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MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 02:34 AM

Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security prison popular demand

As a freshman/sophmore in college, I was pretty heavy into the drug scene. I did lots of drugs, held lots of drugs, etc. I NEVER SOLD. Unfortunately, I got caught with a decent amount of GHB on me. It was for my and my friends use. Due to an ironic twist in the laws, I could be charged for the weight of the liquid that the GHB was diluted in and not the weight of the drug itself. This automagically bumped me up to an intent to sell, etc. (IIRC, it was possession of over 200g of a substance containing a schedule I controlled substance.) I took a plea deal and received the max sentence (3 years) on a state of Illinois class 4 felony. FYI, crimes in Illinois go Murder-->attempted Murder--> Class X big -->Class X small --> Class 1 --> Class 2 --> Class 3 --> Class 4 --> misdemeanor.

The prosecution had a questionable case on possibly getting me for a class X small that would've carried 6 to 30 years with a turth in sentencing clause (meaning I had to serve at least 85%). The case on possession, while solid, would never lead to me getting the max 3 years. So, in order to avoid the class X, I took the max on the class 4 (3 years).

FWIW, it isn't a true 3 years. Given I was a first time, non-violent offender, I automatically qualified for 50/50. 50/50 is one day off for one served, ie, I'm down to 18 months already. In addition, a prisoner in the IDOC can receive 3 months good time after both the first month and after 3 months served. So, my 3 year sentence is, in effect, a one year sentence unless one really screws around in prison. I was by no means a model inmate, yet I received my goodtime with no issue.

Onto the time....
the first thing is one is prosecuted and convicted in a certain county. For me, this was Peoria County. Funny enough, peoria county uses the black and white striped jumpsuits. They are the only county within Illinois to do so. The inmates add this to their list of complaints there as it does truly feel as though you are straight out of a cartoon or old-timey movie. Many of you are probably familiar with county jails. They are a piece of cake. A hinderence, but the only people who get [censored] with or [censored] up are those that go out of their way to create issues (excepting a few really bad counties). You sit around, get fed 3 square, share a 'pod' tv, sleep on a [censored] mattress, etc.

Once or twice a week depending on the size of the county (I think Cook might even have 3 days), a van or bus transfers the new convicts facing hard time to a receiving prison. Back when I was convicted, this was the Joliet Correctional Center. Many of you know of this prison. Joliet was shut done a few years ago for being outdated. It is the prison that now sets the scene for many tv shows and movies. Notably, Prison Break was filmed there and the movie "Let's goto Prison." It was also in the infamous opening scene of "Blues Brothers." Yes, I recognize many of the grounds when watching these shows/movies/commercials/etc. The original buildings date back to the 1850s IIRC and were last used as North Segregation, ie Isolation. I spent some time there, but that is jumping ahead in the story.

JOliet is very old school. Decks of cells with the sliding, closing barred gates. It's a 23 and one. 23 hours per day locked in the cell and one hour per day out for eating, yard, etc. This is an actual image of a cell
you can see the bar gates here:

So, Joliet was about 1200 inmates circa 2000. 800-850 were receiving. Every prisoner starts in receiving and then is assigned and farmed out to other prisons based on which best matches their security risk/ violance levels/ gang affiliations/ known enemies in the IDOC/ etc. During this receiving 'week,' prisoners go through a battery of tests and evaluations. I got a medical check-up, talked with a prison psychologist, took a math and reading aptitude test.

Prisoners are in their cells all day during receiving. Some guys shoot the [censored] and holler out into the hallway. Some guys try to adjust and fail miserably. Some guys are used to process after 2, 3, 4, 5, 6+ times doing it. I chose to keep to myself. My cellmate was a middle-aged guy who's marriage was obviously ending on this, his second, trip to the IDOC. He was trying to come up with ways to save it, but it was obviously gone. I just thought alot about things and get trapped within my own head.

This is also a time of pretty much block-out from contact with the outside world. Your family, friends, etc are not nodified of when you will be leaving Joliet and which prison you will end up at. The prisoners don't even know when they'll leave. Some guys are gone within 2 days...other guys take much longer. The average was 5 to 8 days. You only are notified at about 10PM the night before that you'll be on a bus by 7 AM the next morning. I got this notification much later than expected, about 10 days. Unfortunately, I was assigned to Joliet's general population from receiving.

