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Tatarana 07-30-2006 10:38 AM

After what happened in Qana, Israelis generals should think two times before travelling to Europe. War crime is a serious offense.

This incident, two days after the arrival of US "smart bombs", may cost lifes of american citzens around the world.

Scenes like this is what terrorists are looking for to re-seed their evil.

[img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

Arnfinn Madsen 07-30-2006 10:55 AM

Re: Qana
It isn't necessarily a war crime, it is a quite complex judgment to make, but IMO it probably isn't based on the currently available information.

That being said, it will probably be perceived as one though, so the effect may be similar to if they had killed a lot of children intentionally.

derosnec 07-30-2006 12:01 PM

Re: Qana
As a Lebanese American, I am completely sickened by Israel. Just sickened. Destorying an entire country because of 2 soldiers. They act like Lebanon is Nazi Germany or Soviet Union. Ban me if you want. [censored] Israel and their terrorism against the Lebanese. I hope the entire Arab world fights back against these digsuting terrorists.

irvman21 07-30-2006 12:07 PM

Re: Qana
You just repeatedly refuse to acknowledge that 8 soldiers were also killed in the intial invasion by Hezbollah. This wasn't just a kidnapping, Hezbollah committed an act of war against Israel, and Israel has responded accordingly.

ACPlayer 07-30-2006 12:23 PM

Re: Qana
Just saw the coverage of the sec council on CNN on this subject and puked my guts out.

Fly 07-30-2006 12:31 PM

Re: Qana
As a Lebanese American, I am completely sickened by Israel. Just sickened. Destorying an entire country because of 2 soldiers. They act like Lebanon is Nazi Germany or Soviet Union. Ban me if you want. [censored] Israel and their terrorism against the Lebanese. I hope the entire Arab world fights back against these digsuting terrorists.

[/ QUOTE ]

Peace for Lebanon will no longer come at the expense of peace for Israel.

Sniper 07-30-2006 12:32 PM

Re: Qana
As a Lebanese American, I am completely sickened by Israel. Just sickened. Destorying an entire country because of 2 soldiers. They act like Lebanon is Nazi Germany or Soviet Union. Ban me if you want. [censored] Israel and their terrorism against the Lebanese. I hope the entire Arab world fights back against these digsuting terrorists.

[/ QUOTE ]

derosnec, do you truly believe that this is about 2 soldiers?

If you do and you have any connections over there, maybe you can make a few phone calls, and get the soldiers shipped back to Israel?

That is after all, what the gov't of Lebanon would do, IF it was interested in ending the conflict... don't you think!

ps... this discussion should probably go back into the main thread...

BCPVP 07-30-2006 01:24 PM

Re: Qana
If you do and you have any connections over there, maybe you can make a few phone calls, and get the soldiers shipped back to Israel?

That is after all, what the gov't of Lebanon would do, IF it was interested in ending the conflict... don't you think!

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The Lebanese gov't doesn't have the prisoners...

Sniper 07-30-2006 01:35 PM

Re: Qana
If you do and you have any connections over there, maybe you can make a few phone calls, and get the soldiers shipped back to Israel?

That is after all, what the gov't of Lebanon would do, IF it was interested in ending the conflict... don't you think!

[/ QUOTE ]
The Lebanese gov't doesn't have the prisoners...

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically it does, since Hezbollah is a part of the gov't.

But if you would like to think that it doesn't... the question would be... Why not???... what exactly has the Lebanese gov't been doing for the last few weeks to resolve this? (aside from providing logistic support and political cover to HZB)

I'll go even further... what exactly has the Lebanese gov't been doing to help its civilians in Southern Lebanon?

wacki 07-30-2006 01:43 PM

Re: Qana
I take it none of you people saw the videos of missiles being shot out of that building in Qana. Seriously people, its almost like this was planned to trap the Israelis.

BCPVP 07-30-2006 01:52 PM

Re: Qana
I take it none of you people saw the videos of missiles being shot out of that building in Qana. Seriously people, its almost like this was planned to trap the Israelis.

[/ QUOTE ]

ACPlayer 07-30-2006 01:58 PM

Re: Qana
Is Israel fighting the Lebanese Government or a bunch of terrorists?

