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Wynton 11-21-2007 12:40 PM

Classic movies for kids
I'm thinking of forcing my kids to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" this year. Do you think they'll like it, or be utterly bored? My son just turned 13 and my daughter will be 11 in a couple of months.

I'm guessing that they'll tolerate it, once they get used to the idea that they're watching an old movie in (shudder!) black and white.

While we're on the topic, what classic movies (i.e., those made before 1960) do you think kids this age would enjoy?

Thug Bubbles 11-21-2007 01:11 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
I have fond memories of watching The Parent Trap and Mary Poppins with my family when I was young. Feel good movies with fun humor.

If you specifically want pre 60's, try Duck Soup (or any Marx Brothers flick), the over the top, slapstick, zany humor was tailored for children's funny bones.

You could also try some classic Chaplin or Buster Keaton. Specifically, The General. The stunt work alone will have your kids interested. Just make sure to tell them the difference in Stunt-work now days (wires, CG, etc.) and back then (it being, well, real)

Enrique 11-21-2007 02:45 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
Hitchcock is a good example of something anyone could enjoy, like North by Northwest.
Film noir is another one that has many movies that can be easily liked, because who doesn't like a story with a detective and a beautiful woman?

Fishwhenican 11-21-2007 02:57 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
Three Stooges would be fun.
I fear my kids would be horribly bored by It's A Wonderful Life"

CletusVanDamme 11-21-2007 05:16 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
"IAWL" bored me as a kid. And still does today.

The ones I remember most fondly are "Robin Hood" (disney animated), Mary Poppins and The Rescuers.

Kimbell175113 11-21-2007 05:33 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids

You could also try some classic Chaplin or Buster Keaton. Specifically, The General. The stunt work alone will have your kids interested. Just make sure to tell them the difference in Stunt-work now days (wires, CG, etc.) and back then (it being, well, real)

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes please. The General is like watching live-action Looney Tunes.

gusmahler 11-21-2007 05:41 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
The Wizard of Oz is an obvious choice (though probably too obvious, OP's kids have almost certainly seen it already.)

IAWL is probably too boring for a pre-teen.

Wynton 11-21-2007 05:53 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
Remember, I'm talking about a 13 yr old boy and a 10 yr old girl (who kind of acts like a 12 yr old girl). We are way past Mary Poppins, Wizard of Oz, etc.

I've been planning to show them the Marx Brothers for years. I agree that some silent films will be good too, like Modern Times.

I wonder what kids this age were watching and enjoying in the 1940s and 1950s.

MissT74 11-21-2007 06:10 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
Make them watch A Christmas Story, it's hilarious to kids, imo.

(You'll shoot your eye out!!!)

Stagger_Lee 11-21-2007 07:18 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
Tough age to crack Wynton. You'll want to get the first choice right or they wont watch the following films.

I know it is much later than what you have in mind, but The Sting could be a good starting point.

Stagger_Lee 11-21-2007 07:19 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
The other suggestion I have is to go for some classic sci-fi.

Day of the Triffids
The Fly

diebitter 11-21-2007 08:02 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
Incredible Shrinking Man for the best 50s scifi movie ever.

What about Singin in the Rain?

Blarg 11-21-2007 08:23 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
The original Beauty and the Beast, made in France, was incredibly good and is of course a fairy tale. Funny and visually stunning.

The old Universal horror flicks, like Frankenstein and The Invisible Man, are a lot of fun, though not really scary.

The Adventures of Robin Hood is good. Old Yeller is too.

Adebisi 11-21-2007 10:22 PM

Re: Classic movies for kids
A Clockwork Orange

Marwan 11-22-2007 01:37 AM

Re: Classic movies for kids
The Princess Bride

theblitz 11-23-2007 04:19 AM

Re: Classic movies for kids
Singing in the Rain

The Forbidden Planet

Fulcanelli 11-23-2007 07:40 AM

Re: Classic movies for kids
-Alice in Wonderland, Disney, 1951 (may be a bit scary at times)
-As your children will enter puberty soon, Zeffirelli's "Romeo & Juliet" may be a good idea? It's from 1968 though, and contains slight amounts of nudity and violence. I remember having to watch it at about age 13-14, and instantly fell in love with Olivia Hussey (Juliet). I still watch it every now and again, and laugh myself to tears when I see Mercutio prancing around. I love Shakespeare, and I blame it on this movie.

Wynton 11-23-2007 09:10 AM

Re: Classic movies for kids
So, last night we showed my kids - and their cousins who were about the same age - It's a Wonderful Life. And while they said afterwards that it got a little boring in the middle, they were very attentive and actually appeared to like it overall.

Sometimes it's hard to predict what kids will enjoy.

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