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Arbitrage 04-29-2007 01:21 AM

The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
I couldn't beleive some of the strategy I heard at my 6-12 game today. Flop is checked around. I turn the nut straight in the BB w/ 5-7 in a 5 way pot and lead out, get called by button. The 6 pairs on the river. I bet, button raises and I three bet and MHIG. A couple of players try and lecture me on how I shouln't have 3-bet after the board had paired and that I play bad. They call down with under pairs & gutshots and they won't 3-bet without the nuts?

I know people have probably heard alot worse. These players logic just boggles my mind.

dudemanjack 04-29-2007 01:59 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Well, my personal favorite is someone saying something like this "I was afraid of a possible flush draw making it so I didn't bet the turn."

bsnone 04-29-2007 02:31 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
I actually don't mind people trying to tell me I made a bad play at a table, why not have everyone think you are a donkey and call you down when you make your staights and obvious flushes. I had a player lecture me once for 3 betting with 99 on the button after i out flopped his TT... Nothing like a tilty table to brighten the day...

TonyLA 04-29-2007 02:37 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
This is my personal fav from a $500 restricted buy-in NL game -

It involved a player I was in a pot with who turned a straight flush against my A-high flush on a Jc7h10hJh5c board - he managed to keep the pot as small as possible (driven in part by his oscar winning performance after the turn), leaving a significant amount of money on the table.

When I saw his hand, I commented half-joking, half-serious that it's completely inexcusable that I had any money left after that hand.

He responded in a totally serious tone - "I didn't want to bet out more because I was afraid you'd fold quads."


On a high hand jackpot table no less - if I had quads, we would have split a $100,000 jackpot (quads beaten).

The entire table was in hysterics after that comment. Good times.

- T

magoo 04-29-2007 02:46 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
I heard a 5/10 player say this, at Motor City poker room in Detroit Michigan, two days ago. "I hope for the miracle cards."

SEAN.R.R 04-29-2007 03:07 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
On a high hand jackpot table no less

[/ QUOTE ]

Tony thats why- because he was afraid of not hitting the jackpot. I've seen people check the whole way down including last to act on the river with AK on an AAAxx board because they were afraid someone would fold 1010+ and in your case he probably didn't realize that the only hand beating JJJJ is a two card SF so you can't lose wiht quads.

I've heard so many retarded things at the table but one that I remember right now although not really strategy related: The WSOP or some poker show was on tv and it was an all-in preflop hand AA vs some other pocket pair and the guy next to me looks at the percentages and was like OH MY GOD... i ALWAYS thought AA vs an underpair was a 4-1 favorite... Me: yea it is... Him: no look it says 80% 20%... Me: yea... 4to1 him: no I really though it was FOUR to one. then he rolls his eyes and looks at me like i'm dumber than he originally thought.

Magoo: I always hope for the miracle cards

redfisher 04-29-2007 03:33 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
"I never raise preflop. You never know what you have until you see a flop." I overheard this after the guy got his aces cracked by 59o when he did not raise preflop. He then berated Mr. 59o for playing crap.

donger 04-29-2007 03:40 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
I had some guy I 3bet PF suggest that I check behind JJ on a JTx-x turn

Him: I can't believe you bet that turn with top set.

Me: Huh?

Him: Your hand is so strong.

Me: Huh?

Him: What if I had a gutshot or something?

Me: Yeah? Thats why I bet?

Him: But don't you want me in there? With a gutshot?

This was a 10/20 LHE game at a crappy tournament series (pendleton poker round up). God bless B&M donkeys.

KSOT 04-29-2007 03:48 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Just tonight some guy who claimed to have played 25/50 NL for many years told me any game with more then 3 loose players is unbeatable in the long run.

flafishy 04-29-2007 04:09 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Not an uncommon statement at the wonderful $2 tables here in Florida:

Never fold before the flop because you never know when you might hit something.

lippy 04-29-2007 04:27 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Only raise preflop with any pocket pairs (meaning he limps w/ AKs). Never 3-bet preflop.

