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rbenuck4 11-25-2007 12:37 PM

Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Since this is my 3rd "am i a D-bag" thread I'm assuming the answer is "yes" since I keep having to question these situations, but here goes anyway. Again, I will try to be impartial with my telling of the story and not just give the version that makes me look ok.

Backstory on me and this fellow is that a couple weeks ago he pulled an angle on a newb and I called him on it and he got really upset that I would question his integrity. It got dropped, and then tonight this situation occurred.

We are in a pot together. River comes a third heart giving me a flush. I go all in, he insta-calls. I flip over my cards. He uses the F bomb quite loudly saying "You F*er." I don't respond. I ask dealer to chop one of the redbirds, and I tip her 3 dollars. (Now, to give you guys some info on this game, tipping red-birds is pretty common after large pots, and I've even seen a black chip given as a tip, however my thing is I usually tip .1% of the pot rounded up to the nearest dollar, so this pot was 2K+, so that equals 3 dollars).

About 30 seconds later, he asks the dealer "How much did he tip you, a dollar?" She puts up 3 fingers indicating that I tipped her 3 dollars, and he give a "psssshhh" and rolls his eyes.

This is where I speak up. I say "Do you have a problem?" He responds "I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the dealer." I respond "yeah but you were talking about me. Do you have a problem with how I tip?" He responds "yeah, I do." I say very nastily "Who the hell do you think you are?" That's when floor is called over and that's pretty much the end of the situation.

The reason I ask is that a couple guys from the table who are buddies with this guy got in my face about starting with him. That's why I ask you guys, am I a D-bag?

Thanks for the replies

tl;dr. I win big pot, tip 3 dollars, villain makes fun of my tipping, I say "Who the hell do you think you are?" Am I a douche?

toss 11-25-2007 12:52 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Clearly villain is the dbag. None of your actions were dbagish. Put the Ipod on next time.

xker17x 11-25-2007 01:49 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
nothing wrong with you in this situation

smokingrobot 11-25-2007 01:55 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
next hand you win, tip the [censored] 1 buck and tell him if he wants, he can refuse it.

Pot Odds RAC 11-25-2007 02:28 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
.1% is a little light IMHO but still none of his freaking business. He was clearly passive aggressively going after you and trying to "start" something. I'd have had EXACTLY the same that you did.

NickMPK 11-25-2007 02:46 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
It doesn't seem appropriate to me that a dealer should be responding to question from one player about how another player is tipping.
BTW, I probably tip $3 on this pot as well.

Howard Beale 11-25-2007 02:49 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
You're not the d-bag but you handled it wrong, imo. Anything that raises your blood pressure is bad for YOU and anything that raises HIS is bad for him. He's clearly a bit tilted. Don't do the same to yourself. Occasionally this sort of thing happens to me and I handle it by just laughing at the other guy.

Taso 11-25-2007 02:50 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
It doesn't seem appropriate to me that a dealer should be responding to question from one player about how another player is tipping.
BTW, I probably tip $3 on this pot as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know what I'd tip, but I agree the dealer should not be talking about your tipping. That guy seems like a realllll jerk, next time just tell him you'd tip whatever you want with HIS money, and point to your stack, or your rolex if you want.

MicroBob 11-25-2007 02:54 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
He was a jerk but you are really escalating it by directly confronting him about it.
If some d-bag wants to ask every dealer how much I tipped on every single hand it would bug me and I would thinkk they were an idiot but directly confronting him with, "who the hell do you think you are" is too much.

I also agree that the dealer should not be telling others how much you tipped.

I would also be somewhat curious about the angle on the newb you called him on a couple weeks prior.

quickfetus 11-25-2007 04:02 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
You're not a douche at all, I would have gotten pissed at the guy and said something about his small brain. If not for his buddies there, I also would have spent the rest of my time at the table referring to the difficulty of counting his money.

Edge34 11-25-2007 04:31 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
If he pissed me off bad enough and I could fade it, I would ask him how big the last pot I took off him was. Then I would tip the dealer every cent I had just taken off him.

THAT might be a d-bag move, but that would be entertaining IMO.

KhalynYohrk 11-25-2007 05:14 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Call him dingleberry and tell him to shut his pie hole.

Yes you were a bit duchey for confronting, he is the obv dbag no need to make a scene.

That said I have a confession, I was in a pot where I flopped a set of deuces and it was bet out and I vtowned my set vs a flush draw on the flop and by the turn there was 800 in the pot and I moved AI for 400 more, guy flipped up nut flush draw and I told him what I had being semi happy to take it down. He called and afterward I tounge in cheek thanked him for calling, D-bag?

