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Jeter5583 02-19-2007 10:56 PM

Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Everyone who plays on FT has NO reason now but to give money, lots of money to the PPA. Full Tilts new promotion acually pays you in bonus to donate to the PPA. And they don't just pay you part of what you donate, they either give you MORE than you donate, or at least match it if you do the maximum donation. THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO DO THIS, and FINALLY a good idea comes from a site itself.

oober 02-19-2007 11:07 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
uh link?

Jeter5583 02-19-2007 11:07 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
This legislation needs to be fought, and for that the PPA needs funding. Here is the link to Full Tilt's offer. EVERYONE should do this, I mean even if you don't play at FT, you should now as you get paid to donate to the PPA.

fearme 02-19-2007 11:12 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
guess i should do this since i cant cash out of there

mikeroddick 02-19-2007 11:28 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Well, the $100 donation looks like the best value.

I'm gonna give right now.

How much are others gonna give?

Seems like a cheap price to pay to try and protect our way of life and right to play online

Truthiness24 02-19-2007 11:29 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
I'd still really like to know what PPA's legislative agenda is first. If they have one yet.

I know that they are the only game in town right now, but they will only truly (pledge to) work for the players if we demand it before donating.

BluffTHIS! 02-19-2007 11:31 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
This is just PPA spam as proven by your posting this in the zoo as well. And I echo the comment above about the PPA needing to resolve the ongoing issues here before we promote them.

Jeter5583 02-19-2007 11:31 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
While your concerns are merited, it doesn;t change that donations should be made now. This is a time sensitive issue, and I can assure you their goal is one in the same as ours. They are recently making more known how they are attacking the issues, but either way, there is NO reason not to do this now.

BluffTHIS! 02-19-2007 11:35 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Your "assurances" won't cut the mustard. And if they need donations *now*, then they should work post haste to resolve the issues discussed here in previous months *now*.

mikeroddick 02-19-2007 11:41 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Well, we got to start somewhere....

We are "gamblers" on some level, and I feel that $100 or even $1000 is a good "gamble" for the potentially (albeit) slim chance of them getting a positive result.

I'm not holding my breathe, but it's all we got.

Nothing is gonna happened if all we do is bitch and moan in these forums.

Does anyway really think them bastards (like Frist) in Congress read here?

BluffTHIS! 02-19-2007 11:45 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Note to mods: We now have 2 n00b posters spamming for the PPA and asking for donations. I'm pretty sure Mason wouldn't approve at this point. And it is *transparent* that this is just an attempt on the part of some supporters or PPA insiders to get around having to deal with legitimate criticisms. This thread should be not just locked but deleted as should it's companion thread in the zoo.

mikeroddick 02-19-2007 11:49 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Besides Jeter, who's the other spammer?

They should both be taken out back and shot!

BluffTHIS! 02-19-2007 11:52 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
You are obviously. Your posting here and in the zoo thread as well, in addition to the fact you both just created these accounts this month, is evidence of same, as if your last post above didn't make it clear to all that you are a troll.

RainDog 02-19-2007 11:59 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Note to mods: We now have 2 n00b posters spamming for the PPA and asking for donations. I'm pretty sure Mason wouldn't approve at this point. And it is *transparent* that this is just an attempt on the part of some supporters or PPA insiders to get around having to deal with legitimate criticisms. This thread should be not just locked but deleted as should it's companion thread in the zoo.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have got to be kidding me...
Have some faith! You of all people should be capable of that

Sponger. 02-20-2007 12:02 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Jeter isn't a spammer. He is a good poker player who plays a ton on FTP. That is all.

mikeroddick 02-20-2007 12:04 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
I'm not a spammer either....I just agree that it's a good idea.

So there!

jschaud 02-20-2007 12:14 AM

Naive Question
PPA may be doing very little to help our cause, but if the poker sites seem to believe in them at least a little, shouldn't we 'freeroll' joining? If you are a regular player there, especially the real grinders who will blow through a few hundred in bonus in a week, why not? I read some of the article about how the PPA is very shady, but even if they are doing minimal for us, isn't it better than nothing? Once again, I am very naive as to how all of it is going down and by no means have i kept up with things fully.

Emperor 02-20-2007 12:17 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
whatever happened to our own lobby "study" we were doing here? Did it just fade away?

sdheflin 02-20-2007 12:26 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA

sdheflin 02-20-2007 12:33 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA

sdheflin 02-20-2007 12:37 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA

mikeroddick 02-20-2007 12:39 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Why are we moved to bonuses?

