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tskill 11-30-2006 07:20 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
I think a human would win because they would be able to go in to the fight with a strategy that the chimp wouldnt really know how to counter.

I think that the human would be able to keep the chimp at bay with strikes and eventually wear it down or the human may be able to circle the chimp and perform some sort of rear choke hold that would be lethal to the chimp, though because of the chimps flexibility in its arms and legs they may be able to escape.

I dont think the human would want to get into any sort of grappling where the chimp could use its teeth. Besides the fact that the chimp would probably give the human fighter aids, their teeth are really sharp and could do some huge damage. Not to mention how strong they are. I think a lot of the jiu jitsu moves that are effective on humans would not work on a chimp because of their flexibility and strength. So I think that a humnans best chance would be to circle and keep the chimp away with strikes.

Id love to see this fight and im sure we could get it to go down in some countries.... maybe even the US. It was only a few years ago when fox did the reality TV show Man Vrs Beast.

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Are you serious? Keeping the chimp at bay with strikes? Do you realize how hard it is to stop a fit person from an all out tackle on you? Now replace this fit person with something stronger and with more capable limbs...

kdotsky 11-30-2006 07:23 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
If a human can win this, it's not going to be by striking. You don't keep a chimp at bay, he doesn't bob and weave -- he just jumps at you full speed. The only time a boxing match occurs is when both fighters want a boxing match.

The only chance is submission fighting, which is specifically designed for a weaker opponent to neutralize a larger one until they tire themselves out and are open to being choked or armbarred or whatever.

joes28 11-30-2006 07:30 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
I dont think the chimp would keep attacking if you landed a few good shots, though maybe im wrong. I just think there is a chance the chimp would kind of cower after being struck a few times and stop fighting until the human presented some sort of aggression towards it again.

kdotsky 11-30-2006 07:36 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
I dont think the chimp would keep attacking if you landed a few good shots, though maybe im wrong. I just think there is a chance the chimp would kind of cower after being struck a few times and stop fighting until the human presented some sort of aggression towards it again.

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The whole thread is assuming the fight is to the death, and that the chimp is aware of this. A wild animal is going to fight with every bit of strength it has until it is dead.

El Diablo 11-30-2006 07:48 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo

"Assuming the chimpanzee knew it was in a fight from the git go"

I felt that part (ie: at what point does the chimp realize this) of the equation was an important element in the question and one of the reasons you thought this question worth addressing.

Since you specifically mentioned UFC, let's make this realistic w/ pics. The chimp is announced and walked to the ring by his trainer. The fighter comes down to the ring with his team.

They enter the octagon that looks like this and the door is shut:

One of the UFC ring girls then shows us it is the first round, then the bell rings and fight commences.

Keepitsimple 11-30-2006 09:39 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
I think Fedor would be the ape.

joes28 11-30-2006 10:03 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
How about this, who would win in a fight? a 100 pound chimp or a professional fighter who has the advantage of watching 3 other fights the chimp has had against other fighters and devising a strategy specifically designed for killing chimps?

Knockwurst 11-30-2006 10:12 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
Meh, I know chimps are extremely strong given their size, but I think people underestimate how lethal some of these top UFC/Pride guys are. Top UFC/Pride fighters I *think take apart a chimp rather easily.

*I'm just guessing but IMO.

Not to sidetrack but new question: How much of a chance does the baddest UFC/Pride fighter out there (Liddell, CroCop, Fedor, etc.) stand against a full grown Gorilla (silverback?)? Opinions?

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Gorillas weigh between 300-600 pounds, and from what I can tell appear to have a high muscle to fat ratio. Even a muzzled gorilla could beat Fedor or any of these fighters in a fair fight.

John Kilduff 11-30-2006 10:28 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
I only meant to point out that the UFC figher's abilities are probably underestimated, just as others were pointing out that a chimp's strength is underestimated.

I do think if certain chokes were fully set, the chimp could not get out. But the human could probably not get in this scenario in the first place.

A choke or submission would be more likely to work than some sort of "fatal blow" as was originally suggested.

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I rather doubt that any chokehold would work since the chimp is likely strong enough to simply pry the human's grip loose. If a fighter with only the strength of an seven-year-old human got you in a similar chokehold couldn't you just pry his arms off you? The chimp is probably at least 4 times stronger than the UFC fighter for arm strength...oh yes, and the chimp can use the hands on his legs to pry the chokehold off too.

I think the only chance the UFC fighter would have would be to land an incapacitating or fatal blow, and it might have to be a lucky blow at that. Maybe a full force kick to the head as the chimp closes the distance would knock it out. But animals have a way of dodging slightly or slipping so that most such strikes would only be glancing blows.

A UFC fighter would probably also have to be lucky to land a solid incapacitating kick against a 100-lb dog if the dog knew it was a fight to the death. I would pick a chokehold against the dog and a severe blow against the chimp. In either case I like the animal's chances (provided the dog is not just some fat overgrown cocker spaniel type maybe. Great Dane, Rottweiler, maybe a Doberman or German Shepherd if they can get nearly that big, and I'll lay odds on the dog. Heck a 75. lb. Doberman would probably whup a UFC fighter in a death match).

Knockwurst 11-30-2006 10:33 AM

Re: Chimpanzee Fight Question From El Diablo
Sorry to derail the thread, but, as a boxing fan and more recently a mixed martial arts fan, a question I have been pondering is whether an average boxer, say ranked 50 in the world, could beat the top MMA striker in a similar weight class if they had to play by boxing rules.

I know Fedor could beat any boxer if they played by MMA rules, but I think an average boxer could beat Fedor if they played by boxing rules.

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