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JaBlue 09-14-2007 02:14 PM

breaking vegetarians
So I know a few vegetarians- bitches, really - and I feel that it is my task to introduce them to the wonderful world of meat. I got one to try some lobster bisque, halibut, and shrimp-something, but she claims she will never eat red meat. She's been a vegetarian ever since she was 3. How the F am I going to do this? Anyone have any experience?

Gotta be coerced, not forced.

grando 09-14-2007 02:20 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
she's obviously not a vegetarian

mcdonald's hamburgers are the way to go

NT! 09-14-2007 02:20 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
ummm i wouldn't do this, she's probably healthier and happier the way she is.

otnemem 09-14-2007 02:21 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
What would be the purpose of doing this? Just to be a douche?

Case Closed 09-14-2007 02:23 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
You won't be able to do it. Try talking to them about when they became a vegetarian. Unless they had an especially progressive family they were dealt more torture than you can give by those close by her. People probably give her [censored] for this every day, you're just another random douche who annoys her because you don't eat the same stuff.

bwana devil 09-14-2007 02:24 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
sounds kinda weird. how about just letting them be happy w/ their lives.

Fast Food Knight 09-14-2007 02:26 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
One of my friends was a life-long vegetarian. We all tried to convince her how great meat was but she wasn't having any of it. Sophomore year in college, she went on study abroad in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. She had no idea how to order food in Japan due to the language barrier and wound up eat a lot of McDonald's fries. The second she came back to the US, she switched to eating all kinds of meat. I guess she just got sick of it when her options were limited. Not sure how you can use this to your advantage...

skunkworks 09-14-2007 02:27 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
Next up in the JaBlue series: stealing candy from babies for fun and profit.

Oliver Nipples 09-14-2007 02:28 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
I felt like a dick a few nights ago when I found out in horror that the French Onion Soup my vegan girlfriend and I ate had beef broth.

Fast Food Knight 09-14-2007 02:29 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
How horrifying.

gumpzilla 09-14-2007 02:30 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
What would be the purpose of doing this? Just to be a douche?

[/ QUOTE ]

Clearly they are mere vegetarian sheep, and have never considered the apparent awesomeness of meat.

EDIT: Seriously, I've never really understood the fascination with trying to prod vegetarians into eating meat. If I were dating one it might be a little different, but otherwise I don't get it.

pokergrader 09-14-2007 02:30 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
sounds kinda weird. how about just letting them be happy w/ their lives.

[/ QUOTE ]

JaBlue 09-14-2007 02:34 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
haha, you guys, she's at least somewhat willing to be coerced. She is only vegetarian now because of the treatment of the animals; she said she has no problem with the killing - think, food chain - but with the treatment. We passed a place selling humane meat and she said she had no issue with it but was simply scared to try it. She doesn't SEEM like the type to not try new things, so I figured there might be some way to get her to do it. I might try to take her to a nice sushi place, get her some maki and see how it goes...

I think she is afraid to like meat, like most vegetarians (i hypothesize), because she's had it in her head so long that eating animals is a bad thing.

JaBlue 09-14-2007 02:36 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
haha, you guys, she's at least somewhat willing to be coerced. She is only vegetarian now because of the treatment of the animals; she said she has no problem with the killing - think, food chain - but with the treatment. We passed a place selling humane meat and she said she had no issue with it but was simply scared to try it. She doesn't SEEM like the type to not try new things, so I figured there might be some way to get her to do it. I might try to take her to a nice sushi place, get her some maki and see how it goes...

I think she is afraid to like meat, like most vegetarians (i hypothesize), because she's had it in her head so long that eating animals is a bad thing.

edit: also, yes, this is girlfriend

edit2: i would never force her, my goal is just to get her to try it. From what she's said, she has very little reason not to IMO and it would give her way more options AND not be a total pain in my ass whenever we want to eat together. And yes, that is one of the big motivations

actual edit 3: whoops can soomeone delete the post above?

otnemem 09-14-2007 02:39 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
One of my friends was a life-long vegetarian. We all tried to convince her how great meat was but she wasn't having any of it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Again, don't get it at all. I did this when I was like 18 and found out my friend became a vegetarian. When I think back to it, I feel like an ignorant [censored]. And I'm not a vegetarian. But there's absolutely no reason to resent someone for not eating meat (unless they're preachy/posers, etc).

And to OP: Do you also try to prod recovering alcoholics into coming out for just one drink? It's obvious that she thinks there's something wrong with the treatment of animals, and thus has issues eating them. Vegetarianism is something that takes crazy discipline. Why would you try to "break" her?

rutang 09-14-2007 02:39 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
i doubt sushi is the way to win over a lifelong vegetarian, and just because she's "somewhat willing to be coerced" doesn't make you less of an ass for trying.

amplify 09-14-2007 02:42 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
get her to blow you, then slip in a bratwurst

Fast Food Knight 09-14-2007 02:42 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
Sophomore year in college,

[/ QUOTE ]

I did this when I was like 18 and found out my friend became a vegetarian.

