Giving people like that a respect switch(aka the siren switch) will always result in a an abuse of power. They're addicted to power and respect, even if it is fabricated.

[/ QUOTE ]


You know how sometimes you use the copier in the office to make a personal copy? Or do some personal stuff at work? Its just a fringe benefit, just like this. And besides, aren't cops more effective when they aren't sitting around doing nothing?

SamIAm 09-19-2007 02:17 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I'm not willing to say "Cops are douches", but I have gotten the impression that being an officer is a low-paying, high-paperwork, no-fun job. They might have gotten more respect around 9/11, but now they're back to the image depicted in this thread. It seems like the only benefits of the job are the "fringe benefits" above. Doesn't that select for employees who DO like to abuse power?

bmxicle 09-19-2007 02:40 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Yeah i would think this is fine. Like especially in situations where that where it is 100% safe, and not wasting anyone's time...why waste the cop's time. People always love to use the arguement that cops should be doing something more important with their time...well there isn't a bad place to start.

Obviously if they are doing dangerous stuff, or stuff that seriously inconveniences people then that's a little different.

Autocratic 09-19-2007 02:43 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Cops are douches. They became cops because they were picked on and teased as kids, and feel like they didn't get the proper amount of respect that they deserved. This is why cops and people who work in security power trip all the time. By turning on the siren they're able to make people respectfully move out of their way.Giving people like that a respect switch(aka the siren switch) will always result in a an abuse of power. They're addicted to power and respect, even if it is fabricated.

[/ QUOTE ]


You know how sometimes you use the copier in the office to make a personal copy? Or do some personal stuff at work? Its just a fringe benefit, just like this. And besides, aren't cops more effective when they aren't sitting around doing nothing?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure that that analogy sucks. Obviously there is little harm in a cop making a safe turn even if it's illegal. But there's little harm in ANYONE making that same turn.

The real problem is not cops using their lights to get through traffic. It's that this is often a symptom of a larger disease, where officers enforce the law because it's their job, not because there is some practical purpose for the existence of that law. It's more than feeling "above" the law. It's about not understanding what makes being a cop honorable (at least in theory).

jeffnc 09-19-2007 03:46 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
That's something that normally would bug me, but I'm a little nitty about it in the opposite direction. I feel that cops should be able to move more freely in traffic than all other cars, because that's their job.

This is much different than, say, an ambulance with no one in it to turn on it's lights for an illegal right on red. Their job is to transfer sick people in an emergency. No sick people, no need to bend the rules.

Cops, on the other hand, are often traffic cops, and need to move with more freedom in traffic, and sometimes need to be somewhere else, without it really being an emergency. For the same reason, they should be allowed to speed while not in an emergency, for the simple fact that they need to maneuver themselves in traffic differently than we do, so they can monitor traffic.

The lights are a way to warn us they are moving in an otherwise illegal fashion, which is what they should do.

If the cops were really bending the rules because they're lazy, then I take it all back (and I'm sure some do sometimes.)

jeffnc 09-19-2007 03:49 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I'm pretty sure that that analogy sucks. Obviously there is little harm in a cop making a safe turn even if it's illegal. But there's little harm in ANYONE making that same turn.

[/ QUOTE ]

Theoretically they are trained, professional drivers, so I'm more comfortable with them speeding, making funky turns etc than the average driver. In practice, yes it's safe for most people.

The real problem is not cops using their lights to get through traffic. It's that this is often a symptom of a larger disease, where officers enforce the law because it's their job, not because there is some practical purpose for the existence of that law.

[/ QUOTE ]

M2d 09-20-2007 03:49 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
you kind of are a nit. the first two...perks of the job, no one is harmed...not a huge deal. third one is probably a code 2 call and he only used the siren to get through the traffic as quickly and efficiently as possible.

