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ZOMG_RIGGED! 11-27-2007 08:33 PM

Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
Live, FR 2-5 NL.

Drunk guy as just show up and dumped 2 buyins in under laps and has woken up a dead game. He has just rebought and still in a great mood. Drunk in two seat, regular in 5, EP in 6, me in 10.

Several limp, and I limp in the back with KQo, drunk is behind me in action. I have a very TAG image, regular and EP are smart enough to know what I have.

Flop is KKx. Everyone checks around to drunk, who cheerful bets and tells the table to fold because he has a K. EP calls, I call. At this point a regular who's been chatting up the drunk starts laughiing and nods at me and tells the drunk something like "lol, he obviously has a K" Drunk laughs it off.

Turn complete brick, checks to drunk. As drunks is obvisouly getting ready to put out a large bet regular laughs and says "What are you doing? I told you he has a K" and nods to me. Drunk says "He cant have a K because I have all 4." He makes large bet, EP calls, I call.

River Q. First Player checks, and I pause thinking on what to do. Mean while the Regular is loudly talking across the table laughing and talking it up to the drunk saying he'd better fold because I have a king.

Result: Drunk acts out of turn and goes all in before I act, EP folds, I call and stack him

I was ready to come over the table at the regular over the hand but probably should have just as mad at the dealer. Whats the move here when someone trys to sabotage a monster hand and the dealer does nothing?

WhiteKnight 11-27-2007 08:40 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
Tricky spot because if you make a big deal out of it you obv have the K right. How about never tip the dealer ever again, and let him know this is the reason. Also, talk to the floor after.

budblown 11-27-2007 08:43 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
Tell the regular to STFU and not comment while a hand is in progress.

Off Duty 11-27-2007 08:44 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
What's the dealer supposed to do? Hit him in the head with a shovel? The Regular is probally just talking out of his ass trying to have fun with the drunk.

I'd talk to the floor, privately.

ZOMG_RIGGED! 11-27-2007 09:02 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
What's the dealer supposed to do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously? His job maybe?

"Sir could you not discuss a hand while its being played?"

"One player to a hand please."

"Would you STFU and not kill the action retard?"

Any similiar line during the play would have been apreciated and earned a nice tip. I guess its too much to ask for a dealer to his job?

Xanthro 11-27-2007 09:14 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
What's the dealer supposed to do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously? His job maybe?

"Sir could you not discuss a hand while its being played?"

"One player to a hand please."

"Would you STFU and not kill the action retard?"

Any similiar line during the play would have been apreciated and earned a nice tip. I guess its too much to ask for a dealer to his job?

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly, some of those could just kill your action.

You can't say anything because it makes it look like you have the nuts, and what the dealer says is very important as well.

A simple "Please no discussing hands" would suffice, and have the dealer take action afterwards.

I'd also talk to the floor after this about the player as well.

Al_Capone_Junior 11-27-2007 09:26 PM

some nuts a gonna get kicked
I'd kick regular and dealer both in the nuts, square.

The first time jerk opens mouth during hand I don't let it slide. I have a friggin' **** fit all over the dealer and schmuckola-boy by the time it got as far as you let it go. Then I call the floor on top of the nut-kicking, hissy, and stacking chips.

Btw, this dealer gets zero tip, except that I regail 'em with an elaborate explaination of why, after floor leaves table.

A player told me recently "most dealers are just bumps on a log, waiting around to get tipped." That really bothered me because it's so friggin' true. These schmucks don't give a fudge about poker, but they sure jump on the easy money bandwagon real fast. Now they're in but they still don't give a damn anyway. These dealers are quite lucky to ever get a buck from me. I tip extra to dealers who care about poker and try do do a good job, try to improve. I even tip extra to new dealers who aren't very good, as long as they are trying and working towards getting better.

I'm not a bump on a log. I try hard and always want to get better. I expect the same in return.


pfapfap 11-27-2007 10:09 PM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked

I'm in Al's boat in that I'm frustrated at dealers who don't respect the game. I confess I'm new to the dealer side of things, and have only been playing more than kitchen table games for a few years, but I have tremendous respect for the game and the players. The dealers who don't understand these nuances and why they're important make my job more difficult as players learn they can do crap like this.

I don't think I could go so far as to never tip the dealer again, but I would certainly give a harsh WTF?! sort of reaction immediately after the hand, and I would probably speak to a supervisor (unfortunately, the floor is the worst person to talk to, but is the person you should start with).

If I were in the box and let this slide on such a huge pot and the player stacked tens of thousands of dollars in chips and told me he was never tipping me again, I would apologize profusely and tell him he was 100% right.

