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AZK 11-01-2007 11:44 AM

November [censored] thread
November goals? I don't know keep doing what I'm doing... Last workout of Oct had me at 95 # standing press, 80 # dumbell press, 25# weighted pull ups (only sets of 3), 205# squat, 225# DL....

Jordan 11-01-2007 12:49 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Continue Starting Strength. Start thinking about programming changes. break the 180 lb plateau in my bench and 110 lb in military press. Get under 20% bf (currently ~21.5% at 218). I'd like to make a squat and DL goal but I don't what kind of plateaus await me.

It'd be great if I could get my 1RM to 300 for my deadlift. Not sure how realistic that is.

cbloom 11-01-2007 01:16 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
BLECH I just threw out my whole tub of MetRx chocolate flavored, that stuff is so foul I can't drink it. It was super cheap at Trader Joe's and I thought I'd try it, what a waste.

J.Brown 11-01-2007 01:48 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
i let my zone diet log die because i won my weight loss bet and have been eating about 90% zone and it isn't too exciting to report on.

just got the second edition of starting strength and will be implementing it into my programming after i finish reading it completely and if it doesn't interfere with this:

i am starting a month long challenge with 2 other crossfit guys, both probably fitter than me but we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

it will involve doing the workout of the day off the main site and comparing times/loads/etc. scoring it 3, 2, 1 for points according to finish. most points for the month wins.
any non-modified wod beats anyone that is modified at all.

if there is any interest i will do a daily log of these events and the scores/weights that are getting done.

hopefully i will set some pr's in the process. later. J.

SmileyEH 11-01-2007 07:20 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
J, sounds cool. Are you doing other stuff in addition to the WOD? I know you mentioned you do some LDS cardio in the morning. Any extra 5x5 type stuff?

theblackkeys 11-01-2007 10:48 PM

Re: November [censored] thread

just got the second edition of starting strength and will be implementing it into my programming after i finish reading it completely and if it doesn't interfere with this:

[/ QUOTE ]
Please let me know how it is. I have the first edition, do you? If so, would it be worth buying if I was going to buy practical programming anyway?

J.Brown 11-02-2007 07:09 AM

Re: November [censored] thread

still mixing in some biking/elliptical/stairmaster cardio sessions just because i sort of enjoy them (sick i know, but i like the brain clearing, the sweat, the catching up on tv shows on my ipod, and the escape from reality without totally taxation of the body and mind, not to mention burning a few extra cals is good for a dude like me), going to do some 5x5 stuff too and work on all of my weak crossfit stuff. thinking double unders, hspu, all olympic lifts, improve my ohs, knees to elbows, etc. just learn to move better.

i borrowed a copy of the first edition and have returned it a long time ago after only sort of skimming it. bad J. i know, so not sure if this one is that much different of not, but i am really enjoying/learning a lot of the finer points of movements i thought i "knew" better than i actually do.

i will start my new log on the 4th, which is when my daily logging/competition starts. should be interesting. one guy will dominate the bodyweight exercises, the other guy is bigger and stronger than me on the lifts, i am a blend of both which will probably result in a lot of second places.

should be fun and motivating. later. J.

Jihad 11-02-2007 08:59 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
I weigh 220 at 8-12% BF. What's the minimum time I would need to gain 15 lbs of solid mass? No supps other than creatine and protein.

Jihad 11-02-2007 09:00 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
Also if I'm not putting up 500# DL's fairly easily by the end of the year, I'm gonna be pissed.

Wolfram 11-02-2007 09:33 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
I weigh 220 at 8-12% BF. What's the minimum time I would need to gain 15 lbs of solid mass? No supps other than creatine and protein.

[/ QUOTE ]
Age is a pretty big deal in this equation.

AZK 11-02-2007 09:38 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
15 lbs of solid mass will take longer than 30 lbs of lbm and fat. If you just eat and sleep a fuckton, and have really intense sessions with relatively little stress in your life, you should be able to gain 30 lbs (15 lbm). If you want to gain 15 lbs clean, it is going to take a long time.

Wolfram 11-02-2007 10:03 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
Do you really gain 50/50 lbm and fat when bulking? Isn't it more like 70/30 or 80/20 (given that the average human is about 20-30% fat)?