M2d 09-20-2007 03:52 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I'm not willing to say "Cops are douches", but I have gotten the impression that being an officer is a low-paying, high-paperwork, no-fun job. They might have gotten more respect around 9/11, but now they're back to the image depicted in this thread. It seems like the only benefits of the job are the "fringe benefits" above. Doesn't that select for employees who DO like to abuse power?

[/ QUOTE ]

this is serious tard-speak. of all the cops i know (I know many) the percentage of d-bags is much less as the percentage of d-bags in the general population. maybe you just bring out their bad side?

kurosh 09-20-2007 03:54 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
One night, I made a left turn at about 1AM when I had a green arrow and didn't notice a cop with his lights on coming. I turned in front of him with about 2-3 seconds to spare. He pulled me over, so I guess wherever he was speeding to wasn't that important.

felson 09-20-2007 04:20 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Yeah i would think this is fine. Like especially in situations where that where it is 100% safe, and not wasting anyone's time...why waste the cop's time. People always love to use the arguement that cops should be doing something more important with their time...well there isn't a bad place to start.

[/ QUOTE ]

In non-emergency situations, I don't think the police's time is worth more than mine. Or yours.

ActionFreak 09-20-2007 05:26 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I'm not willing to say "Cops are douches", but I have gotten the impression that being an officer is a low-paying, high-paperwork, no-fun job. They might have gotten more respect around 9/11, but now they're back to the image depicted in this thread. It seems like the only benefits of the job are the "fringe benefits" above. Doesn't that select for employees who DO like to abuse power?

[/ QUOTE ]

this is serious tard-speak. of all the cops i know (I know many) the percentage of d-bags is much less as the percentage of d-bags in the general population. maybe you just bring out their bad side?

[/ QUOTE ]


sledghammer 09-20-2007 07:00 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
This exact thread came up in OOT a month ago. A few cops chimed in, it was basically settled that although the behavior itself doesn't really harm anyone, the attitude of entitlement (when there is no legit reason for running lights etc.) is a red flag that suggests the cop will abuse his power in other ways.

MicroBob 09-20-2007 08:08 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I can't help but wonder how often on-duty officers get in non-call accidents (meaning they are just patrolling and not in a big chase or responding to an emergency somewhere).

I saw the remnants of an accident near my residence in Tennessee once and it appeared the officer had rear-ended some driver in front of him. No idea if he had his lights on or was travelling very fast of course but both cars appeared to have some significant damage and needed to be towed away.

i also can't help but wonder if the officers who sometimes just break regular traffic rules just because they can doesn't help contribute to such accidents.

Cops are human and are going to get in routine accidents too of course. They are over-worked and under-paid and they drive around A LOT so obviously they can't be perfect all the time and I understand that. But I think that along with the fact that they are the ones who are supposed to be setting the example in the first place are exactly why they shouldn't be able to break traffic-laws such as running stop-signs, etc.

MicroBob 09-20-2007 08:11 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Here's one article from a Memphis publication about officer accidents including a somewhat interesting quote which I don't necessarily believe to be true:

"We do want to caution our officers that the public is watching," said Luttrell. "If officers are handling vehicles inappropriately, they'll be penalized for that."

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's a different story from a few days ago. I'm sure more stories like this could be found pretty easily.
Officers shouldn't be above the law...even on simple things like rolling-stops at stop-signs, etc (without a legitimate reason such as responding to a call of course):

"An on-duty Memphis police officer was involved in a fatal traffic accident Thursday afternoon.

Officials said the officer, driving an unmarked SUV, was involved in a collision with a sedan at the intersection of Central Avenue and South Barksdale Street.

During the accident, the sedan slid into a poll, killing 79-year-old Delores Hines of Memphis.

The officer suffered only minor injuries.

