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BadgerPro 11-07-2007 07:08 PM

AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
Just a heads up for anybody else. PMed Annette on P5s and she says the account was hacked (thought I remembered something from P5s about it awhile back also). Not sure how the scam was going to work but it was a nice little AIM convo:

AnnetteObrestad (3:23:04 PM): hey
AnnetteObrestad (3:23:17 PM): is this andy
Badger(3:51:41 PM): yeah
AnnetteObrestad (3:51:48 PM): this is kevin and annette
Badger (3:52:01 PM): nice, how's it going
AnnetteObrestad (3:52:03 PM): you interested in a cardrunners account?
AnnetteObrestad (3:52:05 PM): gold*
AnnetteObrestad (3:52:06 PM): for free
Badger (3:52:44 PM): yeah, i would be
AnnetteObrestad (3:52:52 PM): What stakes do you play online?
Badger (3:53:45 PM): mid stakes
AnnetteObrestad (3:53:55 PM): Do you currently have a bankroll over $7500 online?
badger (3:54:13 PM): why?
AnnetteObrestad (3:54:21 PM): Its for CR Videos
AnnetteObrestad (3:54:26 PM): Was going to see if you could make
badger (3:56:07 PM): why are you and Kevin doing CR promotions
AnnetteObrestad (3:56:17 PM): We are new members therer
badger (3:56:49 PM): kevin is? saul?
AnnetteObrestad (3:56:52 PM): Yes.
badger (3:57:20 PM): thought he was pxf
AnnetteObrestad (3:57:29 PM): He still is
AnnetteObrestad (4:04:40 PM): You around?
badger (4:04:56 PM): yeah
AnnetteObrestad (4:05:05 PM): Should i buy Annette a puppy
AnnetteObrestad (4:05:08 PM): or a kitty
badger (4:05:13 PM): puppy obv
AnnetteObrestad (4:05:20 PM): LOL
AnnetteObrestad (4:05:27 PM): why not a kitty
AnnetteObrestad (4:06:22 PM): you must like big scary things
badger (4:06:44 PM): dogs >>>>>>>> cats
AnnetteObrestad (4:06:47 PM): lol
AnnetteObrestad (4:06:53 PM): u have 0 cats?
AnnetteObrestad (4:06:56 PM): cuz i have 2
badger (4:07:02 PM): i like cats and dogs
AnnetteObrestad (4:07:11 PM): dogs stink though
badger (4:07:17 PM): i'm just a much bigger fan of dogs
AnnetteObrestad (4:07:21 PM): you have animals?
badger (4:07:26 PM): not right now
badger (4:07:30 PM): can't at my current place
AnnetteObrestad (4:07:33 PM): oh
AnnetteObrestad (4:07:36 PM): u used 2?
badger (4:08:04 PM): yeah, when i was younger
AnnetteObrestad (4:08:07 PM): oh
AnnetteObrestad (4:08:10 PM): they die?
badger (4:08:19 PM): some of them
AnnetteObrestad (4:08:24 PM): sigh
AnnetteObrestad (4:08:32 PM): wow you must of had alot
badger (4:09:59 PM): naw, 2 dogs, and a few cats
badger (4:10:06 PM): just one cat at a time though
AnnetteObrestad (4:10:12 PM): lol this is a weird convo
AnnetteObrestad (4:10:13 PM): ne ways
AnnetteObrestad (4:10:18 PM): how's poker
badger (4:10:41 PM): good, definitelty can't complain
AnnetteObrestad (4:11:10 PM): can i reach you at
badger (4:11:22 PM): yeah, that's my email
AnnetteObrestad (4:11:32 PM): ok check it in a sec
AnnetteObrestad (4:11:56 PM): Cole sent you an email
badger (4:12:56 PM): got it
AnnetteObrestad (4:13:19 PM): Just fill that out and return it
badger (4:16:40 PM): what password does it want in the email?
AnnetteObrestad (4:16:50 PM): just one to use for the site.
badger (4:17:01 PM): i already have a CR account though
AnnetteObrestad (4:17:08 PM): You will get a new one

Not sure how the scam was/is going to work. The email I got sent was from "Cole 'cts' South" from some random yahoo email that had 'cts' with some numbers as the main part. It asked for basic info that you put in when you sign up for a new account anywhere. Username, new password, address, security questions, etc. I take it the scammers are hoping that I use the same password or answer the security questions the same as some of my other accounts.