A guy told me this outright and stayed completely true to it.

Taso 04-29-2007 04:51 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Well, my personal favorite is someone saying something like this "I was afraid of a possible flush draw making it so I didn't bet the turn."

[/ QUOTE ]

That's basically the one I was going to say, execpt that was a strategy of mine :P It never actually came into play, I was just theoririzing(yup), thinking I'd struck gold, and a friend of mine told me how incredibly stupid it was - I immediately realized how big of an idiot I was, and proceeded to quit poker. Ok, I didn't quit, but I'm sure a few of you will recommend it. Anyways, just a temporary lapse in common sense :P

juanez 04-29-2007 05:04 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
My personal fav was when a guy was telling an obviously new player something like "Some dealers let good cards win, some let bad cards win. You need to find out which dealers are which." [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Neuge 04-29-2007 05:15 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Idiot at a 4-8 table said you shouldn't raise a bunch of limpers with AA in the BB because you never know what might flop. He's an overall winner in that game too.

Some idiot frat douche in a tourney said you shouldn't get all in PF with AA. You should always take a flop first and make your move if it's not scary. He bused out "slow-playing" KK on a J98 two heart flop (it was "safe").

Then my personal favorite, 4-8 game, I raise 99 after a limper in LP, CO reraises, I call. Flop 9xx, I bet, CO raises, limper folds, I reraise, she 4 bets, I raise (no cap in HU pot), she reraises... until she's all in (had about 40 behind after the PF betting). She flips over AKo drawing dead after the flop, lol. Explanation: You have to be aggressive with AK because people will bluff you out with anything.

pa3lsvt 04-29-2007 08:30 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Tournament, blinds 50/200/400. I have 11k and a super loose table image. EP player raises to 1600, folds to me with AA in BB. I flat call, planning to check raise all in on any flop that isn't KQJs. Flop comes T82, 2 hearts. I check, villain bets 1600, I check raise all in (overbetting the pot) and villain beats me to the pot with his JJ. Rivers a Jack to beat me.

Nimrod proceeds to state "that's what he gets for slow playing AA." [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

TheGrasshopper 04-29-2007 08:53 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Some of these are absolute gold.

Here is mine. Guy raises preflop with 44. Flop is 437 with two hearts. He throws out a huge continuation bet'(so far so good) and a complete donk calls him. Anyway the turn is a non heart King. He checks the turn in position. The flush draw misses and the skilled players were incredulous as to how he couldn't bet the turn.

He says "I'm playing to protect my stack". Despite the fact that over half his money was already in the pot and would be committed to any river card.

nineinchal 04-29-2007 09:05 AM


Just be grateful these people keep showing up with cash.

Packard 04-29-2007 09:40 AM

Here is a few I like to hear:

"Play a 6 10 because you can make both ends of a straight."

"I want that seat when he leaves! That seat is getting all the best cards." Like a hot seat can expect to stay hot.

"I know you have it, but I have to call." When a station calls down an ace high flop with an A4o losing to a preflop raiser with AQ who has been betting all the way.

bobpoker 04-29-2007 09:48 AM

My favorite happened to my buddy after getting AA cracked in a typical 4/8 game. After his down, the dealer sees my buddy up from the table taking a break. He asked my friend if he would mind taking some advise, buddy says "sure." Dealer proceeds (long version, of course) to tell him that in that game he should fold AA preflop. They rarely win, he says. lol

Cactus Jack 04-29-2007 10:37 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
"It's only $4." Or whatever the BB is.


Magoo: I always hope for the miracle cards

[/ QUOTE ]

Luck is an element of my game. Often it's the only element.

Man of Means 04-29-2007 11:18 AM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Well, my personal favorite is someone saying something like this "I was afraid of a possible flush draw making it so I didn't bet the turn."

[/ QUOTE ]

People who have never heard of value and think the only reason to bet is 1) you have the nuts 2) to make people fold

"Why should I bet [or raise]? They're going to call anyway"

SEAN.R.R 04-29-2007 12:11 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Well, my personal favorite is someone saying something like this "I was afraid of a possible flush draw making it so I didn't bet the turn."

