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KilgoreTrout 10-11-2007 10:13 AM

KT gets teh road rage - TR
I was having a bad day. Crap at work, crap at home. I was mfing tired last night when someone in a Saab cut me off in a rotary. I drive a large pickup - which doesn't stop on a dime. I had to slam on the brakes, ABS a-flutter, rear end slides out into a fishtail, even though I was barely going more than 25 mph.

MA law gives the "right of way" to vehicles in the roundabout. The Saab douche sped up and was going around 40 as he attempted to beat me through the rotary.

I was entering at 6:00 and proceeding to exit at 12:00. He was entering at 3:00. I was past the midpoint of the rotary when I first noticed this speeding car flying into the intersection. I jammed the brakes, skidded, and leaned on the horn.

He flipped me off. I was instantly rip [censored].

Rather than shake it off like a rational human being, I gunned it and followed Mr. Saab with my brights on. At a stop light I pulled next to him and shouted obscenities about how I hoped he would die in a fire, etc. When the light turned green he sat there, as did I. Then he sped off and I followed.

I followed him for 5 miles. He eventually pulled into a coffee shop and I had calmed down enough to turn around and head home.

Couldn't sleep last night because I was so ashamed of my actions. I think I scared Mr. Saab pretty good, but I'm sure he'll still be a douche when he gets behind the wheel today.

I can't recall the last time some idiot on the road pissed me off to such an extent. Obviously I was tilting for other reasons and this bastard just prodded me over the edge.

So, mea culpa. Let's hear some of your road rage stories.

Mason Hellmuth 10-11-2007 10:24 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I had a verbal run-in with a female driver Friday after a near accident on campus.

After my close call, I pulled my car over to the curb and got out.

I then approached the other vehicle and shook my finger at the driver. I warned her to, "Watch it."

"Be careful," I said. "I have your license number, and I will call the police on you."

A male passenger then walked up and chastised me, saying, "That's my wife you're talking to."

I said, "That's your problem."

The woman then snapped back at me, telling me, "I'm going to call the police on you."

I told the woman to go ahead.

She did just that.

adsman 10-11-2007 10:28 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I'm with my ex driving on a two lane highway in the mountains. Guy overtakes me, but he doesn't. He just sits there side by side with us while he's talking on the phone. We're doing about 45 miles an hour I suppose. I lean on the horn and give him the WTF are you doing?? display. He totally ignores us, continues talking. I slow down, he slows down. I speed up, he speeds up. At this stage I go fecking batshit and proceed to fake sideswiping his car. He pulls out a revolver and waves it back and forth in a "shake your finger at someone style", while still talking on the phone. Then he cuts across the front of us and takes an exit on the right. I had to brake hard to avoid him. Freaky.

Slow Play Ray 10-11-2007 11:32 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
She did just that.

[/ QUOTE ]


Dids 10-11-2007 11:36 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
Somebody please explain to me wtf this rotary thing you people have on the East Coast. It sounds like a fantastic way to die.

Wilco666 10-11-2007 11:39 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
A male passenger then walked up and chastised me, saying, "That's my wife you're talking to."

I said, "That's your problem."

[/ QUOTE ]
This made me laugh out loud.

27offsuit 10-11-2007 11:42 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
Saab = Yambag is a fairly standard equation.

Don't feel bad. you did nothing more than let an ass know that not everyone is going to put up with his douchebaggery.

I also bet he didn't want a donut at the coffee shop when he stopped. He wanted other people around so he wouldn't get messed up.

Most of my RR comes from people being inconsiderate of everyone around them.

-rotary moves like you describe
-going straight in the left-only lane and holding up everyone behind you for an entire light
-57 in the fast lane
-stopping and waving umpteen cars through in front of you when you have a line of cars behind you and you should just be freaking driving and not being Mrs. [censored] Traffic Cop
- passing on the right on the highway, especially the far right

just general ignorance stuff like that

worst for me: some soccer mom flipped me off one day on the highway because I made her get out of the third lane and would not pass her on the right doing about 62. As I'm finally passing her and not even letting her know what dumbass she is, I see her flippng me off out of the corner of my eye.

I immediate slowed down and got in front of her and motioned for her to come on up so I can see that cute little finger of hers again.

I eventually idled to around 25 mph with her [censored] her pants behind me trying to get seperation. I finally saw her put up her hands like "OK, OK, I shouldn't have flipped you off..." in the rear view and I drove away.

