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VoraciousReader 07-31-2007 06:10 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
so, then luckay, what do you think of this vote?

hang shortline by the neck until he turns blue and then is dead?

clowntable 07-31-2007 06:10 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
shortline wagon is a go

clowntable 07-31-2007 06:11 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
He claimed to vote fmxda to make it interesting, I say he did it because he thought he's a seer that peeked him

LuckayLuck 07-31-2007 06:12 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
Kbar's Hemmorages:

#1) ScottHoward is a villager++++

Huge interaction chain in which Scott starts the entire kbar wagon.

Supine is my number one villager read

[/ QUOTE ]

Really, I'm less than convinced.

I'm liking my vote right now after his first post.

[/ QUOTE ]
kbar is currently voting for fmxda?

[/ QUOTE ]

yea, what of it?

[/ QUOTE ]
you like your fmx vote because you think supine is a wolf?

[/ QUOTE ]


I'm not convinced he is a villager, but I'm also not convinced he is a wolf. Calling him a number one village read is a stretch imo, but I'm not willing to vote him yet.

[/ QUOTE ]
ok, my bad. i thought you were saying you were currently voting for supine,etc. im an idiot. carry on

[/ QUOTE ]

early early results:


2-3 wolves in there for sure

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not a fan of any of those tbh.

I really feel that, except maybe fmxda, no wolves have posted yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

#2) Lastchance is a villager

omg I just realized this
why the hell is lastchance another wagon?

And goddamn, kbar feels completely evil.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats quite a read you think you have to make that statement after 3 posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

ok, those are the hemmorages from kbar's posts

now to look at his voting

bojtun 07-31-2007 06:14 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
Luckay, what time zone do you live in?

DustinG 07-31-2007 06:15 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread

Shorty is the seer and will be nk'd by the wolves tonight.

Lets lynch Bravos is really is wolfy/weird.

bravos1 07-31-2007 06:17 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
continuing to rail on bravos:

obviously hes read the thread since he has a weird feeling about Fmx, but thats all he cares to post when he misses all of yesterday?

He doesn't even want to say "hi, sorry about yesterday" or anything? Just that, and then he leaves?

Who has played with Bravos in a long game before?

Regardless, there is nothing natural about that post whatsoever. If Luckay claims seer we should lynch Bravos, or Luckay.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't say "sorry for missing yesterday" because everyone always says that is sooo wolfy..LOL

My other post was maybe a bit mis-said. My weird feeling about fmx, was because of his.. "Obviously I am soo cleared now that KBar turned up wolf". Just because KBar was a wolf, clears no one. I have used this strat in the past, as in pounding on a fellow wolf early with mixed results..

1. The bandwagon on a wolf-mate would die off and someone else would get lynched. Eventually, if me or the other wolf was lynched, it would go a long way in removing suspiciousness from the other.


2. The bandwagon actually picked up steam leaving the pushing wolf two choices.. a. Throw the other wolf under the bus to gain village cred, or b. try and divert the bandwagon but risk it becoming obvious.

My statement regarding fmx was only because his post seemed to be trying SO hard to villagerize himself since KBar was a wolf. When a wolf is lynched on day one, NO ONE becomes 100% cleared of anything.. even the person that made the final vote if the decision was inevitable. I have no clear read on fmx since nothing seemed to be super wolfy or super villagery (if that is possible in the first 1.5 days), but he did seemed to be trying possibly a bit to hard to remove any wolf suspicions in that post.

My stance on Luckay is only because our seer was eaten, but basically pointed to Luckay before he died. Anyone no going that route is suspicious also.

bojtun 07-31-2007 06:17 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
This LC stuff is a laugh. He's capable of throwing a wolf teammate under the bus D1, but if he did, his reward is to NOT get lynched on D2 regardless of what he is.

LuckayLuck 07-31-2007 06:19 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread
ok, put yourself in a wolf's shoes right now

it's early in the day, here is the vote count. Kbar is a wolf.