Mondogarage 02-20-2007 12:49 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
When the PPA comes forth and announces how much they've received directly or indirectly from the poker sites themselves, then I'll consider.

In the meantime, this bonus is a shallow attempt to get the players to bankroll the "efforts" of an organization whose real purpose is to protect the business model of a small number of companies.

We've seen hints at transparency, but not actual transparency.

orentha 02-20-2007 01:33 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
if you dont like the PPA, then fine.

just look at it this way if it makes you feel better: you make money, donate $100, get a $200 bonus, that's $100 in profit (minus the mgr hit) but either way, your still MAKING MONEY. and FT is weak on the bonuses so this is a good thing...

Mondogarage 02-20-2007 01:47 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
By that reasoning, you would agree that if FTP were to suddenly start offering $200 bonuses if you donated $100 to start killing orphaned Rwandan children, "you're still MAKING MONEY and FT is weak on the bonuses so this is a good thing"?

I'm not arguing that supporting the PPA is anything even more than it is...but if you're someone who has been skeptical about the PPA's methods, financing, forthrightness, etc., and have held back because of that, then the fact that they've convinced FTP to offer bonuses to bribe you for your support doesn't change any of that.

If you want to squander principles for a bonus, that's your business. But most of us who have been skeptical of the PPA haven't been holding out for a bonus, we've been holding out for real answers, none of which have been forthcoming.

Our House 02-20-2007 01:56 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
By that reasoning, you would agree that if FTP were to suddenly start offering $200 bonuses if you donated $100 to start killing orphaned Rwandan children, "you're still MAKING MONEY and FT is weak on the bonuses so this is a good thing"?

[/ QUOTE ]
If there's something wrong with the PPA (at this point in time), then why oh why is Full Tilt taking a loss to build up a roll for them?? Something is up their sleeves, and it's very possible that the PPA you knew before isn't going to be the same as the PPA coming up in the near future.

Mondogarage 02-20-2007 02:04 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
By that reasoning, you would agree that if FTP were to suddenly start offering $200 bonuses if you donated $100 to start killing orphaned Rwandan children, "you're still MAKING MONEY and FT is weak on the bonuses so this is a good thing"?

[/ QUOTE ]
If there's something wrong with the PPA (at this point in time), then why oh why is Full Tilt taking a loss to build up a roll for them?? Something is up their sleeves, and it's very possible that the PPA you knew before isn't going to be the same as the PPA coming up in the near future.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly. "Up their sleeves". In other words, the PPA is not providing full and complete information to their supporters.

To answer your question though, (why oh why is Full Tilt taking a loss to build up a roll for them??) the answer is that it is in FTP's clear financial interest, as it is for every poker site currently serving US customers. Don't kid yourself, they (and PS) see the writing on the wall if there's no carveout.

FTP clearly sees the PPA as their last best hope to get to stay in the US market. And that's fine. I hope FTP gets to stay. That doesn't make the PPA actually representative of players, and it doesn't excuse their complete lack of transparency thus far. And frankly, as this is, to a large degree, an effort by FTP to enable themselves to stay in business in the US, it should be FTP throwing the big money to the PPA. Except that would require the actual transfer of real money. Aside from the limiting factor of requiring donations to the PPA, this isn't any different from any other reload bonus, per se, which other sites have already been offering.

The fact that FTP is offering bonuses has does not make the PPA either a good thing or a bad thing. But if you thought the PPA was a questionable entity prior to this, the bonus does not change any other fact. Only that now, they seem to think your consideration has a price of a couple hundred dollars. Me, I'd rather have the PPA be completely thorough in answering all of the questions that have been asked of its opaque leadership thus far. Hell, they do that, and they won't need to buy off our support with bonuses.

Our House 02-20-2007 02:23 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
1) When I said "up their sleeves", I was referring to Full Tilt and not the PPA. It's fairly likely that Full Tilt knows something about the PPA that we don't know.

2) The absolute LAST thing Full Tilt wants to see happen is a poker carve-out. How could they possibly compete with sites like Party (when it re-enters the market), or even more so, the big US casino sites that would pop Bellagio, MGM, Harrah's, etc. dot com?

3) Full Tilt's decision to remain in the US market is up to Full Tilt. The only thing preventing them from doing business would be banking regulations, not carve-outs/no carve-outs.

ed8383 02-20-2007 02:43 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA

2) The absolute LAST thing Full Tilt wants to see happen is a poker carve-out. How could they possibly compete with sites like Party (when it re-enters the market), or even more so, the big US casino sites that would pop Bellagio, MGM, Harrah's, etc. dot com?