Not sure how concerned I should be right now since I didn't give them any info.

bigballz 11-07-2007 07:17 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
lolllllllllllllll he suckered you in by annoying you with pet questions lolllllllllllllllllllllll

ASPoker8 11-07-2007 07:17 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
the scammer is trying to fish for your e-mail address and possible answers to security q's (aka the dog conversation)

BadgerPro 11-07-2007 07:20 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
FWIW, Kevin Saul (belowabove) just friends requested me on Facebook a week ago and I'm guessing that's where the scammer got the info. I would recommend anybody who recently became friends with him there defriends him or prevents him from seeing all info.

ZJ123 11-07-2007 07:22 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
there is 2 kevin saul's on facebook, one is real and one is the scammer. The older one, where hes at the WPT FT is the real kevin saul's facebook

BadgerPro 11-07-2007 07:25 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
there is 2 kevin saul's on facebook, one is real and one is the scammer. The older one, where hes at the WPT FT is the real kevin saul's facebook

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, the one who friended me, the scammer, had the green button up shirt on in the picture. FWIW, we had quite a few friends in common. Most of which are 2+2ers but I don't remember who now that I defriended him.

Ship Ship McGipp 11-07-2007 07:34 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
being friends with someone from p5s on facebook is a huge beat

Jurollo 11-07-2007 08:07 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
God I am an idiot, was friends with both hacker Kevin and real Kevin, I pay attention well.

MINETZ 11-07-2007 08:36 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
This happened to me too obv. Getting everything locked reformatting computers, closed facebook, getting aim closed.

Jurollo 11-07-2007 08:54 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
just accepting him as a friend doesnt mean you are hacked. they have to do something about it.

MINETZ 11-07-2007 08:56 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
I want to vomit, this is so terrible.

Jurollo 11-07-2007 09:02 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
I want to vomit, this is so terrible.

[/ QUOTE ]
WTF happened?

MINETZ 11-07-2007 09:05 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
Hes sitting on aim right now msging all my buddies. I called everyone I know that plays poker, but just hope i didnt miss anyone. Everyone I call is like yea that guy tried to get me to trade money.

Jurollo 11-07-2007 09:27 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
Log onto AIM yourself (did he change your pass). Log on and in the window that pops up from the AOL system manager type "1" and it will log him off. Then change your pass.

MINETZ 11-07-2007 09:38 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
he changed my pass. AIM is retarted, it seems they cant close my account.

StepBangin 11-07-2007 09:44 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
he changed my pass. AIM is retarted, it seems they cant close my account.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did he change your email Address?

How could he have guessed your PW was it that easy?

Jurollo 11-07-2007 09:47 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
he changed my pass. AIM is retarted, it seems they cant close my account.

[/ QUOTE ]
Go to AIM, and click on Forget Password? and have it sent to you.

ImsaKidd 11-07-2007 10:04 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
Anyone who is messaged by the scammers try to get their account names at least?

I tried but no dice.

MINETZ 11-07-2007 10:39 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
I msged the hacker, he gave me an apology and the new password to my account. I login and delete all my buddies. Still going to reformat both computers, but It seems like hes done with my account.

He responded to "how did you get me?" with "i only got your aim". He confirmed I never downloaded anything.

I dont think I will be making another AIM account.

Cornell Fiji 11-07-2007 11:06 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
He confirmed I never downloaded anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol, he sounds like an honest guy. Good read.

Also, maybe sticky this thread for a couple days?

Oh yea, if Kevin, Annette, or anyone who gets scammed sees this thread please call police. Scum like this should have to pay expensive lawyers in order to stay out of jail. It might be hard to prosecute and it might give online poker bad press (*sigh*) but the scammers are attempting larceny across state lines and that might even have minimum mandatory sentencing in federal court.

