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Homer 08-13-2007 12:52 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
this guy sounds like a piece of [censored]

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He's actually one of the nicest kids in online poker.

If you really think...

a) a fake id
b) weed
c) driving fast in the middle of the night when it's deserted in the middle of nowhere

... is somehow uncommon among 19 y/o poker players, then you are clearly disconnected from this world.

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I'm sure hes a very nice kid, but using a fake ID to be able to play is cheating and should not be looked upon well by the poker community. Poker has done a lot of things to help its reputation in the past 10 years or so, and stories like this definitely hurt us as a group in the eyes of many Americans.

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that was one of the dumbest things I've ever read

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Well, yeah, compared to scamming people using a fake ID doesn't seem so bad.

SixT4 08-13-2007 12:55 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
Talk about a [censored] up story.

On the early Saturday morning (this weekend), 6:30AM, me and my roommate were taking a jog from our buddy's house to the local Bally's Total Fitness. As we were leaving our buddy's complex we were surrounded by 3 squad cars and accused of a burglary.

No matter how honest and cool we were with the cops (also absolutely shocked that this is happening) we were grabbed and thrown into a squad car (no handcuffs and being under arrest) and taken to the police department.

We were then brought into two different rooms and sat down. I was under a lot of stress and thirsty, as I knocked on the door and really begged for water, a cop ran into the room and said the following:

[censored], you think you are running the show?
I will [censored] shoot you in the face right now.

I was absolutely terrified at that moment. I shouted, on what grounds are you keeping me here? What have we done, I want an attorney.

He said...[censored], I can detain you for 72 hours without any charges, you are under investigation, wanna go into a cell? he then hut the door.

keep in mind, they took my car keys and while I was in the room, went and searched my car (parked at my friends house where we were picked up).

I was stunned.

We were then fingerprinted and photographed. Our shoe prints did not match the burglary, our fingerprints did not. We were innocent and let go. Driven to my friends apartment.

keep in mind that this happened in the upscale part of North Chicago subburbs. Where the median income is 150K+.

Worst night ever!!!!!!

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I hope you at least filed a complaint against those involved.

iceman5 08-13-2007 01:06 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
how [censored] dumb do you have to be to consent to the cops request to search your car?

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Depends on how much drugs you've got in the car and how well they're hidden.

Whoever it was that said "lol....warrant plz..." should familiarize himself with the automobile exception to the warrant requirement. The cops don't need a warrant to search your car and a refusal to consent to a search usually isn't gonna get you out of it. All they need is reasonable suspicion to believe that contraband is present in the vehicle.

What do you guys think happens when a cop asks if he can search your vehicle and you say no? Do you think he's just gonna say "well, ok then, see ya later, drive safe!!"

Doesn't work that way. If you refuse consent to search, the fact that you refused consent to search is basically sufficient in and of itself to support reasonable suspicion to search (reasonable suspicion is not a very high standard, legally) and I guarantee you that the vast majority of the time they're gonna put more effort into the search if you refuse than if you just consent right off the bat.

Be aware that refusing an officer's request to search your vehicle has universally been held sufficient to justify calling the drug dog at the very least. If you get pulled over and the officer thinks there may be drugs and asks you if he can search and you say no - the K9 is for sure coming. If you've got a lot of hard drugs hidden in a great hiding spot (a difficult to discover secret compartment) you're probably better off consenting to the search because the K9s nose is normally gonna be better than the random state trooper's ability to discover your hiding spot - especially if you consented and you haven't really given him any reason to believe you're doing anything wrong. If you've just got a little bit of pot that you quickly threw under your seat when you saw the copper's lights flash in your rearview mirror, you're probably better off refusing and taking your chances that the drug dog won't pick up the scent.

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This is patently false. Stop giving legal advice when you dont know what youre talking about.

silver book 08-13-2007 02:13 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
Before I was a trader, back when I was just a student, in the summer I used to like to ride my bicycle back and forth between my apartment in La Jolla and my friend's house in Woodland Hills. Once I got sick of wasting time on the circuitous bike route and got on the 405. After about 45 minutes a cop pulled me over and mad as hell asked to see ID. I said I didn't have any (actually, I didn't) and then made up totally false info about who I was (actually, a composite of friends' info). He gave me a ticket and told me that since I was so sweaty and stinky he didn't want me in his car, so he forced me to walk my bicycle to the next exit while he drove behind me. This took about 30 minutes. Once I was totally off the freeway, he pulled up alongside and told me if he ever saw me on the freeway again he'd throw me in jail.

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iceman5 08-13-2007 02:49 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
Has anyone outside of law enforcement ever had a positive experience or had someone in law enforcement actually help them? I've asked this question and no one I know has ever been helped specifically by a policeman.