TomBrooks 11-25-2007 05:31 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
He was the D-Bag, but he trapped you into the D-Baggery Trap.

1. He just lost a big pot, give him some slack.

2. He's steaming which is good for you. Don't fall into a steam-trap yourself.

3. The dealer made a mistake here. Don't take that out on him. You could mention it to the dealer or the floor later and ask her not to respond to questions about your tips.

pfapfap 11-25-2007 05:32 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
I really don't understand all this chest-beating confrontation? Why is any response at all necessary? Why is this something worthy of anything more than a bemused dismissal?

Also, while I agree that dealers shouldn't talk about their tips, this dealer may have been in an awkward situation with not wanting to be rude to a regular who tips a lot. Still not good, but understandable in the context.

KamiKatze 11-25-2007 05:51 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Hit guy in face with solid next time.

Doc T River 11-25-2007 06:00 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
I think your tip was a little light, but I don't think that makes you a douche bag. The other player should not have asked how much you tipped and the dealer should not have responded.

MicroBob 11-25-2007 06:03 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Yeah, I wouldn't be too ticked off at the dealer in this situation. Even though I think it's inappropriate I understand that she's not exactly signalling to him after every hand or something like that. She's only responding to what she was asked.

The chest-beating confrontation stuff I don't quite get either although I guess we've got some adrenilin rushing around and stuff like that both from having won a big pot and also having some guy act really d-baggy practically directly at us.
But asking, "do you have a problem with how much I tip?" is almost TRYING to turn practically nothing into something.
If he says, "no dude. whatever. tip however much you want" then it seems OP is positioned to respond, "good...then butt the hell out of my business" which is starting just as much stuff as "yes, I do" with "what the hell is your problem?"

No matter what he responds to this question OP is going to be able to run it into a more escalted situation.

Again, I do have problems with the guy asking the dealer how much he tipped. That guy is an idiot. But I think you have to learn to walk away from some of this stuff otherwise you are just going to end up getting into non-stop super-macho confrontations because there are plenty of opportunities for them if that is what you're after.

I've had guys yap at me at the table before in a semi-similar fashion and I just let it go because they're drunk and/or stupid.
Just try to take some more of their money on the next hand.

However, it should be noted that I have never played in any of the California rooms where I hear some of this stuff is a bit more common. I might find myself making threats or exchanging much more impolite language if a ruder situation presented itself.

androidMetro 11-25-2007 06:25 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
You handled it badly by being way too serious. Laugh it off and let this guy steam off his chips.

rbenuck4 11-25-2007 06:58 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread

I would also be somewhat curious about the angle on the newb you called him on a couple weeks prior.

[/ QUOTE ]

He was first to act on the river, and it got checked around. He was first to show, however he held his cards in his hands and pretended not to be paying attention. Dealer said at least 3 times "your first" to him or some variant, however he played dumb and waited until his opponent turned over his hand. Then, after seeing he had a winner, villain turned over his hand.

When I said something to him "you know you were first to flip," he said that he couldn't hear because his earphones were in. This is someone who has been playing cards for years, and he had been able to hold conversations perfectly fine with his earphones in, so I gave a sarcastic "uh huh" to him. He immediately got red in the face and shouted "are you calling me a liar?" I kind of shrugged, and that was also pretty much the end of it. At the end of the session, I said to him "if you really couldn't hear, then I apologize."

Again, I should've probably stayed out of it, but my pushy self got in the way of a peaceful poker session.

Bats 11-25-2007 07:18 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Again, I should've probably stayed out of it, but my pushy self got in the way of a peaceful poker session.

[/ QUOTE ]

It sounds like your "pushy self" goes around with a chip on his shoulder looking for arguments. The best way to have a peaceful poker session is not to take the bait of jerks.

kailua 11-25-2007 07:33 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Since this is my 3rd "am i a D-bag" thread I'm assuming the answer is "yes" since I keep having to question these situations, but here goes anyway. Again, I will try to be impartial with my telling of the story and not just give the version that makes me look ok.

Backstory on me and this fellow is that a couple weeks ago he pulled an angle on a newb and I called him on it and he got really upset that I would question his integrity. It got dropped, and then tonight this situation occurred.

We are in a pot together. River comes a third heart giving me a flush. I go all in, he insta-calls. I flip over my cards. He uses the F bomb quite loudly saying "You F*er." I don't respond. I ask dealer to chop one of the redbirds, and I tip her 3 dollars. (Now, to give you guys some info on this game, tipping red-birds is pretty common after large pots, and I've even seen a black chip given as a tip, however my thing is I usually tip .1% of the pot rounded up to the nearest dollar, so this pot was 2K+, so that equals 3 dollars).

