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adanthar 11-12-2007 11:26 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Furthermore, we both know that the only reason Hillary returned the money is because it would've been a media [censored] storm if she hadn't. It's not like she did it on principle.

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So what am I supposed to make of the fact that so far, Paul hasn't actually returned the money? Is the incoming media [censored] (assuming they start taking his candidacy seriously) an MSM plot to sink it?

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Ron Paul doesn't pander like Hillary. Thats why many like him.

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He doesn't pander to the media by returning neo-Nazi money despite the fact that, with a particular newsletter already in his past, it's likely to cost him 100x that in votes? That's not a lack of pandering, it's just outright stupidity at best.

Taso 11-12-2007 11:29 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Adanthar, Hillary was given money illegaly, that was what the uproar was about. Ron Paul was given money legally.

Josem 11-12-2007 11:41 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
I don't get it. If some dumbass nazi wants to send his money to Paul, I'm all for it. It increases Paul's campaign funds but doesn't effect the principles...Perhaps Paul should return the money as a symbolic gesture. I don't think he should, though.

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I agree that money/campaign donations are a symbol of support. The actual money is essentially insignificant.

In a debate about symbols, obviously differing people will value different symbols differently.

The poker analogy, I admit, may not be very analogous. My point, though, was that you can take an idiot's money and not support his views. You both obviously have one thing in common, playing poker. It doesn't mean that you aren't as different as night and day.

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When I'm ignorant about someone's views (as I blissfully am while playing online poker - I can only shudder at the political thinking process of someone who calls a pot-sized-push with bottom pair on the turn) I'm happy to play poker and possibly win (or lose).

But if I discover that I'm playing against someone I find personally objectionable (as I do via chat from time to time, most often because they say nasty things) I typically stop playing that table, report it to Party, and play on another table. I simply don't enjoy playing with nasty people.

Ron Paul doesn't pander like Hillary. Thats why many like him.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think there is something inherently wrong with doing something that is popular.

Talk of "pandering" - either for Paul or against Paul - sidesteps the actual underlying issue.

Taso 11-12-2007 11:56 PM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
If I'm interpreting the question right, No, I would not play poker with him. I similarly would not play poker with some Ku Klux Klan representative.

I don't think this is a minority view.

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From what I remember of a B&M thread about exactly this, that IS a minority view. Most people didn't care, they weren't sitting to socialize, but to take money.

Josem 11-13-2007 12:11 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
From what I remember of a B&M thread about exactly this, that IS a minority view. Most people didn't care, they weren't sitting to socialize, but to take money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. I may be an unusually principled individual. I accept that.

Zygote 11-13-2007 12:12 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Furthermore, we both know that the only reason Hillary returned the money is because it would've been a media [censored] storm if she hadn't. It's not like she did it on principle.

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So what am I supposed to make of the fact that so far, Paul hasn't actually returned the money? Is the incoming media [censored] (assuming they start taking his candidacy seriously) an MSM plot to sink it?

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Ron Paul doesn't pander like Hillary. Thats why many like him.

[/ QUOTE ]

He doesn't pander to the media by returning neo-Nazi money despite the fact that, with a particular newsletter already in his past, it's likely to cost him 100x that in votes? That's not a lack of pandering, it's just outright stupidity at best.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does the government send back the money it gets from neo-nazi tax payers?

Ron Paul's position is he can spend this money better than they can. If they dont realize that there is nothing racist about his policies, and the facts are his policies are anything but racist, then its their loss for throwing away their money.

I think people will see this as fair. Repubs aren't as whiny about this stuff like the democrats.

Borodog 11-13-2007 12:14 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Lol. I knew it wouldn't be long before adanthar showed up.

Yes, that notorious racist Ron Paul, who offered to pay for an award recognizing Rosa Parks out of his own money, that notorious genocide supporter who routinely votes against foreign wars of aggression and giving aid to tinpot bloodthirsty dictators the world round, is now an anti-semitic neo-Nazi, whose personal heroes, enshrined on the walls of his congretional office, include infamous hook-nosed money-lending Jews like Murray N. Rothbard:
(note the inscription)

and Ludwig von Mises:

the latter of whom fled Europe ahead of actual Nazis along with another hero of Ron Paul's, Friedrich Hayek.

Very strange that Rothbard the Jew was a personal friend of Ron Paul for some twenty years prior to his death. Although, as that other paragon of 2+2 Politics Forum intellectual honesty reminds us, Rothbard was probably a self-loathing anti-semtic lesbian-hater.

Next, I'm sure Ron Paul will be a homophobe, even though gays have worked on his staff. He probably only employed them to beat them. He is highly lauded of course by the notorious gay-basher Barney Frank.

Taso 11-13-2007 12:14 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
I think there's a point where principle eventually become one of Aristotles vices. (Forgive me if I'm misqouting philosophers/ies)

If a racist offers you $1,000,000 , you're turning him down? $5,000,000? There's no amount of money where you'd say, "Meh, okay, I guess I don't mind making you xamount poorer, and me xamount richer"?

AlexM 11-13-2007 12:17 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
Furthermore, we both know that the only reason Hillary returned the money is because it would've been a media [censored] storm if she hadn't. It's not like she did it on principle.

[/ QUOTE ]

So what am I supposed to make of the fact that so far, Paul hasn't actually returned the money? Is the incoming media [censored] (assuming they start taking his candidacy seriously) an MSM plot to sink it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ron Paul doesn't pander like Hillary. Thats why many like him.

[/ QUOTE ]

He doesn't pander to the media by returning neo-Nazi money despite the fact that, with a particular newsletter already in his past, it's likely to cost him 100x that in votes? That's not a lack of pandering, it's just outright stupidity at best.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you would rather see money in the hands of racists than in the hands of Ron Paul? I didn't realize you supported racism so much.

AlexM 11-13-2007 12:20 AM

Re: ***Official Ron Paul video thread***
If I'm interpreting the question right, No, I would not play poker with him. I similarly would not play poker with some Ku Klux Klan representative.

I don't think this is a minority view.

[/ QUOTE ]

From what I remember of a B&M thread about exactly this, that IS a minority view. Most people didn't care, they weren't sitting to socialize, but to take money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I dunno about you, but I would much rather win money from some KKK dude than from some guy who might give that money to starving children in Nairobi.

I guess if I expected to lose my money I wouldn't want it the other way around.

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