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Blarg 06-01-2007 02:31 AM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
Just watched The Collector (1965) Credits in the poster.

A social misfit, amateur lepidopterist who has come into some money, kidnaps a beautiful, artsy girl that he has fallen in love with from a distance, and hides her away in his dungeon. He does what he can to make her fall in love with him. He has serious 'putting women on a pedestal' problems.

Tender, insightful, chilling and enthralling. Well worth watching.

[/ QUOTE ]

Author John Fowles made a pretty big splash with this novel. It was pretty good, and the flick was good too. I fell in love with Samantha Eggar when I saw this one, and couldn't shake it for a while. A creepy project but cool anyway.

samjjones 06-01-2007 03:16 PM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
I watched "Night At The Museum" last weekend. It was a pretty good kids movie.

Enrique 06-01-2007 04:43 PM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
SpiderMan 3
The movie entertained me. I liked the action scenes, I laughed at the comedy scenes and I enjoyed being in the movie theater.
The emotional stuff was not well done though, I didn't feel sad at any moment the movie tried to trick me into it.

Sniper 06-01-2007 08:50 PM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
Mr. Brooks

I'm not usually all hot to see psycho-thrillers, but with Kevin Costner and Demi Moore, this one got my attention.

This unique view inside the mind of a well hidden serial killer, had me jumping out of my seat.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can and wisdom to know the difference" - Mr Earl Brooks

Mr Brooks Website

whiskeytown 06-01-2007 11:51 PM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
I'm a serious sucker for Japanese Samurai films - saw this one in the theater and recently rewatched on DVD

Harakiri (1962)

Following the collapse of his clan, unemployed samurai Hanshiro Tsugumo (Tatsuya Nakadai) arrives at the manor of Lord Iyi, begging to commit ritual suicide on his property. Iyi’s clansmen, believing the desperate ronin is merely angling for charity, try to force him to eviscerate himself—but they have underestimated his honor and his past. Winner of the 1963 Cannes Film Festival’s Special Jury Prize, Masaki Kobayashi’s Harakiri is a scathing denouncement of feudal authority and hypocrisy.


it's most noticable for it's early scene where a samurai is forced to slit his belly open with a bamboo replica of a blade - based upon material that Kurosawa rejected around the time of Seven Samurai with one of the same writers.

good stuff -


diebitter 06-02-2007 05:29 AM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
I watched, for the first time (which was weird, I thought I'd already seen it) Hitchcock's To Catch a Thief

It was pretty good, but lightweight. It had that air of sophistication about it, say like 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and Cary Grant was very cool and striking, and I don't remember seeing Grace Kelly look better in anything (and she always looks good).

Recommended to kill 100 minutes in a pleasant way.

Oh, and I didn't figure out the thief until about 5 minutes before who it was was revealed. Before that, I was convinced it was actually Kelly.

Sniper 06-03-2007 02:11 AM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
Knocked Up thread

Wondercall 06-03-2007 06:09 AM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
Seraphim Falls - Pierce Brosnan and Liam Neeson in a western? Very slow moving but good enough to see. The end totally lost me.

Lonely Hearts - Star studded cast, including John Travolta, James Gandolfini, Jared Leto, Salma Hayek, Laura Dern, and Scott Caan. Based on the Lonely Hearts killers in the 40s. Worth checking out for the cast alone, even though some of the performances seem bored. Salma Hayek gained some weight for this one.

The Salton Sea - Mentioned above, I really liked this movie, I thought Val Kilmer turned in a great performance, as did Vincent D'Onofrio, who's character Pooh-Bear is pretty funny.

88 Minutes - Awful. I almost never say a movie sucks, especially one starring Al Pacino, but good god how did this movie ever get made. The worst writing, acting, and directing I have ever seen in a movie. Pacino is just ok, but the rest of the cast sucks.

Knocked Up - Exactly what I expected, which is awesome because I was cracking up. A little graphic towards the end.

The Fountain - I'm usually not into these sappy-type love stories, but I came away from this movie feeling very different. Maybe its because I really like Hugh Jackman, and I have a weird crush on Rachel Weisz. I liked the three separate story lines and the cinematography was excellent.

The Guardian - My friends thought this was the worst movie ever. It was a little long winded, but I was entertained and I would probably watch it again.

Spartan - Probably my 4th or 5th time watching this movie. I absolutely love this movie, but I don't really know why. Val Kilmer turns in another good performance.

I have a lot of time on my hands apparently.

Question for the movie buffs:

Why are movies like The Salton Sea, Lonely Hearts, Seraphim Falls, 88 Minutes, etc., loaded with top actors and actresses, but never released widely? Wouldn't these casts draw large audiences?

fyodor 06-03-2007 08:43 AM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
Have now watched the first 8 episodes of Decalogue. Should be viewing the final 2 today. So far my favourite remains #2 with 6 a close second.

6 had a lot of humour in it but still a huge tragic element. I loved her first question when they met for coffee. I'm laughing again just writing about it.

8 was looking like it was going to be the heaviest episode and on a certain level can still be seen that way, but it sure got a lot mellower in the reminisences than I expected. Loved the reference back to #2.

Also cool looking for people from other episodes making cameos later on. Even if the whole series wasn't already so rewatchable it would be fun just to do it to look for more cameos. I saw the doctor from #2 in the elevator in #4.

If anyone here besides me has never seen this series, get your ass down to a video store and rent it. Better still buy it as you'll want to watch more than once and it's 3 dvd's.

diebitter 06-03-2007 03:43 PM

Re: What Movies Have You Watched Recently?
Okay, I own Dekalog, I carry the first DVD to work and back every day, and still haven't watched one. I am now inspired to watch it. Is it suitable for anyone to accidentally see (I will be watching it on a commuter train, and need to know whether it contains anything adult/visually shocking).

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