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MicroBob 11-15-2007 12:06 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
Well, of course he's not handing over the money to bet with him.

I'm saying that once your bookie owes you $30k and hasn't paid at all you have some responsibility to determine whether you should continue betting with him or not.

Obviously daliman made that determination once it got all the way up to $80k and I think he could have done so earlier.
Maybe he ran hot on just a few $5k or $10k bets over a 7 day stretch and it all happened very quickly.
But I get the impression that this was a bit more drawn-out.

For a rogue bookie...once you get to $20k or $30k and he already is in too deep do you think he's going to say, "I can't pay you as it is so I'm going to stop taking your action?"
Some might do that but a lot will not and they will just continue to accept your action in hopes that you run cold and you are back to even and the heat is suddenly off of you.
Then daliman continues to run hot and this bookie realizes that he's now screwed for even more and it's time to just run away from the situation.

ervinsm46o 11-15-2007 12:19 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
Im not sure if some of the people offering advice in this forum are attorneys, but you could possibly speak to one and see if he can come up with any possible solutions and to assess the likely outcomes if you were to be an informant

domer2 11-15-2007 12:21 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
So you set up a syndicate, reamed a soft book for tens of thousands, then are surprised he doesn't have the high moral fiber to pay you back when in reality you should've ran at the first sign he was a slow payer? Kinda dug yourself in a hole here, especially vis a vis your "partners". If this were an online book you'd have a few avenues to explore. Local bookie off the grid and on his own...I doubt it. He was arrested before? He might have some friends in that town. Plus...any bookie worth his salt will lay action off to reduce risk if he is taking in bets too large to'm guessing you made bets he couldn't lay off or he doesn't even know what laying off is. In either case, this guy is a moron. Hard to get money from a moron.

thing85 11-15-2007 12:47 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
Hard to get money from a moron.

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I disagree...they're some of the easiest people to get money from (see: online poker).

B00T 11-15-2007 12:56 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
in todays world, what is the point of using a bookie anyway? I can line shop from the privacy of my home, I can make a bet in my boxers, and I know the sites that I have money on aren't going to stiff me if I happen to win.

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If only this were true.

Rococo 11-15-2007 01:21 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
Im not sure if some of the people offering advice in this forum are attorneys, but you could possibly speak to one and see if he can come up with any possible solutions and to assess the likely outcomes if you were to be an informant

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I'm not a criminal attorney, but offering to become an informant for the cops strikes me as the most idiotic advice in the world. Unless Daliman is a gangster, and I don't think that he is, the goal here is simple. Try and get paid without committing any felonies in the process (like hiring goons to hurt the guy -- another brilliant piece of advice).

In short, do what Performify suggested, and if that doesn't work, chalk it up to $80K worth of experience.

NajdorfDefense 11-15-2007 01:27 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
factor debt to people who will collect as I suggested before, LDO.

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I'm not doing that, period. I have a family. But other investors are not quite as interested in being diplomatic.

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I honestly don't understand what you mean. Banks and I-banks factor their debt all the time. This *is* the diplomatic solution. Once you factor the debt, you are out of the equation.

If you factor to a friend of his, or a bookie he lays off his action with who will give you $25k, you're $25k better off and your bookie is rid of his debt to you. Win-win.

If I offered you $50k cash right now, would you take it? Of course you would. I don't understand the problem, there's a multi-$billion industry based on collections with publicly traded companies and everything. [Obvs I understand he is not Kmart LDO]

If your plan is to get no one involved and hope he pays you...I wish you luck with that, honestly.

youtalkfunny 11-15-2007 01:36 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
A few thoughts:

--The O in RICO stands for "Organizations". One guy with a phone and a pencil does not fall under "Corrupt Organizations".

--The police? Seriously? Do you think they care about someone engaged in illegal activity, claiming to be swindled by their partner in crime? No, placing a bet is not as illegal as accepting a bet. But the whole transaction depends upon illegal activity. Don't expect the police to help you collect anything.

--The bottom line on this is simple. The man is telling you, "I'm not paying. Now, what are you going to do about it?" You have a wife and family to support, and you don't need this guy's 80k to do that, but you DO need to stay out of jail to accomplish it. You have a clean criminal record, and you want to keep it that way. There's only one thing you can "do about it", and that's walk away.

Getting him arrested, or especially harming him or his property, do you absolutely no good at all. Too many cameras, too many lawyers.

You just learned an $80,000 lesson.

--Getting stiffed is part of the game. There's no avoiding it. All you can do is try to keep it down to a small part of the game.

"The Book on Bookies" was written by a retired illegal bookmaker. He says in his last year, he won over a million dollars from his players, but only collected 75% of that money. The rest, he got stiffed. He shrugged it off as an unavoidable expense, and decided to be happy with an annual gross of $750,000.

Again, you paid for an expensive lesson. Learn from it.

rsigley 11-15-2007 01:38 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
hire a thug to rough him up for 20% of the money he gets from him

if that doesn't work put a stick of dynamite under the hood of his car

Daliman 11-15-2007 01:59 PM

Re: So I\'m getting screwed by a bookie. Ideas?
Think of it this way if you lost and didn't pay what do you think he'd do to collect?

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I don't think it's a good idea to suggest that he does what the other guy would do. Like MicroBob said, the bookie is probably broke and in the hole. People change when they're desperate and backed into a corner. I know if I had a family, I would approach this guy in a way that would keep them farr from any danger. I hate to sound morbid, but people have killed for much less than $80k and I wouldn't want to put a lowlife bookie to the test.

Also, Performify is 100% right.. you never should have let the debt grow so big.
On that note... Dali, you need to stop putting so much trust into people. I mean, look at this. This is a big real life leak that you need to plug.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't have a lot of time to comment ATM, as I 'm about to run out to the hospital to see the Dalibaby, but a couple quick things.

1. I am specifically owed just under 52k. Before the weekend I went 31-0-5, it was just under 8k, which I was comfortable with leaving on as a credit with him in case I happened to have a bad week. The rest of the $$$ is owed to people who copied my bets/referred me. Obv I was planning on getting paid on this total before going forward with him.

2. Saying I'm overtrusting and overgenerous to a fault with friends and acquaintances is rarely going to be wrong.

3. I doubt the bookie is broke; I think he just decided that since I have been there, starting ~week 11 of last year, I have cost him upwards of 125k and had enough.

4. The main reason I was betting with him was that I was getting better odds/lines with him, a friend had referred me and never had a problem b4, ( course, he never hit him nearly as hard as I did either.), and I was a bit short on liquid funds for betting at the beginning of the year, and posting up on a site would have been problematic.

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