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Blizzardbaum 02-05-2007 05:40 PM

Re: is this unethical??
was at the borg this afternoon playin 2/5NL. a man to my left has been very friendly to me when this hand came up. i have about 500-600 in front of me and the BB has me covered. i was in the SB with 2/4 of spades. 2 limpers and the BB chks and we get a flop of K/9/6 of spades. i lead out for 25 the BB calls and the limpers fold. turn comes a A of hearts. i bet out 60 and he raises me 100 more. i think for a while and know he has the A of spades. i announced "raise", before i can say anything thing else he screams out "ALLIN". at this point i had to put out at least 100 for the raise i was going to make, so i put it in.
so i now have about 300 left and ask him if i should call him. i show him my small flush and he says "thats no good, i got u beat, ill show you". so i said "ok, i believe you" and mucked. he then immediatley threw his hand in the muck! i was like wtf, i never seen any1 do this to anyone b4 and he simply said "i lied". what an [censored]! i know for sure i folded the best hand because i believed this [censored]. i learned a new lesson today. is this unethical?

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i hope the lesson you learned was to play your hand and not get involved in this Hollywood things-i-would-do-on-ESPN-to-get-more-camera-time bull [censored]. It is the red game at the Borgata for Christs' sake. You have a flush on an unpaired board. The rest is obvious.

Josem 02-05-2007 07:07 PM

Re: is this unethical??
A lie, is a lie, is a lie. I suppose people think lies add "color" to the game. I believe they are an anachronism from the old days of illegal smoky back room venues where a lie represented the most benign of the inherent illegalities, cheating and character flaws likely to be present. I do not believe such behavior best serves the game, and the kind illustrated here ought to be penalized. It isn't "clever," it's just sleazy. And the "I can get away with it so it must be OK." argument is no better.

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Good point.

Bluffing should be outlawed.

RayRoss87 02-06-2007 01:42 AM

Re: is this unethical??
Lol, are you at the table to win money or have a friendly poker game? The object is to at any cost (without cheating) get all of your opponent's money, so if you knew you got caught bluffing wouldn't you do the same thing in order to get your opponent to fold their made hand? Jaime Gold did this same strategy of talking about his hand before it was over and saying how he was "bluffing" in the 06 main event and it worked many times for him...this guy wasn't really doing anything different to you but he just took it a step further and did not show you his bluff.

KiwiMark 02-06-2007 05:38 AM

Re: is this unethical??
I have about 500-600 in front of me and the BB has me covered. i was in the SB with 2/4 of spades. 2 limpers and the BB chks and we get a flop of K/9/6 of spades. i lead out for 25 the BB calls and the limpers fold. turn comes a A of hearts. i bet out 60 and he raises me 100 more. i think for a while and know he has the A of spades. i announced "raise", before i can say anything thing else he screams out "ALLIN". at this point i had to put out at least 100 for the raise i was going to make, so i put it in.
so i now have about 300 left and ask him if i should call him. i show him my small flush and he says "thats no good, i got u beat, ill show you". so i said "ok, i believe you" and mucked.

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Ummm, you showed him your hand and asked if you should call him? He said you shouldn't, so you didn't? When you announced "raise" he butted in with "all in" and you didn't find that suspicious?

I think that this stranger has taught you a very important lesson and you should be greatful for that.

Why would you ever consider showing your hand to someone you are in a pot with before the hand is over? That is some crazy uber-fish type move!

N88DH8LP 02-07-2007 02:57 PM

Re: is this unethical??
was at the borg this afternoon playin 2/5NL. a man to my left has been very friendly to me when this hand came up. i have about 500-600 in front of me and the BB has me covered. i was in the SB with 2/4 of spades. 2 limpers and the BB chks and we get a flop of K/9/6 of spades. i lead out for 25 the BB calls and the limpers fold. turn comes a A of hearts. i bet out 60 and he raises me 100 more. i think for a while and know he has the A of spades. i announced "raise", before i can say anything thing else he screams out "ALLIN". at this point i had to put out at least 100 for the raise i was going to make, so i put it in.
so i now have about 300 left and ask him if i should call him. i show him my small flush and he says "thats no good, i got u beat, ill show you". so i said "ok, i believe you" and mucked. he then immediatley threw his hand in the muck! i was like wtf, i never seen any1 do this to anyone b4 and he simply said "i lied". what an [censored]! i know for sure i folded the best hand because i believed this [censored]. i learned a new lesson today. is this unethical?

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Actually, in my opinion you got exactly what you deserved. What did you expect? To show your opponent your hand and then have him tell you that you are good and just concede the hand to you? Don't be a moron.

I will tell you this, when I am playing live and I come across morons like you trying to gain an edge by showing me their cards and observing my reaction, I will stick it to you every which way I can. What you did was unethical! What he did was the normal and correct response to a dirty play like yours.

I do love players like you though because I will stick it to you, and tilt you the whole day long. You try to pick up a dirty edge and then get upset because somebody outwits you. Be reasonable and get used to it. It sounds like you will be outwitted for a long time to come.

P.S. Did I mention that you are the one that plays dirty poker?

beecass 02-11-2007 05:57 AM

Re: is this unethical??
This thread reminds me of Jamie Gold, basically got through the wsop [censored] talking

Batman2105 02-11-2007 06:20 AM

Re: is this unethical??
I'm not sure I would've told anyone about this mistake. You gave him the hand. Why not just have the traditional showdown? He bluffed you and it is that simple. How can his play be unethical when you are the one in control. In order for him to win the pot, he had to show you a better hand than you had, but instead you just gave him your money lol.

ozziepat 02-12-2007 11:51 AM

Re: is this unethical??

Wake up. Bluffing, slow playing a strong hand etc. are all integral parts of the game and require no conversation or outright lying with intent. What part of that basic principle are you having trouble understanding? Poker has a lot of room built in for misdirection. It doesn't need help from sleazy behavior outside the bounds of ethical play.

MTDog-7 02-27-2007 01:12 AM

Re: is this unethical??
some table won't let you misrepsent your hand like I have a set 5's but you can say, can you beat a small set? I like that approach better, your only asking a question.

Josem 02-27-2007 07:39 AM

Re: is this unethical??
What part of that basic principle are you having trouble understanding? Poker has a lot of room built in for misdirection. It doesn't need help from sleazy behavior outside the bounds of ethical play.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're creating fictitious rules, and forcing other players (who may well have no knowledge of your own self-created rules) to abide by them.

This is clearly absurd.

How can you expect someone to abide a rule when there's no reasonable expectation that they even know of your rule?

*in my post, you are welcome to replace the word "rule" with "ethical guideline" if you prefer.

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