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MEbenhoe 07-19-2007 02:41 PM

Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

In this thread NT! gives the OP a * for posting a LoL thread in OOT. Given the current setup he is absolutely correct to do that imo, so please don't turn this into a thread about NT!

However, I think posts like that are a part of what makes OOT great and should be brought back into the OOT forum.

Now for fun a poll

kerowo 07-19-2007 02:47 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I'd rather miss one or two link threads that turn into good discussions than see 100 crappy links that don't.

tuq 07-19-2007 02:54 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I DEFINITELY agree, Matt. The whole spin-off was weird anyway and IIRC happened when The Lounge was created. I don't even remember there being a clamoring for a link forum anyway, maybe that discussion only existed in the mod forum?

What's funny about LOL (no pun intended) is that for the longest time it was referred to as "the trash dump" etc., so I never went there, then some discussion about replacing it with BBV4L was brought up and all of a sudden guys like [censored] came out of the woodwork to say how much they enjoy that forum.

Get rid of the forum, allow links in OOT, and things will sort themselves out as they always do. Besides, I thought I saw that OOT's numbers are maybe 60-70% of what they were a year ago, so folding those threads back into OOT isn't going to make the forum unmanageably busy.

Most importantly, there are probably many threads in LOL that would get a lot more play and discussion in OOT but they never get read.

RoundGuy 07-19-2007 02:55 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I'd rather miss one or two link threads that turn into good discussions than see 100 crappy links that don't.

[/ QUOTE ]
Absolutely agree. So now that this is settled, let's make this a thread about NT!. Those are fun.

Edit: Oh, and tuc is teh ghey. Don't listen to him.

NT! 07-19-2007 03:00 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

i hesitated before giving OP this * because it turned into a semi-ok thread. but i did because he cut and pasted an entire article, which is not cool, and because i am a mean bastard.

i don't have a problem with people posting links for discussion, the problem is when you post JUST THE LINK and like 1 sentence or a poll or something. it involves no effort and it clutters the forum.

i don't care what they do with LOL, i never go there

kipin 07-19-2007 03:15 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I refuse to post in the LOL forum as it was I who coined the term "trash dump".

Every so often I do venture in there to look for some random flash game to pass my time however.

If I find a video, or link that I like I will just post it in OOT and add some of my own comments so I am not just link 'tarding.

I agree LOL is a waste of space, but I don't think Mat really likes to contract the board so I highly doubt he will do it this time. (Although I think it would probably be good for OOT overall).

tuq 07-19-2007 03:22 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I agree LOL is a waste of space, but I don't think Mat really likes to contract the board so I highly doubt he will do it this time. (Although I think it would probably be good for OOT overall).

[/ QUOTE ]
I hope he isn't completely averse to contraction:

- having now looked at Sniper's numbers, OOT posts are down nearly 50% from a year ago at this time.

- LOL averages a tepid 50 or so posts/day. Two per HOUR.

So to those worried about LOL posts clogging OOT, that just doesn't seem feasible. Even with the huge rollback in OOT posts lately, the forum still posts at a rate nearly 18X that of LOL. Folding LOL back into OOT will just better foster discussion, rather than banishing it to some seldom-visited wasteland.

mason55 07-19-2007 04:20 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I just want to say that I have definitely seen some posts in OOT that are just links that would make good discussion but are locked because they're JUST links.

One of the big things we talked about with the problems was that it's tough to come up with good OPs. Links/other sites/etc are great fodder for good OPs. I honestly don't see any problem with linktarding but maybe we could at least switch the policy to *ing linktarded OPs but not locking the thread?

mrkilla 07-19-2007 04:24 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
kipin BBV4L is the dump lets not make that mistake again

I actually like LOL I go there everyday , its nice to be able to just throw trashy junk games and stuff . I think it would be counter active to merge them back.

Georgia Avenue 07-19-2007 04:25 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
LOL was gotten-rid-of, when bbv4l was created. But people bitched about having to sift thru jokes to get to links of flash games and funny articles. Wont the same be true if you put it back in OOT? Wont happen imo.

gl with this tho'

mason55 07-19-2007 04:40 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
GA makes me think of something here.

There's really two kinds of links.

#1 is flash games and funny video, the stuff that's in LOL right now

#2 is stuff like 2007 biggest celebrities and news stories that a discussion can form around

Maybe keep LOL and remain strict about posting #1 type links in OOT but be more lenient with news story/discussion type links.

miajag 07-19-2007 04:48 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
This complaint seems to be more about what you think is a poor modding decision on NT's behalf than the fact that LoL is taking valuable threads away from OOT. The whole reason the forum was created in the first place was because people were complaining about content-less threads with links to videos of fat guys tripping and falling, etc. constantly being posted in OOT. That same problem and the associated complaints would return if LoL were eliminated.