[/ QUOTE ]


JaBlue 09-14-2007 02:44 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
gimme a break, [censored]. It doesn't make me an [censored] for trying to get her into meat. I'm not going to do anything deceptive, repeated, or mean. I'm not going to constantly beg her to try meat and make her feel bad for not doing so if she says no to my best plan. I just want to have a good idea for what that penultimate offer should be. If she doesn't go for it I'm not going to incessantly argue with her about something that will obviously not change.

that "breaking" in the title must have really pissed you guys off, guess you just don't understand cruel meat-eater humor

RoundGuy 09-14-2007 02:44 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
But there's absolutely no reason to resent someone for not eating meat (unless they're preachy/posers, etc).

[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. I have complete respect for vegans -- until they get on their high horse and tell me what an immoral, unethical human being I am. Which, unfortunately, seems to happen about every other time I talk to one.

otnemem 09-14-2007 02:45 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
Sophomore year in college,

[/ QUOTE ]

I did this when I was like 18 and found out my friend became a vegetarian.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, yeah, something like "I don't know why we acted like such [censored] at the time" would have clarified how you feel about it now.

Apathy 09-14-2007 02:45 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
SOme of my friends have "INTERVENTIONS" every couple weeks. They are always about funny things, like one was a pasta intervention for a guy who hates pasta, another was a cheese intervention where they got a vegan to eat a huge wheel of cheese (she has since switched to being just vegetarian). Of course there was an intervention, intervention also. I think that one may have worked since I havent heard about any others.

KurtSF 09-14-2007 02:46 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
I feel that it is my task to introduce them to the wonderful world of meat.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why is that your task? Seriously. Is it your task to introduce atheists to the light and grace of Jesus Christ? Is it your task to introduce gays to the pleasure of pussy? Why do you want to make people do things they don't want to do?

On the other hand, maybe you could try a strip club that serves $3.99 steak and eggs. I'm pretty sure that's what turned my brother into a meat eater.

bwana devil 09-14-2007 02:48 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
But there's absolutely no reason to resent someone for not eating meat (unless they're preachy/posers, etc).

[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. I have complete respect for vegans -- until they get on their high horse and tell me what an immoral, unethical human being I am. Which, unfortunately, seems to happen about every other time I talk to one.

[/ QUOTE ]

does it strike you as funny that it's the other way around this time?

cwes 09-14-2007 02:52 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
I felt like a dick a few nights ago when I found out in horror that the French Onion Soup my vegan girlfriend and I ate had beef broth.

[/ QUOTE ]
does not compute

Fast Food Knight 09-14-2007 02:53 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians

What are you talking about? I didn't say that because we didn't act like dicks.

"Oh you're a vegetarian? That's come?"

"I just never really liked the taste of meat."

"Wow! I can't imagine. I think meat is delicious. You're missing out man!"

People influence other people all the time and it isn't necessarily rude or immature or distasteful.

KurtSF 09-14-2007 02:54 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
not be a total pain in my ass whenever we want to eat together. And yes, that is one of the big motivations

[/ QUOTE ]

I am a life long vegetarian that has been cohabitating with a meat eater for over 10 years. We seem to do OK.

Living in the Bay Area, is it really a pain in the ass to eat with a vegetarian? Maybe in Oklahoma or something, but there isn't an eatery within 10 miles of San Francisco or San Jose that doesn't have at least one vegetarian option, and that's really all you need.

JaBlue 09-14-2007 02:55 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
Kurt I think this case is a little different. Its about letting her have more options. She is clearly willing to eat meat, as demonstrated by the times I got her to try fish, etc. (first time in her life) and like I said is mostly concerned with the treatment of the animals. So if I find some well-treated animals, she has no ethical issue with eating the meat. She's just afraid. I'd liken it more to breaking someone's fear of heights or something than converting them to a religion, but I'm not gonna just force her to the top of the empire state building. I want to try to do this... tastefully... and with her cooperation.

I think we've had enough "J you are an [censored]" and the like, lets just get the ball rolling on good suggestions. Red meat is gonna be last in the progression, no way I'm gonna get her to a steakhouse for a while. Just not happening.

edit: just one vegetarian options is not enough, man! She should have more options than that. I would never take her to a place like that, I'd feel like a selfish douche. It just bothers me that I constantly make concessions for her restrictive eating habits when they seem philosophically unjustified (her in particular, not all vegetarians).

RoundGuy 09-14-2007 02:55 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
does it strike you as funny that it's the other way around this time?

[/ QUOTE ]
Not really. I see / hear disrespect for vegans all the time. Most people find it hard to respect something they can't understand.