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Before I was a prosecutor, back when I was just a student, my car broke down in the right lane of a relatively major road. As I was sitting waiting for a tow-truck, a cop drove by. The Cop pushed the car himself with his own two hands while I drove it off the road. There was also a slight hill. This was definitely above and beyond the call of duty, and he could have hurt himself, and he really didn't even ahve to do this as there was a tow truck coming soon.

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Before I was a trader, back when I was just a student, in the summer I used to like to ride my bicycle back and forth between my apartment in La Jolla and my friend's house in Woodland Hills. Once I got sick of wasting time on the circuitous bike route and got on the 405. After about 45 minutes a cop pulled me over and mad as hell asked to see ID. I said I didn't have any (actually, I didn't) and then made up totally false info about who I was (actually, a composite of friends' info). He gave me a ticket and told me that since I was so sweaty and stinky he didn't want me in his car, so he forced me to walk my bicycle to the next exit while he drove behind me. This took about 30 minutes. Once I was totally off the freeway, he pulled up alongside and told me if he ever saw me on the freeway again he'd throw me in jail.

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He probably saved your life. You should send him a Christmas card.

75s 08-13-2007 04:07 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
This has to undo the luck vs skill argument. Ozzy must be lucky cause he's obv not too bright.

jman220 08-13-2007 11:37 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
how [censored] dumb do you have to be to consent to the cops request to search your car?

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Depends on how much drugs you've got in the car and how well they're hidden.

Whoever it was that said "lol....warrant plz..." should familiarize himself with the automobile exception to the warrant requirement. The cops don't need a warrant to search your car and a refusal to consent to a search usually isn't gonna get you out of it. All they need is reasonable suspicion to believe that contraband is present in the vehicle.

What do you guys think happens when a cop asks if he can search your vehicle and you say no? Do you think he's just gonna say "well, ok then, see ya later, drive safe!!"

Doesn't work that way. If you refuse consent to search, the fact that you refused consent to search is basically sufficient in and of itself to support reasonable suspicion to search (reasonable suspicion is not a very high standard, legally) and I guarantee you that the vast majority of the time they're gonna put more effort into the search if you refuse than if you just consent right off the bat.

Be aware that refusing an officer's request to search your vehicle has universally been held sufficient to justify calling the drug dog at the very least. If you get pulled over and the officer thinks there may be drugs and asks you if he can search and you say no - the K9 is for sure coming. If you've got a lot of hard drugs hidden in a great hiding spot (a difficult to discover secret compartment) you're probably better off consenting to the search because the K9s nose is normally gonna be better than the random state trooper's ability to discover your hiding spot - especially if you consented and you haven't really given him any reason to believe you're doing anything wrong. If you've just got a little bit of pot that you quickly threw under your seat when you saw the copper's lights flash in your rearview mirror, you're probably better off refusing and taking your chances that the drug dog won't pick up the scent.

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This is patently false. Stop giving legal advice when you dont know what youre talking about.

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hasugopher 08-14-2007 05:00 AM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
Quick question, somewhat off-topic.

Pretty much everytime I've ever seen a lawyer talk about the law (e.g. jman in this thread), whether it be on the radio, forums, tv, whatever, there's always the disclaimer that it's not legal advice or whatever. I take it this is some sort of law or requirement to practice in given states? Sorry, not my area of expertise.

SlowHabit 08-14-2007 12:15 PM

Re: Ozzy87 busted for speeding
Has anyone outside of law enforcement ever had a positive experience or had someone in law enforcement actually help them? I've asked this question and no one I know has ever been helped specifically by a policeman.

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this isn't a situation where i was "helped" by a cop, but he sure didn't hurt either.

one night late last weekend me and a couple friends were driving around my friend's neighborhood and smoking out his car, we had quite a few blunts goin, and had his system up all the way just having a good time. stupid, but fun.

so we take a right onto the main road of the subdivision and there's a cop parked in one of the medians ahead. all of the sudden, my friend goes "watch this guys" and slams the gas, and pretty soon we're going like 100 past the cop. then he slams the brake, and goes in reverse til we're stopped right next to the cop. everybody in the car is too [censored] up to even get pissed or freak or anything.

so he rolls the windows down, like billows of damn smoke go out, etc. his arm is sittin out the window with the blunt in it, and he goes to the cop "what's up man, how's it goin tonight" and just starts chatting him up. he ends it by saying "alright well we're gonna go get [censored] up". the cop replies "ok, i'll be there in a couple hours." at this point i had relaxed because it had come apparent they knew each other- the cop had caught my friend doin odds and ends of [censored] around the neighborhood since he was like 11 and they just got to be friends over time. he'd recognized it was his cop car by a cowboy hat in the back window. long story i know, but i thought it was pretty funny.

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Now that's baller status.

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