Much like you, I felt horrible immediately afterwards, but damn it, soccer moms in minivans shouldn't be flipping off strange men on the highway.

fuzzwonder 10-11-2007 11:43 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
rotaries. because east coasters can't figure out how to use 4 way stop signs.

Dick Mango 10-11-2007 11:48 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I was heading home after work and entered the beltine (which is sort of like a freeway that circles our city). It was raining, dark, and traffic was moving very slowly. After I merged into traffic I signaled and moved to the left-most lane. As I did that the driver behind me in the left lane unsuccessfully tried speeding up to cut me off so that I couldn't move over.

After I moved over the driver started flashing the brights, honking, and started tailgating. Traffic thinned out, we sped up to about 55 mpg and the driver kept tailgating. I signaled before my exit, moved over, and exited. The driver followed my every move.

I took a country road towards my home and stopped at a convenience store to get some milk. The car pulled behind me and a screaming woman got out. I immediately snapped her pic with my camera phone and then walked to the front of her car and snapped a pic of her license plate. That sent her off the deep end and she kept screaming about how I endangered her and her two babies that she had in the back seat.

I pointed out that if that was her concern I'm surprised she followed a stranger out into the country, in the dark, just to go on a rant. I should point out that she was a real babe, by the way. She eventually left after I went into the store.

End of story is that I ran into her the next morning at our ski club when we were both there to sign our kids up for lessons. I see her all the time now. Not cool.

BuckyK 10-11-2007 11:50 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

-57 in the fast lane
- passing on the right on the highway, especially the far right

[/ QUOTE ]

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

I live in Oregon. The drivers here are clueless. All I really do is mean mug them at the next light. I try not to do anything while the cars are in motion. I don't want to be that douche that causes an accident that pisses me off because I have to wait in traffic.

scotchnrocks 10-11-2007 11:56 AM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I don't see why you guys feel bad for letting these people know that they have very dangerous and d-baggy driving habits. They need to know that eventually someone will get hurt, either by them causing an accident or by getting their arse kicked for almost causing one. You guys are my role models!

solids 10-11-2007 12:02 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
When I was back in high school, I was driving to one of my friends houses about 20 minutes away to go to a party. I was running pretty late, so I was in a bit of a rush. I was driving on back country roads and came up to a beatup van driving 5 below the speed limit. I flashed my high beams. He didn't pull off to the side or anything, but instead kept driving 5 below. I try again. Nothing. It eventually got the point where I was flashing my high beams with the beat of the music I was playing in the car.

He suddenly pulls over. "Bout [censored] time, a hole." As soon as I pass him, he gets right up on my back bumper and starts flashing his high beams. I speed up, and he follows. It got to the point where I was driving 85 mph trying to lose this nut. He followed me for 15 minutes, constantly flashing his lights, 10 feet from my back bumper.

Finally, I sped up and briefly lost him. I quickly pulled off on a side road and turned my lights off. In my rear view mirror, I saw him drive by slowly, trying to figure out where I went.

Last time I dick around with high beams.

Dids 10-11-2007 12:03 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I had a verbal run-in with a female driver Friday after a near accident on campus.

After my close call, I pulled my car over to the curb and got out.

I then approached the other vehicle and shook my finger at the driver. I warned her to, "Watch it."

"Be careful," I said. "I have your license number, and I will call the police on you."

A male passenger then walked up and chastised me, saying, "That's my wife you're talking to."

I said, "That's your problem."

The woman then snapped back at me, telling me, "I'm going to call the police on you."

I told the woman to go ahead.

She did just that.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're Joe Paterno?

27offsuit 10-11-2007 12:03 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

miajag 10-11-2007 12:08 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, what? I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal anywhere in the US. Germany, maybe. Unless you're talking about driving on the shoulder.

BuckyK 10-11-2007 12:12 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, it's okay to pass someone in the right lane.

nyc999 10-11-2007 12:16 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

If some clueless driver is going 55 (or slower) in the left lane and will not move to the right, I will not hesitate to pass them on the right-hand side.

Yobz 10-11-2007 12:16 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

In MA it is illegal to sit in the left lane (must be passing, basically) but it is legal to pass on the right.

This causes me not to break the law while d-bags in the left lane *are* breaking the law.
Sometimes life is fair.