I think Gillerman made it a point in the Sec Council to point out that the Hez would rise up against the Lebanese government, unless (in effect) Lebanon put up with the bombings and killings for another few weeks.

So, is Israel fighting the Lebanese government or the Hez?

Seems like you (Israel, and your argument) want it both ways. Claim you are fighting the Hez, tie the hands of the Lebanese Govt by removing the infrastructure, excuse the deaths by making the Lebanese govt at least partially culpable.

Actually, Israel has made it impossible for the Lebanese Govt to do anything other than take sides with the Hez (even if they would rather not). But perhaps that is just the intent.

primetime32 07-30-2006 02:13 PM

Re: Qana
I take it none of you people saw the videos of missiles being shot out of that building in Qana. Seriously people, its almost like this was planned to trap the Israelis.

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Had we known there were that many civilians inside, especially women and children, we certainly would not have attacked it," the commander told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Asked how Israel's intelligence services could know about missile launches from Qana but not about the presence of dozens of civilians, the commander said: "We are capable of detecting missile launches because they are very dynamic."

By contrast, he said the civilians appeared to have been holed up in the building for days, and were therefore almost impossible for aerial surveillance systems to discern.

According to the officer, Hizbollah launched scores of missiles from Qana into Israel, including one that hit a hospital. He said several of the launched took place within a few dozens metres (yards) of the house that was bombed.

Stu Pidasso 07-30-2006 02:13 PM

Re: Qana
Keep in mind that Hezzbolla has the power to end this. Much of the responsibility for this tradgedy lies on their shoulders as well.


andyfox 07-30-2006 02:26 PM

Re: Qana
Another sad day in a long, sad, tragic story. And, of course, it will lead to even sadder, more tragic days.

What's wrong with all these people?

Stu Pidasso 07-30-2006 02:37 PM

Re: Qana

After what happened in Qana, Israelis generals should think two times before travelling to Europe. War crime is a serious offense.

This incident, two days after the arrival of US "smart bombs", may cost lifes of american citzens around the world.

Scenes like this is what terrorists are looking for to re-seed their evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

What exactly was the war crime? A rocket luanching position is a valid military target. Hezzbolla was using this position to attempt to kill and wound Isreali civilians. Those Lebonese civilians killed, occupied a position they knew was going to be bombed. In fact the Isrealis dropped leaflets telling those people to leave. I'd like to know why these people did not leave before I start assigning blame.


Felix_Nietzsche 07-30-2006 02:38 PM

IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
.....behind the building.

Israel released a classfied video from one of their hidden FOs (foward observers) showing that they were targeting terrorists firing rockets from behind a buiding. Fox News has been playing the video over-and-over agin today. There are some interesting conclusions from this video.
1. Normally the IDF does not release videos would give away the observation positions of their FOs but they evidently feel the PR (public relation) hit they took outweighs the need to protect their FOs and are trying to show the world they were trying to hit military target.

2. The video is a thermal video where the heat from the rockets shows up as black balls flying into the air.

3. The rockets are leaving the ground at a 45 degree angle which means the terrorists are firing the K-rockets to their maximum range of 15 miles. Because of the Israeli buffer zone, the terrorist scum are forced to fired at maximum range and can only hit Northern Israel.

Because of Israeli FOs in enemy terriotory and anti-artillary radar, the Hezbollah scum are employing a shoot-and-scoot strategy. Fire off several salvos, pack-up and run. Evidently the Israelis jets arrived too late to kill the terrorists. Israeli needs to keep doing what they are doing.

I find it curious the media plays "civilian deaths" of the Lebanese over-and-over again but they barely cover the Israeli deaths from 1500+ rockets landing in Israeli population centers.

andyfox 07-30-2006 02:45 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
According to Fox News, there have been 17 Israeli deaths from Hezbollah rockets. Stands to reason 34 children killed at one time will be a big story.

Arnfinn Madsen 07-30-2006 02:47 PM

Re: Qana

What exactly was the war crime? A rocket luanching position is a valid military target. Hezzbolla was using this position to attempt to kill and wound Isreali civilians. Those Lebonese civilians killed, occupied a position they knew was going to be bombed. In fact the Isrealis dropped leaflets telling those people to leave. I'd like to know why these people did not leave before I start assigning blame.