Also, mason55's post is spot on imo.

tuq 07-19-2007 04:58 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
This complaint seems to be more about what you think is a poor modding decision on NT's behalf than the fact that LoL is taking valuable threads away from OOT. The whole reason the forum was created in the first place was because people were complaining about content-less threads with links to videos of fat guys tripping and falling, etc. constantly being posted in OOT. That same problem and the associated complaints would return if LoL were eliminated.

[/ QUOTE ]
I just want to reiterate that in the course of that forum's life it's held steady at TWO POSTS PER HOUR. TWO. And each thread averages ~9 posts each, so we're not talking about a staggering number of OP's here.

"People complaining" sounds familiar. But who is "people", and why should a couple of whiners get their way when the numbers I've cited seem to suggest getting rid of the forum? The threads end up back in OOT, more discussion ensues, a better forum results.

Semi-joke here, but the fact that you're the mod of that forum should be taken into consideration re: your ability to be objective.

miajag 07-19-2007 05:05 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
tuq, fwiw I don't care what happens. When I saw that LoL was being brought back to life I volunteered to mod it and Mat accepted the offer. I spend an average of like 2 minutes a day modding it. I have no personal stake whatsoever in whether LoL exists. It's 2+2's forum, not mine, and they can do whatever they want with it.

I just think it's weird that this complaint keeps recurring, as if it's LoL and not EDF/TL;DR that's ripped the guts out of OOT.

kerowo 07-19-2007 05:33 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
tuq I think you are underestimating the number of LOL posts that would show up in OOT if the ban on linktarding was removed. Just because only 2 posts an hour hit LOL doesn't mean that only those 2 would hit OOT.

Cornell Fiji 07-19-2007 05:44 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I really enjoy the LoL forum. Just because it is not highly traffic does not mean that it does not have one of the highest OP:Amusement ratios of all off-topic forums.

If you want links to be permitted in OOT that is fine with me, just petition your friendly neighborhood OOT moderator about it but don't get rid of a forum that you don't use and that brings enjoyment to others.

PokrLikeItsProse 07-19-2007 06:03 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I wouldn't mind getting rid of LoL and replacing it with a LoL thread akin to the monthly low-content threads in other forums, with linktarding still banned except in the LoL thread. I'm not really interested in scanning the LoL forum, but viewing an LoL thread in OOT once a week might be something I would do when bored.

tuq 07-19-2007 06:21 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I really enjoy the LoL forum. Just because it is not highly traffic does not mean that it does not have one of the highest OP:Amusement ratios of all off-topic forums.

If you want links to be permitted in OOT that is fine with me, just petition your friendly neighborhood OOT moderator about it but don't get rid of a forum that you don't use and that brings enjoyment to others.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think my point is that its existence hurts the OOT community, and LOL to my knowledge isn't really a community at all.

2+2's forum communities are the key to its success - many of the strat forums, OOT, El D, BBV4L, Lounge, Sports, B&M and even Home Poker all have posters that call those forums their "home" and are reluctant to add to their forum rota just because some content was split off. That divides the community, and not always for the good. This is one of those times where I think the benefit is probably outweighed by the detriment.

MicroBob 07-19-2007 06:35 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

Links/other sites/etc are great fodder for good OPs. I honestly don't see any problem with linktarding but maybe we could at least switch the policy to *ing linktarded OPs but not locking the thread?

[/ QUOTE ]

Seems to me that NT has made it pretty clear that as long as you include a reasonably okay paragraph or so giving your opinion of the material in the link it would usually be considered decent original-post material.
Doesn't seem too hard to me.

Don't think there's much difference between simple link-tarding a discussion-generating article or video. But the criteria NT has set isn't exactly very tough to meet.

NT! 07-19-2007 06:35 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I honestly don't see any problem with linktarding but maybe we could at least switch the policy to *ing linktarded OPs but not locking the thread?

[/ QUOTE ]

i sometimes do this too, although usually my motivation is to just let people mock the OP

MrWookie 07-19-2007 06:36 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I'd be in favor of allowing link threads in OOT, at least on a trial basis. I think for the most part, link threads tend to self-moderate, in that the dumb ones tend to just sink, and the better ones get comments. If the dumb ones get dozens of comments along the lines of "this link is retarted," then it can be locked for being a bad thread. At the very least, NT et al. could change the opinion of link threads to be like poll threads are now: not verboten, but looked at more harshly if they suck.

ImsaKidd 07-19-2007 07:49 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I like LoL because you can post without feeling like you're in a [censored] concentration camp where one wrong word will get you banned or the like.

I read both OOT and LoL (as well as EDF, occasionally the lounge), and I think having them separate is just fine.