To the casual observer, this would seem quite odd. Joliet's roughly 400 people in general population were kept separate from the receiving. Joliet was a maximum security prison kept for people who were likely never going to see the outside world again. For instance, one of my cellmates was a drive-by killer from some gang warfare and was sentenced to 36 years. He was considered smalltime for Joliet. So, how did I get to the this predicament?

Well, my biggest screw-up was the uber-pwnage I unleashed on the aptitude tests. Basically, inmates sit in a classroom and are given something like 120 minutes to complete a test to the best of their ability. Well, I stupidly aced the math test in about 15 minutes and aced the reading in less than 35. This was bad because the system assumed I was a person capable of rational thought. Add that into my nonviolent history and small sentence and I became a perfect candidate for outside grounds.

Every prison needs workers. They are full live-in environments. Many jobs don't require skill, etc. What better (ie cheaper) labor pool is there than the prisoners themselves. I got assigned to outside grounds. I shoveled snow out of the walkways, driveways, parking lots etc. I cleaned the front lobby for the visitors. I cleaned the general office quarters for the accounting and HR staff. I helped clean the Warden's office. I swept, mopped, buffed, etc. I was a glorified custodian who had contact with the outside world on occassion. In the past, these jobs were given to any inmate in the prison. However, the IDOC realized how stupid this was after a few escapes and bad publicity from multiple convicted rapists fleeing while supposedly shoveling the outside sidewalk of the prison. These jobs were now given to prisoners for whom escape didn't make sense and who wouldn't be a threat if they did escape (why am I in prison then?).
So, because I was smart enough to realize the 5 year+ to the sentence for attempting escape would suck for me, and my crime was light, I became a member of Joliet Correctional Center's general population and a member of the otuside grounds crew.

I worked 60+ hours/week for $0.15/hour. Yes, I got paid! Holla! Yes, there was even a store to purchase things at. Basically, prisoners are given 2 pairs of blue slacks, black boots, 3 pairs white sox, 3 pairs briefs, 3 t-shirts, 2 button up blue shirts, jacket, and skull cap. (I loved my skull cap BTW.) If you wanted boxers, you buy it at the commissary store. If you wanted all-white sneakers (no gang identifications allowed of course), you buy it at the commissary. If you want some little debbie snacks to supplement the glorius cafeteria meals, commissary is the ticket. Walkmans, made of clear plastic so as to avoid contraband) were available at commissary. You could also receive $50/ month into your commissary account via relatives/friends money orders. That is $50 max. Some long-timers did have 13" tvs with clear plastic shells. there was NO CABLE!

I didn't quite fit in at Joliet. (Anyone who knows me irl will testify that I am not likely to be a felon.) For one, I was much more educated. Another, my family background is stable. I wasn't and am not a violent person. I don't try to take advantage of people I meet, but prefer cooperation. At the time, I was heavy into lifting, so I wasn't as big a target as you might suspect a 5'8" white boy to be. However, I was still a target due to my short sentence and lack of affiliations.

Basically, the IDOC was quite dumb to put the outside grounds with the general pop instead of separating us to our own bank of cells. I had to mix with the double lifers (convicted for two separate life sentences so as to preclude the possibility of parole) for numerous hours per day. The good thing is that being locked in a cell for all but work and cafe times keeps one from being around others much. Unfortunately, I did have to interact far too often.

First, comes the cafeteria visits. You have to find someone to sit with and put up with. I found a few guys that didn't look affiliated with anyone or anything. The rest of the prisoners wanted nothing to do with them. This should've been a sign, but I was not a very exprienced inmate and missed what should've been obvious. One guy I ate with frequently was a smallish white dude, younger than me. It just so happened he killed his entire family with a hammer when he was 16. (Chris Churchill...who can be found here.) Another guy I ate with quite frequently was a former high member of some gang on the West Coast. He had actually never been convicted of anything in Illinois, but was part of a prisoner exchange program. Basically, gang members with pull around Illinois are shipped out somewhere west and that state recipricates by sending one of their powerful gang members to Illinois to be warehoused. I was somehat bi-lingual at the time and an asset to 'California' as he was called.

