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TheEngineer 05-08-2007 10:00 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
Here's my note to my congressman. As it's like my 8th note this year, it's short and to the point:

The Honorable My Rep
United States House of Representatives
1108 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-1704

Dear Congressman xxx:

I'm writing to request that you vote for HR 2140, Rep. Shelley Berkley's Internet gaming study bill. While the opponents of online gaming have made a list of potential issues purported to be caused by online gaming, there’s never been a study that either verifies the validity of these claims or examines potential mitigations. It seems this should be done prior to even considering a federal prohibition of Internet gambling, especially as this activity is legal in much of the rest of the world.

If Americans are to be less free than Europeans, perhaps we should at least have some substantiation to justify a federal power grab of this magnitude.

Thanks for your consideration.



TheEngineer 05-08-2007 10:15 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
Eng, What do you think is the likelihood of getting a bunch of poker players to stop supporting Sports and Beer? [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

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Also, I wasn't talking about a boycott at all. Rather, when we get used for punching bags, there should be a price to pay, even if it's a small one. After all, we don't want to give our opponents "free cards".

The beer companies are having problems just like we are. Now, a bunch of state attorneys general have asked them to advertise only where 85% of the audience is over 21 (the current level is 70%)! This nanny-state government is really getting out of control. Anyway, we shouldn't let the NFL have free shots at us. We shouldn't spend a lot of time on this, of course.

Times Article

Sniper 05-09-2007 05:34 AM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
Also, I wasn't talking about a boycott at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well if you weren't talking about a boycott, what action plan related to sports and beer were you thinking about?

TheEngineer 05-09-2007 07:40 AM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
Also, I wasn't talking about a boycott at all.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well if you weren't talking about a boycott, what action plan related to sports and beer were you thinking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a few letters. At least put a bug in their ear that we care about our freedoms. There's not much else we can do, really, but we should do something. At least their PR depts will have to craft a form letter in response.

TheEngineer 05-10-2007 06:19 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
Last night, Barney Frank was interviewed on He asked us to do two things: write to our represenative and both senators, and get at least six friends to do the same. He said if we can get 500 supporters in each House district to send their represenative a letter, he'll be able to get IGREA through his committee. Fortunately, PPA sent out an email today ( link to letter ) asking everyone to write. Hopefully we'll all be able to do our part. Thanks.


Dear Fellow PPA Member:

I have wonderful news to report! On Thursday, April 26, Rep. Barney Frank introduced HR 2046, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007. HR 2046 will lift the prohibition on playing poker online. Your efforts are making a difference!

Representative Frank is the Chairman of the important House Financial Services Committee. And he understands the injustice that we have suffered. When he introduced the bill, he told reporters that “The existing legislation is an inappropriate interference on the personal freedom of Americans and this interference should be undone”.

But he can’t do this job alone. Now, we need to help Congressman Frank build support for his bill.

You can regain your right to enjoy safe, secure online poker – but only if you stand up for your rights. And PPA is here to help you do just that.

This is a landmark day for freedom. But it is only the first step of the process. Join me in celebrating this milestone – and take action to build support for HR 2046.

Click here or below to make your voice heard in our nation’s Capitol.

Michael Bolcerek
Poker Players Alliance

TheEngineer 05-10-2007 06:20 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
Here's the PPA form letter ( PPA auto-mailer ):

As a constituent and voter in your district, I am writing to ask you to support and co-sponsor HR 2046 – the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act of 2007.

In 2006, my right to play poker -- a legendary game of skill that dates back centuries -- was assaulted simply because I chose to exercise that right online. Now, that right will be denied permanently unless Congress takes action. I am counting on you to help restore my rights by supporting HR 2046.

If HR 2046 passes into law, online poker will be safe, secure and regulated. The bill creates stringent licensing regulations for poker operators, so it will protect consumers and poker players alike.

The bill also has rigorous protections against illegal gambling, underage gambling, and compulsive gambling. But it doesn’t force any state to accept online gaming – it will simply allow any currently legal gaming to take place online. States and sports leagues can opt out completely if they wish.

What’s important to me is your support for restoring my rights. Please respond to this letter, and let me know if you will support and co-sponsor HR 2046. I will be watching your actions on this bill closely. I hope that I -- and thousands of other poker fans in your district -- can count on your support.



ama0330 05-10-2007 06:48 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
What can us Europeans do to help? Anything?

TheEngineer 05-10-2007 08:04 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7
What can us Europeans do to help? Anything?

[/ QUOTE ]

Perhaps you could write to your government and express disappointment in the U.S. decision to ignore the WTO. I know it sounds a little weak, but I guess most of the action will come from U.S. citizens. Still, your government should know how its citizens feel. After all, our next president (regardless of who wins) won't be so unilateral in our dealings with the world.

Anyone else have ideas for ama0330?

Emperor 05-11-2007 12:01 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for weeks of 4/30 & 5/7
I found a website where you can send messages to newspaper editors in your state (and others if you wish), and your representatives.

Take Action

I wrote every newspaper listed in Ohio, and my reps (again).

[/ QUOTE ]

Here is a repost of FoxNews Email Addys. Please send your opinions to FoxNews as well.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Also Email these people:

Rush Limbaugh - - Small Government Conservative (No flaming me please)

Neal Boortz -
Neal has spoken for our cause MANY times on his radio show.

American Thinker - - These guys get quoted all the time on the radio

Matt Drudge - - Small Government Conservative (No flaming me please)

Grey 05-12-2007 07:09 PM

Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 4/23 & 4/30
This seems more relevant now than ever...

[/ QUOTE ]

We should make it a goal of the fight to kick up 10k for the Chairman's campaign.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would donate thru this but it looks like a possible scam

[/ QUOTE ]It is not. I made the page. If it helps in any way, I can send a few k to a moderator to hold until you're all convinced it's not a scam.

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