Investigators have not said what caused the accident."

ssaul2 09-20-2007 10:54 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I have also seen police officers do this sort of thing and although it may be annoying, you should realize that their job sucks and they should at least be allowed minor benefits such as this. This is coming from someone that does not sympathize with police because I have had some very unpleasant experiences. Another poster said this is normal for anyone to do this late at night - I know I don't wait around for the light to turn green when it's this late. Try to just forget about little annoying things like this, and it will make your life more enjoyable. I also get annoyed at small things like this, for example when I see someone throw a small piece of trash out their car window, it really pisses me off. Maybe we should try to meditate or somehting to clear our minds.

SlowHabit 09-20-2007 11:17 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
You're not a nit; cops that do piss the hell out of me because it's dangerous. Probability states that accidents are bound to happen.

Now, a story that might bring a smile to the nits' faces. I was getting gas at Chevron with Techron at a busy intersection when suddenly, I heard a loud noise. I turned my head and saw a police car in collusion with regular car. Long story short, the regular car was trying to pass the yellow light and the police turned on his sirens to make a left turn. GG.

I felt the cop deserve it for pulling this kind of shiet. However, I started feeling bad when I saw an old cop near retirement limping up and down the street lighting those small candles in the street so cars can avoid the accident area.

manbearpig 09-20-2007 11:26 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I got pulled over once when a cop that was tailgating me pulled me over after I semi cut off the guy next to me. He asked why I moved over and I told him that he was tailgating me and I thought he needed to get by. His response was, "If a cops lights are not on, he is no different than any other car on the road." Seems like a simple rule to abide by.

jeffnc 09-20-2007 03:27 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
His response was, "If a cops lights are not on, he is no different than any other car on the road." Seems like a simple rule to abide by.

[/ QUOTE ]

O rly? Then why was he tailgating?

M2d 09-20-2007 09:59 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I'm not willing to say "Cops are douches", but I have gotten the impression that being an officer is a low-paying, high-paperwork, no-fun job. They might have gotten more respect around 9/11, but now they're back to the image depicted in this thread. It seems like the only benefits of the job are the "fringe benefits" above. Doesn't that select for employees who DO like to abuse power?

[/ QUOTE ]

this is serious tard-speak. of all the cops i know (I know many) the percentage of d-bags is much less as the percentage of d-bags in the general population. maybe you just bring out their bad side?

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

what is wrong?

ShakeZula06 09-20-2007 10:20 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I do this stuff late at night, and Im not a cop, I dont see what the big deal is. I rarely wait for a light to turn at 3am when no one else is around.

[/ QUOTE ]
What bothers me about it is that if the cop saw you make a harmless illegal u-turn or ran a red light with no one around, he'd happily bust you for it. If it's wrong for me to do it why can he?

HammerinHank 09-21-2007 09:50 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
generalizations are always wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah, the irony.

SamIAm 09-21-2007 11:40 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
If it's wrong for me to do it why can he?

[/ QUOTE ]
To be honest, this isn't such a hard question. The cop has to go through intense and frequent driving training. He's a better driver than you are. Our system says a law's a law, but if it were possible to give better drivers more leeway, I'm for it, and this does seem like a step in that direction.

My issue is the bigger picture of power abuse.

Temp Hutter 09-21-2007 02:43 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
I remember reading a story a couple years ago about several fire fighters (maybe police as well) getting suspended for using a special transmitter that changes traffic signals to green. Here in my town we have many traffic lights that respond to these transmitters and it allows fire trucks, etc. to get through busy intersections by overriding the upcoming traffic signals.

Also, I had an old girlfriend date a cop a couple of years after me. She was in a BMW and he was in his police car and for fun he chased her down the interstate with his lights on at well over 100mph in the middle of the night. Probably not smart or safe. I think he was trying to impress her with his authority to break the law.

billygrippo 09-21-2007 05:30 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
this bothers me a bit but not nearly as much as [censored] cops. ive had my share of run-ins with the cops and 90% of the time they were total dicks (weather or not i was breaking the law). of course most of these incidents were when i was a teenager but still.

about the abuse of siren stuff tho, if i were a cop i totally see myself doing this. so i cant really get mad.

PokerBob 09-21-2007 07:23 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
If it's wrong for me to do it why can he?

