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edfurlong 03-06-2007 08:31 AM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
OP go to AA and tell them what you wrote here, they are more qualified to help you than most here as they have all been there before.

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Couldn't he go to like a doctor or something?

Phil153 03-06-2007 08:32 AM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
So the studies showing that AA has zero effect, and the Harvard reviewed studies that show 80% of people who achieve long term sobriety do so without AA, are nonsense?

if it works for 1% of the people who attened a meeting, its working.

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Wow. No. There is something called spontaneous remission - with all diseases, some percentage of people get better REGARDLESS OF MEDICATION OR THERAPY. AA's success does not exceed the spontaneous remission rate. Ergo, IT DOES NOT WORK. Period. This is basic science and common sense. Your kind of thinking is why snake oil salesmen and charlatans have prospered through the ages and continue to do so today.

religious cult? LOLOLOLOL. i am the most anti religious person i know

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Well many others, including a NY appeals court, disagree with you.

seriosly, just STFU you have no idea what you are talking about.

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It's not me claiming the expertise. I'm quoting Harvard Medical School, various scientists, The New York Times, and the decisions of US courts.

BTW, your spirited and irrational defense of AA seems awfully similar to that given by someone who's been indoctrinated by a cult. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

LargeCents 03-06-2007 08:41 AM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
Speaking from personal experience, you'll be fighting a war on two fronts: the initial "quitting" is one battle, but avoiding the "backslide" is another battle which is completely different.

The initial quitting takes a change in mindset, lifestyle, commitment, willpower, etc. If your will and desire is strong enough, quitting is quite doable. It's just a matter of doing it. IMO, this is the easy part. If someone offers me a million dollars to never have another drop of alcohol for the rest of my life, I have absolute faith that I could do it with no problems whatsoever.

The evilness of addiction is the "backslide". Things can go great for a week or month, and every day will feel better than the last. At least if things go well. But what if you lose your job? What if your landlord throws out out? What if family problems escalate? What if multiple problems like this happen? These are the types of things that have tripped me up. Temptation beckons us when we are at our most vulnerable, it seems. The worst part is the unpredictability of the potential backslide, because it could come at any time.

The answer is to establish the strongest "support network" possible. Basically give yourself as many alternatives to the old lifestyle as possible. Give yourself an alternative to going out to the bar. Get with friends that don't use alcohol as a basis for the friendship. Basically, just surround yourself with people and activities which don't include alcohol.

Brainwalter 03-06-2007 12:16 PM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
OP go to AA and tell them what you wrote here, they are more qualified to help you than most here as they have all been there before.

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Couldn't he go to like a doctor or something?

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Sure, preferrably one who specializes in addiction.

Marc H 03-06-2007 01:31 PM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
Buy a copy of "Leaving Las Vegas" and watch it over and over again until you never want to see another drop of alcohol as long as you live.

TxSteve 03-06-2007 01:37 PM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
my opinion.

when making any significant change in my life; one of the most important factors is accountability.

if others know i am trying to change i have added support to accomplish well as an 'extra line of defense' when i am feeling weak.

you need some accountability with someone: AA; other group; counselor; therapist; etc.

your reluctance to 'bare your soul' or whatever you said is your addiction preventing you from taking any real steps to getting healthier.

you've got to make the leap if really want to kick this.

Jimmyjohn 03-06-2007 02:44 PM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
I have attended approx 1500 AA meetings since October of 1999. Most often in my home town, but this includes probably 100 or so out of town groups. I have never seen AA allow anyone to take ANY form of data that could be used in an "empirical" study. Kinda hard to do an empirical study without any data.

There is such a thing as spontaneous remission. In the case of life threatening diseases, it works like this: If you don't die, you win!!!

If you can make the decision to go ten days without drinking, you can also make the decision to go to ten AA meetings and not say anything, maybe other than your name. You are there to see how you might find long term sobriety, and since you haven't been able to do that on your own (apparently), you really don't have anything to contribute.

If you read articles and studies that tell you AA doesn't work, you might want to question why it has existed for @ 75 years. You might want to talk to some judges and probation officers that "require" AA attendance for persons arrested and convicted for multiple alcohol-related offenses. And you might want to call a few rehabilitation programs and ask if they have AA meetings as a part of their ongoing inpatient/outpatient therapy.

My "empirical" observation has been that alcohol dependence and all its periphery can cause an otherwise "good" person to become a chronic liar. This is the key to why empirical studies of people who have their backs to the wall is not valid.

I know alcohol made me say stuff like " life is great..." etc.

If you don't go into spontaneous remission, and if you get to hurting bad enough, you will do anything.


Apathy 03-06-2007 02:58 PM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?

nice post... how would you define an alcoholic?

Skoob 03-06-2007 03:02 PM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?
Whatever you end up doing, OP, I feel for you. Quitting drinking is hard.

Good luck.

theBruiser500 03-06-2007 03:05 PM

Re: I drink too much and would like to stop. Advice?


end of thread

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Is that a joke? AA is a religious cult that doesn't work any better than the spontaneous remission rate. Read: and

All empirical studies done on AA show that it doesn't work.

OP, as the Harvard Mental Health Letter shows (quoted above), most alcoholics who become and stay sober do so on their own without programs or therapy. You're far better off doing this through yourself and your friends. Tell everyone in your social circle that you're trying to stop drinking, I'm sure you'll find them helpful and supportive.

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u = idiot

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