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mrh86 11-24-2007 05:23 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
Those bad drivers that drink and drive give us real drunk drivers a bad rep imo.

sixers030409 11-24-2007 05:33 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I've been driving drunk pretty regularly since I was 17, and I've never put so much as a scratch on my car while doing so. I've never had a point-based ticket, and all of the tickets that I have gotten were when I was sober. That being said, I'm 21 years old right now, and if I received a sentence like that for DUI I'd find a gun and kill myself.

[/ QUOTE ]

I said this too around that age, i used to drink and drive all the time, i don't think drinking had any affect on my driving. I never came close to any accident and never got pulled over. Then when i was 22 i got stopped at a DUI checkpoint and blew a .08 and got a dui. I thought it was bs at the time but in a way i'm happy it happened. I no longer drink and drive at all anymore and that is what stopped me from doing it, if that had not happened something way worse could have happened for me to learn my lesson.

MuresanForMVP 11-24-2007 05:39 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
Pirateboy you are a Saint. Have you ever had sex before either?

[/ QUOTE ]

Go [censored] yourself. I never said I was a saint, but I don't put other people's lives on the line when I make decisions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Keep thinking that,son.

BaldElephant 11-24-2007 05:43 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
You [censored] up you pay the price dude.

[/ QUOTE ]\

Christ what's with all the hate none of you ever drove drunk?

[/ QUOTE ]

No. And I would hope that most people haven't. Why would I? There's no reason to, and quite frankly, no excuse for it.

OP is catching a lot of flack because of his attitude. His time spent will not be undeserved. But, I hope he learns from this experience, stays in AA, stays sober when he gets out and makes positive choices in his life from here on out.

tuq 11-24-2007 05:44 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
There is no topic in this forum, <blink>NONE</blink>, that brings out the self-righteous a-holes like the DUI threads. Seriously, if I made use of the ignore feature I'd plonk every jackass who comes trotting into these threads with "your and idiot" (sic) and "you got what you deserved". This thread is no different of course.

A friend was recently pulled over and thrown in jail. His crime: driving BEHIND a cop and fitting the profile of someone that looked like a potential DUI in the cop's rear-view mirror: 20s/30s, two guys wearing baseball caps and t-shirts during the time of night (10:30) when the highest percentage of drunks is on the road (this is a fact; somehow the percentage is lower at bar time). He had been up in North Scottsdale drinking and was heading home with his roommate. The cop no doubt saw him in his rear view, pulled into the bike lane to let him pass, then pulled him over. Lucky for my friend he is very cautious about driving after drinking so he had a "DUI prevention kit" in his car consisting of Visine (I don't know why this would help with alcohol but I do know he likes P.O.T. so maybe that's why), breath mints, and body spray. His crime was that it turned out his license was suspended. Well, actually it turns out that it WASN'T suspended, he had paid a ticket some time back but the DMV hadn't relayed this to the Po Po so his license was listed as suspended. He cleared it all up in coming days but per AZ law I guess they had to take him to jail for the suspension, upon which he was bailed out an hour or two later.

One of the two cops grilled him about drinking but he appeared sober enough that they didn't bother to test him. But he found out another reason why they may not have: if he did test positive for DUI then that + the suspended license would have equaled a mandatory four months in jail. He thinks the cops knew that the pull over was BS enough - he wasn't cited for any moving violations - that they probably couldn't bring themselves to hang a DUI on him, or at least didn't think it would stick.

Around this time I found out that my license was suspended for an unpaid ticket and then a friend further alarmed me by saying that a cop can run your plate at a red light and it somehow syncs up with the registered owner and if his license is suspended he's effed. I paid for the ticket but what if it wasn't coordinated properly either?

Sorry, that drifted afield of the DUI conversation. I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

It's a holiday weekend, and the bar I frequent is about 5-6 miles away. After reading this thread I'm thinking about cabbing both ways if I head over there later.

Hendricks433 11-24-2007 05:45 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

I hope you're there 100% of the 2.5 years. Drinking and driving is the douchiest thing since ... ever.


oh christ here we go again. I guess we should start tossing people in the clink for wearing headbands with gelled hair cause that's really douchy too. amirite?

[/ QUOTE ] yea cause those are the same thing.

tuq 11-24-2007 05:50 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
Another thing. AZ recently reenacted yet tougher DUI laws that force even first-time offenders to get that gay breathalyzer machine installed in their car. If you blow &gt;.03 it won't start. I'm guessing it's expensive to get installed + $100/month. A guy I know who just got his license back (I don't know him well enough to know the severity of his offense) got this installed and said that one morning after a night of moderate but not crazy drinking he blew high enough that it wouldn't start and he had to get a cab to work even though he was not only not drunk but didn't feel particularly hungover either.