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There is a reason that war crimes trials tend to last very long. They are allowed to attack the rocket launchers. They are however also responsible for attempting to spear civilians. Then you can start to discuss what knowledge they had, what knowledge they should have gathered. Then who gave the order and who should potentially not have executed it. Then what part of it was intent, and what could be seen as a crime even without intent. There is not many who can give a clear cut answer. I assume however that Israel took efforts to prevent civilian damage for political or other reasons, but was it sufficient? Was it sufficient at all levels? Only a few persons probably know.

Felix_Nietzsche 07-30-2006 02:53 PM

Don\'t Be Such a Drama Queen
As a Lebanese American, I am completely sickened by Israel. Just sickened. Destorying an entire country because of 2 soldiers.
************************************************** *******
Don't be such a drama queen. If Israeli wanted to destoy Lebanon then Lebanon would be a radioactive wasteland and terrorist free.

Ban me if you want. [censored] Israel and their terrorism against the Lebanese. I hope the entire Arab world fights back against these digsuting terrorists.
************************************************** *******
Terrorism is the act of INTENTIONALLY targeting non-combatents. The Arabs are infamous for INTENTIONALLY targeting civilians....AND....taking credit for these attacks. Since Arab terrorists don't wear uniforms and use civilians as human shields, Israel has a more difficult time in finding the terrorists and killing them while minimizing civilan casualties. Israeli is allowed to make an occasional mistake.

The Pew International studies have shown that a sickening number of the Arab population supports INTENTIONALLY targeting civilians. Israeli does not have a problem with their people being terrorists......but the Arab world does. I have ZERO sympathy for the "Arab World". You reap what you sow. Perhaps if Arab enemies would learn to fight like men instead of cowards then people would be more sympathetic. Funny how the Koran promises 72 virgins to muslims who die when they fight infidels but when the bullets start flying most run away. Could they have doubts about getting their 72 virgins?

primetime32 07-30-2006 02:56 PM

Re: Qana

What exactly was the war crime? A rocket luanching position is a valid military target. Hezzbolla was using this position to attempt to kill and wound Isreali civilians. Those Lebonese civilians killed, occupied a position they knew was going to be bombed. In fact the Isrealis dropped leaflets telling those people to leave. I'd like to know why these people did not leave before I start assigning blame.


[/ QUOTE ]

There is a reason that war crimes trials tend to last very long. They are allowed to attack the rocket launchers. They are however also responsible for attempting to spear civilians. Then you can start to discuss what knowledge they had, what knowledge they should have gathered. Then who gave the order and who should potentially not have executed it. Then what part of it was intent, and what could be seen as a crime even without intent. There is not many who can give a clear cut answer. I assume however that Israel took efforts to prevent civilian damage for political or other reasons, but was it sufficient? Was it sufficient at all levels? Only a few persons probably know.

[/ QUOTE ]

Has anyone ever accused the israelis of being dumb? NO. Well then why would they intentionally target civlian children? Do they think it will get them better treatment from the UN or EU? Instead of reacting to the problem, think about the entire situation and analyze. And what makes more sense?

To me it makes more sense that hezbollah fired rockets from nearby locations in an effort to either prevent israel from firing back or if they did fire back they would kill innocent children and look bad. Hezbollah ain't stupid, they know exactly what they are doing.

Thank god the majoirty on this board and in this country understand the situation israel is in.

Fly 07-30-2006 02:58 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
I think that the video Israel released is of similar activity from Qana several days ago and not the footage of this specific attack.

Interestingly the building was struck at ~1:OO AM but collapsed around ~8:00 AM. I'm not sure what to make of that.

Tatarana 07-30-2006 03:47 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
I believe that IDF or Hizbalah actions cant be justified. They just like to kill each other children.

Its so sad to read their supporters trying to justify terrible actions. It would be better to say : " I cant justify this but I support it anyway because that is my country "

Civilized world must unite and put Israeli and hizbolah leaders in jail. Let's divide all the region in small tribes and create a multi-religious state-city in Jerusalem.

Copernicus 07-30-2006 03:50 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
I believe that IDF or Hizbalah actions cant be justified. They just like to kill each other children.