Butcho22 07-19-2007 09:20 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I like LoL because you can post without feeling like you're in a [censored] concentration camp where one wrong word will get you banned or the like.

[/ QUOTE ]

2/325Falcon 07-19-2007 09:27 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
and LOL to my knowledge isn't really a community at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Next new forum: LOL4Life!

FCBLComish 07-19-2007 10:28 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
This complaint seems to be more about what you think is a poor modding decision on NT's behalf than the fact that LoL is taking valuable threads away from OOT. The whole reason the forum was created in the first place was because people were complaining about content-less threads with links to videos of fat guys tripping and falling, etc. constantly being posted in OOT. That same problem and the associated complaints would return if LoL were eliminated.

[/ QUOTE ]
I just want to reiterate that in the course of that forum's life it's held steady at TWO POSTS PER HOUR. TWO. And each thread averages ~9 posts each, so we're not talking about a staggering number of OP's here.

"People complaining" sounds familiar. But who is "people", and why should a couple of whiners get their way when the numbers I've cited seem to suggest getting rid of the forum? The threads end up back in OOT, more discussion ensues, a better forum results.

Semi-joke here, but the fact that you're the mod of that forum should be taken into consideration re: your ability to be objective.

[/ QUOTE ]

2 posts per hour, but how many VIEWS per hour? I go there every day, and I read every post. I have only posted there 3 or 4 times.

LOL is a fun place for me. I do not usually read OOT, there is too much volume there for me.

katyseagull 07-19-2007 10:44 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

Next new forum: LOL4Life!

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha. I love it!

BradleyT 07-20-2007 05:39 AM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

2 posts per hour, but how many VIEWS per hour? I go there every day, and I read every post. I have only posted there 3 or 4 times.

LOL is a fun place for me. I do not usually read OOT, there is too much volume there for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Word. OOT Free for months but I enjoy LoL.

soah 07-20-2007 10:03 AM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I read LoL regularly but rarely post there and I would be upset if it got removed...

Borodog 07-20-2007 10:15 AM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I just want to reiterate that in the course of that forum's life it's held steady at TWO POSTS PER HOUR. TWO. And each thread averages ~9 posts each . . .

[/ QUOTE ]

That means that the forum is serving its purpose perfectly. Do you see why?

tuq 07-20-2007 11:05 AM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

No, I do not see why.

Butcho22 07-20-2007 01:28 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

No, I do not see why.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe he's trying to say there would be two more crappy posts per hour in OOT if LOL was removed?

I dunno if that's a valid point or not, but it appears to be what he's getting at.

SuperUberBob 07-20-2007 04:21 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
No. Because I'm banned from OOT and I like posting in LoL.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

DannyOcean_ 07-20-2007 07:29 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum

No, I do not see why.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because people click the links and don't have to always provide no-content posts like 'great game' or 'A+'? I'm guessing he is saying its great that you can get right to the games?

DannyOcean_ 07-20-2007 07:32 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
fwiw, i think lol should go and linktarding allowed in OOT. It seems more like an OOT thing, and the forum doesnt generate enough posts on its own. If you allowed linktarding in OOT, with the condition that linktard posts had to have "LT: funny video" the 'LT' symbol in front, you'd get a lot more games and videos and stuff. More stuff will be posted in OOT than is in LOL, bc oot is a community. I say make rules about labelling linktard posts, allow it in OOT, and delete LOL.

TylerD 07-20-2007 07:32 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
I really enjoy the LoL forum. Just because it is not highly traffic does not mean that it does not have one of the highest OP:Amusement ratios of all off-topic forums.

If you want links to be permitted in OOT that is fine with me, just petition your friendly neighborhood OOT moderator about it but don't get rid of a forum that you don't use and that brings enjoyment to others.

[/ QUOTE ]

XxGodJrxX 07-20-2007 11:12 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
Wasn't LoL already removed once? I remember there being quite a backlash, and for good reason. LoL has good stuff in it. Having to wade through a hundred posts of crap in order to find a flash file in OOT is not cool.

tuq 07-20-2007 11:17 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
Well, the poll results are in and the majority wants LOL gone so let's make this happen, thx.

jman220 07-20-2007 11:20 PM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
Well, the poll results are in and the majority wants LOL gone so let's make this happen, thx.

[/ QUOTE ]

Jman220 has not yet weighed in.

LOL should....











That is all.

FCBLComish 07-24-2007 02:04 AM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
Well, the poll results are in and the majority wants LOL gone so let's make this happen, thx.

[/ QUOTE ]

What majority? What good would its removal do for you?

tuq 07-24-2007 02:50 AM

Re: Why I would like to get rid of the LoL forum
What majority?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, my bad for properly reading poll results.

What good would its removal do for you?

[/ QUOTE ]
Again, my bad for stating in this thread multiple times what good it would do for me.

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