Blarg 09-14-2007 02:56 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
I felt like a dick a few nights ago when I found out in horror that the French Onion Soup my vegan girlfriend and I ate had beef broth.

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha, yeah that's the standard recipe.

otnemem 09-14-2007 02:58 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians

What are you talking about? I didn't say that because we didn't act like dicks.

[/ QUOTE ]
Fair enough. Maybe a knee-jerk response to all the people I've met who hear someone's a vegetarian and automatically think they're hilarious for saying, "I'm a meatatarian" or some [censored] like that.

Blarg 09-14-2007 03:00 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
But there's absolutely no reason to resent someone for not eating meat (unless they're preachy/posers, etc).

[/ QUOTE ]
Exactly. I have complete respect for vegans -- until they get on their high horse and tell me what an immoral, unethical human being I am. Which, unfortunately, seems to happen about every other time I talk to one.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's different with people who grow up vegetarian. I've known Indian people and buddhists, and they never even mention being vegetarians unless the question of where do you wanna go fer lunch? comes up. And even then, they don't say a thing about what anyone else is eating.

I know others who changed over to the vegetarian lifestyle, too, though, who don't make a big deal about it. I think all fanatics are basically about fanaticism, and what they believe is kind of irrelevant. It's the same with Jesus freaks or political freaks. They're just the "freak type," and it really doesn't say anything about whether their ideas and beliefs are any good or not. They're just the world's worst possible ambassadors for it.

JackInDaCrak 09-14-2007 03:00 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
If her only problem is with the treatment of animals, maybe you should go wild game hunting and serve her up some elk steak or some boar - those animals ran free and happy their whole lives.

RoundGuy 09-14-2007 03:10 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians

Yep. The fanatics are the "converts" who feel it is their duty to "convert" the world. I hate that. I respect you, now respect me or f off (and let me eat my steak in peace, dick).

ardubz 09-14-2007 03:11 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
You should probably be spending your energy trying to coerce her into doing other things that benefit you directly....

KurtSF 09-14-2007 03:12 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
lets just get the ball rolling on good suggestions.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a fine line between making someone examine the reasons they do something and being an arrogant prick. Tread lightly.

Option 1: Find a friend (or make one) that has a farm or raises livestock. Either invite yourselves over for dinner, or if your not that close, ask them if the next time they butcher an animal they could set some meat aside for you to buy for your girlfriend. Chicken would be easiest, but I hear that pork is pretty good. Not many more humane ways to eat meat.

Option 2: Go hunting and bring back the meat for her. If she is squeamish about the "treatment of animals" my guess is that it would not be a good idea to take her hunting with you. But if you kill it, and do the cleaning and preparation out of her sight, then reassure her that the animal lived a good life in the wild and died instantly and painlessly, this should be a lock in the situation you describe.

She should have more options than that. I would never take her to a place like that, I'd feel like a selfish douche.

[/ QUOTE ]

I get the same thing from my wife. "There's only one vegetarian thing on the menu... we can't go there." My response is usually "I'm only going to eat one thing!" As long as she's in the mood for the one option its not a problem that she doesn't have a choice on the menu.

RoundGuy 09-14-2007 03:13 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
those animals ran free and happy their whole lives.

[/ QUOTE ]
Heh. I'm sure she'll be really excited as an accomplice to putting a bullet in an animal's brain. Yeah, that'll win her over.

Blarg 09-14-2007 03:14 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
Kurt I think this case is a little different. Its about letting her have more options.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't see why you think you are "letting her" have more options, or anything. It's not like she's never heard of meat before, or couldn't figure out what place "well-treated" animals have in the scheme of things by herself. It just seems patronizing to me. I'm guessing she's thought at least a thousand times more about everything a vegetarian lifestyle includes and the ramifications thereof than you have. No offense intended -- not a lot of mulling over moral or ethical or spiritual matters is needed to be like everybody else, but to be different makes a lot of that pretty much par for the course.

rwesty 09-14-2007 03:19 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians

What are you talking about? I didn't say that because we didn't act like dicks.

[/ QUOTE ]
Fair enough. Maybe a knee-jerk response to all the people I've met who hear someone's a vegetarian and automatically think they're hilarious for saying, "I'm a meatatarian" or some [censored] like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a good one. I think I'll use it.

KurtSF 09-14-2007 03:20 PM

Re: breaking vegetarians
As an aside, I have a funny story to tell. Well, not a story because its happened hundreds of times. Me and the wife go out to eat at some chain joint or steak place or something.

Her: cute little blond girl
Me: 270 lb bearded and hairy manly-man

Our order: 1 sirloin steak, 1 grilled cheese with fries.

EVERY SINGLE TIME we have to switch plates after the waiter drops off the food.

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