So anyway, I try to avoid people. I eat and share an occasional word with some very violent people. I'm coming off having my two big toenails removed. I spend most of the day standing up and shoveling snow or washing busses, while guys with shotguns watch me to make sure I don't look like I'm going to escape.

The bright side is I did get to write letters, and I was allowed 2 one-hour visits per week. Visits were interesting. I was allowed a hug and kiss at the beginning and end. Otherwise, I had to sit at a cafeteria type lunch table with hands visible at all times. My poor girlfriend at the time put up with alot of [censored] wonder we didn't last. One of the Greatest moments of my life was on one of her visits. I also got library access every once in awhile. Got to read From Here to Eternity, the Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, For Whom the Bell Tolls, East of Eden, Winter of Our Discontent, etc numerous times.

Otherwise, it sucked. I was working alot to the point I was physically wearing down. I don't suppose my toe ailments were helping at all as the ingrown nails resurfaced during the constant standing in poor footware. I was locked in my own brain alot. I'm usually quite good at being by myself, but this was not good. The other conditions were scary, at best, and I was slowly cracking.

After a few months, an intersting event happened and I was thrown into isolation, known as segregated pop(ulation) in the IDOC. As I said, I often ate with 'California.' California is a gang guy, who gets his self-esteem from the power and respect that he commands from others. The unspoken issue was that, though I wouldn't cross him ever, he knew that I didn't and would never 'respeck' him in my mind. I never said anything, though. One day, 'California' is beating on a guy during chapel time. I asked him if there was a better place to administer the beating as it was disrespectful to do so in the House of God....BIG MISTAKE. 'California' makes some veiled threats and I know I'm due a beating. I goto the cafeteria and sit by myself rather than at California's table. For those of you that have seen it, think American History X. It's now a given that the beating is coming. The next day, the guards are late in opening the gates to our cell floor coming back from dinner. California emerges and starts pummeling me. I finally do something smart and don't fight back at all. I've seen California's shives. I know he has influence with a few inmates. It's better to just take it. Guards emerge and don't realize anything has happened at all. I go back to my cell and some busybody with a grudge verse California reports what he saw. My lip is swollen and bleeding. The guards grab me and I am screwed. They take me into their cellhouse office. I am now completely screwed in ever rejoining the Joliet population. It doesn't matter that I've said nothing. Someone reported the weapons California has and the guards are all over me to tell them where they are since that endangers guards. I have no idea. The guards are pissed and throw me into segregated population/isolation. BTW, I believe I was in the same cell as Eugene V Debs for you history buffs out there. I hear through the grapevine (actually, from prisoners on the same bus as me being transferred about a month later) that the guards went to California's cell, tore it apart, and he went on a tirade threatening to kill about 15 different people including me, etc. I'm now listed as an official enemy of his in the IDOC system....pretty ridiculous all together.

The guard transferring me to the North Seg house was a dick and brings up an interesting point---most guards are/were complete dicks. It's part of keeping themselves safe. But, it's also more than that. The jobs are pretty dead end and they deal with a-holes all day. Eventually, they get sick of it. You are not a person to a guard and that should never be forgotten.

So, I get to isolation....24 hours locked in a cell. There is no work. My food is delivered through a slot in the door. I get 2 showers per week. I get 2 hours/visit per month. When leaving my cell, I must be fully dressed and stick my hands behind my back through the food slot. The wrists get cuffed. Only then is the door to the cell opened. I'm then escorted to the shower area and cuffed to the wall by the shower. Or, for visits, I get ankle shackles attached and a chain from waist to ankle. Segregated pop sometimes sucks as there is no distinction between those held a month for fighting (me) and those who have physically assaulted guards. We are just problem prisoners.

I actually liked seg. The time there went ok. I didn't have to see all the other prisoners. Those guys, for the most part, were complete a-holes. I could work out in my cell and read most the day. One hour per day, I was given a pen with which to write letters. Acutally, it was less than once per day as sometimes the guards had a stick up their asses and wouldn't hand out pens.....argh.

