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guids 05-14-2007 07:57 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Poker, and a very flexible week to week schedule job is probably what you need (ie the restuarant industry), probably to make up for the cost of living diff.

I also detect a hint of panic in your tone, which is only natural, I really think you will be alright, you arent commited for that long, and as long as you take the job, you can live for 6 months right? There is always a way to scrape up cash.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 08:34 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Poker really isn't an option. I made a little money when I played, but I haven't played in at least a year now I guess I could try to get back into it and make a little money on the side but I really hate the solitude of it.

There is definitely panic in my tone. I don't want to make the wrong decision turning this job down. This was the job that when I came out here, it meant me surviving. Now, I'm not so sure it does mean that.

The 6 month thing is me being a little bit of a drama queen. I could survive right now, without working, for 6 months and probably not rack up any debt. I don't want to blow my savings like that, so it's important I find a job. I don't think this job will pay me enough to completely live off of it, but it shouldn't take a whole lot more off my savings for me to live.

I just know if I take this job, I won't be out looking for another, when that other job could be exactly what I want, instead of settling for something just to have a job.


If I turn down the job tomorrow, I'll at least go out and find some retail job so I have some income until I find the next job.

El Diablo 05-14-2007 08:42 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

Before reading your posts, I would have said take the job and start looking for something better. But it sounds like you should turn down the job, take some crap retail or temp job as a short-term thing, and keep looking for a job that you really want.

Vyse 05-14-2007 08:52 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
There isn't even a guarantee they make you sign a one-year contract for the job, is there?

If there was, hopefully you spent this day looking around. If you think a 35K/yr job is achievable within a month, go for it. If you KNOW you can do better and are willing to live with the repercussions if, for some reason, it takes longer than expected, then you should definitely go for it. If you would rather the security of this job and not put yourself at risk for burning up your savings, as you say, then you take the job. Simplify and streamline the process and the decisions are easy.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 08:54 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
I should add too that job duties have changed since I first interviewed for the position.

- Originally, I was being hired to man a team of two for all work. Now, I will be by myself most of the time.

- I was now told that I may have to use my own personal car from time to time. My job is going to deal with heavy, dirty equipment. Not stuff I want to be putting into my car.

- I am now told I will be assisting our Orange County office when work is slow in San Diego. I didn't move to SD to drive to Huntington Beach and back for work. Sure, I'll be reimbursed for mileage, but who wants to put that wear and tear on their car, plus four hours traveling?

- They added in that I'll be doing some drilling work. Drilling work means you sit with a drill rig for a 12 hour shift just recording data every once in a while. It quite possibly might be the most boring job ever.


UGHHHHHH! I'm just so freakin lost right now.

private joker 05-14-2007 09:23 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Iggy, it sounds now like you're trying to talk yourself out of the job by providing new excuses. This means you have some guilt about backing out of it, indicating that deep down you think the right thing to do is take the job you came out here for. If we all tell you to reject the job and go for something else, you'll be able to put the blame of any failure you suffer from that decision onto us.

I think it's more responsible to go with this job for now, learn to live off a smaller budget and/or take in a bit of CC debt (it's not that bad), then move on from there once you have a solid foundation in SD. A retail job or being a waiter just sounds like miserable hell.

IggyWH 05-14-2007 09:30 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

guids 05-14-2007 09:58 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life.

You shouldnt feel REMOTELY guilty that you are turning down this job, you need to realize how insane of an emmotion that is here in this context.

This is comming from someone that has had the experience of feeling guilty about quitting and turning down jobs.

The only thing you should be worrying about now is logistics, and whats your best move to benefit you.

Butcho22 05-14-2007 11:07 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do
Can you sell?

Howard Treesong 05-14-2007 11:27 PM

Re: Help Me Decide What To Do

I understand completely no one can tell me to take or not to take the job. I'm more interested in opinions and different ways of thinking about things. This is my decision and I'll have to live with it and know that I made it myself.

My father, who thought I was insane for moving out here without a job in the first place, told me not to take the job. If I'm looking for a scapegoat, it won't be anyone on these forums.

I also didn't come out here for this job. Before moving, I fired off my resume to a couple places through Monster and this was the one bite I got.

I have guilt backing out because I don't think I've ever turned down a job before in my life. I also don't know if I can find anything better. I haven't really even looked yet.

You are right though that being a retail bitch will be miserable.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think if I were in your position I would take it and do it to the best of my ability. Make connections and look for something better as you do it. Don't sweat the money too hard: if you're good at what you do, opportunity will be there. Being a retail bitch will make you miserable every day, and where will you be in ten years?

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