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El Diablo 10-29-2007 05:17 PM

Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
OK, get off the plane at JFK. Head to taxi line. Cross the street and there's an arrow to the taxi line and a handrail divider thing. As I get closer, I realize there's actually a break in the rail and the line actually snakes around (you can't see this when you first start walking to the line), so you go outside the line thing and around. This is illustrated in the picture below.

I get in line and right as I'm approaching the curve, a guy walks up. He sees that the line is longer than he thought. He does a quick check and I can tell he's going to try and cut in in the middle. He eyeballs a couple of people who are having none of it, then says something and gives a head nod and slides in front of this woman. The players:

Him (red dot): Young 20ish professional looking dude in nice overcoat and dress shirt w/ bluetooth ear thing.

Her: Youngish professional looking woman, probably a consultant or something.

Behind her: Business suit dude, briefcase/phone/etc.

Then me (blue dot).

In front of me are about 15 people. Behind me are about 20. Cabs are coming at a reasonable pace.

So, question one is, do you say anything? (This won't really impact my wait time in any significant manner, but it cuts his in more than half)

I am annoyed by his little move and the bluetooth, so I say 'Hey man, the line goes around back there.' Guy sort of mumbles something like 'Oh, yeah, sorry.'

So, question two, do you say anything else?

I do.

Me: 'Uh, dude, the back of the line is that way.'
Him: 'Yeah man, but the line should have kept going this way (instead of snaking around) to the end' (HUH!?)
Me: 'Uh, yeah, whatever, it didn't, so the end of the line is right there.'
Him: 'Come on, man, don't make a big deal'
Me: 'Everyone's waiting in line, man.'

At this point, he realizes he isn't getting in a cab in front of me and I'm not going to let up, so he changes strategy.

Him: 'Hey man, look, if it's that big a deal to you, you can go in front of me.'
Me: 'OK, fine, you explain it to these two people in front of me.'
Him: 'OK'

So I walk past the two people in front of me and get in front of him.

Woman: 'Hey, what's going on here?'
Me: 'Well, I'm not letting this guy cut in front of me. You can ask him to go to the back of the line, I'll get back in my place.'
Her: 'Wait, that doesn't... oh never mind.'
Guy behind her: On phone, oblivious to everything

So, question three, do you let him attempt this final move, or do you just yell at one of the taxi line ladies to make him get to the back of the line (they live for opportunities like that).

I had mixed emotions, split between being pissed at this guy for cutting in line and grudging admiration for his persistence and changing strategies.

pirateboy 10-29-2007 05:24 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
yes, yes, make him go to the back

This guy is another example of what's wrong with our society in general.

El Diablo 10-29-2007 05:26 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)

I sort of regret going in front of him. At that point, I really thought that the woman who initially let him in and the dude in front of me would both be like "WTF!?!?" resulting in him having no choice and me not having to call for the line ladies like a little bitch. But instead, the woman let it go and the business dude was oblivious.

If I had a chance to do it over again, I think I would either at the end just say WTF, no, get to the back of the line OR do the same thing, except then invite people from the back of the line to cut in front of me.

I was surprised by his boldness. Even after me telling him three times to get to the back of the line, he kept trying to negotiate/convince me to let it go.

punkass 10-29-2007 05:28 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
I wouldn't move.

"It's not a big deal once you go to the back of the line, man, and wait like everyone else.

Claunchy 10-29-2007 05:28 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
I might say something initially if I even notice, but I doubt I persist.

I definitely wouldn't go in front of him though because that doesn't really address the problem. I mean, you're not really all that concerned with the extra 20 seconds it's gonna take to get a cab; you want this guy not to be an inconsiderate douche.

GTL 10-29-2007 05:28 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
after he invites you to cut, you should have let everyone get in front of you. that would have been hilarious. generally, in situations like this i say something and try to rally some people behind me. once a few people tell him to move to the back he usually will. if no one else cares i generally give up.

Klompy 10-29-2007 05:29 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
I don't let stuff like this ride. I understand it's a minor thing, and I shouldn't get worked up about every little thing, but the guy would end up at the back of the line one way or another. The fact that he has a bluetooth on just makes the situation worse.

BPA234 10-29-2007 05:31 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
wtf, you don't show him the mask and send him scurrying in fear to the back of the line?

TiK 10-29-2007 05:32 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
I've always thought the handling of the line-cutter by Mandy Patinkin's character in Dead Like Me was pretty awesome. Your situation would've been the perfect occasion to use it.

Here's the clip.

4_2_it 10-29-2007 05:33 PM

Re: Line cutting scenario (long + polls + MSPaint)
El D,

Very creative way to move up 2 slots while maintaining the moral high ground. I'll add this move to my repertoire.

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