After the month in segregated, I'm shipped out. Obviously, Joliet is off limits for me. I get sent to a minimum security prison, Vienna Correctional Center outside of Vienna, IL (pronounced Vy-Anna--lol) in the middle of the Shawnee National Forest about 20 minutes outside of Paducah, KY. FYI-Southern Illinois has about 20 prisons located in it. Suburban people love seeing people convicted, but prefer they get shipped to the South. The South doesn't care as it's a job boon.

Vienna is a piece of cake. Seriously, this is like day-camp after where I was. It's a free movement prison during day hours (8AM to 9PM). Prisoners are in their rooms from 10PM to 7AM and for a daily check at 3PM. They are seriously rooms, instead of cells in Vienna. I only met one violent criminal there, and his crime was manslaughter for killing the guy that raped his daughter in a fit of rage. (He probably would've gotten off had he not driven from Mississippi to Chicago to do the deed.) The place had a library that I spent most of my days in. I was a nighttime janitor that mopped up my wing, took out trash, etc....about 1 hour per day. I read tons, played alot of chess. It was how I originally got into chess, which lead to poker. I stayed away from the weight pit as many of the prisoners there were bad news and to be avoided. I tutored my cellmate (celly was the term) through algebra II. I floated through my days trying to ruffle as few feathers as possible. Things were relatively uneventful. The only controversy at all was the day before my release from Vienna, I ate in the right side of the cafeteria, which was usually 100% people of color. The guys in my wing, especially the older ones, wanted to have a meal with me. It created a little stir, but everyone knew I was gone. Thus, no big deal.

Eventually, when a prisoner is within 9 months of their release date, they become elgible for ED (electronic detention), ankle bracelet stuff. It took me awhile, but after about 5 months served, I did the other 7 months on an ankle bracelet from my parents' house.

So, go ahead, ask me about anything

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 02:35 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security prison
first note:
my cornhole is still intact
I was not assraped

It does go on, but not as much in the IDOC since the Richard Speck videos.

guys who participate in such action are labeled 'punks'
most end up in Big Muddy Correctional Center in Ina, IL

Mvcode3 12-11-2006 02:48 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
gnarly man,
Did you ever see someone get shanked? If so did they know they were targeted? Did you ever get fuct with aside from the one beatdown?

Banks2334 12-11-2006 02:53 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security prison
My Turn,
Thanks for the story, it takes a lot of guts to post it here. A couple of questions-
Did your lawyer suck? Three years in prison seems a little harsh for possession or are you leaving out part of the story?
Has it affected your employment/school once you got out?
Toss any salad?

amplify 12-11-2006 02:53 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
No questions at this time but excellent post sir.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 02:54 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
gnarly man,
Did you ever see someone get shanked? If so did they know they were targeted? Did you ever get fuct with aside from the one beatdown?

[/ QUOTE ]

There was a guy killed by a tv in one of the wings by me. He and another guy were arguing over what channel to watch. A fight broke out. One guy smashes the tv screen over the other guy and kills him.

I saw a few fights....almost all knew they were coming.

I had guys try to take my [censored] and just have to fight from time-to-time. Most are broken up by guards right away with no reprecussions. I was in two fights that were more schoolyard like in nature and broken up right away. It's best to avoid confrontations as much as possible and that is what I tried to do.

Fights are a big issue in the max prison as most of those guys have no chance of parole anyway, so it means near nothing to them to get in trouble.

In the min, it's a small issue as most guys are very near release and don't want to screw it up.

illeagle 12-11-2006 02:55 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Good post. I used to be a correctional officer and I disagree with this statement however:
You are not a person to a guard and that should never be forgotten.

[/ QUOTE ]
Your observation on why they tend to be [censored] was pretty accurate though. Spending your days surrounded by concrete, bars and the dregs of society(not saying all convicts are lowlifes) is a horrible way to make a living. It's a thankless job and there's basically nothing positive about it.

Is smoking in Indiana prisons illegal? Did you know of prison staff muling in any contraband like drugs and alcohol?

thirddan 12-11-2006 02:55 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
wow, nice read...thanks for posting...

italianstang 12-11-2006 03:02 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Very good read, very interesting.

What were you thinking about during the transition period between normal (college student) and prisoner immediately before you got locked up?

How many days transpired between knowing that you were going to be leaving your regular life and going to prison?

How did you try to prepare youself during this time?

