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BrandiRose 12-16-2006 04:12 AM

Never Trust Anyone
It may seem like I'm acting a little crazy nowadays, but I can assure you, there is good reason. I have been very stressed out and even feeling suicidal. Perhaps if I shed some light on what happened, you might feel a bit of compassion for me...

After Festa Al Lago, I was approached by various people who wanted to back me. Some of them wanted two year deals, which I did not want to take. Others were complete sleaze bags who wanted to put me in tournaments as long as I slept with them ~ I'm not that sort of girl. Then, I was approached by Captian Tom Franklin...

He immediately duped me in with every word he spoke. He said that he wanted to help me. That he enjoys helping young people. And when they do well, he feels good about himself. He even gave me some names of top pros whom he has coached. He also said that we were going to have set times to meet so that it was all going to be very professional and that people would not get the wrong idea. I asked what the wrong idea was and he said "younger girl, older man" ~ and that he didn't want people to assume that he was sleeping with me when that was not the case.

He used Doyle Brunson's name ~ the fact that he is on the site ~ and his own credentials to reel me in. Being who he was, and based on what he said, I believed him.

Things started off well while we were in Canada. We discussed hands, and he shared some basic information with me. I had no idea at that time of what was about to happen to me. He said that I should turn over my bankroll to him so that he could help manage my money. He talked about how much attention I was getting from guys and how easy it would be for me to robbed. Since he had been nothing but a respectable man who was helping me with my game, I did it. In a way, I guess I had looked up to him like a grandfather. And considering that he is famous, I didn't expect for him to do anything shady. Still again, I was nowhere near prepared for the incidents that were about to take place...

I arrived in Indiana with a friend of mine. He took my friend out while I played satellites for the ME. This is where things started to bad. First off, I ran bad in the satellites. Donkeys were calling my preflop raises for example ~ I help AK ~ with K5 off suit and then after going all in, would turn or river their crap card.

My friend came back that night completely trashed and stumbling, but she said she had fun. The next day Tom tried to turn my friend and I against each other. I know that he manipulated her into drinking so much. He had done that to me while I was in Canada. We had taken a break for the night and he kept buying me shots of whiskey even though I told him that I would not drink anymore and even gave the shots away. He told me my friend was an alcoholic and had run up a big tab. He said that I needed to get rid of her. What he really wanted was to have me alone for his own intentions...

The next night, he crawled into bed with me naked. His penis on my back, frighten me, and woke me in the middle of the night. I freaked out and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom. I crawled to sleep on the floor and used the towels as blankets. I was traumatized.

He then started beating me down mentally. I was in no condition after what he did to me, to play. I told him this, but he said that if I did not do what he said, then I was not serious about playing poker. I should have just asked for my bankroll back then and walked away, but I was so confused. He was being mentally and emotionally abusive towards me. At the time, I couldn't see things clearly.

Every day he started having talks with me at breakfast/lunch.. how he was doing so much for me and that I needed to do something for him. He said at that time that I could not have my money back and that I had to "huggle" with him. In all honesty, I tried. I grit my teeth and let him put his arms around me one night.

But I couldn't do it. I got into a big fight with him. In fact I did go a little crazy. I had bottling all this stress and pressure inside me. I couldn't understand why since I was a girl, I had to pay the fiddler. Obviously the other people he backed and mentored weren't expected to suck his dick or do anything sexual with him. Why me? I blew up over how irrational it all was and how unfair it was that I am in this situation because I am a woman.

My friend had to be mediator. He agreed that since I was incapable of sleeping with him or at least "huggling" ~ which was his word for cuddling ~ then he would still do as promised and back me and mentor me until the end of the year. But instead of putting me into main events, I would have to earn my way in by playing satellites. And that he would cover all my expenses, like rent, food and etc. till the end of the year.

I had no problem with this since it is what I would have done anyway on my own and I still had him mentoring me. Before we left Indiana, I asked for 3K of my money back (which was an original ammount of over 12K). Since he lost so much at Pai Gow and Pot Limit Omaha, he had to borrow the money, but he ended up giving it to me.

When I got to Foxwoods, everything had changed. He had a young 22 year old girl with him, named Amanda. We were all supposed to meet at the airport but his flight was delayed, so we shared a cab. My friend was still with me at the time, and she confronted Amanda. Amanda came out and said that she met him two years ago when she was with her mom and that for two years Tom has promised her a job in his company ~ which was still yet to happen, as Tom does not have a company. She talked about how he makes her skin crawl and that she has turned into an alcoholic and that she dropped out of school and is now taking care of her mom and dad with the little money that Tom is giving her to have sex with him.

