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Pyromaniac 08-06-2007 04:27 PM

Re: d10 makes a thread about a girl
something about being hungover from last night

[/ QUOTE ]

isn't this code for "still sore from the guy who [censored] me raw last night?"

or is that too cynical?

MicroBob 08-06-2007 04:30 PM

Re: d10 makes a thread about a girl
I'm a 5'6", mostly balding, pudgy guy.
"Stud" I am not.

My profile was generally long and rambling and mostly stupid and funny. I was purposefully trying to make no sense.

I got lots of responses from various gals telling me that my profile was one of the best they had read.
Obviously it also helped me get responses from the gals that I sent winks to as well.

Tuq is correct that they typically get more than they feel like responding to and often-times will have had experiences with one or two guys who are somewhat creepy and have a high likelihood of meeting Chris Hansen in the future so I think these girls have good reason to be a tad skittish.

So being silly as I was and getting responses even from girls who practically NEVER respond ain't such a bad talent.

Even being lame and ordinary and saying, "I'm an easy-going guy who likes hanging out with good friends" is not going to help you out very much.

Anyway, in my profile I specifically remember saying how much I liked the new Vanilla Coke, mentioning that my best friend looks like Bruce Springsteen and then waxing on about how I like the color-scheme on bowling shoes.

tuq 08-06-2007 04:45 PM

Re: d10 makes a thread about a girl

That's pretty sweet. If I could think up an interesting profile like that I'd probably give it a flier too. Anything to differentiate me from the slobs and weirdos that my ex said she routinely came across. Plus the chick contacting you gives you Upper Hand, one that I'm sure you haven't surrendered.

Spellmen 08-06-2007 04:47 PM

Re: d10 makes a thread about a girl
Can you paste the old profile so I can ummmm.............. not use it on a dating site

MicroBob 08-06-2007 05:18 PM

Re: d10 makes a thread about a girl
Arrrgh, now I feel like I'm taking over d10's gal-problem thread.
Partly his fault for not responding to the previous Q's though.

tuq - The times when my 'game' is best is when I'm super-caffeinated or drunk or just feeling silly.
When with a good friend as sort of a 'wing-man' I could get in this mode.
Wing-man would laugh at how insane I am in PUA-mode while the girl would think "this guy's kind of insane but he's making me laugh so I'm not completely uninterested."

I guess the profile-writing is something like that.
But I'm really talkative and just plain weird/hyper sometimes so YMMV.

A lot of the stuff doesn't even need to be that original. Just be dumb.
Surf around other girl's/guy's profiles to find some good ones and get an idea of where the bar is set.
This means looking through some of the potentially interesting profiles of the gals whose pics aren't that great.

Once I caught on a bit more as to how the 'game' was played my profile improved...and you can always refine/edit it as you go of course.

I don't have my old profile anymore but I really never thought it was THAT great actually but it certainly got decent enough results.
But when it comes to cleverness in writing I'm certainly no El Diablo.
Some of the guys around here should be able to put together REALLY killer profiles that would be WAY better than my effort.

Obviously the key is to not take yourself very seriously. And anything that you do take yourself seriously about has to be something really silly such as the awesomeness of Vanilla Coke or how upsetting it is that nobody makes music like the Go Go's anymore (and the newish Avril Lavigne song does NOT freaking count!!)

MicroBob 08-06-2007 05:29 PM

Re: d10 makes a thread about a girl
The general idea I was using was probably not unlike the sillyness and generally frenetic pace in the famous internet-classic Hugh Gallagher's college-essay.

Mine was all truthful though and did not use nearly the kind of flowery language he did. But the general 'randomness' is the same.

This was his college-essay that actually did get him accepted.

You can also just say random, probably un-true silly stuff about how your first-date might go:
"When we go to a bar there's a decent chance we will end up in a weird but fun conversation with 7 German tourists who speak very little english. Then I'll point out some guy across the way who I think looks like Cliff Claven from Cheers. You might disagree and then tell me that just because a guy has a moustache doesn't mean he looks like Cliff Claven and that you actually think he looks more like Jeff Foxworthy. I will eventually concede that he probably looks more like Jeff Foxworthy but this is only because I am being polite because we just met. I will still think he looks like Cliff Claven."

BTW, I borrowed the 7 German tourists and Cliff and Jeff look-alikes from previous dates or pick-ups of mine.

I really don't think I'm that good at this stuff and I feel really low on the cleverness scale compared with many 2+2'ers.
You guys should be able to do better than me. But even something like what I just randomly wrote in a profile should be stupid enough to get you a few winks.

d10 08-06-2007 05:30 PM

Re: d10 makes a thread about a girl
I don't feel like going back through it, but didn't a bunch of people already ax him how he knew about this other guy and he never answered? And now he somehow knows the guy is out of the picture?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm guessing that d10 has been around long enough to know that he'll get flamed incessantly if he were to reveal this information.

[/ QUOTE ]

I found out about the guy in the first place through his own myspace profile, I met the girl on myspace, this dude was putting enough comments on her page and of the type that got me thinking "Who the hell is this guy?" so I looked at his profile to find out and he's got blogs about it all. I didn't mention this cause I didn't want to mention myspace, since I've posted links to my profile in the past and I'm trying to minimize the chances of turning this thread into chuddo II, and I don't think it was very important, or even all that stalkerish really. Still don't want a trainwreck but since I don't plan on seeing this girl anymore anyway I guess it would just be more of an uncomfortable situation than a trainwreck.

I'm thinking the guy is a nonissue now because (1) I thought he would be earlier after reading some of the stuff here and straightening my mind up, his blogs were a whole bunch of gushy crap about how much he likes this girl and if she didn't seem to be responding so well to that I wouldn't have thought this guy was an issue in the first place and (2) she was talking about some guy's birthday party she had to go to on saturday, that she wasn't looking forward to but she felt she had to go anyway, and I'm pretty sure it's the same guy she's talking about. That's just generally the vibe I'm getting, I know it's not much to go off of and like I said I could be wrong, but I don't care either way now.

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