SBR 12-11-2006 03:03 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
What movie/TV show in your opinion is the most realistic in its portrayal of prison life. What is the most common misconception about prisons that people have.

miajag 12-11-2006 03:04 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
How long ago was this/how old are you now?

Very good read btw, thanks for posting.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:06 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security prison
My Turn,
Thanks for the story, it takes a lot of guts to post it here.

[/ QUOTE ]
thanks... it happened and I share it every so doesn't bother me that much

A couple of questions-
Did your lawyer suck? Three years in prison seems a little harsh for possession or are you leaving out part of the story?

[/ QUOTE ] lawyer came highly recommended, rated high, was familiar with the system and these types of cases, and charged enough (over $10k)

the issue here is GHB. I was sort of the first guy caught in Illinois right at the time that it was spreading like wildfire through the state (late 98, early 99). GHB stories were in school newspapers, showing up at raves, showing up at dance clubs. Unfortunately, many a-holes use GHB for much more sinister things than myself. I was simply a drug connoisseur, who used the drug as alcohol advanced. Basically, I could maintain my dean's list level of study, but still go out 4 nights a week in party mode. It was very similar to being drunk, yet I got a good night's sleep and didn't have hangovers the next day. Obviously, many realized it could be used as a 'date rape' drug. The states prosecuting attorney for Peoria County had high hopes of office. He really wanted a conviction against the 'date rape' drug. (BTW, the date rape thing does bother me as I was labeled when this was so far and away from my intent. I find rape quite sickening in all forms as I'm sure most of you do, too.) The way the laws are written, I was guilty of intent to deliver. If I was merely sharing my stash with friends, which I was, I'm a dealer according to the law. The question was whether the jury would convict me. I didn't want to take my chances. Lawyer did get them to go down to only possession.

Has it affected your employment/school once you got out?

[/ QUOTE ]'s completely screwed me. I simply didn't register for the semesters I was gone and was still in the system to register for classes when I finished my sentence. no big deal with school

work, on the other hand, is a near impossibility. Despite graduating from one of, if not the best, undergraduate and master programs of accounting with high honors, I could not land a single job. The sole reason is my previous felony conviction. I tried many different sectors, but I'm screwed. It's pretty much how I happened to end up being a professional gambler.

Toss any salad?

[/ QUOTE ]

I repeat...NO!

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:09 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
How long ago was this/how old are you now?

Very good read btw, thanks for posting.

[/ QUOTE ]

I served time from January 3rd, 2000 to January 3rd, 2001. It was followed by a year parole--group meetings on substance abuse, random piss cups (drug tests), and progress checks.

I'm 27 now.

Dementia 12-11-2006 03:10 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

Thank you for sharing. Did the g/f who visited you continue doing so the whole way through, or was the break-up prior to your release?

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:13 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Very good read, very interesting.

What were you thinking about during the transition period between normal (college student) and prisoner immediately before you got locked up?

[/ QUOTE ]

holding out hope I wouldn't have to serve time mainly.

I pretty much had trouble sleeping.

I should've been planning post-prison life.


How many days transpired between knowing that you were going to be leaving your regular life and going to prison?

[/ QUOTE ]

busted in mid-march. Warrant was issued in late June. By September, it was apparent I was screwed. So, for over 3 months, I knew.


How did you try to prepare youself during this time?

[/ QUOTE ]

I worked out like crazy to get and appear stronger. I would immerse myself in my school work and my girlfriend.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:14 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

Thank you for sharing. Did the g/f who visited you continue doing so the whole way through, or was the break-up prior to your release?

[/ QUOTE ]

whole way through....not sure how good I would've made it through without her

we broke-up when I was on house arrest---I was devestated (and still somewhat am)

PokerAmateur4 12-11-2006 03:17 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Cool, that's badass.

Did you ever think about writing a letter to California telling him you didn't say anything, perhaps playing humble like apologizing or sending him a gift? This sounds pretty girlish but I'm just wondering if you're scared of him getting out or ordering a hit on you or something.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:19 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
What movie/TV show in your opinion is the most realistic in its portrayal of prison life. What is the most common misconception about prisons that people have.