Now, everyone that knows Tom Franklin, I hope is obviously aware that he is married! Anyway ~ we all ended up sharing a room that first night in Foxwoods because the casino was booked. My friend and I slept in one bed. Tom and his "daughter" as he claims her to be ~ slept in the other. Tom was in a very bad mood because he was not getting laid. She had a cold or bronchitis or something. The next night Tom got another room so him and his "daughter" could have some alone time so she could make him happy. He blamed all of us sharing a room as the reason she would not perform, since she was afraid of us walking in at any moment.

To make a long story short, he did not do anything for me in Foxwoods. He did not put me into satellites and he refused to give me my bankroll back. I started talking to some of the players about what I was going through. Gavin and Chris Bell were going to have a talk with him. Coincidentally, he called me and I thought I should rectify the situation on my own.

We met and he said that "What are you doing talking to people about this? Why do you think I am a bad guy? If I were a really bad guy, I would have raped you that night when I had the chance!" I said all I want is my money back. He gave me $500, claiming that was all he had on him and told me that he would give me the rest later and that for now I should go play 2-5. I did.

Funny thing... Tom decided to play 2-5 at another table. A few people were talking about how funny it was he was playing that and that he was obviously broke. I grew pissed. I wanted my money back right then and there. He started changing his story and saying instead that he did not owe me anything. We stopped talking.

I was in tears the entire time I was in Foxwoods. I even tried to OD there and someone put their finger down my throat until I was able to throw everything up. I was miserable. Here I had trusted someone and was left stranded on the other side of the country with not even ten cents to my name.

Mark Newhouse bought my ticket home, along with my friend's. When I got home, I thought of things I could do to straighten the situation out. I tried calling Tom and asking nicely. I talked to the press. I even talked to Todd and Doyle Brunson (who sponsor him on their site). They both said they would talk to him when he got into town.

During that time, no one helped me except Phil Gordon. I filmed something with him for his show and he gave me 1k. That is how I managed to pay my rent and phone bill. Thanksgiving for me was horrible. I spent the day in bed with only a microwavable Turkey dinner ~ since I did not have enough money to go anywhere or see friends. I didn't even have a car by this point in time because my BMW had been repossessed. I was absolutely miserable.

Tom was supposed to be in town on the 28th. He did not end up showing up till this week. When I talked to Doyle, he ended up giving me 2k, and I was incredibly appreciative. I thought I would get my money back and that everything would be okay.

But Tom is a very good liar. I'm not sure what he said to Todd or Doyle. All I can say is that I met them both once and I did nothing crazy except tell them what he did to me. I don't have relationships with either of them and have not had contact with them outside of one time since then. I called Doyle and asked him what had happened. He said that Tom told him a different story and that there was nothing he could do for me. I said "Okay, thank you for trying." and hung up.

What I wanted to do was scream!! Of course he would tell a different story! Of course he would try to cover his own ass! Did Doyle really expect him to tell the truth?

I've been incredibly upset lately. And perhaps I have been acting crazy. Every day I want to die. I have no money. I have no car. I don't know where I am going to live in two weeks ~ since I can't pay rent. I don't know what I am going to do for work ~ and NO I'm not going to [censored] strip! sorry.

I looked into getting a job with Cardplayer, but they already hired someone. Now I feel lost. I've also been feeling a lot of anger. It's not fair or right what happened. I did not go busto. I did not lose my money playing. I did not deserve this.

Last night, I had a panic attack. During that time, my passport was stolen. I ended up punching a guy. I don't know what's wrong with me right now. I suppose I have been holding all this anger in for so long. I tried to go about things discreetly, but it has not worked. I'm upset that people who could help me, don't care or just wont. I'm upset that this man can lie to people and that other people believe him. I'm upset this he can get away with what he did to me and that it's okay. It's not okay.

What's more... the girl Amanda is in town with him right now! How can people in life do one thing and say another? How can people have no morals and stand for nothing? Why is it that the evil and corrupt are rewarded and the innocent are left to struggle and perish? Where is the decency?