Its so sad to read their supporters trying to justify terrible actions. It would be better to say : " I cant justify this but I support it anyway because that is my country "

Civilized world must unite and put Israeli and hizbolah leaders in jail. Let's divide all the region in small tribes and create a multi-religious state-city in Jerusalem.

[/ QUOTE ]

So terrorists don't have so far to go to kill Jews?
You really have no understanding of the goals of Islamofacism.

Chris Alger 07-30-2006 04:30 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
Hizballah rockets wouldn't amount to much of a defense at Olmert's war crimes trial. He didn't have to kill civilians to prevent rockets from being fired on Israel, he only had to accept the cease-fire Hizballah and Lebanon had already put on the table. Olmert rejected the cease-fire not because the IDF told him they could annhilate Hizballah in a few months -- obviously it can't -- but to defend Israel's preference for kidnapping (one case of which on June 24 triggered the latest round of kidnappings -- CBC News, 7/24/06); to violate UN resolutions sanctifying the norther border and to continue to occupy the pointless Shebaa Farms. Olmert would be hard-pressed to show how anything Israel has done amounts to a legitmate military operation.

derosnec 07-30-2006 04:37 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from

You really have no understanding of the goals of Islamofacism.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your naivety of Lebanon (a western, democratic, cosmpolitan, free market county) and Hizbollah (a group created to liberate southern Lebanon from Israel and bring the return of thousands of prisoners from Israel)is remarkable.

My guess is you think any Islamic political partiy with a militia (in this case, one that was created out of necessity to deal with Israel's occupation of Lebanese lands) shares the same beliefs, and commits the same acts, as Al Queda.

It is curious that the US has chosen to ally itself with Israel - a country with no oil and who is the enemy of Arab countries. Strategically it is a retarded foreign policy. It'd make more sense to be allies with oil producing wealthy countries, rather than some tiny country that brings the US nothing but hatred and costs to its political capital.

primetime32 07-30-2006 06:40 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from

You really have no understanding of the goals of Islamofacism.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your naivety of Lebanon (a western, democratic, cosmpolitan, free market county) and Hizbollah (a group created to liberate southern Lebanon from Israel and bring the return of thousands of prisoners from Israel)is remarkable.

My guess is you think any Islamic political partiy with a militia (in this case, one that was created out of necessity to deal with Israel's occupation of Lebanese lands) shares the same beliefs, and commits the same acts, as Al Queda.

It is curious that the US has chosen to ally itself with Israel - a country with no oil and who is the enemy of Arab countries. Strategically it is a retarded foreign policy. It'd make more sense to be allies with oil producing wealthy countries, rather than some tiny country that brings the US nothing but hatred and costs to its political capital.

[/ QUOTE ]

talk about being naive. You honestly think that if the US cut ties with israel and supported a few arab nations that the muslim extremists would drop their weapons and give GW a big wet kiss? You think osama would take up accounting and his soldiers would go back to regular day jobs? Honestly, your post is borderline laughable.

nicky g 07-30-2006 06:44 PM

Re: Qana
Now Israel is calling a 48 hour break in air attacks to allow them too investigate and 24 hours to allow civilians previously unable to get out to do so. A shame they repeatedly refused to do this before when begged and 34 children had to die in one incident to get them do anything. No surprise though.

New001 07-30-2006 06:44 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from

You really have no understanding of the goals of Islamofacism.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your naivety of Lebanon (a western, democratic, cosmpolitan, free market county) and Hizbollah (a group created to liberate southern Lebanon from Israel and bring the return of thousands of prisoners from Israel)is remarkable.

My guess is you think any Islamic political partiy with a militia (in this case, one that was created out of necessity to deal with Israel's occupation of Lebanese lands) shares the same beliefs, and commits the same acts, as Al Queda.

It is curious that the US has chosen to ally itself with Israel - a country with no oil and who is the enemy of Arab countries. Strategically it is a retarded foreign policy. It'd make more sense to be allies with oil producing wealthy countries, rather than some tiny country that brings the US nothing but hatred and costs to its political capital.

[/ QUOTE ]

talk about being naive. You honestly think that if the US cut ties with israel and supported a few arab nations that the muslim extremists would drop their weapons and give GW a big wet kiss? You think osama would take up accounting and his soldiers would go back to regular day jobs? Honestly, your post is borderline laughable.