This is nothing difficult to do at all, especially if it's a regular talking to a drunk. The drunk is easily distracted and will not notice me getting the attention of a regular, who should better friggin' know friggin' better. If I'm able to get his attention without the drunk noticing, I tell him in no uncertain terms to STFU. If everyone's watching and it would affect action, I try to be as, "hey, c'mon guys, leave your theories to yourselves," as possible, but still stressing that it is not acceptable to talk any further at all, with probably some glaring.

pfapfap 11-27-2007 10:12 PM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked

How big of a tipper are you? It's possible the dealer didn't want you to stack someone who would likely hit huge suckouts and rain chips on him. I'm not saying this excuses his behavior, just that it makes it a little more understandable. We're all humans with weaknesses, after all, and this is the dealer's income, too. If he feels you're not looking out for his bottom line, he may feel justified in not looking out for yours.

youtalkfunny 11-28-2007 02:12 AM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
My usual contrarian position, on behalf of the dealers:

Every time we tell a yapping player to shut up, WE GET THE DIRTY LOOKS. Not just from the yapping players. Other players, who see nothing wrong with such table talk, take offense to the suggestion.

All I'm saying is, next time a dealer asks a player to stop talking about the hand, and the yapper or some by-stander starts giving the dealer a hard time about it, show the dealer that you have his back! Take some of the heat for the dealer.

If the dealer has to take all the heat, don't hold your breath.

(I can't believe my SpellCheck doesn't like "contrarian".)

pfapfap 11-28-2007 11:53 AM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
Yeah, you have a point about trying to get people involved in a hand to be quiet... the best is when someone's about to fold, says, "well, I can't beat your straight or your boat, especially not with four flush cards out there," and then folds. Dude, STFU. "But I was in the hand, I can say what I want!" For those of a hand completely, it's a lot easier to get them to stop, and they usually feel sheepish and apologize. But still, some of my most ridiculous confrontations have come when I've tried to politely get someone who's in a hand to stop talking about a it, and s/he says something like, "I was just saying there was a flush out there..." Uh, yes, exactly, that's not what you're supposed to do. The contrarian attitude (hey, my spellchecker doesn't like it either... stupid Camino) is what gets the floor over, and it's a big headache and nobody likes it. Thankfully, most people just say "ok" and that's that.

So yeah, all of you, the next time a dealer says something to try to get people to act in line, and it's something that won't affect your EV, please back the dealer. It goes a very long way to control the people who feel anybody in any position of "authority" is automatically a bad person and worth challenging. And if something like this is going on and the dealer isn't doing anything and you're not in the hand, say something to the dealer! It's a very delicate balance, and can spiral out of control so quickly sometimes, and often it's not worth getting involved if the table seems ok with it. That doesn't mean I don't get involved, but it's often a big hassle. It's always easier when a player complains first.

andyfox 11-28-2007 12:19 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
Simply ask the player to please not talk about the cards while the hand is in progress.

youtalkfunny 11-28-2007 05:23 PM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
Thankfully, most people just say "ok" and that's that.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not in my part of the world. If this were true, my above post would be unwarranted.

Mr Rick 11-28-2007 05:32 PM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
All I'm saying is, next time a dealer asks a player to stop talking about the hand, and the yapper or some by-stander starts giving the dealer a hard time about it, show the dealer that you have his back! Take some of the heat for the dealer.

If the dealer has to take all the heat, don't hold your breath.

[/ QUOTE ]
I agree completely with this.

If anybody gives the dealer heat for trying to enforce the One Plater to a Hand rule, I will always say something in support of the dealer. And I will also ask the player if he wants to discuss it further with the Floor.

Unless of course I am the violator. Then I sheepishly apologize and pretend I am in a SouthWest airlines commercial.

jkamowitz 11-28-2007 06:24 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
Simply ask the player to please not talk about the cards while the hand is in progress.

[/ QUOTE ]

pokerswami 11-29-2007 05:59 AM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
This thread has some very good posts in it.

I have the same trouble with players who have folded, then subsequently react to the board cards, giving away that the flop or the turn or the river or all the above would have hit their pocket cards in some way.

Part of the trouble with one particular guy is that he brings himself, and often his daughter and son, every week to a tournament that is typically only 2 tables total. This is one of those games where everyone is used to playing with everyone else, and there is a tremendous amount of soft-playing, mainly when a hand gets down to 2-handed.

MicroBob 11-29-2007 11:54 AM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked

The first time jerk opens mouth during hand I don't let it slide. I have a friggin' **** fit all over the dealer and schmuckola-boy by the time it got as far as you let it go.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't understand.
The reason he isn't speaking is because then it will be even more obvious that the regular is correct.
He was kind of trapped and was hoping the dealer would do something or that the regular would show any amount of tact.
Andy Fox's suggestion that you can just tell him not to discuss the hands is okay but it still starts to look like you've got it even more.
And, of course, I think OP was just as surprised as everyone that he continued to do it throughout the hand and not just the one time considering that he should know better.