I do not know what else to say here. I've told you my story as best as I could. I don't need anyone telling me how I should not have given him my money in the first place or anything along those lines. I already think every day how stupid I am for doing so.

To be honest, I don't know what's going to happen to me or where I'm going to go. What I need right now is some support and compassion and mercy. I need a gift from God and a miracle. Because of this situation, I'm now at a place where I feel as though I'm hanging to life by a shoestring.

If you've seen me and I've acted a little strange, now you know why .I've been stressed and depressed and angered. I'm not myself right now and I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

stinkypete 12-16-2006 04:18 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
150-200 word cliff notes plz

EDIT: okay i read it. wow.

BrandiRose 12-16-2006 04:19 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Sorry for the length... to summarize: Tom Franklin is a thief.

jfish 12-16-2006 04:19 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
i'm not reading that.

blackjack777 12-16-2006 04:22 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
This was my favorite part.

The next night, he crawled into bed with me naked. His penis on my back, frighten me, and woke me in the middle of the night. I freaked out and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pure gold.

NNNNOOOOONAN 12-16-2006 04:26 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
your story both fascinates and intrigues me. please tell me more.

recipro 12-16-2006 04:27 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Sorry for the length... to summarize: Tom Franklin is a thief.

[/ QUOTE ]
But how much did you lose?

blackjack777 12-16-2006 04:31 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I'm sorry, my head is still spinning from reading the whole thing.

But a couple questions/concerns come to mind.

1. Old dude rubs his penis against you in bed and you spend the night in the hotel bathroom's floor? Was the door to the hotel hallway locked from the outside?

2. Old dude rubs penis against you, then refuses to hand over money, and you are still sharing a room with him and taking the same cabs around town?

3. Your roll was 12 g's total and you were turning down backers?

DLizzle 12-16-2006 04:32 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Not saying it isn't, but if all that is true, wow. that sucks. I'd advise you to get out of the poker world asap, and somehow get the Captain to give the money back. I wouldn't know how, but there's gotta be someone to help you. If you are making any of that up, that's [censored] up.

Dexter_Cain 12-16-2006 04:33 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
i'm not reading that.

[/ QUOTE ]

you should read it. If nothing else it's a good story.

take some time off of poker. Stay with a friend or something, and don't die.

AllinDan 12-16-2006 04:34 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
i'm not reading that.

[/ QUOTE ]

you really should, pretty fine NVG.

Brandi: don't kill yourself.

and never trust a man who calls himself Captain. I'm not sure why you needed to give him your money ever, but I hope everything works out for you.

mason55 12-16-2006 04:36 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
For those of you who think I am dog ugly... thanks. I get so much attention already.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmmmm I guess so

EC10 12-16-2006 04:36 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
holy [censored]

THAY3R 12-16-2006 04:37 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

1. Don't give people money.

2. Don't think that anyone who wants to back you, or coach you, is doing so because you are a good poker player. It's because you are a girl who is not ugly.

3. Don't ask poker forums to send you money, it's not very classy.

4. I feel bad for you for this whole ordeal, and hope that things get better.

JJoseph 12-16-2006 04:38 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
If this is all true, what a scumbag. You have my sympathy.

NNNNOOOOONAN 12-16-2006 04:39 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

PITTM 12-16-2006 04:40 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Obviously the other people he backed and mentored weren't expected to suck his dick or do anything sexual with him. Why me? I blew up over how irrational it all was and how unfair it was that I am in this situation because I am a woman.

[/ QUOTE ]

dont forget the "not being good at poker" part.


BluffTHIS! 12-16-2006 04:40 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

You need to find a backer for your wardrobe. You'll need some nice new clothes to wear to court to go with your boo hoo act when you get sued for defamation of character.

BrandiRose 12-16-2006 04:40 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Yeah I know I wasn't very smart. And I know some of it doesn't make sense. I was very confused and didn't know what to do. The poker world was very new to me.

And to respond to Blackjack's post: Yes, he tried to pull something on me, but if you read correctly you'd know that we had an agreement after that night and he gave me 3k of my money so I still trusted him. And I trusted that he would not do anything to me again ~ which besides taking my money ~ he did not.

MicroBob 12-16-2006 04:41 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
You have my sympathy as well and I hope things work out for you.

But you made some really freaking awful decisions along the way.
I too don't understand why you were even associating, cabbing, rooming with this guy after he rubbed up against you naked.