If it's true that AZ laws really are the most punitive then it's good to know that not everyone has to live with these excessive laws. The least "guilty" offenders of which have just become cash machines for the government and particularly lawyers - ads prominently splashed everywhere for their DUI services, they act like everyone's advocate when they'd prefer the legal limit be .01 = more money for them.

IggyWH 11-24-2007 05:50 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

I'm not going to come in here and call everyone who drinks and drives a douche, but clearly your friends situation and the OP's are WAY different. OP is 20 years old and has 3 DUI's, of which he said he blacked out. There was no .05 or any BS like that in the OP if he's blacking out, and that's not even discussing that under 21 he shouldn't have any alky in him while driving in the first place.

dibbs 11-24-2007 05:52 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
Your reading comprehension is depressingly bad bt

SmileyEH 11-24-2007 05:52 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot.

MuresanForMVP 11-24-2007 05:53 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

I hope you're there 100% of the 2.5 years. Drinking and driving is the douchiest thing since ... ever.


oh christ here we go again. I guess we should start tossing people in the clink for wearing headbands with gelled hair cause that's really douchy too. amirite?

[/ QUOTE ] yea cause those are the same thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

of course they're not, I was being facetious. It was interesting to see him use the word "douchiest" in that instance. The op sounds like a nightmare of a guy, I'll give him that.

tuq 11-24-2007 05:55 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

No of course I'm not defending OP's behavior, it's ridiculous. But 1) I'm sure he knows it's ridiculous and doesn't need to be reminded, I mean I don't see him defending his actions, and 2) idiots were piling on well before he disclosed the severity of the offenses.

Twenty years ago throwing every DUI offender into a "you deserved it" bin was probably fair game. But now the laws are artificially low and that coupled with people regularly getting pulled over simply for driving because they MAY be drinking has made blanket statements like some people make irresponsible and stupid.

pirateboy 11-24-2007 05:57 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

C'mon, seriously. The OP had three DUIs! Not one BS DUI. THREE!

tuq 11-24-2007 05:58 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]
I probably am. But the bit you quoted is correct, so if that's what you think makes me an idiot then you sir are also an idiot.

MuresanForMVP 11-24-2007 05:58 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why was that necessary?

JMa 11-24-2007 06:02 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]
I probably am. But the bit you quoted is correct, so if that's what you think makes me an idiot then you sir are also an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]

threads like this really bring out those damn self-righteous a-holes

Tony_P 11-24-2007 06:12 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

I hope you get raped too.

not really

ikestoys 11-24-2007 06:12 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

your apologist attitude clearly demonstrates you don't know anyone who has been personally affected by a DUI. I'm sorry that your friends [censored] up, but they [censored] up, probably knew that they were [censored] up as it happened and got punished for it. I don't feel sorry for them at all.

xorbie 11-24-2007 06:12 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

your and idiot

[/ QUOTE ]

jackflashdrive 11-24-2007 06:13 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]

God what a [censored] Faustian choice: To ignore these [censored] who have nothing better to do than act holier than thou when people are down, VS to point out to the douches that they are douches, thereby derailing an otherwise great thread.

I guess I choose the latter, because I just can't abide you barca lounger judge judys in silence.

dibbs 11-24-2007 06:15 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I never understood the vehement anti drunk driving rants, people acting like it's one of the more horrible acts a person can commit

Of course it is reckless and irresponsibile, but to get worked up to the point where you wish someone excessive jail time, to feel the anger and disgust you feel towards those who rape and kill just seems bizarre to me. Unless, of course, you lost someone to it.

mbillie1 11-24-2007 06:16 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
threads like this really bring out those damn self-righteous a-holes

[/ QUOTE ]

for real

ikestoys 11-24-2007 06:16 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I just can't bring myself to point out for the millionth effing time in these threads how artificially low .08 is and how the proselytizers probably drive over that limit fairly regularly without even realizing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're an idiot.

[/ QUOTE ]

God what a [censored] Faustian choice: To ignore these [censored] who have nothing better to do than act holier than thou when people are down, VS to point out to the douches that they are douches, thereby derailing an otherwise great thread.

I guess I choose the latter, because I just can't abide you barca lounger judge judys in silence.

[/ QUOTE ]

5 beers in an hour in a 180lb male blows a .08

I've never had more than 2 and drove.

BaldElephant 11-24-2007 06:18 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
It's a holiday weekend, and the bar I frequent is about 5-6 miles away. After reading this thread I'm thinking about cabbing both ways if I head over there later.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's definitely a good idea if you plan on having any more than a couple. Even if the laws are artificially low as you mention, it's definitely a good idea to cab it so as to avoid putting yourself in these marginal situations that could get you in big trouble.

tuq 11-24-2007 06:18 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

Let me make this much clear: I do NOT condone driving clearly impaired, and am not proud to say that in my storied drinking career have done so. And I mean just impaired, not blackout drunk and driving into people's front yards. That's some scary, dangerous [censored] right there that should be punished accordingly. I don't think I have a problem with OP's punishment in the least. I haven't bothered to think it through because I don't plan to get three DUIs and be forced to have an opinion on it.