About 30 seconds later, he asks the dealer "How much did he tip you, a dollar?" She puts up 3 fingers indicating that I tipped her 3 dollars, and he give a "psssshhh" and rolls his eyes.

This is where I speak up. I say "Do you have a problem?" He responds "I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the dealer." I respond "yeah but you were talking about me. Do you have a problem with how I tip?" He responds "yeah, I do." I say very nastily "Who the hell do you think you are?" That's when floor is called over and that's pretty much the end of the situation.

The reason I ask is that a couple guys from the table who are buddies with this guy got in my face about starting with him. That's why I ask you guys, am I a D-bag?

Thanks for the replies

tl;dr. I win big pot, tip 3 dollars, villain makes fun of my tipping, I say "Who the hell do you think you are?" Am I a douche?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds like between the beat and past encounters he’s steaming and makes a rather childish attempt to embarrass you. In this case he comes across as a passive aggressive douche but you bite and escalate into full confrontational mode when a smile and shrug, or better yet, completely ignoring him as you stacked his chips would have kept you in control of both him and your emotions. You rewarded him and probably took him off tilt.

Since it appears you’ve been finding yourself responding emotionally to situations at the table, for your long term survival and profitability it might behoove you to quit internalizing and expending energy on who was right or who acted douchey and look at which responses/non response will help make you a better winning player.

The dealer was caught off guard and with experience (or a private word from you later) might handle the situation better in the future. Regardless, tip what you feel comfortable with and never give the comments or gestures of other players or the dealer a second thought. An exception perhaps being if it’s an extremely profitable super loose fish fest full of large pots and over tipping and you want to maintain the image of rollicking along with everyone else.

dizzle98 11-25-2007 07:38 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
So you think it's ok to get involved in something that doesn't involve you (an "angle" where villain doesn't show his cards first...even though that isn't even an angle, it's just being kind of a jerk) but you get mad when that same player puts himself into YOUR business at another time?

Yeah that makes you a bit of a d-bag. Seems like you were just looking for a way to get into it with this guy. And for all anyone knows this guy wouldn't have said a word in this situation if you hadn't gotten into his business before.

MicroBob 11-25-2007 08:22 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
I agree that the 'angle' from a couple weeks prior was a really unnecessary confrontation.
Whether his not showing was appropriate or not I think that giving the sarcastic "uh huh" is practically begging for some sort of response.

Yes, people are jerks at the table. But it seems OP can't keep himself from starting stuff up with people he doesn't like.

rbenuck4 11-25-2007 09:34 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread

Yes, people are jerks at the table. But it seems OP can't keep himself from starting stuff up with people he doesn't like.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, I believe this is my main problem. I gotta work on this.

pocketpared 11-26-2007 02:18 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
About 30 seconds later, he asks the dealer "How much did he tip you, a dollar?"

Answer: "Yes, I did. And I'm still waiting for my change." You have to joke this kind of stuff off and play poker.

Bulldog 11-26-2007 03:00 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
You'd be a douche if you didn't confront him.

Faustfan 11-26-2007 03:23 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
in a 2k pot, I tip 20$ and still feel pretty bad about it. in germany 2% is expected and actually you might get thrown out if you dont tip enough for a long period of time.

but I guess they rake less over here

3rdCheckRaise 11-26-2007 03:42 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
When I said something to him "you know you were first to flip," he said that he couldn't hear because his earphones were in. This is someone who has been playing cards for years, and he had been able to hold conversations perfectly fine with his earphones in, so I gave a sarcastic "uh huh" to him. He immediately got red in the face and shouted "are you calling me a liar?" I kind of shrugged, and that was also pretty much the end of it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm...yes u are a d-bag. First you butt in the hand where you weren't involved and were clearly wrong in that situation. Then you called it an "angle" and put it in the beginning of your post to set up a negative perception of the villain. Ohh and "Do you have a problem with xxx" sounds great in the setting where you can't get your balls broken. What if he does? What can YOU do about it? You sound like a little p()ssy who feels safe in the poker room and loves to pump his chest while risking nothing. DIE !!!

DayTripping 11-26-2007 04:24 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
It seems like you have the type of personality where you get into a lot of confrontations with people. In all the years I've been playing poker I've never gotten into any sort of verbal battle with another player. Not one. Funny how there are other players who always seem to end up in some kind of altercation. Maybe you need to look at yourself and ask why you constantly seem to find yourself in these situations.

