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anatta 11-01-2006 05:37 AM

Re: Maccaca vs Erotic [censored] Pedophila Novels
George Allen(R) gets crucified by the press for weeks over a foreign word that no one has ever heard of. Jim Webb(D) writes [censored] erotic pedophilic novels and the press lets the story die in two days.....

Er yeah.....there is no press bias.

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George Allen, a guy with a history of racism (confederate flag and noose proudly on display, harrassment of black foe in college, many witnesses to his casual and frequent use of "niggger") spitefully calls an Indian guy a racist name on tape.

James Webb, war hero, writes Vietnam novel that is on the military's reading list for character development, a novel that received high praise from John McCain. There's sex in his novels - gasp! even gay sex!

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It really is like there are two different realities. What you are saying seems so self-evidently true to me. The witnesses to the N-word, they weren't liberal plants, they were just people speaking out. James Webb, War hero, author, why does he have to get smeared as a "pedophilic writer". WTF? He wrote fiction books, with things he saw, in WAR. A War he fought in, heroically.

I really think these guys are pulling my leg with these statements and arguments. The posters seem intelligent to me. I really don't get it. They can't believe this stuff. These are the same guys that read me for Ace high and value bet their AK on the river, but they expect me to buy this crap? What is it Will Ferrel says in Zoolander, "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills".

MidGe 11-01-2006 06:52 AM

Re: Mark Halperin acknowledges liberal media bias
In any "democracy" with a bit of history the pendulum effect is very apparent. Politics shift from the left to the right and vice-versa. I would expect that at the extreme of the swings, like experienced in the US currently both in internal (regressive taxation, security net, restriction of personal freedoms, etc...) and international politics (the war in Iraq, the refusal of signing the Kyoto agreement, refusal to endorse liberal international economic agreements, etc...), the fourth estate would act as a mechanical governor and thus being open to criticism of bias from the regime in power.

I think that is very much what is happening and it will hopefully succeed at bringing the USA back on track as a civilized and peaceful nation, respecting and caring of its own citizens and the international community as a partner rather than a bully.

AlexM 11-01-2006 08:05 AM

Re: Mark Halperin acknowledges liberal media bias
There is no liberal bias...if you believe in things like labor unions or regulation, you CANNOT become a news reporter. There is a strong corporate filter every reporter and editor must pass. Look at Disney's board of directors, how are they going to allow ABC to be liberal? Look at the NYT reporting on the transit strike.

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Because liberals and conservatives both support corporations? Duh? The media is liberal, but it's pro-corporation as well. These aren't even remotely mutually exclusive.

AlexM 11-01-2006 08:14 AM

Re: Mark Halperin acknowledges liberal media bias
The idea that the press is somehow supposed to be "impartial" or "unbiased" is a 20th century concoction. It's impossible, and anyone trying to tell you that news should be impartial is trying to sell you jars full of moonbeams. In fact, a completely impartial press that merely reports events as they happen, in the absence of logical analysis by people more knowledgable on the subjects than the media consumer, would be downright useless.

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I agree with this, but it's important to be aware the bias and try to identify it, and that's where people fail.

AlexM 11-01-2006 08:17 AM

Re: Mark Halperin acknowledges liberal media bias
3. Even if you accept that the stories surrounding Democrats are more favorable than Republicans, there are two explanations for this. One is that there is a bias, the other is that Republican policies and decisions are worse than Democrats. If Bush hadn't decided to invade Iraq, we wouldn't be hearing the drumbeat of bad news out of there. Since Iraq is a mess, we should be hearing a lot of bad news. This concept applies to other issues as well.

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Odd that the Daily Show, an unquestionably liberal source, has less of a problem with this than the MSM.

Felix_Nietzsche 11-01-2006 09:55 AM

OK.....How about..
don't confuse your bias with liberal bias.

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Speak for yourself.