[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't see him say anything like that, could you point out where in his post it says that? Thanks.

andyfox 07-30-2006 06:54 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
WOuld't Olmert argue: How would a cease fire, without disarming Hezbollah, keep rockets from being fired into Israel?

Copernicus 07-30-2006 07:01 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from

You really have no understanding of the goals of Islamofacism.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your naivety of Lebanon (a western, democratic, cosmpolitan, free market county) and Hizbollah (a group created to liberate southern Lebanon from Israel and bring the return of thousands of prisoners from Israel)is remarkable.

My guess is you think any Islamic political partiy with a militia (in this case, one that was created out of necessity to deal with Israel's occupation of Lebanese lands) shares the same beliefs, and commits the same acts, as Al Queda.

It is curious that the US has chosen to ally itself with Israel - a country with no oil and who is the enemy of Arab countries. Strategically it is a retarded foreign policy. It'd make more sense to be allies with oil producing wealthy countries, rather than some tiny country that brings the US nothing but hatred and costs to its political capital.

[/ QUOTE ]

talk about being naive. You honestly think that if the US cut ties with israel and supported a few arab nations that the muslim extremists would drop their weapons and give GW a big wet kiss? You think osama would take up accounting and his soldiers would go back to regular day jobs? Honestly, your post is borderline laughable.

[/ QUOTE ]

Borderline? its totally laughable. Yes, derosnec, except for minor differences the ultimate goals of al Qaeda, HZB and all other terrorist organizations are essentially the same. Their intitial priorities and methods may be slightly different, but underlying them all is a warped reading of the Quran and the elimination of all infidels.

One of most popular and asinine theories from the left was "Iraq/Saddam is a secular regime and couldnt get along with Osama or other religious fundamentalists".

Uhhhhh....sure they couldnt. Just like fundamentalists wouldnt touch North Korea for religious reasons.

You have apparently been brought up as a moderate, with allegience to Lebanon and bear no ill will against Western society in general. That has blinded you to the hate of a huge number of Arabs.

Chris Alger 07-30-2006 07:51 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
It might not, but the continued war and occupation in Lebanon guarantees attacks on Israel for the indefinite future. Before Israel's invasion Hizballah rarely fired rockets into Israel, and generally did so in response to Israeli assassinations and border/airspace violations. Many of the media-reported attacks by Hizballah on "Israel" are actually in disputed areas like Shebaa Farms and the Golan. In its 2005 report on international terrorism, the State Department's description of specific terror incidents by Hizballah tops in 2000, when "Hizballah operatives captured three Israeli soldiers in the Shaba'a Farms area and kidnapped an Israeli non-combatant." It also says that Hizballah "also continued launching small-scale attacks across the Israeli border, resulting in the deaths of several Israeli soldiers," although this appears in the context of discussing Hizballah's "new measures to counter IAF violations of Lebanese airspace."

In short, Israel's unilateral escalation of the conflict has managed to turn a small-scale border conflict centered on military targets into a full-fledged war of mutual terror with no military solution in sight. In the absence of diplomatic exhaustion, launching a war where 80-90% of those killed are civilians is simply mass murder.

primetime32 07-30-2006 08:14 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from

You really have no understanding of the goals of Islamofacism.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your naivety of Lebanon (a western, democratic, cosmpolitan, free market county) and Hizbollah (a group created to liberate southern Lebanon from Israel and bring the return of thousands of prisoners from Israel)is remarkable.

My guess is you think any Islamic political partiy with a militia (in this case, one that was created out of necessity to deal with Israel's occupation of Lebanese lands) shares the same beliefs, and commits the same acts, as Al Queda.

It is curious that the US has chosen to ally itself with Israel - a country with no oil and who is the enemy of Arab countries. Strategically it is a retarded foreign policy. It'd make more sense to be allies with oil producing wealthy countries, rather than some tiny country that brings the US nothing but hatred and costs to its political capital.

[/ QUOTE ]

talk about being naive. You honestly think that if the US cut ties with israel and supported a few arab nations that the muslim extremists would drop their weapons and give GW a big wet kiss? You think osama would take up accounting and his soldiers would go back to regular day jobs? Honestly, your post is borderline laughable.

[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't see him say anything like that, could you point out where in his post it says that? Thanks.