[/ QUOTE ]

the problem is that tv only shows the highlights/big events

what they cannot capture is how long and draining it is

it's the non-event time that sucks as least events give something for the mind to focus on
the rest of time is the brain being on alert and primed for fight-or-flee in a fear and/or aggressive state for 24 hours.

It's so draining.

I had lots of trouble watching American History X the first time post-prison. It captured the fear atmosphere as best as any. It also had a profound moment about how Ed Norton's family was also doing time. This is so true and might be non-obvious. My family and close friends went through alot of hell, too. Unfortunately, I somewhat realized this and it would really crush me mentally from time-to-time.

The key is to get the mind involved in some mindless task that can eat up mastering chess openings.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:21 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Cool, that's badass.

Did you ever think about writing a letter to California telling him you didn't say anything, perhaps playing humble like apologizing or sending him a gift? This sounds pretty girlish but I'm just wondering if you're scared of him getting out or ordering a hit on you or something.

[/ QUOTE ]

prisoners and ex-prisoners cannot write letters to other prisoners

no, this never crossed my mind. A big hope of mine is to never come across him or anyone affiliated with him again.

There are NO friends in prison. Trying to foster that sort of relationship can only happen after many months between two guys serving long terms (such as Shawshank).

Also, it's a bad idea to reason with a psychopath.

Case Closed 12-11-2006 03:24 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

How often would you and other inmates discuss the crimes you did to get into prison? Did you know of anyone you genuinely though of as innocent?

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:25 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Good post. I used to be a correctional officer and I disagree with this statement however:
You are not a person to a guard and that should never be forgotten.

[/ QUOTE ]
Your observation on why they tend to be [censored] was pretty accurate though. Spending your days surrounded by concrete, bars and the dregs of society(not saying all convicts are lowlifes) is a horrible way to make a living. It's a thankless job and there's basically nothing positive about it.

Is smoking in Indiana prisons illegal? Did you know of prison staff muling in any contraband like drugs and alcohol?

[/ QUOTE ]

Illinois prisons
when I was there, smoking was legal if you over 18. Yes, that same Chris Churchill guy was incarcerated for life as a minor in adult facilities and couldn't smoke.
Many guys rolled their own, so it could take up more of their day.

I know of no prison staff muling in contrabands. MOst of the drug use in the prisons were prescribed drugs for the psychopaths (such as Thorazine) getting among the rest of the prisoners.

I wouldn't know too much about it, though, as I avoided the trouble-making types.

From what I know, the IDOC was really cleaned up after the mid-90s videos of Richard Speck doing plates full of coke.

FWIW, I completely understand why the guards act the way they do. Better that way than to be at-risk.

I also agree about the dregs of society statement.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:28 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

How often would you and other inmates discuss the crimes you did to get into prison? Did you know of anyone you genuinely though of as innocent?

[/ QUOTE ]

very rarely would it be discussed in specific terms, just general

I was in for 'drugs.' That's about all anyone ever shared. Opening up with each other is a mistake. I never even shared where I lived or family members, etc. Although, everyone realized I had a girlfriend because other inmates receiving visits witnessed mine with her and they'd give me compliments about her looks.

I know of no one who I genuinely thought was innocent.

tuq 12-11-2006 03:28 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

My bad for doubting you! Good thread, great read. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Do you agree with Robert Downey Jr.'s assessment that prisons serve nasty food to make prisoners as docile/harmless as possible? Fatten them up, if you will.

Also, if you flashed your street cred in Sports you may win more arguments out of sheer fear and respect. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Dementia 12-11-2006 03:34 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Also, if you flashed your street cred in Sports you may win more arguments out of sheer fear and respect. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]
I already liked him from when I rode an NHL pick of his that I would never in a million years have made myself, I don't even follow hockey, needless to say it won.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:35 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

My bad for doubting you! Good thread, great read. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

Do you agree with Robert Downey Jr.'s assessment that prisons serve nasty food to make prisoners as docile/harmless as possible? Fatten them up, if you will.

[/ QUOTE ]
that would make sense, but might be too much of a conspiracy. Basically, they just gave us what any cafeteria does where the customers have no choice. As opposed to docile though, they did hand out koolaid that was highly anticipated/craved. Man, the stereotypes of african-americans and koolaid and milk have a large portion of truth.

