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wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 08:56 AM

*** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Just like it says. The old thread needs to die, alongside Mota and the rest of the suckos in the bullpen.

Just to recap our offseason so far (1 day):

- Will Willie be back? How bout Peterson?
- Wilpon's E-Mail Apology
- Schoeneweis is a roid raging sucky bullpen pitcher
- What players will be back?
- A discussion was going whether Duque in the pen made more sense than the rotation next year.

The following Mets are FA's:
Green (team option), Alou (team option), Glavine (option), Lo Duca, Castro, Castillo, Sosa, Valentin, Conine, Easley, Anderson, Sele, Williams, Lawrence

I can see them re-signing Castillo, Castro and possibly Alou from that list and that is all.

2008 FA's: Link.

Really I don't see a lot of help on that list. In order to improve this team it might be a case of addition by subtraction and giving some of our younger guys a chance. Trading Gomez, Pelfrey, Humber, etc is also a distinct possibility.

SuperUberBob 10-02-2007 09:05 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Schoeneweis needs to get back on the roids.

Doubly true for Mota.

wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 09:05 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Schoeneweis needs to get back on the roids.

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't agree more, as does Mota.

Suigin406 10-02-2007 09:07 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
is it just me or did reyes fall off the map when henderson came on board??

wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 09:13 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Down got fired on July 12th. HoJo got promoted to hitting coach the next day and Henderson got brought on as a coach that same day as well.

Reyes was pretty much down hill since the All Star break. But he didn't completely fall off the map till September (.205/.279/.333).

Could be just a coincidence, could be HoJo/Henderson influence. It could be he completely responded in the wrong way from the tough love (benching, etc) from Willie.

Suigin406 10-02-2007 09:22 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
don't think it was willie's fault with reyes here, he's benched reyes in previous spots and for the most part reyes responded fine, and has also been a big supporter to reyes imo

wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 09:45 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
I'm just trying to blame Willie as much as possible whenever I can. :-)

Really though, I don't know if you can blame anyone for Reyes' slide the second half of the year. He probably just got himself in a rut and then put too much pressure on himself. He's young. He'll bounce back and he'll learn from this.

niss 10-02-2007 09:57 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
One of the blogs ( says that there are rumors that a lot of the players are unhappy with Reyes. Will be interesting to hear what players say as time passes, and how this plays out.

SuperUberBob 10-02-2007 10:17 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
According to ESPN, Mets stated that they will not fire Willie Randolph.

I'm sure that he's on a short leash though.

Suigin406 10-02-2007 10:18 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
interesting who has problems with reyes and for what reasons, they can't get mad at a young kid for hitting a slump, might have been work ethic too as he has occasionally dogged it, though my guess is that some of that stuff is exaggerated and willie just wants to make sure he's on top of reyes...

unless it's a core player, if they have 'major' problems with reyes, like the blog said, they need to get shipped the [censored] out, the mets can't let this stuff stew

Needle77 10-02-2007 10:19 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
According to ESPN, Mets stated that they will not fire Willie Randolph.

I'm sure that he's on a short leash though.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think Omar is going to be on the WFAN at 2:00 today and will make an official statement. Hopefully it is a stern one at that. My only concern about Willie is the fact that the players did not respond to him when they needed to. Managers are going to make dumb mistakes, but they need to have the players on their side, and I just didn't see it while watching the games.

But, to be fair, it didn't matter who was in that dugout for the last month, the pitchers just underperformed tremendously.

Suigin406 10-02-2007 10:24 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
weird, i always got the impression that willie was a 'player's manager' and felt his laid back demeanor would fit well with the vets on the team imo...

true, he didn't fire up the team, but that's his style, i always thought big time antics were to fire up younger teams to rally them and wouldn't be as effective with an older team...i do think the players are on his side and they will play hard for him next season...

true, the players didn't seem to respond to him at all late, but jesus, with so many vets, this shouldn't be as big an issue imo...

hated him for using mota, but i can't seem to put as much blame on him for the other stuff tbh, blaming the coach for getting ur ass kicked by the nationals seems dumb to me

Suigin406 10-02-2007 10:27 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
btw, since schoenwuss allegedly used roids, if this can be confirmed/proven, can the mets terminate the contract coz that really is the only thing keeping him around, i saw u guys mention his stats were good on the road or something and he did pick it up a bit later on in the season, but this guy was truly awful from the beginning to the middle of the season

Needle77 10-02-2007 10:41 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***

To steal from Matt Cerrone(mostly because I agree with him) Willie's attitude at the end of the season killed the Mets. I feel like the laid back attitude gave this false sense of security. The Mets were falling, and falling fast, and all anyone heard from Randolph was that they were trying hard and there is always tomorrow.

