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Sniper 07-31-2006 03:56 PM

A Syrian-made bomb exploded on Monday near an IDF patrol on the Syrian side of the border fence in the Golan Heights.

There were no reports of casualties.

Copernicus 07-31-2006 03:59 PM

Re: Israel\'s Attack on Lebanon and Hezbollah
I didn't realise it was in violation of the Geneva conventions. In that case, I condemn it all the more forcefully, if the story is true. But as we both agree, it is not at all the same as using civilians as human shields.

It isnt a heck of a lot different. The outrage over bombing a mosque, particularly an ancient one with historical significance, would be as great as the death of civilians. If there were also civilians there (as their usually is) the headlines would scream "Israel Attacks Praying Civilians in House of Worship".

Sniper 07-31-2006 04:01 PM

Re: Bush
The sequence outlined by the US president are: the end of Hizballah attacks on Israel, the return of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers, suspension of Israeli operations in Lebanon and Israel’s eventual withdrawal.

Sniper 07-31-2006 04:06 PM

Officials: Syria tells Egypt it opposes international force in Lebanon (AP)

accord1999 07-31-2006 04:45 PM

Re: Israel\'s Attack on Lebanon and Hezbollah
Another story about Hezbollah fighting from heavily-populated civilian areas.

Hezbollah outsmarts Nicky again

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Not really. There's no real evidence that they're Hezbollah as opposed to hastily organized milita or civilian volunteers. The heavy calibre weapon shown is an old anti-aircraft gun, which I don't see the problem with if Israel is bombing cities, and then they have a picture of a middle-age man with an AK47.

And while they claim that Hezbollah used the area to launch rocket attacks, the area is a suburb of Beirut which is too far away from any of the known Hezbollah rockets to hit Israel from.

NapHead 08-24-2006 05:19 AM

Re: Qana
For those that havent yet seen this, here is some video footage of rockets being fired from launchers and then driven into buildings.


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It shows two unidentified trucks/vans driving into unidentified buildings. It doesn't prove anything.

They're not really trying this time round; at least last time they had the imagination to show people actually putting stretchers inside an ambulance and pretending they were missiles. They've hit several ambulances already and haven't bothered to make up anything at all yet. Shame.

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past Israeli refusals to allow a respite for trapped people to escape, the bombing of hospitals, ambulances and refugee convoys from villages that Israel had just ordered to be evacuated and so on.

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Ahh, nicky g....seeing as though you were so adamant about the "ambulance" incident that you felt compelled to mention it twice in the same thread, I thought you might be somewhat relieved to learn the entire episode has now been exposed as a complete and total fabrication. Rather ironic in the sense that you were quick to dismiss as illegitimate, video purporting to show Hezbollah driving their rocket launchers into civilian areas and yet were equally swift to castigate Israel in the now debunked ambulance attack.

The link below is rather lengthy so I will summarize it as briefly as possible. Ambulances that were claimed to have been hit by Israeli missiles on their roofs actually have ventilation covers of the exact same diameter as a "missile" hole in one ambulance and in the exact same location(!!!). The roof of an ambulance shows extensive rusting that could not have been caused by an Israeli airstrike. The "huge explosion" of the missile on the roof and the subsequent "big fire" inside the ambulance have actually caused the windshield to have been blown inward and equipment inside the "attacked" ambulance actually shows an upright gurney with fresh linen unscorched and plastic seat covers bearing no signs of melting or discoloration. A man who the ambulance driver claimed to have had one of his legs shorn off by an Israeli missile while he was being transported in the ambulance was probably more than a little surprised that a video of the inside of the ambulance actually showed a severed hand instead. Yet another ambulance driver actually claimed he had lost both his legs. One ambulance driver who was "hospitalized" with large bandages on his chin (supposedly covering stitches) and ear was actually photographed a few days later by a Lebanese photographer with no visible scabs, scars or discoloration of the affected areas.

Ambulance incident exposed as hoax

When as a result of an Israeli airstrike, Lebanon's Prime Minister can revise an original claim of 40 casualties made in mock outrage to the world press down to a single casualty less than a day later; when reports of 58 dead at Qana become less than half of that in official numbers released more than a week later; and when the public is inundated with an endless supply of staged and manipulated photographs, tragic "news stories" of attacks that didn't occur, and a media contigent inside Lebanon that can at best be described as grossly negligent, if not outright complicit -- all of this feeds fuel into the Israel-bashers who look upon these works of fiction as gospel. And that's a real shame.

Mickey Brausch 08-24-2006 05:58 AM

Re: Qana
The link below is rather lengthy... Blog

[/ QUOTE ]Very interesting article -- but I have only one question: Is it the policy here to allow links to and quotes from blogs supporting one side or the other, such as Zombietime?

Personally, I would be all for it, but I'm under the impression that the new policy considers websites, such as electronicintifada or zombietime, to be "hate sites".

Mickey Brausch

nicky g 08-24-2006 06:01 AM

Re: Qana
Ahh, nicky g....seeing as though you were so adamant about the "ambulance" incident

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There were numerous reports of ambulances being hit, your story refers to one. Given past pro-Israeli propaganda such as attempts to claim that the people who died at Qana were either killed by Hizb Allah or ere bodies moved there, I'll take this latest "expose" with a pinch of salt.

reports of 58 dead at Qana become less than half of that in official numbers released more than a week later

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I guess twenty plus dead civilians, mostly children is OK, as long as it's less than was originally announced. Heaven forbid that the Lebanese should initially get the figures about how many bodies there are under the rubble (before issuing their own corrections) at the height of the war in an area largely cut off from the rest of the country.

the public is inundated with an endless supply of staged and manipulated photographs, tragic "news stories" of attacks that didn't occur, and a media contigent inside Lebanon that can at best be described as grossly negligent,

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So far I've seena photograph that showed slightly more smoke over Beirut than it should ahve (I notice in jman's video they didn't bother to show the original, because it still shows a massive amount of smoke rising from Beirut, even if it's slightly less thick and dark than on the final product), a picture of a man being pulled up from the ground which we're told is a "staged" death (God forbid that the man, digging through burning rubble of what is probably his or his neighbours' building, should fall over or collapse from exhaustion or grief), and an old woman who had the temerity to be photographed bewailing the destruction visited upon her niehgbourhood twice in two weeks.

I guess those incidents prove that no civilian casualties happened after all. I guess Beirut wasn't heavily bombed. I guess they completely refute the report Amnesty issued yesterday concluding that Israel had committed war crimes and deliberately targetted civilians. I guess (actual) Israeli media fraud such as the "missiles" (actually stretchers) being loaded into Palestinian ambulances prove that there's no terrorism against Israel either.

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