I have just heard too many stories of non-impaired drivers, or people being pulled over just for being guilty of driving and blowing .08-.10 and getting popped when their impairment was negligible to nonexistent to not be outraged about the laws going too far. I hope you can see the distinction I'm making; others whether they're trolling or just can't give up the ghost on their outdated opinion seem content to label all DUI offenders the same.

MicroBob 11-24-2007 06:19 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
"5 beers in an hour in a 180lb male blows a .08"

I find this incredibly difficult to believe.
I'm about 175 lbs now.
I know I don't have much tolerance but 5 beers in an hour would mess me up pretty good.

I thought I had read that just 1 drink an hour can put you over the legal limit.

dibbs 11-24-2007 06:21 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
BAC Calc thingy:

mbillie1 11-24-2007 06:22 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I've never had more than 2 and drove.

[/ QUOTE ]

wow. want a cookie?

ikestoys 11-24-2007 06:23 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I never understood the vehement anti drunk driving rants, people acting like it's one of the more horrible acts a person can commit

Of course it is reckless and irresponsibile, but to get worked up to the point where you wish someone excessive jail time, to feel the anger and disgust you feel towards those who rape and kill just seems bizarre to me. Unless, of course, you lost someone to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is that is a very easily avoided crime. Don't [censored] drive while drunk, its not hard. It's not a crime of passion, or being in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Its a crime of putting everyone else's life in danger so you don't have to call a cab or spend the night in a hotel. The fact that drunk driving is so easily preventable and that it can cause so much damage is what bothers ppl the most

miajag 11-24-2007 06:24 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
You guys are aware OP isn't just some guy who got pulled over after having a couple glasses of wine at dinner, right? From everything he's said it's pretty hard to argue that he doesn't deserve a few minutes in the penalty box.

ikestoys 11-24-2007 06:26 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years

Let me make this much clear: I do NOT condone driving clearly impaired, and am not proud to say that in my storied drinking career have done so. And I mean just impaired, not blackout drunk and driving into people's front yards. That's some scary, dangerous [censored] right there that should be punished accordingly. I don't think I have a problem with OP's punishment in the least. I haven't bothered to think it through because I don't plan to get three DUIs and be forced to have an opinion on it.

I have just heard too many stories of non-impaired drivers, or people being pulled over just for being guilty of driving and blowing .08-.10 and getting popped when their impairment was negligible to nonexistent to not be outraged about the laws going too far. I hope you can see the distinction I'm making; others whether they're trolling or just can't give up the ghost on their outdated opinion seem content to label all DUI offenders the same.

[/ QUOTE ]

blowing .08-.10 is 5-6 beers in an hour in most guys (180-200 lbs). If a person isn't impaired at all 5-6 beers downed in a hour, they are probably an alcoholic. Most people are significantly impaired 5-6 down, but if someone isn't, and that someone is driving, that person is heading down a dark road.

edited for clarity

mbillie1 11-24-2007 06:26 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
You guys are aware OP isn't just some guy who got pulled over after having a couple glasses of wine at dinner, right? From everything he's said it's pretty hard to argue that he doesn't deserve a few minutes in the penalty box.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think anyone is disputing his sentence... but obviously this thread took a decent amount of guts, as this is an embarrassing situation for OP. To come in here and moralize or get on a high horse and say things like "I hope you serve every day, I'm so much better than you, blah blah" is just really poor taste and reeks of deuchebaggery every bit as much as driving while intoxicated imo.

BaldElephant 11-24-2007 06:27 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I never understood the vehement anti drunk driving rants, people acting like it's one of the more horrible acts a person can commit

Of course it is reckless and irresponsibile, but to get worked up to the point where you wish someone excessive jail time, to feel the anger and disgust you feel towards those who rape and kill just seems bizarre to me. Unless, of course, you lost someone to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is that is a very easily avoided crime. Don't [censored] drive while drunk, its not hard. It's not a crime of passion, or being in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Its a crime of putting everyone else's life in danger so you don't have to call a cab or spend the night in a hotel. The fact that drunk driving is so easily preventable and that it can cause so much damage is what bothers ppl the most

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said.

mrh86 11-24-2007 06:30 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I never understood the vehement anti drunk driving rants, people acting like it's one of the more horrible acts a person can commit

Of course it is reckless and irresponsibile, but to get worked up to the point where you wish someone excessive jail time, to feel the anger and disgust you feel towards those who rape and kill just seems bizarre to me. Unless, of course, you lost someone to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is that is a very easily avoided crime. Don't [censored] drive while drunk, its not hard. It's not a crime of passion, or being in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Its a crime of putting everyone else's life in danger so you don't have to call a cab or spend the night in a hotel. The fact that drunk driving is so easily preventable and that it can cause so much damage is what bothers ppl the most

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said.

