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pococurante 11-06-2007 04:36 PM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
I disagree with most people here over the definition of luck in game.

Most people in this thread are defining it as "the game where you are least likely to lose to terrible players". Sure, maybe 7-card Stud makes you unlikely to lose because most people are terrible at it... but that's not a feature of the game itself.

It just so happens that 7 card Stud games are populated by terrible players. But suppose Stud had been the game that got popular on TV and NLHE was some obscure game few people played, then it would be the exact opposite.

As for which game is affected by luck the least, going only by the rules of the game itself... I am confident that it's Limit Omaha H/L.

As for the most luck-based, any game where single cards can decide huge pots will be at the top. PLO is the clear #1, probably followed by NLHE.

SellingtheDrama 11-06-2007 05:30 PM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
least amount of luck may mean least likely to lose during a session. that may not be the same as the games with most amount of skill.

least likely to lose at a session if truely an expert at all the games equally.

five card stud
draw poker
no limit holdem
stud hi-low split
omaha hi low( low on this list because less hands are dealt)
seven stud
limit holdem

this relates to live action as that was the question

[/ QUOTE ]

judging by your red nickname and confidence in writing this - it seems it should be trusted, but I would really like to see some some stats confiming it (our of personal interest).

E.g. stats over statistically significant number of hands that show that the variance of the winning players playing limit is higher than the one playing no limit ...

ok, you remark that this relates to a live action, do you think pictere is radically different online than live (as for live, i can imagine agreeing with this list)

[/ QUOTE ]

Here's a hint on the name:

Ray Zee 11-06-2007 09:07 PM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?

i would also include limit omaha high which i forgot in the top four. not pot limit though thats lower.

sorry no stats for you because i dont have them and they wont apply. as you cant really compare limit bets with bb in no limit. i really think the easiest way is to try and guess which is least likely to lose at during a session.
using the net though, you can use number of hands played and then some would go up or down in my list.
most of what i am saying is from experience, and believe i play most games fairly well so can be a good judge. and i definitely find myself and all other decent players losing most often in a session at limit holdem than any other.
although at very small limits that could be different for limit holdem as your starting edge is so high against bad players.

comparing no limit and limit holdem for winning sessions and luck. i have more time playing live at BOTH games combined than any other player living or dead.

KingofJ 11-07-2007 06:53 AM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
I remember DevilFish saying he thought Omaha H/L was the most "skillfull" as you had to think so much more about the board, your cards, your high/low possibilities, your oppenents cards etc.. then other games like NL HE. No doubt IMO Omaha (not H/L) is the game with the most luck.

RustyBrooks 11-07-2007 11:37 AM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
If having to think about more cards is the criteria, the Omaha hi/lo isn't even close, it would be something like stud hi/lo where you have to track many many more cards, plus each player has their own board so you have consider developments on each one of them.

Yads 11-07-2007 05:45 PM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
Ray how do you figure Limit Omaha high has less luck than
stud hi-low split
omaha hi low
seven stud
limit holdem?

If anything that would be a game where a good players edge is so tiny and hence would have the most amount of luck.

Ray Zee 11-08-2007 02:48 AM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
i tend to give my view from a high stakes perpective. so i am sorry to confuse sometimes. but in bigger games you get to blow alot of players off pots in omaha when scare cards come that you cant do as easily in other games. in small stakes i realize that doesnt happen and in that case it would be ranked as more of a luck game.

remember i said luck as to how easily you would win in a session not the most skill.
i believe seven stud high has the most skill involved but higher fluctuations than some others

mwette 11-08-2007 02:55 PM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
One way to look at this issue is to consider if all players play the game optimally, which game has the lowest variance. I believe this would be the game with largest number of cards shown and smallest not shown. My vote goes for 5-card stud.

KamiKatze 11-10-2007 11:06 AM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
WPT NL Hold'em Final Table obv

quirkasaurus 11-13-2007 11:30 AM

Re: Which Poker game has the least amount of luck?
Least amount of luck: S8, definitely.
Most amount: O8

Heck, in order of HORSE games, least to most:


O8 can be a total crap shoot...
One of my favs came yesterday...

After the flop, I had nuts low and nuts flush draws...
by the river... i had ace high... versus a paired board.
pocket deuces had me...

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