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ed8383 03-30-2007 11:11 PM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
Starrcade 94: "Macho Man" Randy Savage had been in WCW for a month or 2, nobody knew what his plans were. His interviews didn't lead us to much in terms of knowing his intentions in wcw. Starrcade 94 main event (hogan vs the butcher of the 3 faces of fear), the match is stopped, the earthquake, "Taskmaster" kevin sullivan and the butcher are all in the ring ready to destroy hulk hogan who is helpless in the corner holding into a chair waiting for the inevitable beating he is gonna get at the hands of 3 of the meanest men in the world.

All of a sudden it is none other than Randy savage who runs to the ring but the fans don't know if to cheer for him or not. Nobody knows what he is up to, whether he is going to join in the destruction of hogan or aid him. The 3 faces of fear talk to savage in the ring and oh no it seems that he is on their side! no way hogan gets out of this one!

They are about to destroy hogan who is in the corner holding a steel chair but that won't be enough against the 3 faces of fear and savage. They are about to attack hogan but then hold on! savage attacks the 3 faces of fear, hogan joins in the fight and hits one with a chair, the crowd goes wild! the 3 faces of fear are kicked out of the ring! hogan survives! the macho man and hogan alliance comes to wcw!

chicken10der 03-30-2007 11:56 PM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
Any of the Shane McMahon spots in this video, mostly because he looks exactly like my 8th grade teacher, making the spots even more hilarious.

raze 03-31-2007 02:12 AM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
Seeing my first live show w my dad when I was 8.. Warrior v Papa Shango and Flair v Savage feuds

kordothebear 03-31-2007 04:51 AM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
by far the best moment in wcw history if not wrestling altogether.

youtalkfunny 03-31-2007 07:01 AM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
--The first time I saw an ECW card. I could not believe what I was watching. The stuff they were doing was unheard of at the time. I had never seen a ladder, a stack of tables, or barbed wire used in a match until then.

--The first Piper's Pit, with Frank Williams (I'd post a YouTube link, but the wrestling videos are all crawling on YouTube for some reason right this second). Again, an innovation.

--The most famous "Piper's Pit", as mentioned above, with Snuka: "I wanted you to feel at home, I brought you a pineapple, I brought you banana...I should've brought you a tree, so you could swing like a monkey..."

--Lou Albano, explaining why his arm was in a cast: "I was out in the parking lot, outside the stadium, when Andre the Giant grabbed me; Gorilla Monsoon held my arm out; and Chief Jay Strongbow hit me on the arm with a board, and broke my arm." MacMahon angrily dismissed the story as obvious hogwash, and spent the next several months asking Albano, "Why is your arm still in a cast? How long does it take a broken arm to mend? It's been six months now!"

When one of his guys got wrapped up in Strongbow's sleeper hold, and was on his way to certain defeat, Albano jumped into the ring, slipped the cast off his arm, and beat Strongbow bloody with it.

I was a little kid. I cried.

I didn't cry, however, the time Albano had Strongbow tied up in the ropes (do they still do that any more?), and stuffed the feathers from the Indian headdress into Strongbow's mouth. I thought that was funny.

--When Larry Zybisko turned heel, turning on his mentor, Bruno Sammartino, then later on his longtime tag partner, Tony Garrea. Guys didn't turn from face to heel much back then (nor heel to face, either), so that was unique. And Larry was the best I've ever seen on the mike. Better than Hogan, better than Piper. For a while there, we'd tune in each week, and spend the entire time looking forward to see what Larry Zybisko, "The New Living Legend", had to say.

Our favorite exchange, hyping an upcoming grudge match vs Garrea:

VINCE MacMAHON: Saturday night, Boston Garden, the main event, Larry Zybisko takes on his former tagteam partner, Tony Garrea. Tony Garrea joins us now, and Tony, you must be disappointed with Mr Zybisko at this point.

TONY GARREA: (soft-spoken Kiwi accent) Terribly disappointed, Vince, I just don't understand it, all the resentment Larry has, first for Bruno, then myself. Larry has been handed so much by so many, he's had all these opportunities handed to him. Myself, I never got the chance to finish high school, I never had a new car. Larry's had all these things and more, I just don't understand why he's so upset, or what's going through his mind.

VINCE MacMAHON: Tony Garrea, thank you very much. Approaching the interview area now, his opponent this Saturday night, Larry Zybisko...

LARRY ZYBISKO: (extremely smug and cocky, chewing gum) Oh, yeah, Tony Garrea, he comes out here crying to's not MY FAULT he's too *stupid* to finish high school! It's not MY FAULT he's too *stupid* realize that he has plenty of money to buy a new car if he wants to!

(I was laughing too hard to hear the rest of the interview)

--Hyping an upcoming match at the Boston Garden, champion Bob Backlund spoke about his challenger, some cowboy from Texas (probably Black Jack Mulligan): "He's said some terrible things about the fans here in Boston. This is such a great city, so much tradition and history here--what does a guy from Texas know about history?"

Then it was Mulligan's turn, accompanied by his manager, Classy Fred Blassie, who spent the entire interview screaming over and over, in that trademark gravelly voice of his, "REMEMBER THE ALAMO! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!"

GHAND 03-31-2007 08:33 AM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
- When i was i kid the moment that stood out most in my head was when Jake the Snake brought out his snake in the ring and it biting into Randy Savage's arm.

- Wrestling wise the ladder match between HBK and Razor Ramon at wrestlemania was awesome in every way

- Heat/Atmostphere, Hogan vs Rock match was unmatched

4 High 03-31-2007 09:49 AM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
Any of the Shane McMahon spots in this video, mostly because he looks exactly like my 8th grade teacher, making the spots even more hilarious.

[/ QUOTE ]

How they never made Shane a main eventer or at least a highly pushed midcarder is beyond me.

Assani Fisher 03-31-2007 02:04 PM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
Great picks! The Austin/Hart match was a masterpiece. I've never seen anything like the double turn before, pure creative genius.

[/ QUOTE ]I don't remember it that well. What do you guys mean by double turn?

Assani Fisher 03-31-2007 02:13 PM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
My all-time favorite is Goldberg spearing Hollywood Hogan on Monday Nitro to win the title. That was one of the few moments that have actually ever sent me leaping out of my seat. A few others that standout:

[/ QUOTE ]I actually think they blew it by not taking longer to have this fued come about. I think they should've made that a non title match, then have Hogan act all scared of Goldberg and dodge him, then have them meet at a few PPVs with Hogan getting intentionally DQed counted out(old trick, I know), and then the big payoff with Goldberg winning a no-countout/DQ match at STarcade.

Assani Fisher 03-31-2007 02:27 PM

Re: Your all time favourite WWE/Pro Wrestling moment
Here is another hillarious one I found LOL

Kane acting like Hogan and The Rock

[/ QUOTE ]that was great

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