[/ QUOTE ]
To be honest, this isn't such a hard question. The cop has to go through intense and frequent driving training. He's a better driver than you are.

[/ QUOTE ]

i do not doubt that they are better drivers than us. the problem is not that they drive bad, it is that we do. sirens often panic these less-skilled drivers, and they may make a mistake.

clownassassin 09-22-2007 12:23 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
this is serious tard-speak. of all the cops i know (I know many) the percentage of d-bags is much less as the percentage of d-bags in the general population. maybe you just bring out their bad side?

[/ QUOTE ]

So what you're saying is that the cops you know(who are either your friends or acquaintances) are less likely to be d-bags than the average person. Of course you feel that way otherwise they wouldn't be your friends. This is no different than saying "my friends cooler than people I don't know."

I was the first to call cops d-bags in this thread. They like to power trip/demand respect for themselves. That's part of why they chose the profession.
People have suggested that people who hold a similar opinion of cops must have problems with the law. However, I have never been arrested, and have no record.

Best thing is: Cops love me. I've lived in CA for 7 years and have been pulled over for traffic violations on a number of occasions. End result- ZERO tickets.

M2d 09-22-2007 01:13 AM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
this is serious tard-speak. of all the cops i know (I know many) the percentage of d-bags is much less as the percentage of d-bags in the general population. maybe you just bring out their bad side?

[/ QUOTE ]

So what you're saying is that the cops you know(who are either your friends or acquaintances) are less likely to be d-bags than the average person. Of course you feel that way otherwise they wouldn't be your friends. This is no different than saying "my friends cooler than people I don't know."

I was the first to call cops d-bags in this thread. They like to power trip/demand respect for themselves. That's part of why they chose the profession.
People have suggested that people who hold a similar opinion of cops must have problems with the law. However, I have never been arrested, and have no record.

Best thing is: Cops love me. I've lived in CA for 7 years and have been pulled over for traffic violations on a number of occasions. End result- ZERO tickets.

[/ QUOTE ]

i used to work for a county correctional department where I met ad worked with any number of correctional deputies, sheriff deputies, police officers, probation officers and other emergency personnel types. as with any place of work, there were some who I was friends with and some who I couldn't stand. even the ones I couldn't stand didn't, for the most part, exhibit the type of power tripping d-baggery that seems to be the root of this thread. some were did this, of course, but not nearly to the extent that many here think, and nowhere near the majority. this is probably a case of a few bad apples ruining the whole bunch, but I think perpetuating this unfair stereotype about our law enforcement officers is very hurtful to the vast majority who are truely there for the right reasons. fwiw, i've also found may more power tripping d-bags in the corporate world.

pig4bill 09-22-2007 10:16 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Cops are douches. They became cops because they were picked on and teased as kids, and feel like they didn't get the proper amount of respect that they deserved. This is why cops and people who work in security power trip all the time. By turning on the siren they're able to make people respectfully move out of their way.Giving people like that a respect switch(aka the siren switch) will always result in a an abuse of power. They're addicted to power and respect, even if it is fabricated.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just the opposite. Most cops were bullies as kids, and they became cops so they could push people around as adults. Being a cop is the ultimate for a bully. I grew up in a small town, and what did I notice as I grew into my twenties? Many of the douchebag bullies in high school became cops.

jaydub 09-22-2007 10:45 PM

Re: I\'m likely just a nit
Cops are douches. They became cops because they were picked on and teased as kids, and feel like they didn't get the proper amount of respect that they deserved. This is why cops and people who work in security power trip all the time. By turning on the siren they're able to make people respectfully move out of their way.Giving people like that a respect switch(aka the siren switch) will always result in a an abuse of power. They're addicted to power and respect, even if it is fabricated.

[/ QUOTE ]

generalizations are always wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless of course they are used to describe a large and diverse group of people in a general way.

Oh and cop as childhood bully is the better generalization.


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