Thats ok when you are in the midst of a losing streak in June, but it was September, crunch time, and there was no sense of urgency. Their might have been in the locker room, hell I hope there was, but I didn't see it on the field or in the interviews.

Another thing that makes me question Willie is, when Delgado came out in early September and said something like, "we are so talented we get bored sometimes." What the hell? Delgado is a leader on this team and that is what he says? The team seemed out of Willie's control in September, and to me, thats a huge deal.

4 High 10-02-2007 10:48 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Whats the over under on the Mets signing Pudge? Any way that does not happen?

What roles if any will the big 4 have next year? (Humber, Pelfrey, Milledge & Gomez) Do any of them have any trade value left at all?

Any SPs the Mets might aim for? Either on the high end or low end?

metsandfinsfan 10-02-2007 11:08 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
mets will sign linebrink

metsandfinsfan 10-02-2007 11:08 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
they will not sign pudge

metsandfinsfan 10-02-2007 11:10 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
there is not one starting pitcher on that list worth signing

Suigin406 10-02-2007 11:31 AM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
the SP's are not good at all this offseason, they'll need to pay out to relievers to try to fix the overuse problems...

plz don't bring pudge in here...

there's still a lot of value in our prospects imo, but this pitching is so old that we may need to just roll the dice with them rather than trade them away for more way do they have the chips to get a frontline starter from the cash strapped twins or whatever other team...

[censored] pelfrey better come through next year and obviously i want to see what humber can do in an expanded role...

not so sure about milledge, for sure the guy has a ton of talent, but damnit, he's so stupid at times and it makes it hard to root for him...

i want to see more gomez as well

metsandfinsfan 10-02-2007 12:20 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
gomez cannot hit .. i think he is a lifetime 4th outfielder and would not hesitate to trade him

SuperUberBob 10-02-2007 12:57 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
No pudge plz. Don't want to overpay for another past his prime player (ahem, Delgado).

Mojo56 10-02-2007 01:17 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Whoever was behind the Heath Bell for Ben Johnson trade needs to be fired.

If I was a Met player I'd be pissed at Reyes too, and not for his late season slump. There is no excuse for not hustling. In Saturday's game he stood at the plate and watched his high chopper get fielded in fair territory for an easy out. WTF! A couple of innings later Milledge is on second with 2 outs and he just stands there on an infield pop up. Run you dope, there are 2 outs! This team is just so frustrating to watch. Someone needs to go and it probably should be Randolph. Discipline starts at the top and it seems Willie isn't the guy to keep these youngsters in line.

4 High 10-02-2007 01:18 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
I see no way Pudge does not come to NY. Hes an obvious fit, considering Omars latin preference and what other Catcher could they get anyways? I see no way LoDuca comes back.

I would also suspect Omar will look to bring in Colon and Livan if possible.

Suigin406 10-02-2007 01:42 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
^^nnnoo...younger, not older...colon and livan can be good, but this continues the cycle of locking ourselves into contracts with old players...

true, young pitching will be hard to find, but let's no the route of the yankees a couple of years back

metsandfinsfan 10-02-2007 02:43 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
I am mixed on whether willie should have stayed or went

but i am glad the decision was made now so we can move forward

wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 02:55 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
gomez cannot hit .. i think he is a lifetime 4th outfielder and would not hesitate to trade him

[/ QUOTE ]

If I had to trade an outfielder Gomez would also be my choice. We already have a Gomez except his name is Chavez.

Willie's back! Yeah! Blah. The good news at least is that decision is out of the way. Now Omar can concentrate on improving this team without having to deal with that controversy. Randolph is certainly going to be watched closely and will not have much latitude to screw up next season.

