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VayaConDios 08-06-2007 10:36 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
Hm. Cynical. Any recent experience make you more so?


Heck, that's the only reason mainstream economics, which not only repeatedly fails at demonstrating statistical validity but even makes no attempt to do so, exists.

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A clarification and a question. Is this a comparison to Austrian economics? If so, where's the justification? Academic "main-stream" economists are generally very well versed in empirical statistics; in fact, there's a post on the blogosphere about how anal they are about it. Have you read Caplan's, "Why I Am Not An Austrian Economist"?

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You should read the responses. Caplan's been destroyed. Multiple times.

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It has been demonstrated, multiple times, that humans were actually placed on Earth by an alien race!

Borodog 08-06-2007 10:48 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
Bull [censored]. He had a staff writer who wrote some pieces that shouldn't have made it into his newsletter.

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For four years.

[/ QUOTE ]

Deleted The quotes that Dr. Paul regretted, regarding blacks, appeared in a single issue, if I recall correctly regarding the LA riots. The majority of quotes you linked to are perfectly fine.

Is this the best you have? 15 year old bull [censored]? Smearing a guy who hires gays, blacks, minorities, women, you name it with the hate brush because you can't touch his ideas?


[/ QUOTE ]

Well, no, I've got tons more, but apparently you're not very good at arguing. You see, you're already using words like "smear" and "pathetic". "Pathetic" would be if I made those quotes up or took something out of context, but no, he actually published all of that and still distributes old copies of it today if you ask him.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, pathetic is smearing someone with long-debunked bunk.

I mean, the other option is that he never looked at his own newsletter in four years, or, alternatively, that it was read by so few people who actually give a damn about stuff like calling blacks "fleet footed" that nobody noticed. Pick one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Deleted Pick one. Nice trick, though. Quote a bunch of stuff that you happen to disagree with, but isn't racist, from over a 4 year period, and then insinuate that Dr. Paul was posting racist remarks for 4 years by conflating it with the one set of remarks written be a staffer in one newsletter that got the woman canned. Brilliant.

Since adanthat won't provide it, here is the actual article, along with the debunking of the claims of racism made against Paul regarding it.

The funny thing is that Ron Paul is on record in tens of thousands of pages of congressional transcripts, on hundreds of hours of tape, has written a number of books, on and on. In one single article something appears that is COMPLETELY out of character for Dr. Paul, and pathetic losers like adanthar neglect the 99.9999999% of the words he's produced and attempt to smear him with something it seems clear that he didn't write.

"Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.

The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity." -- Dr. Ron Paul

adanthar 08-06-2007 10:59 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
What exactly is debunked - the fact that he wrote it (edit: I'm not being fair - the fact that it appeared under his name), or the fact that in the link you cited, he "stood his ground" and didn't apologize?

Also see my first post in this thread:


Copernicus 08-06-2007 11:14 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
I learned this from Fox News interviews of Ron Paul.

1) Ask someone if they hold a rediculous opinion that they don't actually hold, and then seem surprised when they say they don't. Question them a few times on this matter in different ways.

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Newspaper Link

<font color="white">Paul's "explanation" for this has been that he outsourced his newsletters for all of those years and never actually read them (for over four years). Interesting.</font>

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Those are some of his least ridiculous opinions.

adanthar 08-06-2007 11:17 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
Those are some of his least ridiculous opinions.

[/ QUOTE ]

This has some merit. Shall I start posting his Congressional voting record on stuff like HR 180? Before anyone asks, the actual bill they're voting on is Section 3 and onwards.

Borodog 08-06-2007 11:18 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to determine who is full of it. Dr. Paul has millions of uplifting words to choose from to read or listen to other than the few he didn't even write that you choose to smear him with.

I'm done with you. You've already got me annoyed enough that iron is editing my posts.

adanthar 08-06-2007 11:20 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
I'm done with you. You've already got me annoyed enough that iron is editing my posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Before you go, would you like to comment on why Ron Paul is the only Congressman voting against the US government voluntarily divesting from the Sudan?

adanthar 08-06-2007 11:29 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
Incidentally, a libertarian on another message board was perturbed enough by that vote to send Paul's campaign an email. Here's the reply:


Below is the floor statement which I believe adequately addresses Dr. Paul's basis for opposition to the HR 180. The section of the bill about which you had questions is available here: To the extent the floor statement and the bill text excerpt found at the aforementioned web link do not satisfactorily answer your concerns, you might give Dr. Paul's International Relations LA or Financial Services LA a call in the congressional office as the bill would likely have gone through one of those two committees and Dr. Paul serves on both.

Not only do I know better, personally, but I also do not read anything in the floor statement to suggest that Dr. Paul supports "genocide" in Sudan (or anywhere else, for that matter).

Thanks for your interest in and support for the campaign,

Joseph Becker, Policy Director
Ron Paul 2008 P.C.C.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's right, Ron Paul's policy director replied to a query about his Darfur vote by using the word "genocide" in quotes*.

You'll forgive me if I don't fully believe you about the whole "not racist" thing.

*this may have to do with the fact that Ron Paul is one of the three or four Congressmen to abstain on the original "Is Darfur a genocide or not?" Congressional resolution (that'd be Section 2 of HR180, summarized as 'prior Congressional findings'.

Borodog 08-06-2007 11:34 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
I'm done with you. You've already got me annoyed enough that iron is editing my posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Before you go, would you like to comment on why Ron Paul is the only Congressman voting against the US government forcing US companies doing business in foreign countries to register with the Federal Government?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because, yeah, Ron Paul is all for the US government doing business, much less doing business in countries where genocide is occuring.

Are you an &lt;would be edited by iron&gt;? Why don't you actually READ THE BULK OF PAUL'S RECORD instead of trying to cherry pick a single vote that you can misrepresent?

Hey, I know, why don't you tell us that he voted against Congress giving Rosa Parks a medal, and then neglect to tell us that it was because it was an unconstitutional use of taxpayer funds, and that he instead held a special ceremony where he gave her an award paid for with his own personal funds? That would be GREAT! That would surely fit right in with your agenda to paint Ron Paul as a racist genocidal baby-eater.

Borodog 08-06-2007 11:37 PM

Re: Libertarians: Stop Using Logic
Incidentally, a libertarian on another message board was perturbed enough by that vote to send Paul's campaign an email. Here's the reply:


Below is the floor statement which I believe adequately addresses Dr. Paul's basis for opposition to the HR 180. The section of the bill about which you had questions is available here: To the extent the floor statement and the bill text excerpt found at the aforementioned web link do not satisfactorily answer your concerns, you might give Dr. Paul's International Relations LA or Financial Services LA a call in the congressional office as the bill would likely have gone through one of those two committees and Dr. Paul serves on both.

Not only do I know better, personally, but I also do not read anything in the floor statement to suggest that Dr. Paul supports "genocide" in Sudan (or anywhere else, for that matter).

Thanks for your interest in and support for the campaign,

Joseph Becker, Policy Director
Ron Paul 2008 P.C.C.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's right, Ron Paul's policy director replied to a query about his Darfur vote by using the word "genocide" in quotes*.

You'll forgive me if I don't fully believe you about the whole "not racist" thing.

*this may have to do with the fact that Ron Paul is one of the three or four Congressmen to abstain on the original "Is Darfur a genocide or not?" Congressional resolution (that'd be Section 2 of HR180, summarized as 'prior Congressional findings'.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's why you do when quoting someone, brainiac. You "quote" them.

Why don't you show the ENTIRE list of meaningless resolutions that Ron Paul abstains from participating in.


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