[/ QUOTE ]

People who have never heard of value and think the only reason to bet is 1) you have the nuts 2) to make people fold

"Why should I bet [or raise]? They're going to call anyway"

[/ QUOTE ]
You know i've gotten into arguments on more than one occasion with good players about this. By good I mean consistant winners playing full time some relying entirely on poker for income. The basic argument is calling a raise or bet on the flop with what is very likely the best hand against a calling station type player on a draw heavy board and waiting for a safe turn card before getting it in. i.e. top two or bottom set on a two tone straight draw board or a flopped flush against certain opponents you can pretty safely say don't have you beat but will call you with the stiff ace or a set

While there are are certain circumstances where this may be the best play (i.e. you know you're still gonna get payed off fully and you can confidenty fold when certain cards hit) but these circumstances are not only rare but require a very strong read.

I'm not gonna go into too much detail here but i guess it really surprises me that so many good players give up so much value here just to reduce varience.

Dagger78 04-29-2007 12:21 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Then my personal favorite, 4-8 game, I raise 99 after a limper in LP, CO reraises, I call. Flop 9xx, I bet, CO raises, limper folds, I reraise, she 4 bets, I raise (no cap in HU pot), she reraises... until she's all in (had about 40 behind after the PF betting). She flips over AKo drawing dead after the flop, lol. Explanation: You have to be aggressive with AK because people will bluff you out with anything.

[/ QUOTE ]


My favorite was from an old poker book I found(from the mid 70's) explaining hold 'em. In one section states that a hand like T9 was stonger than a hand like JJ, since the T9 had more ways to improve on the flop.

flafishy 04-29-2007 12:25 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
My personal fav was when a guy was telling an obviously new player something like "Some dealers let good cards win, some let bad cards win. You need to find out which dealers are which." [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG yes, I forgot about that one. I know a couple of people who believe this. They're also the kind that believe a certain seat can be hot or cold, that some people are inherently luckier than others and that someone can mess up your blackjack hand by taking a hit when they shouldn't have.

SEAN.R.R 04-29-2007 12:26 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table

My favorite was from an old poker book I found(from the mid 70's) explaining hold 'em. In one section states that a hand like T9 was stonger than a hand like JJ, since the T9 had more ways to improve on the flop.

[/ QUOTE ]

what was the context? If you know you're up against AA or KK 910 actually has slightly more equity than JJ and you're going to encounter a lot more profitable situations on the flop.

knicknut 04-29-2007 12:47 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
"Offsuit hands are better than suited hands because suited hands can only make 1 type of flush. Offsuit hands can make 2."

Oh, wait, that was me. (Quoting Bill Fillmaff, of course.) Definitely confused a few people at my table.

nubs 04-29-2007 01:49 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Then my personal favorite, 4-8 game, I raise 99 after a limper in LP, CO reraises, I call. Flop 9xx, I bet, CO raises, limper folds, I reraise, she 4 bets, I raise (no cap in HU pot), she reraises... until she's all in (had about 40 behind after the PF betting). She flips over AKo drawing dead after the flop, lol. Explanation: You have to be aggressive with AK because people will bluff you out with anything.

[/ QUOTE ]


My favorite was from an old poker book I found(from the mid 70's) explaining hold 'em. In one section states that a hand like T9 was stonger than a hand like JJ, since the T9 had more ways to improve on the flop.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did it mention that JJ only had 2 outs to improve while 9T had 6, and to stop whining when your PP lost? [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

Jorge10 04-29-2007 03:36 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Well, my personal favorite is someone saying something like this "I was afraid of a possible flush draw making it so I didn't bet the turn."

[/ QUOTE ]

The saddest thing about this is that someone who wanted to play poker professionally said this to me like it was right. I thought he was kidding, but he wasnt. I havent seen him at the local card room since. He was a nice guy too. I need to stop assuming people make random jokes like me.