[/ QUOTE ]
by the time that happens (a couple of years, if it happens) full tilt will have plenty of U.S player and would have already tapped the european market a bit as they already are doing.

gonebroke2 02-20-2007 02:46 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
By asking their players to join the PPA to have poker exempted from the UIGEA, they are admitting that they are operating illegally right? If they were operating legally, then such an exemption would not be necessary. This seems to be the opposite of PokerStars stance; maybe thats why they are not pushing people to join the PPA?

KEW 02-20-2007 03:03 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
"2) The absolute LAST thing Full Tilt wants to see happen is a poker carve-out. How could they possibly compete with sites like Party (when it re-enters the market), or even more so, the big US casino sites that would pop Bellagio, MGM, Harrah's, etc. dot com?"

I think you are wrong here...IMO If there was a carve out the US based company would enter the online poker market through merger and acqusitions...Sites like Party,Stars and Full Tilt are very valuable for there established technologies,player base and marketting knowledge...IMO Harrah's will not try to reinvent the wheel they will buy the whole car(ie Stars and other established sites)...

straightflush 02-20-2007 03:18 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
I don't understand where some of you guys are coming from. I am going to take the largest bonus available because

a) I play quite a bit on Full Tilt
b) I don't see any negative outcomes from the PPA getting more funding.

What am I missing here? The PPA is not going to work against our interests. Even if they for some reason don't try to help, I'm not losing anything.

Emperor 02-20-2007 03:30 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Why is there no overlay at the $1000 level?

I would do the $1000 if they gave like $1100 in bonus, otherwise I am encouraged just to give $100 for $200 in bonus [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

ASD99 02-20-2007 03:32 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
yeah i feel the same way...has to be a typo because doing the $1000 level absolutely makes no sense since you are not getting anything for a with the other levels you are at least getting 25-100% overlay.

Tk79 02-20-2007 10:06 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
If I donate $1000 I get $1000 bonus. That bonus then most likely comes out of my MGR and 27% of $1000 is $270. So for me to do the max bonus it actually would cost me $270. Am I missing something or is that whats going on here?

Mondogarage 02-20-2007 10:37 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
1) 2) The absolute LAST thing Full Tilt wants to see happen is a poker carve-out. How could they possibly compete with sites like Party (when it re-enters the market), or even more so, the big US casino sites that would pop Bellagio, MGM, Harrah's, etc. dot com?

[/ QUOTE ]

My point exactly. Thanks for proving it for me.

1. Full Tilt does *not* want a poker carve out from the UIGEA;

2. PPA says they are working for a poker carve out, but otherwise has pretty much made almost no other information public (financing, membership roster, actual records of meeting, etc.);

3. Full Tilt is working to help the PPA raise funds.

So this doesn't leave you with the glaringly obvious question...why would Full Tilt work *with* the PPA if the PPA's stated goal is contrary to Full Tilt's interests?

Answer: The PPA is actually working more towards Full Tilt's interests than yours. If your interests run parallel to FTP's, then great. But if you don't see how their interests can run counter to yours, then you're missing a read here.

Either way, that's not picking on FTP, because they're up front about what they are doing (e.g., trying to get money to the PPA). It's the PPA that's been less than candid.

danzasmack 02-20-2007 11:11 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA

FT does want a poker carve out.

cowboy.up 02-20-2007 11:32 AM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
If I donate $1000 I get $1000 bonus. That bonus then most likely comes out of my MGR and 27% of $1000 is $270. So for me to do the max bonus it actually would cost me $270. Am I missing something or is that whats going on here?

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe you are correct - you recoup the $1000 donated from the bonus, but you're $270 behind in potential rakeback from donating and bonus clearing just go get back to 'even.'

faustusmedea 02-20-2007 12:12 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
I won't counsel one way or the other, but there is a point you should consider. Last year when Party did this, the new law had not been enacted. This time its a little different.

Essentially, it is pretty transparent you are being asked to exchange funds with an illegal offshore entity and a US based lobbying organization. May or may not be an issue for most of you, but you should at least consider it.

dneedle1 02-20-2007 12:31 PM

Re: Full Tilt and the PPA...FINALLY A GREAT IDEA
Has anyone actually signed up and received bonus money from FT? If so, please advise. Their e-mail seems quite serious, but the "its too good to be true" radar has gone off.

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