[0] bojtun
[0] bravos1
[1] Bulletproof Monk
[0] chuckleslovakian
[0] clowntable voted for Bulletproof Monk
[0] DustinG
[0] fishmonger
[1] fmxda voted for shortline99
[0] fnord_too
[0] GetThere1Time
<font color="red"> [2] kbar13 voted for fmxda </font>
[0] Kenny McCormick voted for Nez477
[0] lastchance
[1] LuckayLuck
[1] Nez477 voted for kbar13
[0] Nicholasp27
[0] ScottHoward v3.1 voted for kbar13
[1] shortline99 voted for LuckayLuck
[0] SpacaB
[0] Supine
[0] VoraciousReader

<font color="green"> 10:00 No good </font>
Majority Lynch = 11

[/ QUOTE ]

what do you do?
well, certainly, something you don't do here is vote kbar

#3) DustinG is a villager

ok, another reread/skim after a little more coffee

supine is a villager


for the reasons Nez said

[/ QUOTE ]

#2) lastchance is a villager (again) +++

Nez, I reread kbar in Mafia. I also remember CYOA kbar.


[/ QUOTE ]

and our dead kenny votes for kbar too

so at this point the vote count is:

[0] bojtun
[0] bravos1
[1] Bulletproof Monk
[0] chuckleslovakian
[0] clowntable voted for Bulletproof Monk
[0] DustinG voted for kbar13
[0] fishmonger
[1] fmxda voted for shortline99
[0] fnord_too
[0] GetThere1Time
<font color="red"> [5] kbar13 voted for fmxda </font>
[0] Kenny McCormick voted for kbar13
[0] lastchance voted for kbar13
[1] LuckayLuck
[0] Nez477 voted for kbar13
[0] Nicholasp27
[0] ScottHoward v3.1 voted for kbar13
[1] shortline99 voted for LuckayLuck
[0] SpacaB
[0] Supine
[0] VoraciousReader

<font color="green"> 10:00 No good </font>
Majority Lynch = 11

[/ QUOTE ]

and you'd think it's time for the wolves to make a move to derail it...

and who does so? ah yes, our good old shortline.

that will come later, for now, let's clear more villagers

#4) Chuckles is a villager

Alright, bridge is on for tonight. I think Lastchance is villager. I don't have a good second wagon, and dont have the time to find one. Kbar is fine though

[/ QUOTE ]

this is pushing kbar further up when it's still feasible to save him

[0] bojtun
[0] bravos1
[0] Bulletproof Monk
[0] chuckleslovakian voted for kbar13
[2] clowntable voted for Kenny McCormick
[0] DustinG voted for kbar13
[0] fishmonger voted for clowntable
[2] fmxda voted for shortline99
[0] fnord_too
[0] GetThere1Time voted for fmxda
<font color="red"> [5] kbar13 voted for fmxda </font>
[2] Kenny McCormick voted for clowntable
[0] lastchance voted for kbar13
[0] LuckayLuck
[0] Nez477 voted for kbar13
[0] Nicholasp27
[0] ScottHoward v3.1 voted for kbar13
[1] shortline99 voted for Kenny McCormick
[0] SpacaB
[0] Supine
[0] VoraciousReader

<font color="green"> 10:00 No good </font>
Majority Lynch = 11

[/ QUOTE ]

so here's the count at 5:43 PM. If you're a wolf, you push clown/fmx/Kenny here.

#5) bojtun is a villager

Alright I'm heading back to work. Kbar unless he comes back here and dazzles me or someone else goes off the wolfy charts.

I'd love to lynch UTRs for the first three days straight tbh.

Chuckles is the only Kbar voter I'm uncomfortable with right now and the way he worded his vote ... kind of a "don't blame me if he turns up villager" thing seems strange.

If kbar turns out village, we should look back at that.
If Kbar turns up wolf, we should still look back at that.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't see bojtun being so cruel to make the vote here as a wolf

#6) Luckay is a villager

[vote kbar]

this is vote #7 on kbar
11 to majority

anyone draw anything from this?

[/ QUOTE ]

yes, I understand that my vote wasn't serious and it was "meant" to actually break up the kbar wagon by demonstrating that it was just running away, but still, I don't make this vote as a wolf

part 2 to come soon

LuckayLuck 07-31-2007 06:19 PM

Re: Average Speed XVII Game Thread

To derail Kbar.

[/ QUOTE ]


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