Taso 04-29-2007 04:02 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Idk if anyone has mentioned this one yet, but Phil Helmuth's gem,

"AKo is better than AKs because you can make a flush with either suit"

DrewOnTilt 04-29-2007 04:05 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Not long ago I made the 2nd nut flush on the turn in a headsup pot. I bet/3bet and the guy 4bet me, and the whole table oohed and ahhed at the big pot. I called and checked the river and he checked behind, showing the ace of my suit.

I couldn't help but comment something like, "geez, what the hell dude?" He responded that he wanted to get more money in the pot in case he made his flush on the river. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

terp 04-29-2007 05:13 PM


Just be grateful these people keep showing up with cash.

[/ QUOTE ]


Hass 04-29-2007 05:34 PM

Guy's sitting next to me at 8/16 keeps having his wife come over from the 3/6 game right next to us for advice.

I wish I could remember all of the things he told her throught the night, I was entertained for hours when she kept going back to her table and trying things.

"just get a table change if the whole table is chasing draws"

"if a lot of people call pf just fold and don't worry about looking because it's too hard to win when there is lots of people in the pot." and yes I watched her and she folded her button w/o looking after the whole table limped.

her "none of this is working"
him "you just have to know the odds hunny"

rageotones 04-29-2007 05:57 PM

this was a new one that i heard friday night.

hot chick who is really good is up about 2 buy-ins at my 2/5 500/max nl game. her boyfriend, who is a regular in the 5/10 nl game (God i wish i had the roll for that) tells her....

"you need to cash out and come back in 30 mins w/500 (she's sitting w/1500 or so) b/c you can only double people up at the table, and no one can double you up."

youtalkfunny 04-29-2007 06:48 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Idk if anyone has mentioned this one yet, but Phil Helmuth's gem,

"AKo is better than AKs because you can make a flush with either suit"

[/ QUOTE ]

For those who don't know, Phil has retracted this opinion (after a night of getting buried, running them hot and cold for cash).

Durs522 04-29-2007 07:17 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Some guy at Foxwoods 2/5 game "There are no bad cards, just bad flops.".

RydenStoompala 04-29-2007 07:23 PM

hot chick who is really good

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a better topic. How many mouth-breathing pea-brains have you seen in cardrooms sporting the best-looking fluff in the city? It's as if nature is prying at the gene pool, trying to move the species up the ladder. Thank goodness it has not worked.

Josem 04-29-2007 07:25 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Idk if anyone has mentioned this one yet, but Phil Helmuth's gem,

"AKo is better than AKs because you can make a flush with either suit"

[/ QUOTE ]

For those who don't know, Phil has retracted this opinion (after a night of getting buried, running them hot and cold for cash).

[/ QUOTE ]

i heard that he made a bet against someone (Doyle?), and ran AKo vs AKs a bunch of times.

After losing a chunk, he learnt his lesson.

goodluck2me 04-29-2007 08:32 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
46o is better than AA ,because i can hit a straight, TWO flushes two pair etc yadayadayada... you can onlu hit 2 cards...

i also like the "but it was for all my chips"

ikestoys 04-29-2007 11:06 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
after i make a sick bluff:

i know you have me beat, but I'm calling with third pair anyways

KenProspero 04-29-2007 11:29 PM

Re: The Worst Strategy You\'ve Overheard at a Table
Ok, if we're sharing war stories:

First time I've ever 'moved up' (in this case from 2-4 to 4-8. I'm undoubtedly the rock at the table (which by it self is a dubious strategy in this game). Finally, I get dealt KK and the flop is something like K89(rainbow). The player next to me says -- oh, you probably haven't played a hand in an hour. I guess I'll call. She ultimately calls down to the river with her 8J.

Next, single worst play I've ever seen (though it was ignorance so not really strategy). 2-4 game at the Flamingo. The flop is JJJ, and the turn is a J. I fold my useless pair of 4's. 4 players remaining. One of them folds.

The river is -- whatever. Two of the players show aces for the nuts, the third shows a King. The 4th player (who folded) says, Oh, I also had an Ace, but it was only A-7, so I figured I was outkicked.

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