Remember the 4-YEARS+ of stories regarding George Bush's national guard service that climaxed with forged documents printed by MS Word on fax paper? Why did the media not crucify Bill Burkett who was their source for these documents? His story that a mysterious person handed him these documents and walked away. LOL! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I know 3 year olds that can make up better stories than that. Any competant reporter could have shredded that story and exposed Burkett for what he truly is.....a dishonest, hateful, and unethical man. The media covered his version for a day, then they let the story die. If Burkett was a Repub attacking a Dem president, he would have been in the news for MONTHS.....

Time devoted to a story is the most common form of media bias. In the 4+ years of Bush43's national guard service that found NOTHING....NOTHING...... There is a reason why CBS, ABC, and NBC no longer have a monopoly on news. Dems loved their coverage while Repubs were getting more-and-more disillusioned with them. As a result, talk radio, Fox News, and the internet have grown in popularity...... Their over-the-top bias has chased away Repub viewership to other media outlets. The ABC, CBS, and NBC news monoploy is forever dead.... And good riddance.....

canis582 11-01-2006 10:58 AM

Re: OK.....How about..
" If so, name me the last time you saw a negative story about a Democrat. They are not allowed."


vulturesrow 11-01-2006 11:17 AM

Re: Mark Halperin acknowledges liberal media bias
So when Mark Halperin claims President Bush's attacks on Sen. Kerry in the 2004 election "involve distortions and taking things out of context in a way that goes beyond what Kerry has done," -- and that Bush team was purposefully complaining about unfair media coverage, which was "all part of their efforts to get away with as much as possible" -- are we willing to concede then, that with all Halperin's experience, which you note and I gladly concede -- do we agree that his judgment on the behavior of the 2004 Bush campaign's tactics, and his condemnation of them, are sound?

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Yeah, sure I'll concede that, though Ive never really argued otherwise. You might note in my OP that I said I dont pay much attention to the liberal media meme, because I assume bias in everything I read. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] But that is normal politics, that is, spin what the other guy said into something as dastardly as possible.

But yeah I think otherwise we pretty much agree. I just found it really interesting that Halperin would make such clear, unambiguous comments like that. Im not sure what motivated him to make those statements, but it was pretty interesting.

vulturesrow 11-01-2006 11:18 AM

Re: Mark Halperin acknowledges liberal media bias
Propertarian NH'ed borodog on a social issue? *writes date down*

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Yeah, I was going to post on that last night, but HMK beat me to it. Let it be known that I, vulturesrow, have done the impossible. BEST MODERATOR EVAR!!

--VR, a uniter, not a divider. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

JackWhite 11-01-2006 11:31 AM

Re: Mark Halperin acknowledges liberal media bias
I also like how JackWhite is ripping CNN for being biased, but he is using CNN's own efforts at fairness to rip on them by quoting Lynn Cheney. As for CNN's hosts that he mentions, the only one with an actual liberal bias is Cafferty. I think that Lou Dobbs is a conservative, its just that he's sick of Iraq.

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Iron, how is interviewing the wife of the Vice President fairness? That is a standard interview with a public figure.
As you acknlowedge, Cafferty is very liberal, but where is the balance? If you have a liberal guy on all day long attacking Republicans/conservatives, with no conservative to offer commentary in a similar fashion, isn't that a definition of bias?

As far as Lou Dobbs being conservative..well, in the last few days I have heard him call for more government run health care, attack the idea of school choice, of course, he always calls for higher taxes in the form of tariffs, etc.. Only you and CNN consider that conservative. Do you know any conservatives who find Lou Dobbs conservative?

The Center for Media and Public Affairs study found that Democrats recieve 77% favorable coverage, while Republicans receive 88% negative coverage.

After the 1992 Presidential election, The Freedom Forum took a poll among journalists, and found that they voted for Clinton over Bush by a 89-6 percent margin.

I could go on and on for hours with similar numbers. This is a fact: the vast majority of journalists hold left of center political views. And human nature being was it is, many allow their own views to color their reporting.

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