The cafeteria in Joliet was this room
It's actually two rooms side by side to shuffle inmates in and out quicker. At the top corner is a gun parapet. The first shot is a warning in a fight. The second hits someone or the guard is fired. There are bullets in the walls. It's intimidating


Also, if you flashed your street cred in Sports you may win more arguments out of sheer fear and respect. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]


Case Closed 12-11-2006 03:39 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

What is your initial reaction when you hear liberal types talking about how prisons are too brutal for the prisoners? Also when conservative types talk about how prisons are not strict enough on their inmates? Just some of your initial reactions when you run into these types of attitudes if this makes sense at all.

illeagle 12-11-2006 03:44 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Do you agree with Robert Downey Jr.'s assessment that prisons serve nasty food to make prisoners as docile/harmless as possible? Fatten them up, if you will.

[/ QUOTE ]
In 1995 Texas prisons began serving soy burgers instead of real beef. Probably made the switch because it's cheaper and studies have shown that consumption of soy raises estrogen levels which likely make one more docile.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:44 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

What is your initial reaction when you hear liberal types talking about how prisons are too brutal for the prisoners? Also when conservative types talk about how prisons are not strict enough on their inmates? Just some of your initial reactions when you run into these types of attitudes if this makes sense at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

both sides are right....... and wrong

there are too many drug and drunk driving guys in prisons

however, there are some really bad people who deserve a barbaric lifestyle and lots of caging.

States should have many levels of prisons (beyond max-mid-min). Illinois does a decent job with things like supermax, but the problem is prisons are now an industry. There is no incentive to kick out guys who don't belong other than budgetary shortfalls.

I am pro-death penalty now and I wasn't before. Some guys are just more harm than they are worth.

As far as too brutal, these aren't chain gangs or anything. I was in quite an old school prison and it seemed better than one could imagine given the crimes most people had committed.

There just needs to be more work on alternatives for people expected to rejoin society again. The thieves, drug addicts, drug sellers, etc need a plan better than warehousing. The murders, rapists, etc should just be caged.

just my rambling two cents

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:45 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Do you agree with Robert Downey Jr.'s assessment that prisons serve nasty food to make prisoners as docile/harmless as possible? Fatten them up, if you will.

[/ QUOTE ]
In 1995 Texas prisons began serving soy burgers instead of real beef. Probably made the switch because it's cheaper and studies have shown that consumption of soy raises estrogen levels which likely make one more docile.

[/ QUOTE ]

that's a cool factoid

Colonel Kataffy 12-11-2006 03:46 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Do you carry around a lot of biterness for the ordeal? Do you view it as a mistake you made or just bad luck and a crappy system?

Stagger_Lee 12-11-2006 03:48 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Did you share cells or was it one to a cell?

What precautions could you take to avoid rape?

Did anyone warn you about protecting yourself from rape & assault or about not sharing personal details with others? (I suppose the question is - was there any sort of induction program for first-timers?)

Could your family give you other things beside $50 per month?

This is a very interesting post. Thanks for sharing and for answering these questions.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:51 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Also, if you flashed your street cred in Sports you may win more arguments out of sheer fear and respect. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]
I already liked him from when I rode an NHL pick of his that I would never in a million years have made myself, I don't even follow hockey, needless to say it won.

[/ QUOTE ]

you must be lucky as my NHL picks have been pretty poor this year

udbrky 12-11-2006 03:54 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Thanks for the story, very interesting. One of the guys I work with did 7 years straight out of high school for armed robbery and shooting the guy. It's always interesting hearing stories of the real life doing time. I did 2 days a couple years ago for DUI and don't know how you could take that long of a sentence.

Does having done time make you more law-abiding now? i.e. don't want to go back?

Has having been to prison affect your gambling? Or was it more of a result of the difficulty finding a job? How long is the look-back time? My coworker was able to get an internship with Chase recently and his didn't show up.

What would you do differently if you could go back? - with regards to your time spent.

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 03:59 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Do you carry around a lot of biterness for the ordeal? Do you view it as a mistake you made or just bad luck and a crappy system?

[/ QUOTE ]

depends upon the day.... a bit of everything

I am still quite upset that I received such a punishment for what I perceived was a light crime. There were much more effective ways to deal with me, but I was a resume builder for a state's attorney.