27offsuit 10-11-2007 12:18 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, what? I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal anywhere in the US. Germany, maybe. Unless you're talking about driving on the shoulder.

[/ QUOTE ]

I stand corrected. After searching it seems you can pass on the right on a two-lane or three-lane roadway.

I would like to retract the statement 'Passing on the right is illegal'

and replace it with

'Passing on the right is a dick move.'

Yobz 10-11-2007 12:19 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I was heading home after work and entered the beltine (which is sort of like a freeway that circles our city). It was raining, dark, and traffic was moving very slowly. After I merged into traffic I signaled and moved to the left-most lane. As I did that the driver behind me in the left lane unsuccessfully tried speeding up to cut me off so that I couldn't move over.

After I moved over the driver started flashing the brights, honking, and started tailgating. Traffic thinned out, we sped up to about 55 mpg and the driver kept tailgating. I signaled before my exit, moved over, and exited. The driver followed my every move.

I took a country road towards my home and stopped at a convenience store to get some milk. The car pulled behind me and a screaming woman got out. I immediately snapped her pic with my camera phone and then walked to the front of her car and snapped a pic of her license plate. That sent her off the deep end and she kept screaming about how I endangered her and her two babies that she had in the back seat.

I pointed out that if that was her concern I'm surprised she followed a stranger out into the country, in the dark, just to go on a rant. I should point out that she was a real babe, by the way. She eventually left after I went into the store.

End of story is that I ran into her the next morning at our ski club when we were both there to sign our kids up for lessons. I see her all the time now. Not cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are the d-bag in this story. You:
- Cut someone off
- Drove in the left lane at 55 (mph, not mpg like you said...unless you drive a Prius, in which case you are more of a d-bag)
- Didn't get out of the way when someone flashed their lights
- Snapped a pic of the driver (why??) and her license plate (wtf is that gonna get you -- are you gonna call the cops on her??)
- Pissed off a hot chick you see often

Tony_P 10-11-2007 12:20 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, what? I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal anywhere in the US. Germany, maybe. Unless you're talking about driving on the shoulder.

[/ QUOTE ]

In some states it's illegal if its not done in a safe manner. Here is an example from CA:

21755. The driver of a motor vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement be made by driving off the paved or main-traveled portion of the roadway.

Yobz 10-11-2007 12:21 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, what? I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal anywhere in the US. Germany, maybe. Unless you're talking about driving on the shoulder.

[/ QUOTE ]

I stand corrected. After searching it seems you can pass on the right on a two-lane or three-lane roadway.

I would like to retract the statement 'Passing on the right is illegal'

and replace it with

'Passing on the right is a dick move.'

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree that it is a dick move...when not warranted. If someone is sitting in the left lane and you have somewhere to be then you have no choice left.

NutCrackerr 10-11-2007 12:22 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, what? I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal anywhere in the US. Germany, maybe. Unless you're talking about driving on the shoulder.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's definitely illegal in the state if Illinois, however it's rarely enforced.

blinden84 10-11-2007 12:23 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

If some clueless driver is going 55 (or slower) in the left lane and will not move to the right, I will not hesitate to pass them on the right-hand side.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hesitate, but just long enough to beep 3 times and flash them some high beams to try and make them realize they are being an ass, then I pass them in the right lane.

MediaPA 10-11-2007 12:27 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I think cruising in the passing lane when you can easily get over and back into the passing lane after the guy behind you passes is the 'bigger??' dick move than simply passing on the right.

If however you are referring the the guy who accelerates to gain a one car spot during heavy traffic and then cuts off the person in the passing lane that he just passed causing everyone behind him to brake. Then I'll go along with you.

Best road rage even I witnessed. Fairly minor in all honesty. Leaving the gym. Get to a intersection. Woman gets out of her car on the red light. Walks to the drivers side window of the car behind her. Berates the driver for 30 seconds about tailgating her on this road because she has kids in the back seat. I didn't see the guy do anything terrible in the brief bit that I was following, but she was very upset and I was amused.

(Pretty much everyone around here follows with maybe a car length between cars - 35mph road)

27offsuit 10-11-2007 12:30 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I was heading home after work and entered the beltine (which is sort of like a freeway that circles our city). It was raining, dark, and traffic was moving very slowly. After I merged into traffic I signaled and moved to the left-most lane. As I did that the driver behind me in the left lane unsuccessfully tried speeding up to cut me off so that I couldn't move over.