Actually, I don't know why you were with him before that or why you gave him all your money either.

I agree that getting out of poker might be in your best interests right now.

blackjack777 12-16-2006 04:42 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
If you need to raise some cash to pay your rent and buy another BMW, I hear they are taking applications here:

Perfectly legal and an all-cash business.

LotsOfOuts69 12-16-2006 04:43 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Tom Franklin is an old dirt bag and he angle shot me at the Foxwoods main event in 2003.

I won an all in pot against him, and he shorted the pot. The dealer was a new guy who didn't count it correctly. Technically it was my own fault (it was my first big tournament, and it was obvious to everyone else there that in was since I was 22 and looked 18)

I didnt realize till the next hand had completed and I stacked my chips. Leave and learn.

Point being I knew he was a scum bag but TV makes him look different. Honestly, I wouldn't trust anyone who plays poker for a living that wasnt a close friend for a while. I know that is a bad stereotype and most people are good people, but its a hustlers game and it is what it is.

PS. Brandi, get your money back and get off the tour for a while, you shouldnt really be playing the WPT on a $12,000 bankroll anyway. People are taking advantage of you and you need to concentrate on your health first.

BrandiRose 12-16-2006 04:44 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

dont forget the "not being good at poker" part.


[/ QUOTE ]

Look, say whatever you want. I've played a total of 6 tournaments. I've won or cashed in 4 of them. You can tell me I'm stupid and that it's all my fault for what happened, but with that history of wins vs. losses, you can't say I suck at poker.
If it's not enough tournaments to base whether or not I'm a winning player, then I guess you will just have to give me more time and wait and see.

BluffTHIS! 12-16-2006 04:44 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Question for all:

Who really got conned here? Poor lil Brandi by mean ol dirty old man Cpt. Tom? Or all of you who are gullible enough to believe her story with no other corroboration?

shaniac 12-16-2006 04:46 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I don't consider Capt. Tom particularly trustworthy in the poker world, but I trust anything that you say even less. I'm pretty sure whatever BS comes out of Tom's mouth, he's far from broke.

You're a total mess and everything you say is twisted and filtered through your [censored] insane little brain. You've been on tour two-months and are already on the verge of a breakdown--flee while you can.

I'm sure parts of your story are true, while the thrust of it has been so distorted by your inability to process reality that the contents are worthless.

edit...and slanderous.

pokerraja 12-16-2006 04:47 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Wow amazing story. Everything from the old man rubbing his penis against your back to you being friends with all these famous poker pros. Who are you? How did you get into poker? Are you even good? Why do you own a BMW? Why are you broke? LOL at you giving the old man 12K to hold for you!! Is 12K suppose to be alot of money that you need someone to hold it for you? Jesus I don't know what else to say nothing makes sense.

Why don't you try a another career choice, like say nursing or something? Sounds like this is the right place for you. Lol, whats next pool halls? [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

NNNNOOOOONAN 12-16-2006 04:49 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
how have you won in/ cashed in 4/6 tourneys and only have 12k? you must have taken part in the worst backing deal eva.

bones 12-16-2006 04:52 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

dont forget the "not being good at poker" part.


[/ QUOTE ]

Look, say whatever you want. I've played a total of 6 tournaments. I've won or cashed in 4 of them. You can tell me I'm stupid and that it's all my fault for what happened, but with that history of wins vs. losses, you can't say I suck at poker.
If it's not enough tournaments to base whether or not I'm a winning player, then I guess you will just have to give me more time and wait and see.

[/ QUOTE ]


Btw, the fact that you've only played 6 tournaments is probably enough to say that you suck at tournament poker.

Also, can't believe you're an ex-stripper. I never woulda guessed.

billyjex 12-16-2006 04:52 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Sounds like the life of poker player is not for you.

PITTM 12-16-2006 04:53 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

dont forget the "not being good at poker" part.


[/ QUOTE ]

Look, say whatever you want. I've played a total of 6 tournaments. I've won or cashed in 4 of them. You can tell me I'm stupid and that it's all my fault for what happened, but with that history of wins vs. losses, you can't say I suck at poker.
If it's not enough tournaments to base whether or not I'm a winning player, then I guess you will just have to give me more time and wait and see.

[/ QUOTE ]

im just saying that if you think guys are staking you for your poker skills. they arent. plain and simple. also, if youve won or cashed in 4/6 tournaments why is your roll 12k? also, lol donkaments.