So...Glavine's option is actually a player option. It's not mutual, it's not a team option. He'd be a retard to pass up $14 million or whatever it is. I have to assume there is a buyout at least, should the Mets not want to go in that direction? Which of course they shouldn't.

metsandfinsfan 10-02-2007 03:08 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
I honestly think they might fire peterson

Suigin406 10-02-2007 03:17 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
m&f, it wouldn't surprise me at all as they prolly need a scapegoat...shame because peterson had such a good reputation and it's possible he's partially responsible for maine and perez this year...though perez had a ton of talent anyway and peterson didn't get the job done with zambrano or pelfrey (yet)...meh, i can see them letting peterson go, i can't be sure either if he's an asset or not.

That being said, it seems his strengths were supposed to be with young pitching i think, so i'm not going to completely hold the pen's struggles against him

niss 10-02-2007 04:14 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
If I had to trade an outfielder Gomez would also be my choice. We already have a Gomez except his name is Chavez.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't believe this is true at all. Chavez is a part-time player who failed miserably when given two chances to be an every day player. He is a very nice role player. He's also going to 30 next season.

Gomez will be 22. Most say he is faster than Reyes, perhaps the fastest in the majors. Contrary to what we saw this year, he's shown some power in the minors at a very, very young age. A lot of players (such as Reyes) will develop power as they get older and fill out. I understand the expectation is that Gomez will do so. I would be very, very reluctant to trade this guy.

Suigin406 10-02-2007 04:16 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
i'm with niss, we've read he has a lot of upside and i would like to see this guy get some playing time before deciding what to do with him...

also, chavez is great, but niss pointed out a few reasons why i'd like to have gomez more...that being said, they can both be kept around at affordable prices...

dunno, i just want to see what this kid can do

Needle77 10-02-2007 04:21 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
If they do keep Gomez this prolly means Fernando Martinez could be traded. Right? What happened to Guerra too?

mrkilla 10-02-2007 04:40 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***

wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 05:03 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
If I had to trade an outfielder Gomez would also be my choice. We already have a Gomez except his name is Chavez.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't believe this is true at all. Chavez is a part-time player who failed miserably when given two chances to be an every day player. He is a very nice role player. He's also going to 30 next season.

Gomez will be 22. Most say he is faster than Reyes, perhaps the fastest in the majors. Contrary to what we saw this year, he's shown some power in the minors at a very, very young age. A lot of players (such as Reyes) will develop power as they get older and fill out. I understand the expectation is that Gomez will do so. I would be very, very reluctant to trade this guy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gomez has a lot of upside sure. So did Alex Ochoa. All I was trying to say though is that if Omar had to trade either Gomez or Milledge to land a top of the line starter or something I would rather trade Gomez. Gomez isn't going to give us much more in the next 2 years than Chavez is. And by then this Martinez kid might be ready to seriously contribute. That's all I was trying to say.

Beyond that the sky is obviously the limit with Gomez.

TruFloridaGator 10-02-2007 05:13 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Why don't we just make an NL East offseason thread? This thread is the epitome of depression.

niss 10-02-2007 05:22 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
If you ask me whether to trade Milledge or Gomez, it would be Milledge no contest. That guy is going to be a headache.

Suigin406 10-02-2007 05:42 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
yea, milledge is a younger version of bradley and this will drive me nuts anyway....wh1t, i see ur point and if we can somehow line up a trade for a front liner starter, then by all means dump him...we've had our oachas, escobars, etc...but our OF could use a future replacement for alou and possibly milledge if it comes to that...will martinez be ready by then??

Needle77 10-02-2007 05:45 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
I can't see the Mets doing anything with Martinez or Guerra until at least 2009. Nor would I want to see either in a NY Mets uniform anytime before that.

wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 05:53 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
If you ask me whether to trade Milledge or Gomez, it would be Milledge no contest. That guy is going to be a headache.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. I'm just higher on Milledge than Gomez from a pure production standpoint. It's easy for me to do that obviously since I don't have to deal with either of them on a day-to-day basis.

wh1t3bread 10-02-2007 05:54 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
Why don't we just make an NL East offseason thread? This thread is the epitome of depression.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't mind talking Braves in here if others don't. I also fully intend to use this thread to hate on the Phillies as much as possible. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Wynton 10-02-2007 06:11 PM

Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***
People are acting absurd in drawing conclusions about Gomez's ability to hit at this stage of his career.

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