That being said, I do have to call you out on the tip. You just won a $2,000 pot and you ask the dealer to chop a redbird? Can you be any nittier? Does the 200 pennies you are saving really outweigh the negative vibes you send to the rest of the table (and the dealer) with that action?

Lord_Strife 11-26-2007 05:36 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
In my opinion I do not think you're a douche... most dealers and most live players would. I personally am a dealer as well as a player so I can see it from both sides of the spectrum. In Florida, a $3 tip on a $2k pot would have SEVERAL players at the table getting on your case. As a dealer, of course I am greedy and want a bigger tip, but I just got $3 for a minute and a halfs worth of work... shippit?

I didnt read the rest of the thread, but I'd predict you'll have a lot of support on this because quite frankly 2+2ers are not good tippers. There's absolutely nothing bad about that, but they just feel that it cuts into their net profits too much to justify it being crazy. Most live players are recreational players and they become friends with the dealers and they get guilted into tipping way too much because they have a personal repour with the dealer.

Lord_Strife 11-26-2007 05:41 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
in a 2k pot, I tip 20$ and still feel pretty bad about it. in germany 2% is expected and actually you might get thrown out if you dont tip enough for a long period of time.

but I guess they rake less over here

[/ QUOTE ]

Holy [censored] I gotta learn German and buy a plane ticket

Pot Odds RAC 11-26-2007 05:56 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
When I said something to him "you know you were first to flip," he said that he couldn't hear because his earphones were in. This is someone who has been playing cards for years, and he had been able to hold conversations perfectly fine with his earphones in, so I gave a sarcastic "uh huh" to him. He immediately got red in the face and shouted "are you calling me a liar?" I kind of shrugged, and that was also pretty much the end of it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm...yes u are a d-bag. First you butt in the hand where you weren't involved and were clearly wrong in that situation. Then you called it an "angle" and put it in the beginning of your post to set up a negative perception of the villain. Ohh and "Do you have a problem with xxx" sounds great in the setting where you can't get your balls broken. What if he does? What can YOU do about it? You sound like a little p()ssy who feels safe in the poker room and loves to pump his chest while risking nothing. DIE !!!

[/ QUOTE ]
My Hypocrisy Detector just overloaded.

egocidal 11-26-2007 05:59 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
So you think it's ok to get involved in something that doesn't involve you (an "angle" where villain doesn't show his cards first...even though that isn't even an angle, it's just being kind of a jerk) but you get mad when that same player puts himself into YOUR business at another time?

Yeah that makes you a bit of a d-bag. Seems like you were just looking for a way to get into it with this guy. And for all anyone knows this guy wouldn't have said a word in this situation if you hadn't gotten into his business before.

[/ QUOTE ]

clearly u are the villain from the story no?

ceczar 11-26-2007 06:57 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread

i think it's clear villain was a bigger douche, and depending on the circumstances it's either more douchey to engage someone like that or it's douchey to let his douchey actions go un-confronted. you probably should have ignored his tipping comment.


as regards to the tipping thing. in games where you might get uninvited if you tip "small", tipping a larger amount should not be considered an issue of fairness but a cost for being in the game. i think it's pretty ridiculous for dealers to be making stripper wages. in big games that OP plays in, there could be more than 10 >$1000 pots per hour. tipping something like %2 results in just ludicrous hourly wages. it may be a prudent thing to do for other reasons, but not fairness.

Samson5 11-27-2007 07:02 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Nothing wrong with the way you handled it. None of his business what you tip and I would have confronted him and given his friends a ration if they joined in. He and his friends sound like they enjoy ganging up on someone. That's probably why he acted the way he did -- he knew they'd back him up.

andyfox 11-27-2007 07:14 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Another reason to dislike no limit. Everybody is always on tilt.

badbeatLOL 11-27-2007 10:44 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
in a 2k pot, I tip 20$ and still feel pretty bad about it. in germany 2% is expected and actually you might get thrown out if you dont tip enough for a long period of time.

but I guess they rake less over here

[/ QUOTE ]

wtf are you serious?
you ever seen someone get thrown out of a german casino for not tipping enough? which casino are you talking about?

Spiffysean 11-27-2007 11:02 PM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Just stop being a nit, and throw that big 5-spot out there. I'll tip $5 on a 200-300 dollar pot at the 1/2NL table.

Give people less to bitch about, and they will stop bitching! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

schnukums 11-28-2007 12:07 AM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
Asking for change to tip a dealer on a 2k pot is pretty cheap not matter were your from.

GTL 11-28-2007 12:47 AM

Re: Another \"Am I a D-bag\" thread
go to foxwoods, no one ever tips a redbird there.

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