[/ QUOTE ]

you weren't very good at connect the dots in kindergarten were you?

New001 07-30-2006 08:23 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from

You really have no understanding of the goals of Islamofacism.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your naivety of Lebanon (a western, democratic, cosmpolitan, free market county) and Hizbollah (a group created to liberate southern Lebanon from Israel and bring the return of thousands of prisoners from Israel)is remarkable.

My guess is you think any Islamic political partiy with a militia (in this case, one that was created out of necessity to deal with Israel's occupation of Lebanese lands) shares the same beliefs, and commits the same acts, as Al Queda.

It is curious that the US has chosen to ally itself with Israel - a country with no oil and who is the enemy of Arab countries. Strategically it is a retarded foreign policy. It'd make more sense to be allies with oil producing wealthy countries, rather than some tiny country that brings the US nothing but hatred and costs to its political capital.

[/ QUOTE ]

talk about being naive. You honestly think that if the US cut ties with israel and supported a few arab nations that the muslim extremists would drop their weapons and give GW a big wet kiss? You think osama would take up accounting and his soldiers would go back to regular day jobs? Honestly, your post is borderline laughable.

[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't see him say anything like that, could you point out where in his post it says that? Thanks.

[/ QUOTE ]

you weren't very good at connect the dots in kindergarten were you?

[/ QUOTE ]
Do you dispute that American relations with Israel throughout their history have hurt the Arab view of the United States?

Further, where in his post does he say that if "the US cut ties with Israel and supported a few Arab nations that the Muslim extremists would drop their weapons?" I've looked a few times, and I can't find it. The closest I can find is above, and I don't think anyone would argue against my statement.

I'll leave it to derosnec to clarify if he wishes to, but I'm going to assume that he doesn't believe a cessation of American support for Israel will instantly cause "Muslim extremism" to end.

niss 07-30-2006 08:57 PM

Re: IDF Releases Video Showing Rocket Fire from
Hizballah rockets wouldn't amount to much of a defense at Olmert's war crimes trial. He didn't have to kill civilians to prevent rockets from being fired on Israel, he only had to accept the cease-fire Hizballah and Lebanon had already put on the table. Olmert rejected the cease-fire not because the IDF told him they could annhilate Hizballah in a few months -- obviously it can't -- but to defend Israel's preference for kidnapping (one case of which on June 24 triggered the latest round of kidnappings -- CBC News, 7/24/06); to violate UN resolutions sanctifying the norther border and to continue to occupy the pointless Shebaa Farms. Olmert would be hard-pressed to show how anything Israel has done amounts to a legitmate military operation.

[/ QUOTE ]

If intellectual dishonesty is the new standard for banning, then I expect that I will never be subject to one of your ridiculous posts again. I'm sorry I took you off ignore.

ACPlayer 07-30-2006 10:38 PM

Re: Qana
You can use all the logic you want ... in some circles it (the whole Lebanon offensive) will be considered a war crime. Likely by many in Europe.

Copernicus 07-30-2006 10:44 PM

Re: Qana
Since the last "Qana massacre" led to Israel accepting a cease fire, and since Israel repeatedly warned civilians to leave Qana due to impending attack, I wonder if HZB will be found to have overtly restricted these civilians from leaving an area that HZB ensured was a prime target by using it as a missile site?

ACPlayer 07-30-2006 10:49 PM

Re: Qana
Eventually we will find it. This is the rubric being trotted out by the Israeli apologists, mostly without knowledge as pure conjecture.

It has nothing to do with the culpability in this incident.

Copernicus 07-30-2006 11:00 PM

Re: Qana
Eventually we will find it. This is the rubric being trotted out by the Israeli apologists, mostly without knowledge as pure conjecture.

It has nothing to do with the culpability in this incident.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hadnt seen that conjecture elsewhere. Any links or did you just hear/see it?

Of course it has everything to do with culpability if HZB held them hostage. It has little or nothing to do with Israeli culpability...that could only be claimed if somehow intent were proven...highly unlikely.

ACPlayer 07-30-2006 11:03 PM

Re: Qana
I was referring to your conjecture:

I wonder if HZB will be found to have overtly restricted these civilians from leaving an area that HZB ensured was a prime target by using it as a missile site?

[/ QUOTE ]

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