Bitter, but I don't dwell on it. Whenever the parole boards asks me about it, I tell them that I honestly thought the punishment was unfair and a bit draconian (then again, what convict doesn't think that about their punishment). It's a sunk cost at this point, though. Dwelling on it doesn't change things.

I definitely made a mistake and was not living life in a way approved of by my peers. I don't regret my drug use, but I do regret how big it had become. I like to think that most people, given my specific case, wouldn't have been so harsh. A few years probation would've changed my behavior just as much as prison. Instead, my mind got totally crushed for 8 or so months. I still don't feel I've regained some of the confidence I had. However, I do have quite a perspective on things.

Today and before the arrest, I've been a pro-legalization warrior. However, because I know the risks inherent in drug use and chose to use them doesn't mean I can disregard the rules society passes. What gives me the right to be superior? I'd like to see a more 'enlightened' drug policy, but it still doesn't change the fact that I knowingly was breaking the law.

I will say that I thought the drug I was using would have similar punishments as marijuana. That turned out to be a very bad assumption.

seventwo 12-11-2006 04:06 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Wow thanks for sharing.

1) Were there any things from your past that you pretty much had to lie about to other prisoners like your upbringing, being a college student, potitical views, etc?

2) Your were never raped, but were you ever told by another prisoner it was going to happen?

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 04:07 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Did you share cells or was it one to a cell?

[/ QUOTE ] shared when I was with general pop


What precautions could you take to avoid rape?

[/ QUOTE ]
stay away from potential rapists [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
seriously, there was this lifer at Joliet who everyone called Lola. He could bench well over 400 lbs. Seriously, a man named Lola is a man to stay away from. When it comes to your cellmate, or in your cell, there is just too much supervision from the COs (correctional officers) for it to happen unwillingly.


Did anyone warn you about protecting yourself from rape & assault or about not sharing personal details with others? (I suppose the question is - was there any sort of induction program for first-timers?)

[/ QUOTE ]
yep...everyone is warned about not sharing personal information. I made up a story that I was from Gettysburg, PN in oreder to share when that stuff came up. Other informal rules get passed down. For example, don't take the Little Debbie "Honey Bun" snack if it's left on your matress.


Could your family give you other things beside $50 per month?

[/ QUOTE ]
letters and some softcover books

seriously, letters from the outside are so huge and just lift spirits so much. Those friends who chose to write to me are forever gold in my book even if I haven't hugn out with them or seen them since.


This is a very interesting post. Thanks for sharing and for answering these questions.

[/ QUOTE ]


DamitBob 12-11-2006 04:07 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Great Report.

You sound like you were good at keeping to yourself and not escalating problems. That to me would be the hardest part of a sentence. I enjoy a good fight and the fear of getting more time versus takin a beatin is a tough call I think.

What happened to guys that were eager to fight and didnt take any shyt? Would they need to worry about gang buds retaliating if you put a beatin on their bud or?

Lets say you beat Mister Cali up good. What happens then?

PokerFink 12-11-2006 04:09 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr

Thanks for an enlightening read.

Do you think your assignment to Joliet was mostly based on your high test scores?

Would you have ended up in minimum security the whole time if you had scored average on purpose?

What positives, if any, did your sentence have on your life?

Reef 12-11-2006 04:09 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
awesome post.

Is there any privacy in taking a dump or spanking the monkey?

MyTurn2Raise 12-11-2006 04:10 AM

Re: Trip report/ask me about time in maximum (and minimum) security pr
Wow thanks for sharing.

1) Were there any things from your past that you pretty much had to lie about to other prisoners like your upbringing, being a college student, potitical views, etc?

[/ QUOTE ]

politics and college don't come up, especially college. Most inmates are not exactly fans of education and/or those who had educational opportunities.
Yeah, I made up a whole story about being from Gettysburg, PN. I talked of being a 3rd shifter at a grocery store, which is something I had done before. It's the type of job that one would expect from someone with drug issues.


2) Your were never raped, but were you ever told by another prisoner it was going to happen?

[/ QUOTE ]
people always tell this to the new guy...not sure how much truth there was. A few older guys told me to stay away from a few specific guys. Who knows? I stayed away from everyone to be safe.

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