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J.A.Sucker 08-09-2007 01:26 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
Try to do lots of different things to keep your life interesting.

I'm easily bored, and this is what works for me.

Some part of me would really like to do "nothing" because I've never done it, but I know that I would get tired of it after a bit.

Of course when you do lots of different things, life can get too busy at times, but you should be talented enough to pull through.

You see these posts all of the time on here where people just aren't willing to do SOMETHING. People spend far too much time and energy thinking about doing something instead of just trying it. You can always cross the bridge of not liking something/moving on to something else after giving something a fair shake. You also build a good set of life experiences that way.

Don't let a fear of failure/discomfort cause you to chicken out about something else. Lots of people hide behind some other facade (usually intelligence and/or being lazy) which prevents them from doing things that are challenging. Be better than this.

Good luck,

The Sucker

Allinlife 08-09-2007 01:43 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
I've been wondering about similar things lately, I remembered from Yeti's thread that the scientists found the Buddhist monk's brains to be in constant state of "bliss", hearing that really got me thinking in various things like meaning of life, what true happiness is, etc.

Few months later I stumbled upon some books on Buddhism books at my cousins house and read a fascinating book about a guy that got his graduate degree in theology in Harvard that ended up becoming a monk in Korea, after hearing a sermon by then considered world's 4 live Buddhas, Zen master Seung-Sahn. The core of teaching was that really captured him was that these answers lie within our selves.

Now I'm in no position to offer any advices or answers to such questions, since I know very little about Buddhism my self, but I do feel that this book, "The Compass of Zen" by Zen master Seung-sahn might offer some guidance, or at very least be a short and interesting read on Buddhism if you had any interest on it.

I'm hoping to get closer to some answers during my stay at a temple-stay program since I'm in Korea now. Hopefully it'll be a worthwhile experience.

Tien 08-09-2007 02:04 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
I know exactly how you feel Gildwulf.

I spend a lot of time thinking and reflecting about my life some time ago and found the answer to that question "and then?".

In order to answer that question to your satisfaction, you must come up with a life mission that is more than just you. More than just a good wife and kids, more than just a decent job.

Types like you need to be aiming for something more than just the standard norm, types like you need to be aiming for the stars or else you will NEVER be satisfied.

I can't give you what your life mission will be, but I can give you what mine is:

A few years ago I was in a state of unhappiness and depression. I didn't know what to do with my life and had no direction whatsoever. I truly believed that I was destined to be unhappy and depressed my whole life. I lived through that rediculous state of mind for 8 years. Yes, 8 years. Throughout those 8 years, I couldn't even count on my hands the amount of days I was truly happy. It was a dark dark time.

Fast forward to a few years ago, I picked up a book by Brian Tracy: Maximum Achievement. That book overnight turned me around 180 degrees completely. It felt like I was given a gift from the heavens to pull my way out of the darkness.

My mission in life is to give that hand from the heavens to whomever I can to return the favor I was so graciously given.

I am currently building a real estate business franchise model that I want to take continental wide as well as world wide. It is nearly an impossible task but it is what fuels me everyday to keep building it and building it.

Eventually my "and then?" answer to that question will be I want to help change the world person by person by changing the education being received by everyone in the world. I want every single child out there to grow up and learn some of the most important things a person needs to learn that is not taught in school:

Self Improvement

and a host of other subjects. I want the most important subjects in life to be taught in school to HELP give that hand from the heavens to pull all these kids that are completely lost and give them a mission to their life.

You must dig deep inside yourself and find your own answer to that question. Whether you want to be the next Ghandi, American President, Philanthropist, or whatever you decide.

But one thing I know for sure: "And then?" can only be answered if your mission in life is bigger than yourself.

amplify 08-09-2007 02:27 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
Allinlife ,

Please write about your temple experiences. I recently did a 10-day extremely intensive vipassana retreat and I am very interested in the effects of these longer periods of practice on others in formal settings. What kind of temple it is, daily life there, all would be very interesting to read about.

cianosheehan 08-09-2007 02:34 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
I skimmed through your OP, but I'd also recommend a book that I think is awesome. The Power Of Now, by Eckhart Tolle. It's all about living for the moment, and learning how every problem, antcipation and worriment over the past is just an illusion. It also talks about the seperation between the true self and the egoic state of mind that dominates your life and destroys truly experiencing life as it happens around you. Everything he says makes so much sense and is all really really simple as well.

hoyasaxa 08-09-2007 02:40 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
Im about to go through the incredibly painful process of donating bone marrow. But Im willing to do it because I know it will help save someones life. The knowledge that I am making a personal sacrifice for someone else has added a tremendous amount of meaning to an otherwise mundane summer

SNOWBALL 08-09-2007 02:45 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
Hi Gild,

Read parts 1-5 of this comic. You might like it. I'd post them inline, but that might be a copyright no-no.

good2cu 08-09-2007 03:09 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
I'm pretty sure that the meaning of life is to ship it.

bdk3clash 08-09-2007 03:09 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
I can't recommend Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" enough for dealing with these kinds of questions.

CharlieDontSurf 08-09-2007 03:27 PM

Re: Dealing with the \'and then?\' problem
Gild if I were you at your age and doing as well as your doing...TRAVEL. forget all the mumbo jumbo psycho/religious/metaphysical babble

See the world man, and not just tourist spots etc...there are so many cool ways to do it that also help a good cause etc.

I wish I had done that more in my early 20s

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