[/ QUOTE ]

It isn't easily avoided when I've been drinking for 6+ hours and I'm hungry. There's no decision. I'm driving.

tuq 11-24-2007 06:32 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
blowing .08-.10 is 5-6 beers in an hour in most guys (180-200 lbs). If a person isn't impaired at all 5-6 beers downed in a hour, they are probably an alcoholic. Most people are significantly impaired 5-6 down, but if someone isn't, and that someone is driving, that person is heading down a dark road.

[/ QUOTE ]
You stumbled across another interesting point about why the laws are effed: people who are regular drinkers function "normal" at much higher BAC thresholds than those who are light/occasional drinkers. Take the guy I know who 8+ hours after his last drink was still somehow &gt;.03, despite not being hungover or drunk. From what I've discerned he probably has a problem with the bottle but deliberately never, ever drives after drinking anymore to avoid putting himself or others at risk or to get popped again.

As for the "dark road" where they are over the legal limit but can function just fine, are you suggesting that people be punished for having a problem with alcohol? That's sort of adding insult to injury, isn't it?

ArcticKnight 11-24-2007 06:32 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
i hope you get raped a lot

[/ QUOTE ]

i think youre lucky as hell that you get to go to prison instead of being dead or killing someone else

i hope prison sucks 4 you

[/ QUOTE ]

This attitude seems dumb to me. DUI seems to cover a whole lot of ground, in terms of actual capacity to drive. I've known people who have gotten DUIs that the cops acknowledged at the time were [censored]; one of my friends was even told "Hey, trust me, just go get a lawyer and you'll beat this no problem." I could be wrong, but I think this was after he blew something legal like a .05 and the cop decided to call him intoxicated anyway.

Now, the OP does not sound like it was that kind of deal. And there certainly are some DUIs where the people are in no shape to be driving at all. But I think it's a broad enough legal classification that treating it as one of the few remaining True Evils is usually going a little overboard.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gumpzilla, I don't agree, but I certainly don't agree with the two quotes either.

The guys is going to prison and he deserves it. We are alwasy reading about some random DUI guy who has X amount of charges and no licence and he kills a familiy while drunk driving. Then everyone says, why doesn't the law do something?

I think this guy deserves his sentence, but I certainly don't hope he gets raped or assualted or anything like that in prison.

I don't like the posts that are minimizing his offence, and I don't like the ones that wish the worst for him in prison.

ikestoys 11-24-2007 06:32 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
I never understood the vehement anti drunk driving rants, people acting like it's one of the more horrible acts a person can commit

Of course it is reckless and irresponsibile, but to get worked up to the point where you wish someone excessive jail time, to feel the anger and disgust you feel towards those who rape and kill just seems bizarre to me. Unless, of course, you lost someone to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is that is a very easily avoided crime. Don't [censored] drive while drunk, its not hard. It's not a crime of passion, or being in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Its a crime of putting everyone else's life in danger so you don't have to call a cab or spend the night in a hotel. The fact that drunk driving is so easily preventable and that it can cause so much damage is what bothers ppl the most

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said.

[/ QUOTE ]

It isn't easily avoided when I've been drinking for 6+ hours and I'm hungry. There's no decision. I'm driving.

[/ QUOTE ]

*** You are ignoring this user ***

MuresanForMVP 11-24-2007 06:33 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
You guys are aware OP isn't just some guy who got pulled over after having a couple glasses of wine at dinner, right? From everything he's said it's pretty hard to argue that he doesn't deserve a few minutes in the penalty box.

[/ QUOTE ]

yes he does. Also, lol at penalty box. The op is a crystal clear example of someone who definitely earned their punishment, and I'm not one of the holier-than-thous when it comes to drunk driving.

MuresanForMVP 11-24-2007 06:35 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
*** You are ignoring this user ***

[/ QUOTE ]

damn, that's all it took for you to ignore him? Some people are quick on that trigger. I've yet to ignore anyone on 2p2

MicroBob 11-24-2007 06:39 PM

Re: So I\'m going to Prison for 2 years
apparently I was wrong on what I heard about how much it takes to get you to .08

Here's a blood-alcohol calculator I found:

But it's kind of weird.
It says I can have 4 drinks in 1 hour and I'm still legal.
But if I have 5 drinks in 2 hours then I'm over 0.8.

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