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bkholdem 11-13-2006 03:14 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
I think the point of E being rated so low is that around half a million people in britain take E on the weekend. It isnt so much E that kills, its the stuff its cut with, or the user not being knowledgable enough to know what to do whils on it (so they dehydrate etc).

E also has no chemical adictive properties (unlike heroin, cocaine and coffee).

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I know of people who died because they drank too much water and E slows the body's ability to absorb water down.

E doesn't have a addictive chemical such as caffeine but it releases seratonin which makes you feel pleasure releases dopamine and depletes seratonin making you depressed. This makes it extremely addictive if done often. I am not trying to preach against E just saying don't do it all the time.

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I know more people who have died in war than you know who have died from E. If the object is to 'save lives' there is no question where to start.

rubbrband 11-13-2006 03:27 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
I think the point of E being rated so low is that around half a million people in britain take E on the weekend. It isnt so much E that kills, its the stuff its cut with, or the user not being knowledgable enough to know what to do whils on it (so they dehydrate etc).

E also has no chemical adictive properties (unlike heroin, cocaine and coffee).

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I know of people who died because they drank too much water and E slows the body's ability to absorb water down.

E doesn't have a addictive chemical such as caffeine but it releases seratonin which makes you feel pleasure releases dopamine and depletes seratonin making you depressed. This makes it extremely addictive if done often. I am not trying to preach against E just saying don't do it all the time.

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I know more people who have died in war than you know who have died from E. If the object is to 'save lives' there is no question where to start.

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Whoa homie I am on your side. Given the choice I would legalize everything. I just wanted to get the facts straight.

Skoob 11-13-2006 04:01 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???

Is there a 'safe' car?
What about a 'safe' place to live?
What about a 'safe' place to swim, or boat?
what about a 'safe' cheese?
A 'safe' relationship?
A 'safe' mountain to climb, or bike path to travel?

Life is risk. We do not need silly people in washington d.c. to micro manage our lives and choices. And we certainly don't need to pay them to do it.

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I agree that life is risk, but I have a reasonable expectation of safety when I drive my car. I don't expect to get into an accident.

There is little reasonable expectation of safety when using a recreational drug. Users should be aware that they are causing harm in using a toxic/harmful substance.

I will admit that low, occaisional uses are relatively safe. I'm speaking more in terms of chronic, long-term abuse. Getting stoned all-day, every day for years is when the damage occurs. It's not likely anyone will damage their brain on one bowl. But with each sucessive bowl, the odds go up.

In my car, I'm no more likely to get into an accident the first time I drive than the 10,000th time, all else being equal (not factoring experience).

With drugs, including alcohol, your next use is exponentially more likely to cause harm than your last.

Nincompoop 11-13-2006 04:21 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
So what if it does damages the brain after years and years. If I want to damage my brain and not hurt anyone in doing so, isn't that my perogative?

Girchuck 11-13-2006 04:21 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
Legalizing drugs is a non-starter.
The high profits generated by drug trade are eventually being re-invested in the economy.
If the flow of drug-generated investments will decrease due to legalization, the economy will experience a very painful "withdrawal"

BriMc 11-13-2006 04:23 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
I guess someone should take the anti-drug position here. While I think that pot should be legalized, I'm not in favor of legalizing Cocaine or Heroin.

Cocaine and Heroin are extremely dangerous drugs that kill hundreds or thousands of people a year. People who get addicted to these drugs are huge burdens on society. The effect of increasing the cost of these drugs is a social good because the artifically higher cost deters people from using them. While everyone won't become junkies when heroin becomes legal, more people will and we have to stop that. We should fight these drugs with every tool we have: both treatment and criminalization.

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This post displays a tremendous amount of ingnorance and faulty logic. The cost of drugs has absolutely no deterent effect on an addict's desire to use. The idea that access to legal and cheap narcotics would turn "most" people into addicts is preposterous. Addiction is a disease, that has both a physiological and psychological component, internal to the addict. External factors such as access to and cost of supply have no effect on rates of addiction within the population.

rubbrband 11-13-2006 04:26 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
Yeah, the high cost of drugs doesn't do anything to the user but it sure does give incentive to the dealer.

WillMagic 11-13-2006 04:33 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
The Drug War is easily the most repugnant domestic policy that our government pursues. It's more like a war on the black underclass. The government has created a system with policies like the minimum wage, welfare, and the withholding tax of social security, that disincentivizes legal employment and incentivizes black market employment. And when members of the black underclass rationally decide to sell drugs rather than take a minimum wage job that is taxed, precludes them from getting welfare, and requires a significant amount of productivity from day 1, our government persecutes them.

And in persecuting the breadwinners of the black underclass, the government has created even more disgusting consequences. They've completely disincentivized the formation of stable families as well as the impetus to sustain wealth over generations. Let me explain. When the expectation of the breadwinners is that they will be dead or in jail within ten years (dead, because without access to the court system disputes are resolved with violence; and jail, for obvious reasons,) they rationally choose high time-preference behavior over low-time preference behavior. Why save for retirement or for your kid's college fund when you'll be dead or in jail? It is completely rational for these breadwinners to spend extravagantly to enjoy the freedom they have while they have it.

This leads to every black generation having to start from scratch, with no accumulated wealth to build on. Think about how the white middle and upper class became wealthy - earlier generations had the freedom to make money unimpeded by outside forces, and they did so and passed on wealth to their progeny, who used the accumulated wealth to make even more money and so on and so forth. Our government, with its "liberal" and paternalistic policies, has left the black underclass in stasis, excluding them from the economic growth that the rest of us enjoy.

[censored] the costs for a second. Look at the effects. In communities like East St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore...everywhere we can see the wreckage of the drug war around us.

It has to stop.

WordWhiz 11-13-2006 04:34 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
Cocaine and Heroin are extremely dangerous drugs that kill hundreds or thousands of people a year.

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Alcohol is an extremely dangerous drug that kills hundreds of thousands of people a year.

hmkpoker 11-13-2006 04:38 PM

Re: Legalize street drugs???
The catch is like with all else, everyone is different. It is not known how much pot it takes to damage my brain as opposed to damaging yours.

There is no "safe" drug.

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If you eat enough carrots, they will have a toxic effect. The effect will be more damaging to some than others. There is no "safe" food.

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