After I moved over the driver started flashing the brights, honking, and started tailgating. Traffic thinned out, we sped up to about 55 mpg and the driver kept tailgating. I signaled before my exit, moved over, and exited. The driver followed my every move.

I took a country road towards my home and stopped at a convenience store to get some milk. The car pulled behind me and a screaming woman got out. I immediately snapped her pic with my camera phone and then walked to the front of her car and snapped a pic of her license plate. That sent her off the deep end and she kept screaming about how I endangered her and her two babies that she had in the back seat.

I pointed out that if that was her concern I'm surprised she followed a stranger out into the country, in the dark, just to go on a rant. I should point out that she was a real babe, by the way. She eventually left after I went into the store.

End of story is that I ran into her the next morning at our ski club when we were both there to sign our kids up for lessons. I see her all the time now. Not cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not cool, indeed.

IlPug 10-11-2007 12:30 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

cops use the right lane alot, apparently. my dad will use it occasionally (like when my step mom was giving birth) because he is less likely to get caught speeding, or if he does, they'll think he's a UC. still douchey though.

miajag 10-11-2007 12:37 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

Sometimes you need to pass on the right.

[/ QUOTE ]

I disagree. This is illegal every time, and extremely dangerous.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, what? I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal anywhere in the US. Germany, maybe. Unless you're talking about driving on the shoulder.

[/ QUOTE ]

In some states it's illegal if its not done in a safe manner. Here is an example from CA:

21755. The driver of a motor vehicle may overtake and pass another vehicle upon the right only under conditions permitting such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement be made by driving off the paved or main-traveled portion of the roadway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Driving in an unsafe manner is generally illegal regardless of what lane you're doing it in. This is like saying "it's illegal to go through an intersection...UNLESS YOU DO IT IN A SAFE MANNER."

It's Brandt 10-11-2007 12:40 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
'Passing on the right is a dick move.'

[/ QUOTE ]

So, people driving slow in the left lane puts you on tilt but you think it's wrong to pass them on the right when they refuse to move? Sounds like a recipe for success.

27offsuit 10-11-2007 12:50 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I'm not basing my beliefs regarding passing on the right by this incident, but it is merely an incident I personally experienced.

In the middle lane on a highway, going about 65.
Not much going on in front of me and the right lane is wide open.
I figure I'll move on over to the right lane because traffic is moving along at a good clip.
Put on right directional, look in my rearview and begin my move to the right lane.
As I do this I look right and immediately have to swerve back into the middle because this [censored] [censored] goes wizzing by at about 90 in a low-rider celica pos.
This [censored] was going so fast he was a blur.
When I had looked in my rearview, he was aleady in my blind spot. Had I not looked right as I began to change lanes, I and my family would have most certainly been seriously injured, if not killed.

So, as far as passing on the right goes, if you're going over the speed limit while doing it it, it is surely illegal.

My next question would be:
How often are you passing on the right going below the speed limit?

My guess would be 'not very often'.

BuckyK 10-11-2007 12:54 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
In the middle lane on a highway, going about 65.
Not much going on in front of me and the right lane is wide open.
I figure I'll move on over to the right lane because traffic is moving along at a good clip.
Put on right directional, look in my rearview and begin my move to the right lane.
As I do this I look right and immediately have to swerve back into the middle because this [censored] [censored] goes wizzing by at about 90 in a low-rider celica pos.
This [censored] was going so fast he was a blur.
When I had looked in my rearview, he was aleady in my blind spot. Had I not looked right as I began to change lanes, I and my family would have most certainly been seriously injured, if not killed.

[/ QUOTE ]

This would have been the same scenario if you were going to switch to the left lane, and the Celica decided to do the same. As my driving instructor told me when I was 15, "Change lanes after you check your blind spot, don't change while checking".

27offsuit 10-11-2007 12:55 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
'Passing on the right is a dick move.'

[/ QUOTE ]

So, people driving slow in the left lane puts you on tilt but you think it's wrong to pass them on the right when they refuse to move? Sounds like a recipe for success.

[/ QUOTE ]

Two wrongs do not make a right.