Thremp 11-02-2007 12:25 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Do you really gain 50/50 lbm and fat when bulking? Isn't it more like 70/30 or 80/20 (given that the average human is about 20-30% fat)?

[/ QUOTE ]

Depends on where you start. You gain more fat the fatter you are. guids and I disagreed on this in a previous thread. I think you were good to go in the 10-14 area or thereabouts... he wanted 2-3% lower.

GooseHinson 11-02-2007 12:37 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Should take a little more then a year if you do everything perfectly.

AZK 11-02-2007 01:58 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
It's not 50/50, I was just saying it's much easier to gain lbm with tons of fat and then cut for most people. It's a lot harder to carefully gain lbm with no change in bodyfat % unless you are super dedicated. Speaking from personal experience, but I have a feeling it's pretty uniform across the board...

cbloom 11-02-2007 03:28 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Just had a super poor workout, I haven't been sleeping it all lately and I knew I wouldn't be able to lift for [censored] but didn't want to get totally off track. It feels kinda pointless though, I was way below the levels I should be at in my program for hypertrophy. Is it even worth making myself go in on a day like this? Feels like maybe I shoulda just hit the small easy muscles or something.

vulturesrow 11-02-2007 04:23 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Just had a super poor workout, I haven't been sleeping it all lately and I knew I wouldn't be able to lift for [censored] but didn't want to get totally off track. It feels kinda pointless though, I was way below the levels I should be at in my program for hypertrophy. Is it even worth making myself go in on a day like this? Feels like maybe I shoulda just hit the small easy muscles or something.

[/ QUOTE ]


Big believer in not doing your regular workout if you arent really feeling up to it. I usually use this type of day to play some basketball (since its hard to find a pickup game of rugby [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] ) but whatever floats your boat. If you are really down , just take a rest day. Listen to your body, youre savvy enough on this stuff to know that. I usually find that my next workout after that is really good.

theblackkeys 11-03-2007 02:02 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
is anybody else incapable of consistently counting past 5?

cbloom 11-03-2007 12:20 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
is anybody else incapable of consistently counting past 5?

[/ QUOTE ]

Whadda you mean, you lose count on high reps? 1,2,3,4,5,6,6,9,7,13...

Sometimes I'll like suddenly realize that I've completely spaced out in the middle of a set and I'm just like still doing reps without counting at all, or that I'm like counting on the up and the down, or some other equally bizarre thing.

Northern 11-03-2007 11:27 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
is anybody else incapable of consistently counting past 5?

[/ QUOTE ]

lol thats amazing, I've been known to do this a lot

POKEROMGLOL 11-04-2007 10:46 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
ran 4 miles in 30:01. proud of myself. 2.2 more miles to add on at this pace by thanksgiving.

ClassicBob 11-04-2007 11:20 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
I did a 5k today, even though I haven't been really training. I had to take two walk breaks (about a minute each) after running up some brutal hills. I didn't time myself, but I did see a split at about 2 miles and the finish line (1.1 miles approx?) of about 8.5 minutes.

I was pretty happy with it overall, and it was a lot of fun. I need to stop making excuses for running and just do it.

theblackkeys 11-06-2007 01:02 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
Here's a couple videos of excellent power clean form.

This guy also has excellent squat form if you check out his other vid's

Bond18 11-06-2007 02:25 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
is anybody else incapable of consistently counting past 5?

[/ QUOTE ]

I get lost in the 7-8ish area.

Wolfram 11-06-2007 12:40 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Here's a couple videos of excellent power clean form.

This guy also has excellent squat form if you check out his other vid's

[/ QUOTE ]
Looks good.

As an aside, check out all the negative feedback he's getting in the comments.

Actual God 11-06-2007 02:25 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
was all excited for deadlifts at 235 today because it's two 45-plates on each side, and that looks bad ass. on the 4th pull something bad happened to my lower back and now i can't get out of bed without biting my pillow

AZK 11-06-2007 06:16 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
don't want to further rain on your parade but 2 45s on each side is 225...

Actual God 11-06-2007 07:21 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
don't want to further rain on your parade but 2 45s on each side is 225...