ImsaKidd 11-08-2007 01:11 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
I msged the hacker, he gave me an apology and the new password to my account. I login and delete all my buddies. Still going to reformat both computers, but It seems like hes done with my account.

He responded to "how did you get me?" with "i only got your aim". He confirmed I never downloaded anything.

I dont think I will be making another AIM account.

[/ QUOTE ]

AIM is kinda useful IMO

MINETZ 11-08-2007 01:16 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
One of my friends fell for the scammer.

His money was sent to sirwatts1.

I got my aim back, but the fuker got my gmail. I have to redo everything now.

gobboboy 11-08-2007 02:10 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
One of my friends fell for the scammer.

His money was sent to sirwatts1.

I got my aim back, but the fuker got my gmail. I have to redo everything now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, so watts got hacked too?

nath 11-08-2007 02:17 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
I think I'm friends with the fake Kevin Saul, I should have suspected something from a brand new facebook account

Lucky for me I'm not in a position to get scammed

Dakotasdad 11-08-2007 02:24 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
being friends with someone from p5s on facebook is a huge beat

[/ QUOTE ]


MINETZ 11-08-2007 04:09 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
He back doored into a lot of important [censored] through AOL. its so sick that aol has an employee that can just get info.

Looks like everything should be over, still going to reformat/ get new credit card new e mail, etc.

hackers are the scum of the earth.

MINETZ 11-08-2007 04:19 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
One of my friends fell for the scammer.

His money was sent to sirwatts1.

I got my aim back, but the fuker got my gmail. I have to redo everything now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, so watts got hacked too?

[/ QUOTE ]

when the person transfered to sir watts it auto locked his account so i assume fulltilt knows this already.

N 82 50 24 11-08-2007 05:20 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
He back doored into a lot of important [censored] through AOL. its so sick that aol has an employee that can just get info.

Looks like everything should be over, still going to reformat/ get new credit card new e mail, etc.

hackers are the scum of the earth.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not really sure he did that... AIM passwords are extremely easy to reset if you know a little about the person.

I made sure the security answer to my AIM reset is something like "dslfhjasadlkfjwelkrj" so it's pretty unguessable. I also use an AIM password that I don't use for anything else just in case someone was able to figure out what it is.

I don't know what else to do to protect myself, but hopefully that is sufficient. I assume someone good enough or someone with insider access could get in somehow regardless if they really wanted it.

NHFunkii 11-08-2007 10:00 AM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
oh fake below tried to add me on fb too, but I rejected him cause I've never met him and have barely exchanged a few words

Tinga 11-08-2007 02:36 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
If the hacker is getting through a backdoor on AIM, then I would recommend using a 3rd party program such as Pidgin, GAIM, Trillian, or one of the many options available out there. There is no need to stop using AIM because of this person.

The backdoors that exist in AIM do not exist in these programs, and even offer some higher levels of security over the basic messenger directly from AOL.

TheNewf 11-08-2007 09:14 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer
Yeah I got an e-mail from Full Tilt today saying there's a scammer impersonating me.... Kind of scary but so far he hasn't had any luck hacking any of my accounts at least it seems.

felixleong 11-08-2007 10:17 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook

felixleong 11-08-2007 10:22 PM

Re: AIM \"AnnetteObrestad\" Scammer and \"Kevin Saul\" on Facebook
He confirmed I never downloaded anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol, he sounds like an honest guy. Good read.

Also, maybe sticky this thread for a couple days?

Oh yea, if Kevin, Annette, or anyone who gets scammed sees this thread please call police. Scum like this should have to pay expensive lawyers in order to stay out of jail. It might be hard to prosecute and it might give online poker bad press (*sigh*) but the scammers are attempting larceny across state lines and that might even have minimum mandatory sentencing in federal court.

[/ QUOTE ]

maybe we should find a way to dig out these hackers and bring justice to them.
They should spend some time in jail thinking about wats the right way to make $$

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