FatalError 12-16-2006 04:53 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

I wish i could trust this word for word, but if 70% of this is even true then OMG OMG OMG OMG

blackjack777 12-16-2006 04:55 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

1. Brandi gives man who calls himself "Captain Tom" her entire roll of 12 G's.

2. The Captain is sort of like a grandfather to Brandi, but soon he turns evil and rubs his manhood against her back while they are sharing a hotel room.

3. Captain allegedly wants a BJ or more to give back the money.

4. Brandi get back 3K of the 12, but has to snuggle with the old man. He continues to teqach her. Brandi sticks around.

5. Captain Tom is allegedly really into much younger women.

6. Brandi goes to Doyle Brunson, he gives her 2 grand out of the kindness of his heart.

7. Brandi tried to OD herself and is suicidal and depressed.

8. Phil Gordon gives Brandi money, but she gets her BMW repossessed and eats a thanksgiving meal alone.

9. Brandi is pissed and out for revenge. She punches a dude and has a panic attack.

That's about it.

yvesaint 12-16-2006 04:57 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
brandi hawbaker

the other white meat

ggbman 12-16-2006 04:57 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I mean there's so much stuff to address here that i dont think anyone will really take the time to...

1.) You shouldn't have a BMW and be traveling the tour with a 12k BR... and you definitly shouldn't trust it to someone you met recently and whose qualfications to handle your money are non-existant

2.)It is evident from this post that you are traumatized from whatever did go down, so ignore the posts in this thread from people who are just looking to give you a hard time

3.) If you really did try to kill yourself over events like this, you need some help. There are curveballs in life, and most people will have to endure stuff at least as bad as what your described (minus the sexual harrassment part, that is obviously ridiculous) and if you are that on edge emotionally, i would re-evaluate how you are living your life and consider taking a break from a profession that can be as stressful as poker.

Anyway, good luck and hopefully you get your money back and can leave this ordeal in the past.

billyjex 12-16-2006 04:58 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

dont forget the "not being good at poker" part.


[/ QUOTE ]

Look, say whatever you want. I've played a total of 6 tournaments. I've won or cashed in 4 of them. You can tell me I'm stupid and that it's all my fault for what happened, but with that history of wins vs. losses, you can't say I suck at poker.
If it's not enough tournaments to base whether or not I'm a winning player, then I guess you will just have to give me more time and wait and see.

[/ QUOTE ]

i played with you in the mega sat to festa wpt, and on the bubble you were doing the stupidiest [censored] i've ever seen. you were like 2nd or 3rd in chips w/ 25 left w/ 24 who get seats and you're playing big pots against the only guy who can bust you, or insta calling all ins w/ A3o against guys who can take half your chips and perhaps give you a chance of busting when you can fold into a seat because "you were bored."

listen, you might be ok, but it sounds like you haven't exactly put hundreds of thousands of hands and hundreds of hours playing poker like many of the successful players on this board and on the tournament circuit have.

alot of these guys, don't have much reason to stake you otherwise than to sleep with you because you aren't a winning player, and that's just the truth.

Apathy 12-16-2006 04:59 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I'm sorry to hear this Brandi. Honestly the poker world is a terrible place for a girl like you. Its not fair, and its not right, and I wish it wasnt this way, but it is.

The only girls I know your age who have played tournaments and high stakes poker for a while have tons of trouble dealing with it.

I really wish you the best and Im glad you think you have met a couple good people for now but my best advice is pretty simple. Do something else for a while. If you must stay in poker play online or something, move back home if you can. Or alternativly go back to school or do some other job. There must have been something before poker you were interested in?

Dementia 12-16-2006 05:00 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
I'm sorry,

I believe so little of your post. And I honestly think you should get your act together and grow up.

FoxwoodsFiend 12-16-2006 05:01 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone

jfish 12-16-2006 05:02 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
hahahahaha. im sorry, but i found that really funny.

FoxwoodsFiend 12-16-2006 05:02 AM

Re: Never Trust Anyone
Question for all:

Who really got conned here? Poor lil Brandi by mean ol dirty old man Cpt. Tom? Or all of you who are gullible enough to believe her story with no other corroboration?

[/ QUOTE ]


It's hard to believe Brandi would slander somebody, ruining her reputation in the poker world, just to trick a message board.

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