[/ QUOTE ]


cbloom 11-07-2007 05:50 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Tried some squats with no weight today to test my knee; it felt totally fine when I was squatting but then hurt afterward around the knee cap, so I'm back to laying off it. This f**king sucks so bad, I just want to squat heavy. I guess I'll take some of my own advice and just try to work on stretching.

POKEROMGLOL 11-08-2007 04:38 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
ran 10k today on treadmill in preparation for 10k on thanksgiving: 52:19

My goal is under 50 minutes, so I think I am good to go. I ran 7 MPH for the first 4.75 miles, 7.5 for the next half mile, and finished the last .95 miles at 8mph (which is the pace I HOPE to run the real thing at.)

I felt like I could have pushed myself a bit more, but I had a real tough day yesterday doing a circuit of high rep deadlifts/bench/weighted situp thingies and quarter mile sprints. I just kind of wanted to take it a bit easy and see how much I needed to improve.

Also, I have come to the conclusion that running long and slow can't possibly be good for you. My knee started hurting, my left foot hurt, my back tightened for a while, and i got a damn rash on my inner thigh. I get none of this on 3-4 mile higher intensity runs.

theblackkeys 11-08-2007 05:29 AM

Re: November [censored] thread
Kind of an advanced question:
Assume I am training the deadlift heavy 1x5 every other workout, I am training 3 times a week, and on the other days I do power cleans 5x3. When will my ability to lift be the greatest, after a a 4 day span or a 5 day span?

When do gains start to disappear? I feel like I can add ten pounds every so often for a while on the deadlift, but not every time, and wanted to do the bigger jump when I am at my strongest.

SmileyEH 11-08-2007 08:01 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Last rugby game of the season on saturday ([censored] you williams) so I can start actually going to the gym more than once a week. 2x370 deadlift today though, felt like I popped a blood vessel in my eye which was totally sweet.

Tabata C2 rowing is the devil.

johnnyrocket 11-08-2007 08:54 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
squatted 300 in a deep squat the other day for 3, put up 225 on the bench for 5, both new highs, real excited

AZK 11-08-2007 09:30 PM

Re: November [censored] thread

Tabata C2 rowing is the devil.

[/ QUOTE ]


AsH_KeTcHuM 11-08-2007 09:57 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Heres a random hint:

If you have less than perfect form for squats and deads, you will get a [censored] load better from getting a more flexible posterior chain. Learn how to stretch your posterior chain completley and focus on getting your flexibilty in balance. Your form will improve a grip.

POKEROMGLOL 11-08-2007 10:51 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
variance: tried to teach my mom how to deadlift

/begin joke series /

Thremp 11-08-2007 11:56 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Last rugby game of the season on saturday ([censored] you williams) so I can start actually going to the gym more than once a week. 2x370 deadlift today though, felt like I popped a blood vessel in my eye which was totally sweet.

Tabata C2 rowing is the devil.

[/ QUOTE ]


Downside of hanging out with Smiley, not only is he smarter than me... he's more jacked also. Usually I can atleast breakeven on this stuff.

Jeff W 11-09-2007 07:10 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
Q1: Would it be useful to practice form for a beginning weight training routine with a broom handle or do I need an olympic bar to learn good form?

Q2: How can I practice deadlift form with just the bar? Set up blocks at approximately the height the bar would be with 45s?

I plan to do a basic Overhead Press/Deadlift/Squat routine 3x week. I will prob. alternate DL and Squat days once I work up to lifting heavier weights.

Thremp 11-09-2007 08:45 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
1) Broom handle is good.
2) Yes, blocks or those Olympic plates.

J.Brown 11-09-2007 09:13 PM

Re: November [censored] thread
1) Broom handle is good.
2) Yes, blocks or those Olympic plates.

[/ QUOTE ]

have you seen those plywood cutouts in the shape of 45# plates that help teach proper technique? they are pretty sweet for beginners and/or women and children.

brag (but not a very good one)

PR'd CF WOD "Cindy" today!

Cindy is 5 pullups, 10 pullups, 15 squats
as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

23 rounds!

i died barely getting 13 rounds in march when i first tried it. this was a grind, but i still had a ton of gas left after laying on the floor for ten minutes to recover.

later. J.

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