Doing something you know is a dick move and also hate when other people do the exact same thing is probably the dickiest dick move in all of Dickdom.

miajag 10-11-2007 12:58 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

If you actually think passing on the right is a "dick move" when there's someone just cruising along in the left lane blocking traffic, you're in a very, very small minority.

diddyeinstein 10-11-2007 01:01 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
A male passenger then walked up and chastised me, saying, "That's my wife you're talking to."

I said, "That's your problem."

[/ QUOTE ]
This made me laugh out loud.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was going to say the same thing, but you beat me to it. Great retort.

27offsuit 10-11-2007 01:02 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
In the middle lane on a highway, going about 65.
Not much going on in front of me and the right lane is wide open.
I figure I'll move on over to the right lane because traffic is moving along at a good clip.
Put on right directional, look in my rearview and begin my move to the right lane.
As I do this I look right and immediately have to swerve back into the middle because this [censored] [censored] goes wizzing by at about 90 in a low-rider celica pos.
This [censored] was going so fast he was a blur.
When I had looked in my rearview, he was aleady in my blind spot. Had I not looked right as I began to change lanes, I and my family would have most certainly been seriously injured, if not killed.

[/ QUOTE ]

This would have been the same scenario if you were going to switch to the left lane, and the Celica decided to do the same. As my driving instructor told me when I was 15, "Change lanes after you check your blind spot, don't change while checking".

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree, and that's what saved me/us.
I had juuust begun to move over while looking right and this guy was *zzzooooom* right past me. I was still in my lane, thankfully. There would have been no time to do anything had i done it blind.

MediaPA 10-11-2007 01:06 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR

So, as far as passing on the right goes, if you're going over the speed limit while doing it it, it is surely illegal.

My next question would be:
How often are you passing on the right going below the speed limit?

[/ QUOTE ]

If you are going over the speed limit, everything is illegal technically. The speed limit on a major highway/interstate is very seldom followed by anyone. If I'm passing you on the right, chances are you are cruising in the left at or slightly over the posted limit. I tend to drive about 10 over. Unsafe, not particularly. Technically illegal - yes.

Actually fairly often. people in beaters going 45 in a 55, idiots on their cell phone doing the same, soccer moms who are scared of traffic, etc.

mosdef 10-11-2007 01:08 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I don't see why you guys feel bad for letting these people know that they have very dangerous and d-baggy driving habits.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because often the way you "let these people know" is by doing something dangerous and/or illegal like cutting them off or tailgating them or something like that.

MediaPA 10-11-2007 01:09 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
I don't see why you guys feel bad for letting these people know that they have very dangerous and d-baggy driving habits.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because often the way you "let these people know" is by doing something dangerous and/or illegal like cutting them off or tailgating them or something like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

didn't anyone teach you the two wrongs make a right?

RunDownHouse 10-11-2007 01:10 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
So, as far as passing on the right goes, if you're going over the speed limit while doing it it, it is surely illegal.

[/ QUOTE ]
Um, no, the speeding is illegal. Nothing to do with the pass.

My next question would be:
How often are you passing on the right going below the speed limit?

My guess would be 'not very often'.

[/ QUOTE ]
wtf does that have to do with anything? If you want to say that people speeding pisses you off, just say so. Stop trying to connect it to passing on the right. They're completely separate things, and one is illegal everywhere where the other is not only legal many places, but hardly ever enforced.

Adebisi 10-11-2007 01:13 PM

Re: KT gets teh road rage - TR
In the middle lane on a highway, going about 65.
Not much going on in front of me and the right lane is wide open.
I figure I'll move on over to the right lane because traffic is moving along at a good clip.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just speed up to ~75 (or stay at 65 if there's no one behind you) and stay in the middle lane. The guy doing 90 on the right was obviously a huge dick, but changing lanes for no reason while driving fairly slowly in light traffic is pretty dangerous too. Most people are going to be driving faster than you. Some of them much faster. Better to just stay where you are and maybe speed up a little.

For me the one thing that drives me absolutely insane is people who don't know how merge onto a highway, and they're everywhere. Most highways around me have longish on-ramps, but a relatively short merge once the ramp reaches the highway. Without fail, whenever I drive on the highway, there are multiple douche bags that come off the ramp doing 45 into fairly heavy traffic thats moving 70-80. WTF is wrong with these people? Do they not understand that the purpose of the on-ramp is get up to the speed of traffic before they attempt to merge? In my experience these people create more potentially dangerous situations than any other type of driver.

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