I kind of blasted somebody else's post on here because I thought he unnecessarily started confrontations with players at the table. It was about the guy who tipped $3 in a $2k pot.
But in this situation I'm kind of sure I would consider 'starting something'. Holy crap this would irritate me and bring me to the point of almost wanting to fight the guy.
There's a very good chance it would bring an extremely rude, "WTF? STFU during the hand [censored]" out of me or something like that.
Maybe regular is trying to tilt me or something. There's a chance that breaking all 1-person-to-hand rules and telling some fish who I'm trying to stack to slow down or stop betting into me would accomplish said goal of tilting me.

Seriously, this is absolutely horrible.

Dealer should definitely be doing something here. And most dealers do when it even gets close to that.

Mr Rick 11-29-2007 12:38 PM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
Maybe regular is trying to win more money or something. There's a chance that breaking all 1-person-to-hand rules and telling some fish who I'm trying to stack to slow down or stop betting into me would accomplish said goal of leaving the fish with some money for the regular to have a chance to subsequently win

MicroBob 11-29-2007 01:16 PM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
seems a decent theory.
even more reason why the dealer should be reprimanding him and enforcing the rules of the game.

The way the OP described it I'm practically surprised the prick didn't go diving across the table to physically shove the chips back to the drunk.
All that "you better stop betting...he's got you beat" kind of crap is SO horrible.

Way worse imo than the guy who tells everyone that there's a 4-flush on the board or the guy who reacts to every flop that WOULD have given him a monster.

jeffnc 11-29-2007 03:15 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
What's the dealer supposed to do? Hit him in the head with a shovel?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah I see your point. That is the only logical alternative to not saying anything at all. There's really no other option I can think of beside hitting the guy with an actual shovel.


jeffnc 11-29-2007 03:19 PM

Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked
My usual contrarian position, on behalf of the dealers:

Every time we tell a yapping player to shut up, WE GET THE DIRTY LOOKS.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's because you should never tell anyone to "shut up". If you can't figure out how to deal with situations such as these, then you shouldn't be a dealer. IT'S YOUR JOB. IT'S PART OF THE MINIMUM JOB REQUIREMENTS TO GET HIRED AND KEEP YOUR POSITION.

I'm not saying I know exactly how to do it. I don't know how to do heart surgery either. But then, I don't try to collect salary as a surgeon, do I?

AngusThermopyle 11-29-2007 03:20 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
What's the dealer supposed to do? Hit him in the head with a shovel?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, with a spade.

ZOMG_RIGGED! 11-29-2007 08:59 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
It's possible the dealer didn't want you to stack someone who would likely hit huge suckouts and rain chips on him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah. Drunk wasnt tipping well because he was to drunk to think of anyone but himself. I tip around normal, bu tit was pretty clear the daler of think of rainbows, or square dancing or some random [censored] that wasnt more importnat this hand

ZOMG_RIGGED! 11-29-2007 09:05 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
The reason he isn't speaking is because then it will be even more obvious that the regular is correct.
He was kind of trapped and was hoping the dealer would do something or that the regular would show any amount of tact.
Andy Fox's suggestion that you can just tell him not to discuss the hands is okay but it still starts to look like you've got it even more.
And, of course, I think OP was just as surprised as everyone that he continued to do it throughout the hand and not just the one time considering that he should know better.

[/ QUOTE ]

this was exactly my point. i've played a ton of poker and seen and done enough stupid crap that basically nothing phases me at a poker table but this hand serisouly had me on life tilt. I cant be the only one who's had this happen so I was curious as to how others would handle it becaus ei'm positive I handled it less than optimally.

doodydota 11-29-2007 10:28 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
In a home game I used to play the following was a common scenario:

Whenever I was just about to stack the fish on the river, some other home game regulars would take all the effort to talk the fish out of calling my river bet.

This was so frustrating to see the fish pile all of his chip and start shoving them into the middle, but then the discouraging talk started and it made the fish hard to call and don't look a fool if he lost (obv.) the big pot to me.

These god damn regs just try to preserve the fish's money for themselfs.

zunni74 11-30-2007 11:04 AM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
Was at my local casino yesterday and this situation came up (though in a Limit game), the dealer simply said "No discussion on the hands in play folks", and when the player tried to protest she followed up with "Sir, if you insist on breaking the rules, I will call the floor over" He shut up after that.

Thinking of this post, I thanked the dealer even though I had already folded because I knew that this scenerio may happen to me in the future and I wanted the dealer to know that I supported her.

In this case, I would have waited til the hand was over, excused myself and talked to the floor privately. There's no reason to humiliate the dealer in front of everyone, but to not control the table in this situation is unacceptable. If the floor didn't take my request seriously, I would ask to speak to a shift supervisor.

bav 11-30-2007 12:31 PM

Re: Player out of line, Dealer asleep at the wheel
A dealer is supposed to do his job. Maintaining control of he table, including stopping the folks violating basic rules like one player to a hand, is part of that job. A professional doesn't let thoughts about who is tipping more, who is a regular vs a drop-in, or who has more breast showing influence how they behave. And a professional does their job despite the possibility that there will be negative repercussions from doing so from some subset of his customers.

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